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  • TVBS與BBC Earth獨家合作 呈現史詩級生態紀錄片

    史上收視最高的自然生態紀錄片地球脈動再次回歸,同樣請來英國重量級的生態節目主持人大衛艾登堡爵士擔任旁白,奧斯卡最佳配樂得主漢斯季默負責用音樂說故事。TVBS與BBC Earth合作,取得BBC Earth頻道播映的地球脈動III精華版,看看南非的羅伯格半島,數千隻非洲毛皮海獅與環境變遷抗爭,努力為生存而戰,完整地球脈動III,請鎖定BBC Earth頻道。
    2024/04/25 13:43
  • 韓黃牛票猖獗 熱門演唱會用「搶票神器」牟利

    2024/04/25 13:38
  • 地震速報APP推薦!比國家級警報更準更快?6款地震APP設定教學

    2024/04/25 13:30
  • 4.7 magnitude earthquake shakes Hualien, felt across Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the significant earthquake off Hualien County’s coast, as reported by the Central Weather Administration. With a magnitude of 4.7, this quake impacted various regions across Taiwan, prompting alerts for potential aftershocks. Stay informed on the seismic activity affecting Hualien, Nantou, Taichung, and beyond.
    2024/04/25 11:53
  • 專訪/成勛聊到一半告解「我是渣男!」 連夜追完《3體》成狂粉

    睽違超過5年,有《焦急的羅曼史》、《完美的結婚公式》等作品的韓國演員成勛,3月底來台舉辦粉絲見面會,活動上他不僅帶來難得一見的DJ SHOW演出,面對粉絲抱抱、合照等要求都來者不拒,可說是相當寵粉。不過他接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪時,居然突然直呼:「我簡直就是渣男!」
    2024/04/25 09:24
  • 獨/陳依依不藏了!遭爆懷孕「曬清晰大肚照」 穩交納豆6年想生三胎

    2024/04/25 06:59
  • 陳亞蘭身世之謎曝光 「同父異母」妹妹竟是好萊塢巨星

    TVBS星藝象藝人陳亞蘭是台灣原生劇歌仔戲重要推手,更以戲劇《嘉慶君遊台灣》拿下金鐘影帝。而日前網友發現她與英國女星艾蜜莉布朗(Emily Blunt)十分相似,這次電影《特技玩家》首映特別邀請到陳亞蘭出席,陳亞蘭本尊被問到自己與英國女星艾蜜莉布朗相似,她開完笑直說:「其實她真的是我同父異母的妹妹!」
    2024/04/24 19:44
  • 斷層是什麼?斷層帶房子能買嗎?台灣斷層帶查詢&活動斷層一覽

    2024/04/24 19:30
  • Taiwan reduces exams for students, emphasizes life skills

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education reduces the maximum number of regular exams for first and second graders to two per semester, emphasizing life habits and moral cultivation. The amendment aims to boost confidence and study abilities, suggesting schools use diverse assessments for a more flexible education approach, including digital learning for those unable to attend in-person classes due to various reasons.
    2024/04/24 18:08
  • Audrey Tang confident in new minister’s digital expertise

    Audrey Tang, Taiwan’s Digital Affairs Minister, confidently initiates the transition to Huang Yen-nun, an expert in cybersecurity and AI, with hopes for new legislation on electronic signatures and cybersecurity to be passed before Huang takes office.
    2024/04/24 18:07
  • Taiwan eases citizenship rules for foreign experts

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan advances amendments to the Nationality Act, easing citizenship requirements for highly skilled foreign professionals and stateless minors, aiming to attract global talent without renouncing original nationality.
    2024/04/24 18:05
  • DPP skips KMT-led talks on halting electricity price hike

    Discover the ongoing political debate in Taipei as the DPP abstains from KMT-initiated talks on freezing electricity prices amid rising costs due to the Russo-Ukrainian War, highlighting the clash over addressing structural unfairness in charges.
    2024/04/24 18:01
  • Foxconn’s climate goals approved by SBTi

    Foxconn Technology Group achieves a significant milestone in environmental sustainability by receiving approval from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for its net-zero emissions goal, making it a leader in Taiwan’s high-tech hardware industry. This commitment aligns with the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5˚C by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2050.
    2024/04/24 17:54
  • 主播夏嘉璐吃涼麵驚爆食物中毒 上吐下瀉「拉血便」:像西瓜汁!緊急住院5天

    台灣接連爆發食安問題,引起國人高度關注,夏嘉璐主持的TVBS Podcast節目《新聞幕後》,找來無毒教母譚敦慈,揭露民眾常見的飲食壞習慣外,並分享外食族飲食安全的正確觀念。夏嘉璐回憶過去曾食物中毒的驚魂記,疑似買到變質的涼麵,當天竟上吐下瀉,拉出血便。  
    2024/04/24 17:31
  • President-elect Lai clarifies Rolex watch allegations

    Taipei’s President-elect and DPP Chairman Lai Ching-te dismisses allegations of undeclared Rolex watches, clarifying he owns two, each valued at NT$100,000. Amidst KMT’s scrutiny over his assets, Lai explains the origins of his watches and addresses the accusations at a DPP meeting.
    2024/04/24 17:19
  • Taoyuan faces 18-hour water shutdown, over 76,000 homes affected

    Emergency water shutdown impacts over 76,000 households in Taoyuan due to maintenance at Longtan water plant, affecting multiple districts for 18 hours on April 24. The shutdown was part of a significant project involving electrical equipment inspection and network monitoring enhancements.
    2024/04/24 17:17
  • Taiwan nears completion of chip center with Czechia

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is nearing the completion of a five-year agreement with Czechia to establish an advanced chip design center, enhancing semiconductor capabilities. Amidst controversy over funding and accusations from the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), MOFA clarifies the project’s goals and budgeting, emphasizing the initiative’s focus on leveraging Taiwanese technology to bolster Czechia’s semiconductor industry and expand European business opportunities for Taiwanese companies.
    2024/04/24 17:11
  • Taiwan’s ongoing struggle for WHA participation continues

    Taiwan could be excluded from the World Health Assembly for the eighth consecutive year, with no invitation to the 77th WHA in Geneva. Despite this, an action team led by Minister of Health and Welfare Chiu Tai-yuan will still attend for health exchanges. Efforts to regain WHA participation have been ongoing since 1997, but Taiwan has faced barriers since 2017. The exclusion continues despite Taiwan’s previous WHO membership before 1971.
    2024/04/24 17:10
  • China demands U.S. halt arms to Taiwan amid new bill

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office demands the U.S. to halt military support for Taiwan, citing the issue as China’s internal affair and a violation of the "One China principle." The call comes in response to a U.S. Senate bill providing military aid to Taiwan, among others.
    2024/04/24 16:48
  • Taiwan invests NT$20B in TPASS to boost public transport

    Explore Taiwan’s commitment to enhancing public transportation with the TPASS monthly ticket policy, backed by a NT$20 billion investment from 2023 to 2025, aiming for nationwide coverage including offshore islands.
    2024/04/24 16:10
  • 周曉涵工作途中聞「山豬離世噩耗」 心碎吐內幕:連快走都有困難

    男星山豬(陳俊甫)本月15日因感冒引起肺炎,併發敗血性休克離世,曾與他合作過TVBS八點檔《機智校園生活》的周曉涵,今(24)日出席包包品牌「Gianni Chiarini」活動,透露當天正在梳化,看到新聞推播相當不感置信,悲喊:「怎麼會有這種事。」
    2024/04/24 16:00
  • Quake in Hualien leads to higher fruit and vegetable costs

    Following a recent earthquake in Hualien, transportation costs for fruits and vegetables have surged, as reported by Chang Te-chi, secretary-general of the Ji-an Township Farmers’ Association. The damage has forced trucks to take a longer route, doubling travel time and causing frost damage to produce. Despite stable prices due to government efforts, concerns grow over rising expenses if the Suhua Highway remains closed. The Agriculture Development Department of Hualien County and the Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Corporation highlight the financial strain on farmers and the logistics challenges faced, including increased labor costs and the impracticality of using refrigerated trucks on alternative transport modes.
    2024/04/24 15:26
  • China to boost cross-strait exchanges with Taiwan

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office announces initiatives to enhance cross-strait exchanges, focusing on tourism and youth engagement, following a high-profile meeting between Ma Ying-jeou and Xi Jinping. The office aims to overcome obstacles for better cooperation and plans several events to encourage Taiwanese youth participation.
    2024/04/24 15:24
  • Taiwan’s Digital Minister Tang endorses successor

    Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang expresses confidence in her successor, Huang Yen-nun, and the new cabinet announced by Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai. Tang highlights the handover process and the submission of key legislative proposals to the Legislative Yuan, ensuring a smooth transition for Huang’s policy implementation.
    2024/04/24 14:54
  • Former President Ma questions US support amid divisions

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou questions U.S. support for Taiwan amid cross-strait tensions, highlighting internal U.S. divisions over Israel-Palestine conflict. Advocates for Taiwan’s defense preparedness, peace talks, and cross-strait dialogue to avoid war and rejects Taiwan’s involvement in global power politics, emphasizing shared Chinese heritage for peaceful resolution.
    2024/04/24 14:54
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