
Tsai Ing-wen honors Japanese diplomat with top award

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/09 16:40
Last update time:2024/05/09 16:40
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Fmr. Director of the Minister’s Secretariat of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hideo Tarumi (AP) Tsai Ing-wen honors Japanese diplomat with top award
Fmr. Director of the Minister's Secretariat of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hideo Tarumi (AP)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a significant recognition of contributions to Taiwan-Japan relations, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) awarded the former Director of the Minister's Secretariat of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hideo Tarumi (垂秀夫), the Order of Brilliant Star with Violet Grand Cordon on Thursday (May 9). 

The ceremony, which highlighted the deep ties between the two democracies, underscored their shared values of freedom, human rights, and a commitment to regional peace.


A Testament to Bilateral Relations

During the award presentation, Tsai lauded the relationship between Taiwan and Japan as a model of mutual support among democracies.

She emphasized their shared commitment to freedom, human rights, and the safeguarding of regional peace. Tarumi, who was posted to Taiwan twice, played a pivotal role in advancing Taiwan-Japan cooperation and bilateral relations.

Beyond Diplomacy

Tarumi's efforts extended beyond traditional diplomacy. He actively promoted youth exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, encouraging Japanese students to engage in educational travel to Taiwan through lectures at junior and senior high schools in Japan.

Upon receiving the Order of Brilliant Star with Violet Grand Cordon, Tarumi expressed his profound honor and gratitude for the deep connection he has forged with Taiwan and its people.

Following a nearly 40-year career in diplomacy, Tarumi transitioned to a career as a photographer and now serves as a professor at Ritsumeikan University (立命館大學), specializing in cross-strait relations.

His passion for Taiwan is also evident in his work as a photographer, having extensively captured the northern regions of Taiwan and held a personal photography exhibition at the Presidential Office in 2018.

This award not only celebrates Tarumi's contributions but also signifies the enduring friendship and cooperation between Taiwan and Japan, paving the way for future collaborations.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan-Japan relations# Tsai Ing-wen# Hideo Tarumi# Order of Brilliant Star# bilateral relations# regional peace# diplomacy# Taiwan Japan cooperation# educational travel to Taiwan# Taiwan Japan youth exchanges
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