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    Singapore 結果共67筆

  • China Airlines cancels flights over Airbus A350 engine issue

    Discover how a fuel nozzle flaw in Airbus A350s led to flight cancellations and global checks by airlines like China Airlines and Cathay Pacific. Learn about the industry’s response to ensure passenger safety.
    2024/09/04 14:01
  • 國泰A350引擎風波 新航、全日空檢查機隊、中國國航取消4班次

    國泰航空(Cathay Pacific)在一架飛往蘇黎世的空中巴士A350-1000型客機上,發現引擎零件故障後,隨即啟動旗下全部的A350機隊檢查,同時還取消數十架次航班,引發全球航空產業熱議,初步檢查確認,該機隊有15架同型飛機需要更換零件。隨著國泰對外曝光A350引擎零件故障後,同樣身為該機型用戶的新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)、全日空(ANA)都啟動現役客機檢查,但他們並未取消或延遲任何航班;而旗下擁有多架A350-900型客機的中國國航,則決定取消今日(9/4)四個航班,並將對機隊內30架飛機展開全面預防性檢查。
    2024/09/04 12:09
  • Eddy Lin named 2024 Asia 21 Next Generation Fellow

    Discover how Eddy Lin, a former Taiwan Youth Association for Democracy co-founder, was named the sole Taiwanese honoree among the 2024 Asia 21 Next Generation Fellows by the Asia Society. Learn about his contributions and the diverse group of leaders selected this year.
    2024/08/28 14:51
  • Taichung mayor embarks on global trips to boost city ties

    Discover how Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen’s international trips, including visits to Hong Kong, Europe, Singapore, and the U.S., aim to boost global exchanges and expand the city’s international relations.
    2024/08/27 11:07
  • Stella Chang announces encore Taipei concert for Oct. 19

    Discover the emotional depth of Stella Chang’s "TimeLESS" concert and her upcoming encore in Taipei on Oct. 19. Fans look forward to another heartfelt performance after a sold-out show in Singapore.
    2024/08/19 22:00
  • 新航波音787班機剎車故障 「左引擎冒白煙」降落成田機場

    日本成田機場消防部門指出,當地時間今(12)日上午7點47分新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)一架SQ638航班,降落在成田機場B跑道著陸時發生異常,左側引擎機冒白煙,一度傷亡情況不明。根據《JX通信社》報導,該客機屬於波音787-10型廣體客機。所幸事後確認並無大礙,機上也無乘客或機組人員受傷。
    2024/08/12 14:33
  • Taiwan sees sharp drop in tourists after earthquake

    Taiwan’s tourism sector faces challenges following the April drop in foreign visitors, particularly from Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore, due to the 0403 Hualien Earthquake. Learn about the MOTC’s strategies to boost tourism.
    2024/07/12 20:00
  • 避免亂流釀禍!韓航保護機組員 降落前40分停止客艙服務

    南韓最大航空公司「大韓航空」(Korean Airlines)近日做出調整,因應新航(Singapore Airlines)先前遭遇空中亂流,導致機艙發生嚴重事故,甚至造成1名乘客喪命、數十人受傷,該航空決定,未來韓航所有航空將提早在「降落前40分鐘」,停止客艙所有服務,給予機組人員有足夠時間整理,也避免在降落途中突遇亂流再次釀成大禍。
    2024/07/01 16:34
  • 恐怖亂流釀1死上百傷!新航賠償方案出爐 輕傷至少拿32萬

    新加坡航空(Singapore Airline)編號SQ321的航班上月20日遭遇恐怖的死亡亂流、造成1死104傷的悲劇,而新航的賠償方案近日曝光,該公司宣布已透過電郵向SQ321的乘客發出通知,受到輕傷的乘客可以獲得1萬美元(約新台幣32.3萬)的賠償,另外還有機票退款、預付款等方案。
    2024/06/11 11:50
  • 卡達航空亂流12傷 乘客讚:空服員「纏繃帶跛腳服務」超敬業

    繼新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)一架班機遭遇嚴重亂流,造成1死百傷後,卡達航空(Qatar Airways)一架從杜哈(Doha) 飛往愛爾蘭首都都柏林(Dublin)的班機,26日在飛越土耳其上空時也遭遇亂流,導致12人受傷其中8人送醫。
    2024/05/27 09:39
  • 搭機遇亂流怎辦?空服員曝「這3招」不用1分鐘就可保命

    新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)21日有架航班遭遇嚴重亂流,造成1死104傷的悲劇,這起事故引起外界對搭乘飛機的恐懼和焦慮,雖然亂流難以預測和避免,不過有空服人員列出3個只要1分鐘就能完成的訣竅,只要遵守就能大幅降低遭遇亂流時受傷的風險。
    2024/05/25 18:01
  • 預防亂流再傷人 新航下令「安全帶燈一亮」立即暫停送餐

    新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)SQ321班機遭遇亂流,導致機艙內發生1死多人受傷事故後,該集團除了緊急協助機組人員和乘客,也立即調整現有的機艙規定。新規定將要求,只要安全帶警示燈一亮,所有機組人員必須回歸座位,停止供應熱飲與餐食,避免再次發生類似安全事故。
    2024/05/24 11:47
  • 新加坡航空亂流1死7重傷 空姐滿臉血、人被往上拋撞凹行李櫃

    新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)一架從倫敦飛往新加坡、航班編號為SQ321的客機,21日飛經緬甸上空時遭遇嚴重亂流,紀錄顯示,飛機約5分鐘內就從約3.7萬英呎(約1萬1277公尺)高度劇降至3.1萬英呎(約9448公尺),造成機上乘客1死30傷,其中7人頭部重創,空姐也被撞得滿臉血。
    2024/05/22 10:07
  • 新航遇驚悚亂流!瞬間「急墜6千英呎」奪命 乘客拋摔撞爆行李艙

    新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)一架從倫敦飛往新加坡、航班編號為SQ321的客機遇上強烈亂流,5月21日緊急迫降泰國曼谷素萬那普機場,據央視新聞報道,事件升至2死,多人受傷,報道之前稱為1死30傷。根據飛行數據,客機曾在約5分鐘內急降約6000英呎。
    2024/05/21 21:30
  • 去年獲利638億破紀錄 新航將送員工「8個月薪資」大紅包

    新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)日前公佈前一年度的公司財報,年度獲利高達26.7億新幣(約新台幣638億200萬元),相比前年增加24%,在後疫情時代繳出亮眼成績單。而外媒引述知情人士消息指出,新航在公告獲利表現後,也將向旗下員工發放一筆、約等於7.94個月薪資的大紅包,獎勵所有人員辛勞表現。
    2024/05/16 11:31
  • Singapore to uphold One China policy amid soaring tensions

    Lawrence Wong Shyun Tsai, the incoming Prime Minister of Singapore, asserts Singapore’s neutral stance, neither aligning with China nor the U.S., and emphasizes the importance of the One China policy, caution in cross-strait relations, and the avoidance of Taiwan’s independence. Wong discusses Singapore’s non-aligned status despite its defense relationship with the U.S. and expresses concerns over the assertiveness of rising powers, highlighting the potential for backlash against overreach.
    2024/05/15 18:15
  • Singapore’s prime minister steps down after 20 years

    Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong steps down after 20 years, highlighting ongoing US-China tensions that could last decades. During his tenure, Singapore maintained strong relations with both superpowers, engaging in significant projects with China while emphasizing Singapore’s unique identity despite its Chinese-majority population. Lee’s leadership saw Singapore navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, ensuring stability and regional security through constructive international relations.
    2024/05/15 17:08
  • Andy Lau’s 2024 Taipei tour ignites fan excitement

    Andy Lau announces his "Today...is the Day Andy Lau Tour Concert 2024 - Taipei Station" to take place in October and November 2024, sparking excitement among fans. The tour will also reach eight Chinese cities, Singapore, and Malaysia, with rumors of a Hong Kong performance in December. The theme emphasizes the importance of cherishing the present, eliciting an overwhelming response from fans online.
    2024/05/10 18:01
  • Zero lost luggage: Kansai Airport’s 30-year perfect record

    Discover how Kansai Airport in Japan has achieved the title of best airport for baggage handling in the 2024 Skytrax survey, maintaining a perfect record of zero lost luggage since 1994. Learn about its efficient baggage handling process and see how it compares to other top-ranking airports worldwide.
    2024/04/29 16:44
  • 百大最佳機場排名!桃機進步16名 網路好感度上升原因曝

    英國調查機構「SKYTRAX」於17日公布2024年度「全球最佳百大機場排名」,卡達哈馬德國際機場(Doha Hamad)超越去年的冠軍新加坡樟宜機場(Singapore Changi),成為2024年的最佳機場。至於台灣的桃園國際機場,則由去(2023)年的第82名進步至第66名。
    2024/04/24 12:12
  • 卡達打敗樟宜奪回「全球最佳機場」 桃機大進步位列66名

    航空顧問公司Skytrax公佈2024年全球機場排名(2024 Skytrax World Airport Awards),卡達杜哈哈馬德機場(Hamad International Airport)成功超車新加坡樟宜機場(Singapore Changi),奪回2024年「全球最佳機場」獎項。除了上述兩座機場,今年最佳機場前5名全都位在亞洲,分別是南韓仁川、東京羽田、東京成田。而我國桃園國際機場則位列第66名,比2023年的82名大幅進步不少。
    2024/04/18 13:41
  • Hualien quake: Search, rescue efforts uncover more victims

    In the aftermath of the April 3 earthquake in Hualien, search and rescue teams have been tirelessly working on the Shakadang Trail, uncovering victims from the debris. With traditional rituals marking their efforts, they have recently recovered another body, continuing their mission amidst the ruins. The operation focuses on two major landslide areas, revealing the tragic impact of the disaster on the local community and visitors, including a family of five and a couple from Singapore.
    2024/04/10 16:14
  • Ma Ying-jeou to meet Xi Jinping in Beijing, KMT confirms

    Explore the upcoming significant event where former President Ma Ying-jeou is set to meet Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing, as confirmed by Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu. This meeting aims to foster peaceful exchanges across the Taiwan Strait, reflecting KMT’s commitment to a "pro-American, friendly to Japan, and peaceful with the mainland" cross-strait policy. Additionally, KMT Vice Chairman Sean Lien’s participation in the Straits Forum is anticipated to further practical exchanges between the two sides, building on the foundation of the Singapore talks for future relations.
    2024/04/10 14:51
  • 星韓港突擊兒童色情網逮272人 賣家最高恐被新加坡關7年加鞭刑

    新加坡警察(Singapore Police Force)與香港、南韓聯手合作,共同突擊追查兒童色情網站在三國的根據地,根據《亞洲衛視》(CNA)報導,三國警方一共逮捕272名嫌疑人,年齡層從12至73歲不等,在過去5星期期間,陸續被星港韓警方逮捕歸案。其中新加坡本地有28名嫌犯,因為販售淫穢物品和脅迫未成年人性交流等罪名被捕,根據當地法律規定,持有或取得相關影音者,最高可處5年刑期、外加鉅額罰款或鞭刑。
    2024/04/07 14:30
  • Taichung mayor to visit Singapore amid 2028 buzz

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen embarks on her first overseas visit in four years to Singapore, discussing various topics including sustainable development and disaster resilience. Many view this trip as a potential precursor to her presidential run in the 2028 elections.
    2024/04/02 13:22
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