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    Pro 結果共868筆

  • 未來2代iPhone相機升級細節曝光 外媒讚:終於追上安卓了

    蘋果在今年首度將iPhone 15全系列的相機主鏡頭升級4800萬畫素,受到不少果迷好評,近期傳出蘋果有意繼續為iPhone相機進行升級,未來2代機型的鏡頭規格都將有飛躍性的進展。
    2023/12/21 08:54
  • 下代iPad Pro傳有新功能 外媒爆將支援MagSafe無線充電

    根據科技媒體《MacRumors》報導,蘋果預計明年推出的新款iPad Pro將會支援MagSafe無線充電技術,該消息源自為蘋果製造磁鐵的供應鏈公司,不過目前尚未獲得證實。
    2023/12/19 14:55
  • iPhone 16傳將加入新按鍵 外媒爆:「攝影專用」

    蘋果傳出將會為iPhone 16進行大幅度升級,近期外媒爆料平價版iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus將會新增2個新按鍵,其中一個是從 iPhone 15 Pro下放的動作按鈕,另一個則可能是攝影專用的全新按鍵。
    2023/12/19 08:44
  • AirPods Pro 3有望迎來大改版 外媒曝光5大升級亮點預測

    蘋果在iPhone 15全系列首度改用USB-C接孔,而官方也同步為無線藍牙耳機AirPods Pro 2推出USB-C版本,近期外媒揭露有關下一代AirPods Pro 3的5大亮點,讓果迷能搶先一窺其可能的升級亮點。 根據外媒《MacRumors》報導,蘋果內部已開始進行AirPods Pro 3的開發,不過最快預計要到2025年才會推出,儘管距離發表還有超過1年的時間,但近期已有不少相關爆料出現,因此《MacRumors》也整理出AirPods Pro 3最可能出現的5大升級亮點。 1. 煥然一新的外觀設計: 由於AirPods Pro 3傳出將有新功能加入,而為了因應這些新功能,官方預計將會針對耳塞、耳機外殼等進行重新設計,不過具體的相關細節仍是未知數。 2. 更好的音質效果: 有消息指出AirPods Pro 3將進一步提升音質效果,並改善現有的主動降噪功能,由於蘋果首款頭戴式裝置Vision Pro將在明年上市,AirPods Pro 3的音質效果將會是官方強化的重點之一,搭配Vision Pro以提供更沉浸式的聆聽體驗。 3. 升級晶片: 目前AirPods Pro 2搭載的是H2晶片,而下一代的AirPods Pro 3預計將升級為H3晶片,可望帶來更優異的運算處理效能,以對應可能增加的健康相關功能。 4. 聽力健康改善 健康一直是蘋果相當重視的領域,目前官方正為AirPods系列開發多項聽力健康功能,而AirPods Pro 3可望透過其搭載的感測器與相關技術,帶來更多的「聽力健康」應用;《彭博社》記者Mark Gurman指出,蘋果正在研究讓AirPods進一步增強聽力的功能,目的或許是為了讓AirPods能夠取代助聽器。 5. 體溫監測: 蘋果近年頻頻取得與體溫監測相關的專利,傳出官方已經開始測試將AirPods嵌入溫度偵測器,讓AirPods能夠偵測耳溫,畢竟從耳內量測體溫會比手腕溫度(Apple Watch)更加準確,甚至未來AirPods系列還有望搭載生物識別感知器,以實現監測心律、出汗量等更多功能。
    2023/12/18 08:42
  • 網紅徵「司機月薪12萬8」結局超意外 郭鬼鬼:履歷都寫好了

    電競實況主瑀熙,近年拓展YouTube頻道,備受關注,性格搞怪幽默的她,近日PO出一篇「徵私人司機月薪12萬8」,福利超好,不但是BMW M3代步,還附一支iPhone 15 pro max等,連網紅郭鬼鬼都直言「履歷都寫好了」。
    2023/12/17 15:36
  • 升級iOS 17.2實測續航電力表現!3款舊iPhone退步

    蘋果在本週釋出了iOS 17.2正式版更新,是iOS 17的第二次大更新,官方帶來「日誌」APP、iPhone 15 Pro系列動作按鈕新增翻譯功能、支援拍攝Vision Pro「空間影片」等不少新功能,但有部分果迷擔憂舊機型更新後是否影響續航力,YouTube頻道「iAppleBytes」近日也針對5款舊機進行實測。
    2023/12/15 08:34
  • 復興空廚五星級料理年菜 早鳥價88折3200元有找 到 「無限購物」下單再抽iPhone 15

    迎接2024年的新春佳節,復興空廚特別呈獻「騰雲御龍宴」年菜,傳遞著龍年豐盛的吉祥美味。「騰雲御龍宴」年菜採限量預購,除了可在各地復興航棧實體店面訂購;也可在電商「無限購物」網站預購,只要113年1月19日前預購成功就有機會抽中iPhone 15 Pro Max,回家輕鬆料理上桌,上網購物一次買齊年菜所需!
    2023/12/14 10:54
  • Ex-KMT legislator Tsai defends classical Chinese in schools

    Former Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Alex Tsai advocates for the inclusion of classical Chinese literature in education, suggesting that it should be part of university entrance exams. Tsai cites the University of Tokyo as an example, where classical Chinese content is included in the national language exams. He argues that studying these classics can enhance language skills and cultural refinement. Tsai criticizes the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and pro-independence forces for neglecting the value of classical Chinese and accuses them of attempting to "de-sinicize" Taiwan’s education system. Critics argue that education should prioritize critical thinking and note that the DPP has retained a significant portion of classical Chinese content in the curriculum. They emphasize the need for a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum’s core principles and content to advance Taiwan’s educational progress.
    2023/12/12 17:44
  • Wang Jin-pyng seeks unity in KMT, urges Gou’s return

    Former Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng, in an effort to strengthen support within the Kuomintang (KMT), highlighted the importance of unity and expressed his desire for the return of Foxconn Founder Terry Gou to the party. Wang also announced his commitment to serve as the national campaign chairman for KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih. These statements were made during a luncheon held in Taipei to gather resources from the pro-Gou faction in support of Hou and his running mate. Former KMT Vice Chairman Hau Lung-bin and former party Secretary-General Lee Chien-lung were also present, showing their support for Wang’s initiative. Wang emphasized that KMT chairpersons are now more united than ever, with all past grievances resolved.
    2023/12/12 17:01
  • iPhone「三全音」確認回歸!蘋果發布iOS 17.2更新

    蘋果於今(12)日釋出最新iOS 17.2版本更新,為iPhone 15 Pro系列帶來加強的拍攝能力等多項新功能,並恢復經典的「三全音」通知聲,提供用戶更多個性化選擇。
    2023/12/12 13:22
  • 庫克首項新品Vison Pro明年Q1開賣 CNN:蘋果風險升高

    蘋果(APPLE)在6月在全球開發者大會(WWDC23)推出,新型AR/VR頭戴裝置 Vision Pro,也是執行長庫克()掌權7年來,第一個全新硬體產品,預計2024年第一季正式上市銷售。但看在《有線電視新聞網》(CNN)眼中,卻覺得庫克此舉極度冒險,甚至是蘋果公司這些年來最冒險的一次,因為他們將賭注壓在一個尚未獲得市場普遍認同,而且售價又相當昂貴的新科技身上,恐讓這個3兆美元(約新台幣94兆4300億元)市值的大企業面臨非常高風險。
    2023/12/12 10:39
  • 種類太多!蘋果傳將重整iPad陣容 最平價機型恐遭淘汰

    蘋果iPad是市面上最受歡迎的平板電腦,目前共有入門版iPad、iPad Mini、iPad Air、iPad Pro等4款產品,有傳聞指出蘋果將在明年發表多款全新iPad,不過外媒《彭博社》爆料,蘋果可能會針對iPad陣容進行重整,讓產品定位更加明顯,而目前最平價的第9代iPad可能會遭到淘汰。
    2023/12/12 09:36
  • 先別急著買!外媒爆蘋果「3新品」將改換USB-C 推出時程曝光

    蘋果為了因應歐盟新規,將今年秋季發表會發表的iPhone 15系列全面改為USB-C接孔,後續也推出USB-C版的第2代AirPods Pro,近期有外媒爆料,蘋果接下來還有3大產品也將換上USB-C接孔。
    2023/12/12 08:24
  • KMT head touts DPP’s narrow lead in latest polls

    Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu announces a narrow margin of 0.2% between the KMT’s Hou-Kang ticket and the DPP’s Lao-Hsiao ticket in the latest internal polls. Chu expresses confidence in the KMT’s ability to gain ground against the DPP. He defends the rights of non-ruling parties in Taiwan’s democratic system and criticizes attempts to confiscate opposition parties’ assets by the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee. Chu challenges TPP candidate Ko Wen-je to assist in returning assets to retired party workers. Chu responds to Ko’s labeling of KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih as "pro-unification in a hurry with China" by asserting that anyone not supporting independence is unfairly tagged as pro-unification by the DPP.
    2023/12/11 20:45
  • Lai cites Hong Kong’s plight in Taiwan election rally

    Presidential candidate Lai Ching-te warns against Taiwan becoming the next Hong Kong and emphasizes the need to resist Chinese aggression. He cites Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow as an example of what Taiwan must avoid. Lai criticizes the plans of rival candidates to renegotiate the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement with China, recalling the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim highlights Taiwan’s capabilities to construct warships and produce missiles, symbolizing the Taiwanese people’s fearlessness against Chinese pressure.
    2023/12/11 20:44
  • iOS 17.2準備推出!iPhone 15 Pro將解鎖2拍照新功能

    蘋果即將發表iOS 17.2更新,預計會增添許多新功能,其中iPhone 15 Pro系列將解鎖2大照相功能,分別是提升長焦鏡頭拍攝能力,以及支援錄製空間影片。
    2023/12/11 08:12
  • 蘋果傳明年3月將推4款新平板 iPad Air將有歷代最大螢幕

    2023/12/08 11:36
  • Hou Yu-ih proposes balanced U.S.-China diplomatic ties

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih proposes a pro-US and China diplomatic stance, diverging from incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen’s approach. Hou criticizes Tsai’s foreign affairs and cross-strait policies, blaming the Tsai administration for Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation, failure to join regional economic bodies, and lack of communication with China. Hou emphasizes adhering to the Constitution of the Republic of China, affirming the nation’s sovereignty, and proposing a balanced stance between fostering solid ties with the United States and engaging with Mainland China. He also highlights the importance of Taiwan being prepared and realistic about its defense, suggesting that the island’s security should not rely solely on promises from the US but on its efforts and pragmatic relations with democratic allies. Political commentator Jaw Shau-kong fiercely criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for being pro-US and anti-China, deeming Tsai’s policies on cross-strait relations and international diplomacy a complete failure. Jaw points out that despite Taiwan’s willingness to import American pork, the support has yet to translate into the U.S. helping with Taiwan’s entry into international organizations.
    2023/12/07 19:13
  • Ko Wen-je aims for 10 seats in Legislative Yuan election

    Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, the presidential candidate for the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), aims to win a total of 10 seats in the upcoming Legislative Yuan elections. He plans to maintain President Tsai Ing-wen’s foreign affairs policies while adopting a friendlier approach to cross-strait relations and emphasizing Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities. Despite his pro-Democratic Progressive Party stance, Ko aims for a non-partisan approach to governance, drawing on his experience as a physician. He believes that the key to his success lies in the turnout of young voters and aspires to make Taiwan a "normal country." Ko has been using his media platform, "KP TV," and participating in interviews to enhance his media presence. Cynthia Wu has been chosen as the vice-presidential candidate for the TPP. Ko hinted at the possibility of involving Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn, in the campaign after discussing economic policies with Gou’s team. While Ko did not provide specific vote estimates, he mentioned that around 5.5 million votes are needed to win the presidency. He also suggested that if the TPP and the Kuomintang (KMT) were to part ways, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) might gain a majority in the Legislative Yuan.
    2023/12/07 09:58
  • 想修要趁早!蘋果2產品列入「過時清單」 官方不再保證維修

    蘋果又更新過產品清單了,這次輪到初代iPhone SE以及第二代12.9吋iPad Pro,這2款產品已被官方列入名單中,未來若沒有零件,蘋果或授權經銷商等官方管道將不提供維修,用戶想送修的話要趁早。
    2023/12/07 08:38
  • DPP refutes KMT’s pro-U.S. allegations against Hsiao

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) responded to allegations from the Kuomintang (KMT) that DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim was excessively pro-American. Chen Shi-kai, spokesperson for DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s campaign office, criticized the KMT for its lack of understanding of economic trade issues and Taiwan-U.S. relations. The KMT, led by legislator candidate Hsu Chiao-hsin, accused Hsiao of being subservient to the U.S. during her time in Washington, citing a classified communication log documenting a bilateral meeting discussing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity proposed by U.S. President Joe Biden. Chen defended Hsiao by highlighting recent milestones in Taiwan-U.S. cooperation, such as the signing of the Taiwan-U.S. 21st Century Trade Initiative and efforts to resolve double taxation issues. Chen criticized the KMT candidate for illegally disclosing classified documents for political gain and called for an explanation of the motives and authenticity of the disclosure. This defense by the DPP spokesperson reflects the tensions leading up to Taiwan’s presidential elections, with U.S.-Taiwan relations remaining a significant political issue. The political drama highlights the intensity of Taiwan’s electioneering, where U.S. ties and Taiwan’s global economic positioning are crucial issues for voters. The impact of these debates on public opinion remains to be seen as Taiwan prepares for the polls.
    2023/12/06 20:33
  • 外媒認證!iPhone 15 Pro Max獲選年度最佳手機 這支CP值最高

    時值年末,又到了回顧一年的時刻;各家手機廠牌今年推出不少新機,外媒《Phonearena》依特色選出八個類別的最佳手機,其中「年度最佳手機」一如各界預期由蘋果(Apple)的iPhone 15 Pro Max獲得。
    2023/12/06 14:39
  • 從裡到外都升級!iPhone 16 Pro十大亮點一次看

    蘋果今年推出的iPhone 15有著不小幅度的升級,被認為近年最大改版,但近期許多傳聞也指出明年iPhone 16也有相當大程度的更新,外媒《Macrumors》就盤點最新的10大爆料,讓果迷能一窺iPhone 16 Pro系列的可能樣貌。
    2023/12/05 08:42
  • 蘋果6.1吋Pro機型螢幕有望放大 外媒爆與這技術有關

    蘋果自iPhone 12 Pro開始就維持6.1吋Pro與6.7吋Pro Max,兩款不同尺寸的螢幕配置,不過最新消息指出Pro機型未來螢幕尺寸可能會進一步放大,從6.1吋增加至6.3吋,主要原因傳與新鏡頭技術有關。
    2023/12/04 08:27
  • AirPods Pro 2增智慧降噪 專家:溝通更順便利性提升

    蘋果第2代AirPods Pro(AirPods Pro 2)耳機USB-C版11月初在台灣開賣,本週陸續到貨。專家實測發現,新功能「適應性音訊」和「對話感知」可以在使用耳機時更方便與外界溝通,有助吸引AirPods系列用戶升級換機。
    2023/12/01 09:43
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