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    Silicon Valley 結果共23筆

  • Reuters: NVIDIA CEO sparks ’Jensanity’ during Taiwan visit

    Discover how NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang’s visit to Taiwan sparked "Jensanity," boosting local businesses and highlighting his influence in the AI industry during the 2024 Taipei COMPUTEX.
    2024/06/06 10:37
  • Taiwan’s semiconductor college bridges talent gap: report

    Discover how Taiwan’s Semiconductor College in Hsinchu is attracting students from Vietnam to address the talent shortage in the semiconductor industry. Learn how Taiwan is leveraging Southeast Asian students to secure its position as a global leader in chip manufacturing.
    2024/03/26 13:59
  • Nvidia CEO hopes to be Taiwan’s top ambassador

    NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang declares ambition to be Taiwan’s best ambassador in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the new industrial revolution. Huang plans to visit Taiwan to share his views and promote its global significance at the 2024 Computex event, where he will give a keynote speech alongside other industry leaders.
    2024/03/25 15:00
  • Kaohsiung mayor Chen urges economic independence from China

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai declares that Taiwan should not rely on China’s market, as it hampers Taiwan’s economy. He expresses regret that the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) did not establish a factory in Taoyuan and that the Asia Silicon Valley Innovation and Development Center in Taoyuan has been halted. Chen highlights that TSMC’s 2-nanometer site in Kaohsiung is already operational. He points out that Kaohsiung’s 5G internet innovation park, modeled after Taoyuan’s success, is thriving, while Taoyuan’s center has been halted. Chen emphasizes Taiwan’s dominance in the global semiconductor industry, with TSMC controlling 92 percent of advanced manufacturing processes and 62 percent of global production value, and advocates for the development of Asia Silicon Valley as the correct path.
    2023/12/30 20:54
  • Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo unites 100 youth startups

    The 2023 Taoyuan FuturePeak Expo successfully brought together 100 youth startup teams from seven cities and counties in the region, showcasing their innovative prowess. The exhibition featured programs, "Startup Lectures," and an "International Forum" aimed at fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Taoyuan Mayor Simon Chang emphasized the importance of cross-municipality collaboration and international connections to propel Taiwanese youth startups onto the global stage. The city government is providing support for these emerging teams, including an interest subsidy on loans and cross-regional and international exchange activities. The expo was a joint initiative among the Hutoushan Innovation Hub, Taoyuan Aerotropolis Company, the Asia Silicon Valley Development Agency (ASVDA), National Central University, and Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corporation. Notable industry veterans shared insights on entrepreneurial perspectives and industry trends during the event’s "Startup Lectures" and "International Forum" segments. This expo marks a milestone for local youth startups, providing them with exposure, insights, and opportunities to shape Taiwan’s innovative future.
    2023/11/30 22:05
  • ASVDA to host talks on Taiwan-Japan industry ties and EVs

    Amid strengthening industry ties between Taiwan and Japan, ASVDA plans discussions on EVs and smart technology. Gartner predicts a significant rise in global EV shipments, while the IEA foresees a major shift towards sustainable energy.
    2023/11/13 20:32
  • Lai aims to transform Taiwan into Asia’s Silicon Valley

    Taiwan’s Vice President Lai Ching-te calls for transforming Taiwan into Asia’s Silicon Valley during a speech in San Francisco. He highlights Taiwan’s tech achievements and global ties.
    2023/08/17 22:44
  • 矽谷銀後又有銀行撐不住 美國今年第5家銀行倒閉

    好不容易撐過3年新冠疫情,美國科技業卻率先陷入瓶頸,接連傳出企業裁員,如今這波不景氣浪潮,似乎吹向本土金融產業,從第一共和(First Republic)、矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)到簽名銀行(Signature Bank)相繼撐不住倒閉後,聯邦政府近日再次宣佈,總部位於堪薩斯州的「心臟地帶三州銀行」(Heartland Tri-State Bank),相關業務由美國聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)接手管理。
    2023/08/02 10:20
  • 矽谷銀行倒閉 聯準會自認疏失籲加強銀行業監管

    美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)今天就矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)上個月倒閉一事發表廣受外界期待的報告,呼籲加強銀行業監管,同時承認自身的疏失。
    2023/04/29 14:44
  • Financial analyst says TikTok threat isn’t about privacy

    The controversy surrounding ByteDance’s TikTok app continues as the U.S. Congress pushes to ban the popular video-sharing platform, and TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew testifies before lawmakers. 
    2023/04/04 16:32
  • 矽谷銀行破產被收購! 市場憂慮緩解「歐股微漲作收」

    隨著美國破產的矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)被收購,緩解市場對銀行危機的憂慮,歐洲股市今天微漲作收。
    2023/03/29 08:42
  • 美矽谷銀行被收購「緩解需求憂慮」  國際油價小漲

    隨著美國破產的矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)被收購,緩解市場對銀行危機恐衝擊能源需求的憂慮,國際油價今天小漲。
    2023/03/29 08:38
  • 公債殖利率攀升衝擊科技類股 「4指數全跌」美股收低

    儘管美國破產的矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)被收購,緩解市場對銀行危機的憂慮,且美國3月份消費者信心意外增加,美國10年期公債殖利率攀升對科技類股造成壓力,美國股市今天收低。
    2023/03/29 08:31
  • 面臨銀行業危機及通膨兩難 聯準會升息1碼

    美國矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank, SVB)倒閉引發市場動盪,儘管全美上月通膨趨緩,但仍居高不下,美國聯邦準備理事會(Fed)今天決定升息1碼。
    2023/03/23 07:15
  • 美銀行危機有解?傳「股神」與拜登政府會談 或將出手投資

    美國銀行業近日因矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)倒閉動盪不安,《彭博社》引述消息人士指出,「股神」巴菲特(Warren Buffett)這幾天一直和拜登政府的資深官員會談,就當前的情勢提供建議和指引,也可能會以某種方式「投資」區域銀行,運用其獨到的投資眼光與財務實力解除這次危機,目前美國白宮尚未對此做出回應。
    2023/03/19 18:05
  • 瑞信恐引發金融海嘯! 末日博士「警告一事」:恐無法救

    美國加密貨幣友善銀行Silvergate 、矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)接連倒閉,危機延燒到歐洲,體質本就不佳的瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)被認為岌岌可危;外號「末日博士」(Dr. Doom)的美國經濟學家羅比尼(Nouriel Roubini)警告,瑞信倒閉將引爆新一波金融海嘯,「瑞信可能大到不能倒,也可能大到無法救。」
    2023/03/16 16:37
  • 矽谷銀行倒閉 分析師預期Fed可能暫停升息

    美國矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank, SVB)上週倒閉引發軒然大波,可能讓聯邦準備理事會(Fed)目前的升息循環比許多分析師預期的更早結束。
    2023/03/14 16:58
  • 下個未爆彈!矽谷銀行倒閉衝擊大 美區域銀行股價崩跌 

    美國矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)日前突宣告倒閉,成為美國史上第二大銀行破產案,導致美國區域銀行13日股價全面崩跌,領跌的「第一共和銀行」(First Republic)收盤跌幅高達62%,盤中更曾重挫75%;儘管美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)承諾華府監管機關會「保護存款戶」,不過投資人依舊大舉拋售股票。
    2023/03/14 13:15
  • 矽谷銀行倒閉衝擊銀行股 美股開盤下挫隨即反彈

    矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank)倒閉風暴衝擊銀行股,美股今天開盤下挫,但隨即反彈。同時,各界對於聯邦準備理事會(Fed)3月可能暫緩升息的期待升高。
    2023/03/13 22:49
  • 矽谷銀行倒閉衝擊台灣?王美花見1處置說話了

    矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)10日無預警倒閉,掀起市場恐慌,許多用戶存款更是無法取出,美國財政部、聯準會(FED)、聯邦存款保險公司(FDIC)週日(12日)發布聲明,週一起存戶可領取所有存款。對此,經濟部長王美花今(13)日談及SVB破產對台影響時表示:「我想後續會有比較好的結果,對台灣的影響不大。」
    2023/03/13 09:39
  • 矽谷銀行倒閉 謝金河點出「核心問題」:美國利率轉折點

    矽谷銀行(Silicon Valley Bank,SVB)無預警倒閉,讓許多投資人和企業感到恐慌,外界憂心重演2008年的金融海嘯危機。財信傳媒集團董事長謝金河昨(11)日表示,最核心的問題是聯準會暴力升息及經濟衰退造成的利率倒掛,也許矽谷銀行倒閉是美國利率政策的轉折點。
    2023/03/12 11:56
  • 美矽谷銀行突然倒閉 VIP客戶領不出3億存款

    2023/03/11 19:03
  • ​無人機取代模特兒 矽谷時尚秀好科技

    ▲圖片擷取自: Silicon Valley Fashion Wee
    2015/05/15 20:32
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