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    Taiwan 結果共6,244筆

  • Taiwan’s transport minister denies 40% rail fare hike claim

    Discover the truth behind the rumored 40% increase in Taiwan Railways Administration ticket prices. Minister Li Men-yen clarifies the situation and outlines the government’s plan for fare adjustments.
    2024/08/19 11:15
  • Taiwan vows to monitor Honduras’ political shifts closely

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s commitment to monitoring Honduras’ political shifts and the potential restoration of diplomatic ties amid trade and political tensions.
    2024/08/19 10:35
  • Unstable weather to hit Taiwan, thunderstorms expected

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: Unstable conditions and thunderstorms expected due to a low-pressure system and tropical storm Jongdari. Stay informed on safety precautions and affected areas.
    2024/08/19 09:30
  • 直擊/利特跟他們有私交! 「2知名男星」現蹤SJ演唱會引暴動

    韓流帝王Super Junior睽違2年在台開唱,週五起在台北小巨蛋舉辦「SUPER SHOW SPIN-OFF : Halftime」演唱會,今天來到最後一天,8名成員一樣穿著運動風帥氣登場,熱力四射演唱〈Wonder Boy〉,連唱3首嗨歌後,成員一一用中文打招呼,始源秀出親切台語:「打給厚,哇系十元(台語),我是10塊錢始源。」笑翻全場,利特則發揮超強肺活量大喊:「 Taiwan!」掀起全場熱情尖叫聲。
    2024/08/18 19:55
  • 台灣確定引進!保時捷911 Turbo 50週年特仕 僅1974輛售價曝

    911 Turbo誕生50週年相關慶祝活動持續開催,Porsche不但在德國斯圖加特的Porsche博物館舉行「Beyond Performance – 50 Years of Porsche Turbo」特展,更打造全球限量1,974輛的911 Turbo 50 Years限量特別版車型,以改款前的911 Turbo S為基底,向1974年誕生的初代911 Turbo致敬,並以1973年法蘭克福車展亮相被視為是911 Turbo車系開端的911 RSR Turbo為設計靈感,回顧911 Turbo的輝煌歷史。Porsche Taiwan同步開放台灣買家訂購,建議售價1,453萬元起。
    2024/08/16 21:13
  • Taoyuan airport’s Terminal 3 to open mid-next year

    Discover how Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport’s Terminal 3, set to open its north concourse mid-next year, will boost its capacity to 82 million travelers annually, enhancing connectivity between North America and Southeast Asia.
    2024/08/16 21:00
  • Poll shows Taiwan split on "Chinese Taipei" Olympic name

    Discover insights from a recent poll by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation on Taiwanese views toward competing as "Chinese Taipei" in the Olympic Games Paris 2024, revealing a nation divided.
    2024/08/16 20:00
  • 圖輯/奧運英雄走時裝紅毯! 蔣萬安、王齊麟同框「比愛心」

    巴黎奧運落幕,中華隊選手榮耀回台,台北市政府今(16)日舉辦「2024 Taiwan Heroes 臺灣之光 臺北驕傲」時尚派對,台北市籍選手均出席,台北市長蔣萬安更親自在紅毯上接見每一位選手並合照。同時,蔣萬安宣布,為讓奧運精神深植人心、成為台北市的DNA,所有參與奧運的選手都將成為「運動大使」,且享有台北市12座運動中心終身免費使用,以及接下來四年「捷運免費搭到飽」。
    2024/08/16 19:54
  • 致敬奧運選手!蔣萬安:中山國中前設「麟洋路」、4年捷運搭到飽

    巴黎奧運落幕,中華隊選手榮耀回台,台北市政府今(16)日舉辦「2024 Taiwan Heroes 臺灣之光 臺北驕傲」時尚派對,台北市籍選手均出席,台北市長蔣萬安更親自在紅毯上接見每一位選手並合照。同時,蔣萬安宣布,為讓奧運精神深植人心、成為台北市的DNA,將羽球金牌選手王齊麟、李洋的母校中山國中前的復興北路361巷,設立一個別名為「麟洋路」,更給所有選手接下來四年「搭到飽捷運悠遊卡」,可無限次免費搭乘。
    2024/08/16 19:06
  • Taiwan celebrates Olympic heroes with grand parade

    Discover how thousands celebrated Taiwan’s Olympic heroes in Taipei, marking their success at the Paris 2024 Games with a grand parade. Learn about the athletes and the route.
    2024/08/16 18:02
  • 賴清德備珍奶邀乾杯!林昀儒被誇超害羞 神回「媽媽有跟我講」

    總統府下午以「Our Heroes!Team Taiwan 台灣英雄 榮耀同行」為主題,舉辦「台灣英雄派對」。賴清德一進到派對現場,遇到「小林同學」林昀儒時就對他說「我一直認為你會贏,雖然後來很可惜,但你的拚勁精神跟你的技術真的非常棒」,林昀儒則以一慣風格害羞表示「媽媽有跟我講」。賴清德也與桌球教父莊智淵、「柚子」高承睿、林昀儒坐下來一同暢飲珍珠奶茶,並再度感謝桌球隊在奧運上面的表現,國人都非常肯定,最後則與在座大家一起「珍奶乾杯」。
    2024/08/16 17:15
  • 讚奧運英雄每位都是台灣之光!賴清德:2028金牌屬於你們

    總統府下午以「Our Heroes!Team Taiwan 台灣英雄 榮耀同行」為主題,舉辦「台灣英雄派對」,以及「台灣英雄大遊行」,總統賴清德接見奧運選手們致詞表示,雖然無法到奧運殿堂,但能夠穿上與奧運團隊相同的外套也覺得很帥,歡迎奧運英雄凱旋歸國,同時表達最由衷的感謝。賴清德說,他要感謝每一位奧運英雄,在比賽過程當中展現無畏的勇氣,那種拚勁精神不管有沒有得獎,每一位都是台灣之光,每一位都是國家英雄。賴也大讚,每個人的表現都非常傑出,如果這次沒有(金牌)的話,2028年繼續努力,金牌屬於你們。
    2024/08/16 17:01
  • Taiwan celebrates athletes’ success in Paris Games

    Discover how Taiwan celebrated its Olympic heroes with President Lai Ching-te and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim, honoring the nation’s athletes for their historic success in Paris. Learn about the government’s commitment to sports culture.
    2024/08/16 16:38
  • DPP defends increased defense budget amid KMT concerns

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense budget debate: The DPP defends the increase to over 2.6% of GDP amid KMT concerns, emphasizing national security and the need for unity against China’s threats.
    2024/08/16 14:37
  • 防中國車洗產地!國產「自製率」新制上路 MG:提升在地化

    被視為是防堵中國車「洗產地」的《在地化供應鏈合作價值比率要求》新規範於8月上路,目前屬於上汽集團旗下的MG品牌首當其中,產品線中HS、ZS與MG4電動車都符合新規設定對象,8月起皆須符合《在地化供應鏈合作價值比率》規範。針對消費者可能存有的「漲價」與「交期延宕」等疑慮,MG Taiwan今日 (8月16日) 於官網發出公告,表示HS與ZS車系目前皆不受影響,且正常接受訂購。MG4則是確認目前可正常供貨至8月底,並持續接受預購,後續待供應鏈結構重整完成後即可恢復正常。
    2024/08/16 14:33
  • Taiwan assures sufficient power supply amid concerns

    Discover how Taiwan addresses its power supply challenges, focusing on efforts to boost grid and source development in northern regions, despite uneven distribution concerns.
    2024/08/16 13:52
  • Expert warns of heat injury risk during Olympic parade

    Discover how Taiwan celebrates its Olympic heroes with a parade and party, while health officials warn of heat-related risks. Stay informed on safety tips and event details.
    2024/08/16 12:31
  • Taiwan to celebrate Olympic heroes with grand parade

    Discover how Taiwan celebrates its Olympic heroes with a grand parade in Taipei, honoring their achievements at the Paris 2024 Games. Learn about the event, athletes, and where to watch.
    2024/08/16 12:29
  • Southern Taiwan to see significant rainfall, thunderstorms

    Discover the latest weather update for Taiwan: The Central Weather Administration warns of intermittent showers and thunderstorms across the island, with potential heavy rainfall in northern and mountainous areas. Stay informed on conditions and safety tips.
    2024/08/16 11:27
  • Palau stands by Taiwan despite economic threats from China

    Discover how Palau’s President accuses China of using tourism as leverage to sever ties with Taiwan, despite threats and economic promises. Read the full story on diplomatic tensions.
    2024/08/16 11:20
  • Hualien quake not linked to recent tremors: CWA

    Discover the latest on the magnitude 6.3 earthquake off Hualien’s coast, Taiwan, including expert analysis and safety advisories for residents. Stay informed on aftershocks and seismic activity updates.
    2024/08/16 10:54
  • Magnitude 6.3 earthquake hits off Taiwan’s Hualien coast

    Discover the latest on the magnitude 6.3 earthquake off Hualien County, Taiwan, and its impact on the region. Learn about the unusual seismic activity and safety advice from experts.
    2024/08/16 09:53
  • 奧運民調/4成2不喜歡用「中華台北」參賽 4成挺用「台灣」

    巴黎奧運落幕,我國代表隊拿下2金5銅佳績,舉國歡騰。總統府今還舉行「Our Heroes!Team Taiwan 台灣英雄榮耀同行」活動。台灣民意基金會也公布奧運民調,詢問「台灣這次是以『中華台北』名稱參賽,您喜不喜歡用「中華台北」代表台灣?」結果發現,二十歲以上台灣人,四成喜歡我國以「中華台北」名稱參加奧運,四成二不喜歡。民調又詢問,「您覺得我國參與國際性組織、會議或活動,最好是用何名稱?」結果發現,39.9%台灣,22.8%中華名國,20%中華民國台灣,8.8%中華台北。
    2024/08/16 09:41
  • 最高規格接待!奧運台灣選手明赴總統府 接見布置搶先看

    「Our Heroes!Team Taiwan 台灣英雄 榮耀同行」活動將於明天登場,總統府內如火如荼進行各項佈置與彩排工作,總統賴清德今(15日)晚間在threads上搶先開箱現場布置,讓大家亮點一次看。從車廳榮耀劍門、敞廳英雄派對、三樓迴廊勝利通道到大禮堂,每一個環節與角落都經過精心設計,可看出賴清德為了明日與代表團見面的確精心準備,要以最高規格接待。
    2024/08/15 21:37
  • Taiwan’s president unveils boosted childcare subsidies

    Discover how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te plans to boost birth rates by expanding childcare subsidies, building on Tsai Ing-wen’s initiatives. Learn about the increased allowances and reduced kindergarten costs.
    2024/08/15 21:00
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