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    US 結果共330筆

  • TSMC to build third chip fab in Arizona, US

    TSMC announces plans for a third chip fab in Arizona while maintaining Taiwan as its primary production hub, with 80-90% of capacity remaining in Taiwan. TSMC’s advanced semiconductor technology is distributed across Hsinchu, Taichung, and Tainan, with new 2nm factories in Baoshan and Kaohsiung. TSMC is also planning a 1nm site in Chiayi or Yunlin, pending government assistance.
    2024/04/09 11:26
  • US offers $11.6B in aid for TSMC’s Arizona fabs

    Discover how TSMC’s groundbreaking $65 billion investment in Arizona, supported by the U.S. Department of Commerce with subsidies and loans, aims to revolutionize the semiconductor industry with the world’s most advanced 2-nanometer chips, creating thousands of jobs and bolstering AI technology.
    2024/04/08 18:33
  • NFL休賽期行程仍超滿 泰勒絲球星男友將擔任益智節目主持人

    小天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)與NFL堪薩斯城酋長隊球星男友凱爾西(Travis Kelce)高調戀愛中,時常在鏡頭前放閃,泰勒絲的人氣不僅讓凱爾西受到矚目,甚至連整個NFL比賽都獲得前所未有的關注。34歲的凱爾西近日成為美國電視節目《你比名人更聰明嗎?》的主持人,據《US Weekly》報導,節目已經開始錄製,有內部消息人士表示,凱爾西非常有趣,是一位「完美的主持人」,泰勒絲也對男友獲得的機會感到相當興奮,不過泰勒絲也希望凱爾西要注意行程安排,讓他們能有彼此相處的時間。  
    2024/04/07 17:52
  • 美中平衡?馬英九訪陸 國民黨派夏立言赴美智庫台海衝突兵推

    2024年總統與立委選舉後,國民黨繼黨主席朱立倫2月率團出訪新加坡,副主席夏立言、國際事務部黃介正主任接受美國重要智庫「戰略與國際研究中心」(Center for Strategic andInternational Studies, CSIS)邀請,將出席「美日台三邊二軌兵推」 (US-Japan-Taiwan Track 2 trilateral tabletop exercises) 。
    2024/04/03 18:12
  • US reaffirms support for Taiwan ahead of Lai’s inauguration

    Vice President Lai Ching-te meets with AIT Chair Laura Rosenberger to discuss deepening U.S.-Taiwan relations. Rosenberger congratulates Lai on his election victory and highlights the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. She emphasizes the mutually beneficial economic ties between the two nations and reaffirms the U.S.’s commitment to Taiwan’s defense. Rosenberger expresses confidence in Lai’s leadership in strengthening U.S.-Taiwan relations and Taiwan’s role in global security and prosperity.
    2024/04/01 18:29
  • Taiwan Navy Chief to strengthen US ties amid China threats

    Taiwan’s navy chief Tang Hua to visit U.S. for military ceremony and naval cooperation talks amid China threats. Tang’s visit part of U.S. "Joint Island Defence Concept" initiative. Plans for meeting with U.S. chief of naval operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti underway.
    2024/03/29 16:41
  • Joseph Wu: US abandonment of Ukraine could empower China

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu warns of the potential consequences if the United States abandons Ukraine, highlighting the implications for Taiwan’s security amid China’s aggression. Wu emphasizes the interconnectedness of global authoritarian threats and stresses the importance of U.S. support for countries facing such challenges. The story delves into the proposed budget for countering China in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on military aid to Taiwan and the ongoing geopolitical dynamics following the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Wu also addresses China’s dissemination of false information in alignment with Russian narratives, underscoring the complex web of international relations at play.
    2024/03/29 14:01
  • High-level U.S. delegation to meet Taiwan leaders

    A bipartisan U.S. House delegation led by Bergman visits Taiwan to meet with top officials, reaffirming support and discussing key issues like Taiwan-U.S. relations and regional security.
    2024/03/28 11:24
  • US builds floating pier in Gaza, eyes Taiwan Strait strategy

    The U.S. military’s floating pier in Gaza could have implications for Taiwan Strait conflict scenarios, as analyzed by The Daily Telegraph. Taiwan’s military responds to Chinese Communist Party aircraft with Joint Civil Military Air-Raid Exercise and plans to expand political warfare units in the navy. The Tien-Kung III missile, developed domestically, strengthens defense capabilities against aerial threats. New missile sites and integrated defense operations demonstrate Taiwan’s commitment to enhancing combat effectiveness.
    2024/03/27 10:08
  • IMO eyes carbon tax on shipping by 2027

    The United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) is contemplating a greenhouse gas emission tax on the maritime industry from 2027, potentially marking the first global sector to face a mandatory carbon fee. This tax aims to address the industry’s significant contribution to global emissions and could drive the adoption of eco-friendly practices among shipowners. The potential revenue of US$100 billion annually may also aid developing nations in combating climate change. Despite uncertainties surrounding the tax’s implementation and impact, IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez is resolute about establishing a pricing mechanism.
    2024/03/26 17:50
  • 童年回憶!「玩具反斗城」來台35年屹立不搖 死忠顧客曝關鍵

    美國大型玩具連鎖店「玩具反斗城」(Toys R US)自1989年進駐台灣,至今已有35年歷史,店內玩具琳瑯滿目,總能在裡頭逛上許久,是不少大人小孩的回憶,但相比於過去響噹噹的名聲,如今確實鮮少有人談論,近日一名網友無意間看見官方網站,發現該公司居然還在,看了所賣的商品,直言又貴又沒質感,不解「怎麼活到現在的?」
    2024/03/26 15:22
  • Ferrari’s sales soar in Taiwan amid chip boom

    Ferrari’s sales in Taiwan have surged in recent years, driven by the chip boom and global supply chain shifts. The luxury carmaker’s profits hit a record high, with Taiwan outpacing mainland China and Hong Kong in supercar sales growth. Despite Europe and the US being primary markets, Taiwan saw a significant rise in Ferrari sales, capturing 40% of the local two-door supercar market.
    2024/03/25 15:10
  • 美星巴克「金屬塗層杯」裝熱飲燙傷人 44萬個緊急召回

    美國消費品安全委員會(US Consumer Product Safety Commission,CPSC)指出,雀巢(Nestlé)宣布召回超過44萬個帶有金屬塗層的星巴克節慶馬克杯,因為目前已發生12起馬克杯在微波加熱,或裝滿極熱液體時過熱或破裂事件,造成10人受傷。
    2024/03/24 14:21
  • 2024智慧城市展「智匯桃園」3/19登場 AI科技解決城市大小事

    「2024智慧城市展」於今(3/19)日至22日在南港展覽館2館展出,桃園主題館今日舉辦開幕活動,市長張善政率各局處長參與,更邀請到ICF智慧城市論壇主席John Jung、國家發展委員會主委龔明鑫、HTC全球副總裁暨亞太區總經理黃昭穎、思科(CSCO-US)大中華區副總裁暨台灣總經理林岳田等貴賓親臨現場舉行開幕儀式。今年桃園市政府以「智匯桃園 AI FOR ALL」為主軸,呈現市府局處以AI科技與智慧創新解決城市問題、優化各項公共服務,展現「智慧桃園」的豐碩成果。
    2024/03/21 14:16
  • Taiwan’s strategic role highlighted in U.S. aid proposal

    U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to expedite the passing of a foreign aid bill to assist Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, key partners in the Indo-Pacific region. The bill, totaling US$95.34 billion, aims to address Ukraine’s ammunition shortage and strengthen ties with strategic allies. Johnson’s procedural strategy and bipartisan approach signal progress in advancing the bill through the House, underscoring Taiwan’s significance in U.S. foreign policy.
    2024/03/15 19:07
  • US reinforces Taiwan’s ally ties amid China’s expansion

    U.S. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink highlights cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwan, alongside allies Tuvalu, Palau, and the Marshall Islands, to counter China’s expansion. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee discusses U.S. strategies for the Pacific islands, focusing on American and Chinese influence in the region, with references to Taiwan’s diplomatic status and China’s economic incentives to influence Nauru. The U.S. warns Nauru and Taiwan’s allies against China’s unfulfilled promises, with efforts like the Taiwan International Solidarity Act to counter China’s manipulation of Taiwan’s international role.
    2024/03/15 16:54
  • Popeyes set to spice up Taipei with first Taiwan store

    American fried chicken brand Popeyes is set to debut in Taiwan with its first outlet in Taipei’s Zhongzheng District in the second quarter of 2024. Known for its Louisiana-style fried chicken, Popeyes boasts a global presence with over 3,900 restaurants across 30 countries. With annual revenues surpassing US$5 billion, it ranks as the second-largest chicken fast food chain worldwide. The brand’s success is attributed to its signature Louisiana-flavored chicken and diverse menu offerings. The upcoming Taiwan branch will serve original and spicy fried chicken, cajun fries, macaroni, salad, and desserts, including the popular chicken sandwich introduced in 2019.
    2024/03/15 14:19
  • US pledges US$5B boost for semiconductors in Asia-Pacific

    U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo announces a US$5 billion investment in the semiconductor industry during her visit to Thailand and the Philippines. The investment aims to bolster production and foster growth opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region. Thailand’s commitment to the semiconductor sector is highlighted, with Minister of Commerce Srettha Thavisin emphasizing its strategic importance and readiness for industry collaboration. Raimondo’s visit underscores the U.S.’s focus on diversifying supply chains and strengthening ties with the region.
    2024/03/15 10:49
  • U.S. allocates historic US$100M in military aid for Taiwan

    The White House announces a historic US$100 million military assistance allocation for Taiwan in the fiscal year 2025 budget, marking the first dedicated funding by the U.S. Department of State for the island. This move aims to enhance Taiwan’s deterrence capabilities and maintain peace in the Taiwan Strait. Additionally, President Joe Biden authorizes the sale of F-16 Infrared Search and Track systems to Taiwan, further reinforcing security cooperation.
    2024/03/13 13:00
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s US trip: Personal, not political

    Learn about the clarification made by the DPP regarding Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s upcoming personal trip to the U.S., emphasizing it is not for diplomatic purposes but for personal matters such as house moving and visiting friends. Speculations suggesting involvement in diplomatic affairs ahead of the inauguration on May 20 are refuted. Compare the trip to President-Elect Lai Ching-te’s visit to the U.S. before his inauguration four years ago, highlighting the differences in purpose and official engagements.
    2024/03/11 18:14
  • China’s defense budget sees 7.2% increase

    China announces a 7.2% increase in its defense budget for the year, reaching 1.67 trillion yuan (US$231 billion), signaling significant military expansion. Comparatively, this figure dwarfs Taiwan’s budget, amidst global rises in military spending.
    2024/03/06 17:54
  • Technical glitch takes down Meta platforms for hours

    Meta, the company behind Facebook and Instagram, experienced a global outage impacting users worldwide. The interruption, lasting over two hours, affected services such as Threads and Messenger. Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, the UK, the Philippines, the US, and Hungary were among the countries affected. Meta’s spokesperson apologized for the inconvenience caused by the technical issue. The blackout sparked discussions on Taiwan’s PTT bulletin board, with users sharing their frustrations and surprise.
    2024/03/06 14:43
  • US reviews Chinese car imports citing security risks

    China criticizes US restrictions on car exports, citing national security concerns. US subjects Chinese internet-connected cars to security risk review, sparking backlash from China’s Ministry of Commerce. White House alleges data collection on US citizens, prompting investigation. President Biden calls potential influx of Chinese cars a national security risk. US considers import restrictions on Chinese vehicles, impacting connected and autonomous cars and parts. U.S. Secretary of Commerce warns of data collection by Chinese smart connected cars, likening them to "iPhones on wheels."
    2024/03/05 17:12
  • 募不到足夠新兵 美國陸軍考慮縮編2.4萬人

    美國陸軍(US Army)考量新兵招募計畫非常不順利,考慮調整兵力編制與組織架構,《美聯社》報導,陸軍將削減約2萬4000人編制,此數字約占總兵力5%,同時還會配合此計畫進行組織調整。不過,此次調整主要針對已經空缺的職位,並非要裁撤現役士官兵。其中包含先前在伊拉克和阿富汗戰爭期間擴增,但目前並無需求的反游擊戰(counterinsurgency)職位,其他單位還有像陸軍特種部隊,約有3000個編制將被裁撤;而騎兵中隊、史崔克裝甲車(Stryker vehicle)旅都有職缺在這波縮編中被裁撤。
    2024/02/28 15:53
  • Commerce secretary highlights TSMC’s role in U.S. chip goals

    U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo aims for the U.S. to produce 20% of the world’s cutting-edge semiconductors by 2030. Companies like Intel, TSMC, and Samsung are seeking over US$70 billion in subsidies under the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act. Raimondo highlights TSMC’s Arizona project and expresses gratitude for their contributions. The government plans to fund more projects to achieve the 20% global semiconductor production target by 2030. The U.S. Department of Commerce is expected to announce new subsidies, with TSMC likely to receive funding.
    2024/02/27 17:45
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