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    Tips 結果共24筆

  • Taiwan sees drop in heat-related hospitalizations this year

    Discover how Taiwan has seen a decrease in heat-related injuries this year, with insights from health experts on symptoms, high-risk groups, and prevention tips.
  • Taiwan faces heatwave, temperatures to hit 38°C

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, with temperatures soaring to 36-38 degrees Celsius due to Pacific high pressure. Stay informed on the chance of local showers and severe thunderstorms.
    2024/06/24 09:16
  • Final call for young adults to claim cultural vouchers

    Discover how young adults in Taiwan can claim and spend their Coming-of-Age Vouchers before the June 30 deadline. Learn about the Culture Points program benefits, application methods, and spending tips.
    2024/06/20 14:43
  • Taiwan braces for heavy rain and high heat, CWA warns

    Discover the latest weather update from the Central Weather Administration: Increased rainfall and high temperatures across Taiwan, with an orange heat alert in Taitung. Stay informed on precautions for intense UV rays and hydration tips.
    2024/06/18 10:22
  • Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel

    Discover the latest travel advisory for Taiwanese citizens visiting Hong Kong, including risks and safety tips due to new security laws. Learn about the Mainland Affairs Council’s guidance and emergency services.
    2024/06/12 10:43
  • Taiwan braces for hot, humid week with thunderstorms ahead

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: a week of hot, humid conditions with sporadic showers and thunderstorms due to a persistent southwest wind and a lingering front. Learn about the areas affected, safety advice, and expert insights on navigating the weather.
    2024/06/11 11:05
  • Typhoon Aghon sets course for Japan, upgraded to moderate

    Discover the latest on Typhoon Aghon, the first typhoon of the year, now a moderate typhoon heading towards Japan. Learn about its impact on Taiwan and safety warnings for coastal areas.
    2024/05/27 14:43
  • CTBC Financial warns of fake Facebook page in scam alert

    Discover how CTBC Financial Holding Co. warns against a fraudulent Facebook page impersonating Jeffrey Koo Jr. amid a rise in financial scams. Learn tips to stay safe online.
    2024/05/22 14:11
  • THSR adds extra trains for Dragon Boat Festival

    Discover how Taiwan High Speed Rail is preparing for the Dragon Boat Festival holiday with extra trains and enhanced services from June 7-11. Learn about ticket availability and travel tips.
    2024/05/22 10:26
  • TVBS World Taiwan shares resume writing tips with NCCU grads

    Dimitri Bruyas, Chief English News Correspondent of TVBS English News, was invited by the Master’s Program in Global Communication and Innovation Technology (GCIT) to share resume writing tips and interview techniques with students at National Chengchi University (NCCU) on Monday (May 13).
    2024/05/15 20:56
  • Cybersecurity experts warn of airport charging hub risks

    Cybersecurity experts warn travelers about the risks of juice jacking at airports and offer tips on how to protect personal data during the summer travel season.
    2024/05/09 17:25
  • Taiwan’s diarrhea cases surge, norovirus blamed

    Explore the significant increase in diarrhea cases in Taiwan, with a notable rise in Norovirus infections within the food and hospitality sectors. Learn about the CDC’s recommendations for hygiene, food safety, and measures to prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus.
    2024/04/30 18:15
  • Solo travels on the rise as Google search for term doubles

    Discover the growing trend of solo travel! Explore the reasons behind its rise, tips for first-time solo travelers, and the increasing popularity among older adults. From local getaways to luxurious international tours, solo travel offers a world of possibilities.
    2024/02/18 12:30
  • 男大方給9萬小費「秒反悔」想討回 美餐廳怒了:將提告

    美國賓州一名男子史密斯(Eric Smith)去(2023)年6月到咖啡館用餐,只花了13美元(約新台幣406元),卻給服務生蘭伯特(Mariana Lambert)3000美元(約新台幣9.3萬元)的小費,史密斯表示,他之所以會大方給小費,是因為受到了「耶穌的小費」(Tips for Jesus)運動的影響,然而史密斯事後卻反悔,並且要求討回,對此餐廳也表示會對男子提告。
    2024/01/29 11:56
  • 日本旅遊遇天災怎麼辦?當地台人推「這款APP」:即時掌握災害

    2024/01/02 00:06
  • Taiwan faces bed bug resurgence after decades

    Recent bed bug sightings in a Taipei hotel raise concerns in Taiwan. The Ministry of Environment advises on prevention methods and stresses the importance of public education and government initiatives to tackle the resurgence.
    2023/12/01 13:39
  • LSE professor shares insights on AI’s role in journalism

    Explore insights from Charlie Beckett, a professor at the London School of Economics, as he discusses the future of the media industry in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Speaking at the CTeC Asia event, Beckett emphasized the need for a human element in AI-driven newsrooms and shared tips for aspiring journalists.
    2023/10/21 23:52
  • Expert tips for reducing electricity bills during summer

    Striking a delicate balance between minimizing heat and conserving energy consumption continues to present a challenge for residents of Taiwan every summer.
    2023/06/10 16:32
  • 機場就是我的伸展台!盤點5大穿搭技巧 輕鬆get時尚美照

    2022/12/23 14:42
  • 大衣怎麼穿才好看?造型師曝流行要素 加1單品擺脫老氣

    最近的天氣,真心已經讓大家深切感受到冬天來了呀!尤其是最近溫度即將下探10度以下,出門大衣絕對要穿緊緊!上次我們分享了「大衣怎麼買到命定款」、「羽絨外套穿搭tips 」,還有靠3件就能超暖和的搭配法,璟毅老師也在《女人我最大》節目上,傳授穿大衣更好看的撇步囉!
    2022/12/17 23:02
  • 孫藝真挺孕肚上工!小腹隆起全曝光 玄彬甜蜜餵食閃爆

    2022/08/25 15:56
  • 甩肉不瘦胸!熊熊曝「傲人美胸」5秘訣 激升2cup

    2021/09/18 10:24
  • 少吃體重不減反增!盤點8大致胖因素 揮別循環胖這樣做

    2021/09/13 09:54
  • 4招保養TIPS! 天心親授「食補煲湯」養出Q彈肌

    2021/03/21 16:28
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