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    Power 結果共346筆

  • Taichung mini hydroelectric plant to complete by year’s end

    The "Taichung City Mini Hydroelectric Development Plan" in Taiwan has signed a 20-year contract with collaborating companies for total funding. The project, led by Fong He Green Energy & Environment Co. and JetPro, aims to create a mini hydroelectric facility within Taichung City. The first facility, the Shishuike Creek mini hydroelectric power plant, is set to be completed by the end of the year and will have an installation capacity of 185KW.
    2023/10/26 11:27
  • 響應公益全糖投入 王心凌任PinkPower 公益大使 甜美呼籲乳癌防治

    穿著粉紅力量T恤,甜蜜教主王心凌展現溫暖正能量,每年十月是國際乳癌防治月,Pink Power台灣粉紅力量公益協會長期致力於乳癌防治宣導,今年活動主題訂為「#愛自己粉給力」,邀請王心凌擔任公益大使,全力呼籲大家愛自己就從健康做起。
    2023/10/26 09:00
  • 爆遭情變富二代男友!王心凌默認全說了 嘆:已經往前走

    「甜蜜天后」王心凌今(24)日以台灣粉紅力量公益協會公益大使出席Pink Power乳癌記者會,在現場分享如何愛自己,不過她卻遭《鏡週刊》爆料跟富二代科技新貴緋聞男友藍蔚文已經分手,而且對方還不斷偷吃,對此,她表示:「該說的都說了,現在感情生活是無糖,因為工作是全糖,做公益的心也是全糖。」雖然沒有承認,也間接默認情變。
    2023/10/24 15:17
  • 王心凌爆遭富二代男友劈腿狠斷戀情 露面近況曝光喊話:愛自己

    「甜蜜天后」王心凌去年因拿了《乘風破浪》冠軍再次翻紅,近來推出新專輯《Bite Back》受到好評,也正在世界各地展開巡迴演唱會,事業如日中天,但感情似乎沒那麼完美,她遭《鏡週刊》爆料跟富二代科技新貴緋聞男友藍蔚文已經分手,而且對方還不斷偷吃,讓王心凌心力交瘁,鐵定打斷分手,對此,她今(24)日以台灣粉紅力量公益協會公益大使出席Pink Power乳癌記者會,也首度回應這件事。
    2023/10/24 14:28
  • Terry Gou proposes "two-round voting system" for Taiwan

    Taiwan’s independent presidential candidate, Terry Gou, has made his move ahead of the impending 2024 presidential race, proposing the notion of a "two-round voting system" on Tuesday evening (Oct. 17). In a Facebook post, the Foxconn founder expressed the need for constitutional reform in the existing system, criticizing the divide of power and responsibility between the president and the Premier. He advocates for reform to a ’double-leadership’ structure, aligning both power and responsibility with the position of president.
    2023/10/18 11:01
  • Taiwanese doctor joins frontline efforts in Gaza

    Taiwanese intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly in the Gaza Strip, aims to provide aid. Dr. Hung Shang-kai, an emergency physician from Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and part of Doctors Without Borders, has been stationed in Gaza since July. He hopes to improve the local emergency triage system to help more injured patients due to frequent conflicts and a shortage of medical resources in the area. The Gaza Strip faces challenges such as overdevelopment, saltwater intrusion, clean water shortage, and limited electricity supply, which result in medical supply shortages and hinder specialized treatment. Various organizations are extending their help to locals during these turbulent times.
    2023/10/16 10:49
  • Devastating destruction on Orchid Island after Typhoon Koinu

    Typhoon Koinu has caused extensive damage to Orchid Island, leaving residents without power and severely impacting infrastructure. Over 2,400 households have been affected, and communication systems are virtually non-operational.
    2023/10/06 15:13
  • Typhoon Koinu leaves 45k homes without power in Pingtung

    Typhoon Koinu caused power outages for 45k households in Pingtung County. Strong winds and fallen utility poles leave 23,000 homes without electricity. Kenting’s streets suffer damage with toppled vendor stalls and signage, with South Korean tourists rescued by a media crew amidst the turbulent weather.
    2023/10/05 19:38
  • Taipower to expect over NT$460B cumulative loss by 2023

    Taiwan’s state-owned Taipower has reported a loss of NT$130 billion for the first half of 2023, despite the recent government decision to raise electricity prices for industrial users. The cumulative losses over two years are projected to exceed NT$460 billion by the end of the year.
    2023/10/04 20:19
  • Professor Nye stresses importance of Taiwan’s soft power

    Harvard’s Joseph Nye emphasizes Taiwan’s soft power significance and doubts China’s capability. Insights into Taiwan-US-China relations and strategies.
    2023/09/27 20:25
  • Ko Wen-je questions KMT’s sincerity on coalition talks

    Ko Wen-je questions KMT’s sincerity on unity with TPP. Han Kuo-yu rumored to support KMT-TPP collaboration. Ko emphasizes shared consensus over power struggle. Ko stresses importance of inter-party cooperation declines to confirm coalition.
    2023/09/27 18:23
  • Military mascots dazzle at Hsinchu’s Hukou base ceremony

    Taiwan’s military demonstrates impressive soft power skills at the inauguration of the Hukou military base, featuring captivating mascot performances and a thrilling showcase of Indian motorcycles. Discover the country’s military prowess and cultural displays.
    2023/09/21 21:30
  • 技術日產 輕油電三大新科技 兼顧動力與節能

    2023/09/20 15:29
  • 彭博:蘋果明年將推6新品 iPhone螢幕再放大

    蘋果(Apple)的iPhone 15和iPhone 15 Pro系列正式發佈,許多果粉正期待到貨開箱,《彭博社》科技記者葛曼(Mark Gurman)在最新一期新聞通訊專欄〈Power On〉指出,明年蘋果將有「6大焦點新品」,包含iPhone將迎來更大螢幕,iPad Pro將睽違5年翻新,首款AR頭戴式裝置「Vision Pro」也將正式發售。
    2023/09/18 13:46
  • 賴蕭配有譜?蕭美琴「無懼北京介入選舉」 曝台最終目標

    隨著我國將於明年初舉行總統大選,台海議題再度成為國際關注話題;我國駐美代表蕭美琴今(9)日接受《彭博》(Bloomberg)電視節目「權力平衡」(Balance of Power)專訪,強調台灣的最終目標仍是維持台海現狀,表示民主選舉不會受到中國干擾脅迫,而台灣的半導體供應鏈體系在全球仍不可或缺、無法替代,對於外界盛傳她可能擔任賴清德副手競選,她則表示現階段僅專心處理美台關係。
    2023/09/09 15:25
  • Typhoon Haikui ends 1,471-day no-landfall streak in Taiwan

    Typhoon Haikui made its second landfall in Kaohsiung on Monday morning (Sept. 4) and continues to wreak havoc across Taiwan, leaving at least 44 people injured.
    2023/09/04 19:12
  • Experts advise seafood parts to avoid

    Japan’s decision to discharge treated wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean has sparked protests from fishermen in neighboring countries.
    2023/09/04 14:28
  • Typhoon Haikui causes power outages in Kaohsiung

    Typhoon Haikui causes widespread power outages in Kaohsiung, leaving over 60,000 homes without electricity.
    2023/09/04 10:55
  • MOFA accepts Japan’s release of Fukushima nuclear wastewater

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has stated its respect for the assessment report by the Japanese government after it announced on Tuesday (Aug. 22) that it would begin discharging nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear power plant on Aug. 24.
    2023/08/23 11:16
  • Hou Yu-ih stands firm on nuclear policy amid scrutiny

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih faces scrutiny over nuclear policy during Taichung visit. His unwavering stance, energy objectives, and power supply concerns are discussed.
    2023/08/10 21:45
  • 有片/暴雨狂襲挪威!房屋遭捲撞上橋樑 大壩潰堤沖毀道路 

    全球極端氣候持續發威,北歐地區近日遭名為漢斯(Hans)的夏季風暴侵襲,釀數十年來最強降雨;挪威南部的布拉斯克雷德福斯水壩(Braskereidfoss power dam)9日部分潰堤,導致河流上漲至50年來最高水位,不少房屋被沖走或被土石流掩埋,火車服務也被迫暫停;當局警告,隨著洪水流向低窪地區,未來恐釀更慘災情。
    2023/08/10 12:10
  • DPP criticizes Hou Yu-ih’s nuclear restart proposal

    Hou You-yi’s energy policy announcement stirs controversy as he proposes restarting decommissioned nuclear plants and reviewing the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant project. DPP voices criticism and concerns about nuclear waste disposal.
    2023/08/09 20:10
  • Typhoon Khanun’s rainfall hits Nantou, stranding residents

    The torrential rain brought by Typhoon Khanun caused severe damage in Ren’ai Township, Nantou County, leading to landslides, power outages, and flooding. The disater created significant challenges for the residents, with some stranded due to the damages
    2023/08/08 19:44
  • 日本環球影城 遊阪必到超夯樂園嗨翻玩

    2023/07/28 15:26
  • Doksuri prompts more Typhoon days off in southern Taiwan

    Typhoon Doksuri veered toward Kinmen on Friday (July 28) after bringing its brunt to southern Taiwan. Amid the heavy rainfall and wind gusts, Chiayi County, Kaohsiung City, Tainan City, and Pingtung County unexpectedly announced the suspension of work and classes earlier that day.
    2023/07/28 13:48
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