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  • 不斷更新/不只軟毛青黴酸 小林製藥紅麴原料再驗出2異物

    2024/04/20 15:27
  • TVBS「一樹一山」計畫!旗下藝人共同響應 分享永續小撇步

    2024/04/20 14:16
  • 獨家/馬國明曝接《新聞女王》早知會被罵翻! 認了「不喜歡這角色」

    2024/04/20 13:06
  • Taiwan unveils Olympic uniforms ahead of Paris Games

    Discover the innovative designs of the Chinese Taipei team’s uniforms for the Paris Olympics, unveiled at Taipei Fashion Week. The uniforms blend sustainability, craftsmanship, and national pride.
    2024/04/19 18:59
  • 113學年度會考全攻略:考程日期、必考科目範圍及考場規定詳解

    2024/04/19 18:38
  • Taipei’s estern district hit by unexpected blackout

    A power outage in Taipei’s Eastern District, including the Daan District, affected 722 households and disrupted businesses on the evening of April 18. Taipower is investigating the cause, linked to a tripped circuit breaker, and aims to restore power by early April 19. The incident underscores the critical need for reliable electricity in the city’s vibrant areas.
    2024/04/19 18:33
  • Taoyuan City grapples with frequent power outages

    Taoyuan City’s Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-Jiuh addresses multiple power outages, attributing them to increased usage and maintenance issues, while also discussing the broader energy strategy for Taiwan, including considerations around nuclear power and the Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant.
    2024/04/19 18:23
  • Philippines and New Zealand unite for Taiwan Strait peace

    Explore the welcoming by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a joint statement from the Philippines and New Zealand leaders emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait, amidst concerns over China’s military actions.
    2024/04/19 18:15
  • Taoyuan faces power crisis: aging infrastructure to blame

    Explore the challenges Taoyuan City faces with power outages, as Deputy Mayor Wang Ming-chu addresses equipment failure, aging infrastructure, and the indirect role of power shortages. Amidst public dissatisfaction and the impact on industries and healthcare, Taoyuan confronts the realities of climate change and growing demands on its electricity supply.
    2024/04/19 18:07
  • President Tsai honors TSMC’s Morris Chang with top award

    President Tsai Ing-wen awards Morris Chang, TSMC founder, the Order of Dr. Sun Yat-sen for his contributions to Taiwan’s global standing and semiconductor industry, highlighting his role as a key figure in Taiwan’s economic development and international prominence.
    2024/04/19 18:05
  • Cho Jung-tai unveils new faces in Taiwan’s Executive Yuan

    Discover the latest personnel appointments by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai for the Executive Yuan, including key positions in the Ministry of Labor, Health and Welfare, the Hakka Affairs Council, the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and the Ministry of Environment. This announcement follows President-elect Lai Ching-te’s vision for a "Healthy Taiwan" and showcases a commitment to diversity and expertise in the new cabinet.
    2024/04/19 18:00
  • 台電成「要電乞丐」每度12元買電 藍委轟:錯誤的能源政策

    2024/04/19 17:59
  • TSMC chips lead the way in energy savings and net-zero goals

    Discover how Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) is leading the way in energy-saving technology, with chips that save 6.8 kilowatt-hours for every kilowatt-hour used in production. Learn about TSMC’s commitment to net-zero strategies, including advancing their 100% renewable energy goal to 2040, and their collaboration with ITRI to measure their environmental impact.
    2024/04/19 17:56
  • 伊朗以色列懶人包》開戰原因、兩國關係、戰爭衝突時間軸一次看

    2024/04/19 17:19
  • Taiwanese embrace EVs while global sales slow down

    Discover why Taiwan is experiencing a surge in electric vehicle adoption despite a global market slowdown. Learn about the strategic adjustments major car manufacturers are making in response to challenges and competition in the EV sector.
    2024/04/19 17:12
  • Investments in SE Asia soar as market potential grows

    Taiwanese companies are increasing their investments in Southeast Asian countries, capitalizing on the region’s rising consumer purchasing power and strategic economic opportunities. Investments under the New Southbound Policy have seen a dramatic increase in 2024, with significant contributions from key players like Foxconn.
    2024/04/19 16:55
  • 《完全省錢戀愛手冊》登頂第一!郭書瑤被2男狂追 婚禮現場爆爭執

    2024/04/19 16:17
  • 準經濟部長郭智輝昔談《晶片法案》 點出台灣「1條件」是關鍵

    2024/04/19 15:48
  • 宇多田光演唱會抽票結果出爐!正式售票日期、票價資訊一次看

    2024/04/19 15:41
  • 穀雨節氣4/19報到!「穀雨補老母」習俗做什麼?養生飲食一次看

    2024/04/19 15:37
  • TVBS 響應種樹減碳 黃星樺、葉佳蓉投身參與自封「植物系主播」

    TVBS近期推出全新ESG永續倡議品牌「TVBS GOOD」,同時呼應世界地球日,17日更號召參與「一樹一山」永續行動。包括TVBS永續倡議大使莊開文,以及主播黃星樺、葉佳蓉也都一同現身活動現場,與TVBS星藝象藝人、TVBS志工日活動齊心響應,也為環境永續作出實踐承諾。對此,兩位主播表示能親身參與這項有意義的活動感到非常開心,同時因為兩人姓名中正巧有「草」及「木」字邊,因此兩人更突發奇想自封「植物系主播」,笑翻現場眾人。
    2024/04/19 15:12
  • Taiwan’s SEF awaits China’s ARATS response on capsized boat

    The Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) has not received a response from the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) about a speedboat capsizing near Kinmen. SEF Chair David Lee calls for pragmatic dialogue between both sides of the strait, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the people’s safety. The incident involved an unidentified Chinese vessel and has resulted in a soldier from Kinmen being stranded in China, with efforts ongoing to facilitate his return.
    2024/04/19 14:20
  • China activates new flight routes near Taiwan

    Discover the latest development in cross-strait relations as China’s Civil Aviation Administration activates new flight routes to improve airspace efficiency, sparking concerns from Taiwan over flight safety near Matsu and Kinmen.
    2024/04/19 14:07
  • Wang Mei-hua endorses successor ahead of cabinet change

    Outgoing Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua praises successor J.W. Kuo for his international perspective as he prepares to take over the ministerial role, emphasizing his commitment to public service. The transition comes as President-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office, drawing public attention to the new cabinet selection.
    2024/04/19 14:04
  • Significant rainfall possible next week

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including minimal rainfall, rising temperatures, and sunny skies for the upcoming weekend. Special warnings for Taitung and potential heavy rainfall next week are highlighted by the Central Weather Administration.
    2024/04/19 14:01
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