
Taiwan Coast Guard’s beach training wins online praise

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/03/08 18:39
Last update time:2023/03/08 18:48
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TAOYUAN (TVBS News) — Residents of Taoyuan witnessed Taiwan coast guards engaging in physical training on a beach near Zhuwei Fishing Harbor on Monday (March 6). 

Initially, some observers believed that the individuals were training for the Taiwanese marines' combat divers, which are comparable to the U.S. Navy SEALs.


The Coast Guard Administration swiftly clarified that the individuals conducting the training were indeed coast guards, not military personnel. 

While some aspects of their training may bear similarities, the Taiwan coast guard falls under the Ocean Affairs Council. In contrast, the Marine Corps is under the purview of the Taiwan Military. 

The coast guard's primary focus lies in sea combat, anti-terrorism, and on-boat combat, while the marines specialize in amphibious operations, landing, and counter-landing operations.

Given Taiwan's geopolitical circumstances, it is a sensitive matter for the country's military to collaborate with other nations' military forces, said Legislator Johnny Chiang. 

He added that joint exercises and cooperation with other countries armed forces would be a delicate issue for Taiwan's Armed Forces.
However, Chiang emphasized that such collaborations could occur between coast guards from various countries, as demonstrated by the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Taiwan and the U.S. coast guards in 2021.

Taiwan Affairs

#coast guard#Taoyuan#Taiwan#marines#Taiwan Military


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