
Expert warns of heat injury risk during Olympic parade

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/16 12:31
Last update time:2024/08/16 13:23
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Heat injury cases near last August’s total, ministry reports (TVBS News) Expert warns of heat injury risk during Olympic parade
Heat injury cases near last August’s total, ministry reports (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan will celebrate its Olympic heroes with an exclusive party and public parade, "Our Heroes! Team Taiwan," on Friday (Aug. 16) afternoon. Medical professionals urge the public to stay vigilant against heat-related injuries while cheering for the athletes.

The Olympic Games Paris 2024 concluded with Taiwan winning two gold and five bronze medals. The national celebration, "Taiwan Heroes Glory Together," will begin at 1 p.m. with an interactive party at the Presidential Office (總統府). President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) will meet the athletes at 1:50 p.m., followed by a parade at 3 p.m.


Valis Tanapima (田知學), deputy director of Cheng Hsin General Hospital's Emergency Medicine Department (振興醫院急診重症醫學部), warned that high humidity could impair the body's ability to evaporate heat, disrupting the temperature regulation system and increasing the risk of heat injuries.

Tanapima advised those feeling unwell, sleep-deprived, or with chronic conditions to support the athletes via live stream. She also recommended that on-site attendees stay in shaded areas, carry rain gear, and wear moisture-wicking clothing. Additionally, Tanapima highlighted the importance of staying hydrated, emphasizing that people should drink water instead of other beverages.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW, 衛生福利部) reported that from Aug. 1 to Aug. 15, there have been 377 heat injury cases, nearly 85% of last August’s total of 442. Common heat injuries include heat cramps, fainting, edema, exhaustion, and stroke.

The Health Promotion Administration (HPA, 國民健康署) advised immediate action upon detecting heat injury symptoms, such as high body temperature, dry and red skin, or accelerated heart rate. They recommend cooling the body, loosening clothes, and seeking medical attention promptly.

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#Taiwan Olympics# heat injuries# Paris 2024# Olympic Games# health tips# hydration tips# public parade# celebrating Taiwan Olympic athletes# preventing heat-related injuries at events# staying hydrated during outdoor activities
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