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    Russo 結果共11筆

  • 小勞勃道尼霸氣回鍋!外媒曝幕後故事 傳漫威「豪砸26億」迎救世主

    好萊塢巨星小勞勃道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)日前證實將以「末日博士(Doctor Doom)」一角重返漫威宇宙,立刻引發全球影迷高度關注,並被看好有望拯救漫威近年慘澹的票房。不過,就有外媒爆料,漫威公司這次「迎回老班底」的成本非常驚人,粗估至少將豪砸8000萬美元(約26.3億元新台幣)。
    2024/07/30 16:53
  • 漫威票房差!找小勞勃道尼「救援」 鋼鐵人變反派大魔王

    如火如荼舉辦的聖地牙哥國際漫畫展(SDCC)上,漫威正式宣布《復仇者聯盟》第5、6集將由羅素兄弟(Russo Brothers)擔任導演,同時公開了一則重磅消息,即小勞勃·道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)將回歸漫威宇宙,飾演大反派「末日博士」,取代去年3月捲入家暴官司的「征服者康」,成為現階段的反派大魔王。
    2024/07/28 12:42
  • 一年内半隊出走!曼聯女足主力遭挖角 新老闆「1句話」惹怒球迷

    曼聯女足自從2018年重新成立,曾一步步向頂級聯賽冠軍之路邁進。當英格蘭贏得2022女子歐洲國家盃,表現出色的曼聯女足門神艾思(Mary Earps)、前鋒路素(Alessia Russo)、中場東妮(Ella Toone)一起成為國家新英雄。2022/23球季三人領曼聯女足力爭女子英超(WSL)錦標,到最後階段才被車路士趕過,仍奪得球會史上最佳的WSL亞軍。球隊看似蓬勃發展,去年夏天毫無預兆下放走路素,聯賽只得第五,失落歐聯資格,今年夏天不止連艾思也離隊,隊長施琳(Katie Zelem)、西班牙國腳加西雅(Lucía García)亦確定告別曼聯,有傳首席射手巴里絲(Nikita Parris)也將隨三人之後離開。曼聯女足一年內由爭標份子打回原形,新老闆拉傑夫(Jim Ratcliffe)一句話盡顯對女足部門的輕視,情況一如近二十年前格拉沙入主曼聯時的一席話。主力星散,曼聯女足再次陷入危機。
    2024/07/01 12:43
  • From ruins to renew: Taiwan’s role in Bucha’s recovery

    Discover how Taiwan’s support has brought hope to Bucha, Ukraine, with the completion of a children’s sports school, symbolizing rebirth amidst the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war.
    2024/05/22 15:49
  • Price hike essential for stable power supply: MOEA

    Taiwan’s economic minister emphasized the necessity of a power price hike to address rising international fuel costs, but the Legislative Yuan voted to halt the hike due to public opposition. The decision raises concerns about Taipower’s financial stability and power supply.
    2024/05/01 17:11
  • DPP skips KMT-led talks on halting electricity price hike

    Discover the ongoing political debate in Taipei as the DPP abstains from KMT-initiated talks on freezing electricity prices amid rising costs due to the Russo-Ukrainian War, highlighting the clash over addressing structural unfairness in charges.
    2024/04/24 18:01
  • Taiwan’s rising rents: pandemic, war, and interest rates

    the year-over-year (YoY) rate in the rent index has been around 2% for the past two years, a relatively high level. The YoY growth rate in March was 2.24%, the highest increase in the past year. Over the past decade, the average annual increase in the rent index was 1.1%. However, since July 2022, the growth has exceeded 2% and has remained at this level. DGBAS officials pointed out three main factors that contributed to the rise in rent. First, the cost of maintaining houses has increased. In recent years, the increase in residential maintenance costs has been significant, with a sharp rise of 5.8% in 2022 and increases of over 3% in 2023 and 2024. 
    2024/04/12 18:00
  • Taipei Dialogue to address Indo-Pacific intimidation

    The Institute for National Defense and Security Research (INDSR) will host the "2023 Taipei Security Dialogue" on November 8th. Former U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, and former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor, Matthew Pottinger, will discuss the collective intimidation faced by Indo-Pacific nations. The event will feature virtual speeches focusing on measuring risks and situations in the Taiwan Strait. Scholars and experts from 10 countries, including the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Czech Republic, and Japan, have been invited to address China’s challenges to global order and democracy. The dialogue will cover six themes, such as the Russo-Ukrainian War’s lessons and strategies for deterring China, implications for cross-strait relations, Chinese military and technological development, China’s global expansion, and a strategic environmental assessment of China. President Tsai Ing-wen is also scheduled to deliver a speech at the event.
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • 美女假扮「抗癌鬥士」詐百萬善款 被逮哭了:不是為了錢

    現年20歲、來自美國愛荷華州的TikTok網紅魯梭(Madison Russo),她在社群平台上稱自己罹癌,還擁有顆足球般大的腫瘤,期間獲得數百位熱心民眾支持,收到將近新台幣1百多萬的捐贈。但這樣看似暖心的抗癌故事,在今年1月時卻被踢爆造假,魯梭遭到警方以一級竊盜罪嫌逮捕。6月時,魯梭坦承犯行;直至10月20日,法院宣判她緩刑10年,魯梭須向受害者賠償以及支付罰金,共計約新台幣130萬元。
    2023/10/27 21:35
  • Premier admits oversights in egg imports, vows to reform

    Premier Chen Chien-jen delivers a special report to the Legislative Yuan addressing the controversy surrounding egg imports on Friday (Sept. 22). Acknowledging oversights and expressing regret for the social disturbances caused by the emergency importation, Chen hopes to appease the public’s anger by vowing to implement reform.
    2023/09/22 12:28
  • 不認「谷鱒對決」是經典!美主持人嗆楚奧特「只會被三振」遭轟爆

    第5屆世界棒球經典賽在昨(22)日正式落幕,日本隊以3:2擊敗美國隊奪冠,而9局上由大谷翔平對決天使隊友楚奧特(Mike Trout)最具話題性,被認為是史詩級對決,但美國知名電台主持人「瘋狗」魯梭(Chris Russo)卻逆風抨擊楚奧特只會「被三振」,引起眾多球迷不滿。
    2023/03/23 15:58
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