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    Taipei 結果共2,057筆

  • Taipei issues 550 citations under new YouBike rules

    Taipei and New Taipei City are enforcing the new YouBike point system, with over 550 citations issued in Taipei and a focus on public reports in New Taipei due to staff shortages. Learn about the common violations and future enforcement plans.
    2024/08/06 20:00
  • 起底泰國BL劇男神Meen!190cm「籃球隊校草」高顏值太狂

    2024/08/06 17:23
  • KMT caucus proposes mental health leave for men

    New Taipei City’s KMT caucus is addressing men’s mental health with proposals for psychological leave and a dedicated counseling hotline, aiming to support those facing stress and societal pressures.
    2024/08/06 16:22
  • President Lai celebrates Tang Chia-hung’s gymnastics medal

    Taiwanese gymnast Tang Chia-hung won bronze at the Paris Games and the support from President Lai and Vice President Hsiao, highlighting his journey and Taiwan’s pride in his achievement.
    2024/08/06 10:26
  • 成軍22年!泰國天團首度來台開唱 現場粉絲驚人反應曝光

    泰國元祖級樂團COCKTAIL昨(4)日於新北Zepp舉辦了「COCKTAIL LIVE IN TAIPEI 2024 」的專場演出,這是他們成軍22年來首次來到台灣開專場演唱會,演出前曾一度擔心語言隔閡會冷場的COCKTAIL,在演出結束後可以說是又驚又喜,因為演唱會上不但常常出現全場大合唱,甚至他們用泰文跟歌迷互動,台下竟然很多人都聽得懂,主唱Ohm還一度開玩笑對翻譯老師說「看來不需要你幫忙翻譯了!」
    2024/08/05 18:10
  • Fans report confiscation of Taiwan-themed item at Olympics

    Discover the latest on tensions at the Olympic Games: Security and suspected Chinese spectators confiscate Taiwan-related items during a gold medal match. Learn more about the incident and the rules on fan materials.
    2024/08/05 17:33
  • Badminton duo Lee, Wang set for final match in Taipei

    Discover how Lee Yang and Wang Chi-lin clinched a gold medal at the Paris Olympics in men’s doubles badminton, marking Lee’s final Olympic appearance. Learn about their upcoming retirement match at the Taipei Open, where Tai Tzu-ying may also compete despite injury concerns.
    2024/08/05 17:08
  • Taiwan’s badminton duo sparks global support amid tension

    Discover how a badminton match between Taiwan and China turned into a display of international solidarity in Taipei, with fans worldwide supporting Taiwan amid tensions.
    2024/08/05 10:39
  • High-temperature alerts issued for 12 Taiwan areas

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: The CWA has issued high-temperature alerts for 12 counties, including Taipei, with temps up to 37°C. Stay informed on safety tips and affected areas.
    2024/08/05 10:33
  • Taipei office condemns pro-Taiwan items confiscation

    Discover the details of a controversy at the Games where pro-Taiwan items were confiscated from spectators, prompting action from the Taipei Representative Office in France. Learn about the incident’s impact and responses.
    2024/08/03 14:08
  • CTOC clarifies Olympic policy after Taiwan item seized

    The controversy at the Paris Games where a fan’s "Taiwan" towel was confiscated, sparking debate over Olympic regulations and national identity. Learn about the incident and official responses.
    2024/08/03 12:15
  • Taiwan Suzuki opens innovative showroom in Nangang District

    Discover the new Suzuki showroom in Taipei’s Nangang District, launched by Taiwan Suzuki with a festive opening featuring a dragon dance. Explore the innovative center for car displays, maintenance, and exclusive events.
    2024/08/03 10:25
  • 韓國DPR要來了!12月撲台開唱許願這件事 售票時間出爐

    韓國大勢獨立音樂廠牌「DPR」,以嘻哈、另類R&B及電子元素,搭配成員富有魅力的沉穩聲線,讓他們在全球各地圈粉無數,今(2)日宣布12月28日在新北市工商展覽中心開唱,舉辦「DPR - The Dream Reborn World Tour 2024 in TAIPEI」演唱會,這也是他們相隔2年再度訪台,預告要帶給歌迷不一樣的驚喜。
    2024/08/02 16:07
  • Taiwanese judoka Yang Yung-wei reflects on Olympic journey

    Discover how Taiwanese judoka Yang Yung-wei reflects on his Olympic journey after exiting the Olympic Games Paris 2024, expressing gratitude to supporters and looking ahead.
    2024/08/01 21:00
  • Typhoon Gaemi causes over NT$2.7B in agricultural losses

    Discover how Typhoon Gaemi’s devastation in Taiwan has led to a surge in vegetable prices, with Agriculture Minister Chen Junne-jih predicting a month for stabilization. Learn about the impact and recovery efforts.
    2024/08/01 13:34
  • Taipei Dome readies for National Day Gala debut

    Discover Taipei’s plans to host the National Day Gala at the Taipei Dome in October, pending fire safety approvals. This could be the venue’s first non-sporting event, with a decision expected by August’s end.
    2024/08/01 10:14
  • Sole Taiwanese taekwondo qualifier eyes Paris medal

    Discover how Lo Chia-ling, a bronze medalist from the Tokyo Olympics, prepares for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 in taekwondo for Chinese Taipei. Overcoming injury and with her coach’s unique training approach, Lo is set to face the challenge in the women’s 57kg category, supported by her father’s encouragement and her determination to excel.
    2024/07/31 18:24
  • 李準基鐵粉注意!「最狂福利VIP」名額有限 9月重返TICC會粉絲

    韓國「凍齡男神」李準基擁有精緻五官,出道23年以來,他靠演技說話,過去主演的《步步驚心:麗》、《惡之花》等都交出一張亮眼成績單。為回饋劇迷的喜愛,他經常透過見面會與粉絲共度美好時光。相隔5年,他即將於9月28日帶著「2024 LEE JOON GI ASIA TOUR in Taipei」再次回到台灣,門票即將於8月11日中午12點於KKTIX正式開賣。
    2024/07/30 19:19
  • ’Chinese Taipei’ moniker raises questions among Olympic fans

    Taiwan’s participation in the Olympics as "Chinese Taipei" sparks curiosity and confusion among tourists in Paris, highlighting the complexities of international sports and geopolitical tensions.
    2024/07/30 16:09
  • Taiwan Railway seeks fare increase to match costs

    Taiwan Railway plans to propose a fare increase for the first time in 29 years, aiming to address economic factors and ensure sustainability.
    2024/07/30 15:33
  • 挑戰情慾尺度!色色趴驚人卡司曝光 「行走的春藥」肉慾呈現

    台灣首場挑戰最色視聽覺的音樂界盛會「⾊⾊趴COLORFUL NIGHT」,將在8月31日於新莊ZEPP NEW TAIPEI登場大開「色」界,卡司包含王ADEN、HowZ、KIRE凱爾、大成DACHENG、ASMRock樂團-無菌室Germ、Fi-Né粉內、C.Holly 等卡司輪番上陣大開色界,以沈浸情慾歌單挑逗音樂善男信女,搭配炫目的視覺聲光設計雙重渲染,激發視聽快感,絕對有聲有色,打造今夏最具音樂性話題色色派對。
    2024/07/29 13:23
  • 奧運才知「中華台北」代表台灣!震驚外國人 釣出苗博雅憶古今

    2024巴黎奧運在當地時間26日晚間正式登場,台灣是使用「Chinese Taipei」的名稱出賽,不過英國知名攝影師威廉(Clay Williams)日前在社群Threads發文表示「直到剛剛我才知道中華台北是什麼意思」,貼文曝光後,也釣出台北市議員苗博雅現身回應。
    2024/07/29 12:57
  • Taiwan’s egg farmers face challenges after Typhoon Gaemi

    Discover how Typhoon Gaemi and other factors have led to a significant increase in egg prices in Taipei, with a detailed analysis of the current supply and demand situation.
    2024/07/28 20:00
  • TIOT穿台味制服致敬前輩團! UP10TION善燏驚喜現身獻唱2曲

    韓國新生代男團TIOT今(27)晚在台北三創Clapper Studio舉辦「TIOT IS LOVING TAIPEI」FAN CONCERT,5位成員首度造訪台北,前一天26日晚間品嘗了雞排、熱炒、珍珠奶茶,甚至還自己去買了香香雞來吃。FANCON更是使出渾身解術,甚至還有「UP10TION」的善燏(ㄩˋ)擔任特別來賓,與LOTI(粉絲名)共度一個特別的夜晚。
    2024/07/27 20:54
  • Taiwan’s Yang Yung-wei aims for 1st medal at Olympics

    The Olympic Games have started, with Taiwan’s Yang Yung-wei poised to win his first medal. Explore how French and Taiwanese medal rewards compare and hear public reactions from the streets of Paris.
    2024/07/27 18:48
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