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    Taiwan diplomacy 結果共35筆

  • Modi thanks Taiwan’s Lai for reelection congratulations

    Explore the strengthening ties between Taiwan and India as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Lai Ching-te engage in a warm exchange on social media, highlighting hopes for closer trade and technological partnerships.
    2024/06/06 15:50
  • Raymond Greene named new director of AIT Taipei office

    Discover how Raymond Greene, with his extensive experience in the Indo-Pacific, is set to lead the AIT Taipei office, enhancing U.S.-Taiwan-Japan relations.
    2024/05/29 15:47
  • NSB: China’s military drills near Taiwan to become routine

    Discover how China’s military exercises around Taiwan, as reported by the National Security Bureau, signal a new norm and pose multifaceted threats to the island’s security and international relations.
    2024/05/29 15:26
  • Taiwan warns of China’s intensified diplomatic pressure

    Discover how China’s recent military exercises and diplomatic pressures aim to isolate Taiwan internationally, and learn about Taiwan’s strategy to counter these challenges by promoting value-based diplomacy for stronger global ties.
    2024/05/28 13:30
  • Guatemala’s president congratulates Taiwan via video call

    Discover how Guatemala’s President Bernardo Arévalo’s virtual congratulations to Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te underscores strong bilateral ties and democratic solidarity.
    2024/05/23 15:29
  • Klaus-Peter Willsch invites Taiwan’s president to Germany

    Explore the significance of a German delegation’s visit to Taiwan, led by Klaus-Peter Willsch, aiming to foster a more independent German policy towards Taiwan and challenge the diplomatic status quo amid Beijing’s influence.
    2024/05/23 10:48
  • Tuvalu and Taiwan strengthen ties through cooking class

    Discover how Tuvalu’s Prime Minister Feleti Teo’s visit to Taiwan strengthens diplomatic ties through culinary diplomacy, featuring a cooking class at CookInn Taiwan and the making of local delicacies.
    2024/05/22 19:00
  • MOFA clarifies Katharine Chang’s Italy visit was personal

    Discover the truth behind allegations of Katharine Chang, Taiwan’s representative to Austria, misusing her official trip for personal leisure in Italy. MOFA clarifies the situation, emphasizing the importance of separating personal and official activities.
    2024/05/21 13:48
  • Taiwan faces extended summer due to climate change: experts

    Explore how Taiwan could face a seven-month-long summer and other severe impacts detailed in the 2024 climate report, emphasizing the urgency for global cooperation in climate initiatives.
    2024/05/14 16:06
  • Foreign Minister Joseph Wu assures diplomatic ties stable

    Discover how China’s long-term infiltration efforts are impacting Taiwan’s diplomatic ties, as revealed by Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. Learn about the challenges and Taiwan’s strategy to strengthen international relations.
    2024/05/09 16:49
  • Tsai Ing-wen honors Japanese diplomat with top award

    Discover how former Japanese diplomat Hideo Tarumi was honored by Taiwan with the Order of Brilliant Star for his role in strengthening Taiwan-Japan relations, emphasizing shared democratic values and regional peace.
    2024/05/09 16:40
  • Premier criticizes legislator over leaked documents

    Discover how Premier Chen Chien-jen rebukes KMT legislator Hsu Chiao-hsin for leaking confidential documents and spreading misinformation about Taiwan’s Ukraine aid project, emphasizing the importance of unity in foreign relations to uphold Taiwan’s sovereignty and international diplomacy.
    2024/05/06 17:38
  • Swedish parliamentarians support Taiwan’s WHO bid

    Explore the seminar held by the Swedish-Taiwanese Parliamentary Association discussing Taiwan’s participation in the WHO, featuring key speakers and demonstrating support from Swedish parliamentarians for Taiwan amidst political challenges.
    2024/04/26 12:04
  • Taiwan strengthens global ties through NGO partnerships

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu hosts a tea party for NGOs at Taipei Guest House, highlighting Taiwan’s achievements in international cooperation and citizen diplomacy. Over 160 representatives from various fields attend the event themed "Necessary, Growing, Outstanding." Wu praises NGO partners for their role in making Taiwan a hub for freedom, democracy, and humanitarian care, as well as attracting globally recognized NGOs to the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs pledges to support NGOs in promoting international participation and citizen diplomacy.
    2024/03/27 17:42
  • Taiwan to host APPU annual meeting in 2025

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang extends an invitation to MPs from Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union member countries to Taiwan’s 2025 Annual Meeting. Chiang emphasizes Taiwan’s commitment to addressing regional issues like climate change and economic development. Taiwan will host the APPU conference for the 11th time in 2025.
    2024/03/14 12:01
  • Taiwan strengthens bonds with Tuvalu amid new leadership

    Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang to visit Tuvalu as Taiwan’s special envoy, showcasing support for the newly elected government led by Prime Minister Feleti Teo. Ambassador Andrew Lin conveys congratulations on behalf of Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen, emphasizing the solid friendship and continued diplomatic relations between the two nations. Taiwan and Tuvalu, with a 45-year-old diplomatic relationship, share democratic values and aim to promote peace and development in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/02/26 17:52
  • Experts warn of potential Taiwan Strait crisis in 2024: CSIS

    Experts from the U.S. and Taiwan predict a high likelihood of a Taiwan Strait crisis in 2024, emphasizing the new government and U.S. presidential election as crucial factors. Military capabilities and international relations play key roles in shaping the future of the region.
    2024/01/30 18:03
  • MAC slams Beijing for ’dollar diplomacy’ to sway Nauru

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) strongly condemns Beijing’s attempt to lure the Republic of Nauru into resuming diplomatic relations, accusing China of disrupting international order through "dollar diplomacy." The MAC criticizes China’s actions as an attempt to suppress Taiwan’s international status and sovereignty, despite its successful presidential election. Beijing’s attempts to snatch away Taiwan’s diplomatic allies will not earn it respect from the international community but will instead highlight Taiwan’s democratic achievements and contributions. The MAC calls on Beijing to stop this zero-sum thinking and emphasizes that the ROC government will continue to strengthen Taiwan’s resilience, unite society, and safeguard its international status and rights.
    2024/01/16 12:29
  • DPP candidates focus on democracy ahead of Taiwan elections

    Explore the implications of Taiwan’s upcoming election on Jan. 13, as DPP candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim outline their vision for democracy, relations with China, and the island’s role in global politics.
    2024/01/09 21:18
  • KMT VP Jaw vows to expand Taiwan’s diplomacy

    KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong pledges to expand Taiwan’s diplomatic relations if the KMT wins the upcoming elections. He criticizes the ruling DPP for losing nine diplomatic allies during their eight-year tenure. Jaw’s remarks were made during a Constitution Day event organized by the KMT’s Department of International Affairs, attended by KMT Chairman Eric Chu and KMT Vice Chairman Andrew Hsia. Chu defends Hsia, stating that he is a valuable asset to the party and urges media outlets to avoid spreading misinformation. Hsia expresses regret that young people overlook the significance of Dec. 25 as Constitution Day in Taiwan and promises to restore the value of the Republic of China if the KMT wins the elections next year.
    2023/12/26 10:11
  • Cynthia Wu slams MOFA over COP28 diplomacy

    Taiwan People’s Party vice presidential candidate Cynthia Wu expresses disappointment with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) over its handling of diplomatic challenges during COP28. Wu emphasizes the need for the government to reconsider its approach to enhance the economy and diplomacy simultaneously. She highlights the recent consensus in the European Union (EU), where over 700 members of the EU Parliament passed a motion to negotiate bilateral free trade agreements with Taiwan. Wu credits MOFA, the Legislative Yuan, and herself for raising Taiwan’s international profile.
    2023/12/20 21:13
  • DPP’s Lai unveils video, stresses global Taiwan role

    The campaign office of Lai Ching-te, Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate, has released a new video titled "Taiwan in the world," highlighting Taiwan’s reduced dependence on China and its increasing global recognition. Pan Men-an, head of the DPP’s campaign headquarters, expressed concern over opposition parties’ attempts to marginalize Taiwan and emphasized the significance of the 2024 election in determining Taiwan’s alignment with either the world or China. The video emphasizes Taiwan’s democratic development through international engagement and value-based diplomacy, while also strengthening ties with other nations. Lai’s campaign office spokesperson, Tai Wei-shan, pointed out that Taiwan’s trade dependence on China decreased from 40 percent during former President Ma Ying-jeou’s presidency to 34 percent. Additionally, a report by The Economist in August stated that under President Tsai Ing-wen’s seven-year rule, Taiwan has become the 21st largest economy globally, surpassing South Korea in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. Lai’s campaign office underscores the importance of the 2024 election in shaping Taiwan’s future trajectory and urges the public to make the right choice.
    2023/12/12 21:21
  • Hou Yu-ih proposes balanced U.S.-China diplomatic ties

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih proposes a pro-US and China diplomatic stance, diverging from incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen’s approach. Hou criticizes Tsai’s foreign affairs and cross-strait policies, blaming the Tsai administration for Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation, failure to join regional economic bodies, and lack of communication with China. Hou emphasizes adhering to the Constitution of the Republic of China, affirming the nation’s sovereignty, and proposing a balanced stance between fostering solid ties with the United States and engaging with Mainland China. He also highlights the importance of Taiwan being prepared and realistic about its defense, suggesting that the island’s security should not rely solely on promises from the US but on its efforts and pragmatic relations with democratic allies. Political commentator Jaw Shau-kong fiercely criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for being pro-US and anti-China, deeming Tsai’s policies on cross-strait relations and international diplomacy a complete failure. Jaw points out that despite Taiwan’s willingness to import American pork, the support has yet to translate into the U.S. helping with Taiwan’s entry into international organizations.
    2023/12/07 19:13
  • DPP’s Hsiao: Taiwan treated with dignity in U.S. role

    During her tenure as Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim emphasized that Taiwanese people were treated with dignity and respect, rejecting any notion of subservience. She acknowledged the need for a flexible approach to diplomacy given Taiwan’s unique situation, which can range from soft to firm. Hsiao candidly admitted to setbacks and grievances, but highlighted her team’s tireless efforts to overcome obstacles and gain widespread support and respect. Despite the challenges, the confidence, encouragement, and backing from Taiwanese people made her role worthwhile. Hsiao also emphasized the importance of Taiwan’s foreign policy objectives, such as garnering international support and promoting democratic and economic achievements.
    2023/12/07 10:58
  • Hsiao defends U.S. diplomacy effort amid KMT criticism

    DPP Vice Presidential Candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has stated that her diplomatic efforts in the United States have enhanced Taiwanese dignity. Responding to criticism from KMT legislator candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin, Hsiao defended her "battle cat diplomacy" approach, emphasizing the need for flexibility in Taiwan’s unique diplomatic situation. Despite setbacks, Hsiao believes Taiwan has gained increased support, trust, and respect from the international community. She also emphasized the importance of leveraging Taiwan’s democratic values, the kindness of its people, and its economic achievements to garner international support.
    2023/12/06 20:37
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