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    Power 結果共336筆

  • 李千娜時隔20年再懷孕 不知有喜「連跳5天陣頭」吐震驚心聲

    39歲女星李千娜登上《媽媽寶寶》4月號封面,拍攝當日,給人柔美形象的李千娜,以一身酷帥的打扮,邁著輕快、率性的步伐進入我們的視野中。即使當時已懷著6個月的身孕,依然工作滿檔、同時緊鑼密鼓的宣傳新專輯,在採訪的過程中,未見一絲疲憊,而是游刃有餘的配合著攝影師的指令,不斷變換動作,也讓在場的每一位工作人員見識到了強大的Mom power。
    2024/03/28 16:20
  • 日本經濟變好了?公示地價漲2.3% 33年新高

    2024/03/27 20:08
  • 水原如何私自挪用大谷資產? 日媒點靠「這2招」能做到

    美國大聯盟(MLB)日籍球星大谷翔平近日身陷翻譯水原一平涉賭的風波,不過水原究竟是如何私自挪用大谷帳戶始終是個謎,有日本媒體披露可能的2種辦法,包含「POA」(Power of Attorney,意即委託書)和「轉讓授權」,皆可以讓水原在大谷不知情之下移動資金。
    2024/03/27 17:24
  • Lai champions AI, green tech in Taiwan’s ICT push

    Vice President Lai Ching-te engages in discussions with ICT industry leaders at Hwa Ya Technology Park in Taoyuan, emphasizing Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global AI revolution amidst the U.S.-China tech war. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang highlights Taiwan’s significance in the new AI era, urging collective efforts to solidify Taiwan’s global standing. Lai’s visits and dialogues with industry players signal a collaborative approach to strategic industry planning.
    2024/03/26 16:55
  • 老婆在場!陶喆開唱粉絲竟點〈Melody〉 他1招化解尷尬

    「華語樂壇教父」陶喆日前帶著「Soul Power II」巡演在廈門開唱,老婆Penny這次愛相隨悄悄驚喜到場支持,面對台下歌迷點歌〈Melody〉時,他靈機一動將歌詞改成「Penny Tao」示愛,老婆在觀眾席裡害羞微笑回應,夫妻倆當眾甜蜜放閃,讓現場充滿粉紅泡泡,粉絲則虧他「滿滿的求生欲」。
    2024/03/26 12:18
  • Taipower debunks myths about skyrocketing electricity bills

    Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) clarifies that specific household appliances do not lead to a monthly electricity bill increase of NT$10,000. Learn about time-of-use rates, energy-saving subsidies, and progressive billing for residential and business electricity consumption.
    2024/03/25 13:45
  • Taipei expo showcases AI’s transformative power in cities

    Explore how the Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei unveiled AI, IoT, and 5G technologies reshaping urban and rural landscapes, highlighting innovations in disaster response, smart infrastructure, and agriculture for a sustainable future.
    2024/03/22 17:58
  • Lai Ching-te to fast-track submarine fleet expansion

    President-elect Lai Ching-te shows strong support for Taiwan’s Indigenous Defence Submarine program, aiming to build all seven follow-up submarines simultaneously. Joining him on an inspection of the prototype submarine Narwhal at CSBC Corporation’s Hai Chang factory was current President Tsai Ing-wen. The transition of power between Tsai and Lai is set for May 20, with Lai emphasizing the need to complete the submarine project swiftly. The projected cost for each follow-up submarine is around NT$20 billion, with a total budget estimated between NT$150 billion and NT$200 billion.
    2024/03/18 14:26
  • Innovations in smart cities showcased at 2024 SCSE

    The 2024 Smart City Summit and Expo in Taipei gathers global leaders to discuss digital and green transformations in smart cities, featuring innovations from Acer, TECO, and more towards a sustainable urban future.
    2024/03/13 18:44
  • Taiwan mulls subsidies to offset electricity price hike

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua discusses ongoing discussions of the Electricity Pricing Working Group and potential budgetary subsidies amid pressure for an electricity price increase in April. The government seeks to balance the needs of citizens and enterprises as it navigates potential adjustments to electricity prices. Stay tuned for further updates on the final subsidy and price adjustment plan.
    2024/03/13 16:03
  • Taiwan braces for electricity price hike amid inflation woes

    Amid inflationary pressures, Taiwan plans to raise electricity prices, impacting daily life and industry, especially high-energy-consuming businesses like hot pot restaurants. The increase, projected to be across-the-board, could lead to higher operating costs and consumer prices. Taiwan Power Company faces substantial losses, with a potential 20% price surge predicted to affect economic growth and consumer prices. Some workers see the adjustment as a step towards sustainable energy development, encouraging energy-saving and emission-reduction industries.
    2024/03/13 15:28
  • Economic minister confirms electricity rate adjustments

    Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua discusses electricity rate adjustments in Taiwan, emphasizing the impact on household usage below 330 kilowatt hours. Kuomintang Legislator Yang Chiung-ying opposes price hikes, proposing solutions to address citizen hardships amid inflation. Wang highlights considerations for nuclear power and renewable energy costs, amidst concerns over safety regulations and nuclear waste. Yang challenges Taipower’s deficits and criticizes passing on costs to residents through price increases.
    2024/03/07 17:23
  • McConnell stresses U.S.-Taiwan alliance amid China’s rise

    Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell stresses the importance of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship and the need for increased military investment to counter China’s growing influence, marking the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act.
    2024/03/07 12:57
  • Taiwan premier ties future cash payments to economic outlook

    Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses potential cash payments to the public in response to economic conditions for 2025 and 2026 during a Legislative Yuan hearing. Discussions highlight the government’s focus on National Health Insurance, labor insurance, and subsidies for Taiwan Power Company, with implications for Taiwan’s social policy and fiscal decisions in the future.
    2024/03/06 15:46
  • Taiwan youth grapples with high house prices and low wages

    Discover how Taiwan’s young population is navigating the challenging landscape of high house prices and stagnant wages, despite the country’s strong purchasing power, and the call for government action to address these issues.
    2024/03/06 08:00
  • Tainan Mayor backs probe into solar plant scandal

    Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che supports a thorough investigation into an alleged solar power plant scandal involving Ysolar Co. under former Executive Yuan Commissioner Ku Sheng-hui. The Tainan prosecutor’s office is probing the case, with Mayor Huang subpoenaed as a witness. Huang emphasizes the importance of transparency and adherence to legal guidelines in green energy development, stressing the need for swift resolution and clarity in the investigation.
    2024/03/01 15:59
  • Taiwan’s MOEA to monitor electricity price changes

    Stay updated on Taiwan’s economic landscape with the latest news from Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua. Discover insights on electricity price fluctuations and their impact on domestic issues, as well as the government’s strategies to address losses incurred by Taiwan Power Company. Explore the projections for economic growth and inflation rates amidst industry recovery and upcoming events.
    2024/03/01 15:56
  • Taipower at risk of financial crisis without government aid

    Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower) faces a potential financial crisis by year-end without government aid or electricity price hikes, warned Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua. An upcoming electricity price review may see rates for ultra-high-voltage users surge by over 10%. Wang emphasizes the need for discussion in the committee meeting and assures efforts to minimize impacts on the public. Taipower’s efficient management has helped curb price spikes and inflation, with plans in place for financial support and program development. Current electricity costs for major consumers stand at around NT$1.63, while Taipower’s generation cost, pre-tax, is NT$3.93, expected to surpass NT$4 post-tax.
    2024/02/20 13:10
  • Premier pledges transparency in future power rate hikes

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes Taipower’s role in stabilizing commodity prices amid global challenges, promising transparency in future electricity rate adjustments. The upcoming electricity price review committee may lead to inclusive price hikes, citing the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on raw material costs. Chen underscores Taipower’s efforts to control expenses and enhance efficiency while ensuring public understanding of any changes in electricity charges.
    2024/02/20 11:58
  • Taiwan faces potential shift in legislative power dynamics

    Taipei Premier Chen Chien-jen stresses the importance of adhering to constitutional regulations in response to the Kuomintang’s (KMT) plans to expand its personnel power. KMT legislator Weng Hsiao-ling suggests that the Legislative Yuan should have the authority to approve personnel and dismiss unqualified leaders. The KMT also proposes the creation of a Special Investigation Division within Parliament. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators argue that constitutional amendments must be implemented first. Premier Chen emphasizes that Taiwan is a country governed by the constitution, democracy, and the rule of law, and all agencies should follow constitutional guidelines. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) expresses its willingness to collaborate with other parties in reforming the parliament, potentially bringing significant changes to Taiwan’s legal landscape and political power dynamics.
    2024/02/07 18:04
  • Son Ye-jin’s star power boosts golf brand

    Beloved Korean actress Son Ye-jin extends her endorsement contract with golf brand PIRETTI through 2024, captivating audiences worldwide. Despite reducing public appearances and film projects after marriage and childbirth, Son’s allure remains undiminished, fostering brand loyalty. Her personal passion for golf is showcased on social media, where her golf attire, including polo shirts, pleated skirts, calf-length white socks, and sneakers, garners widespread attention. Son’s popularity soared in Asia after her role in the Korean drama "Crash Landing on You," boosting PIRETTI’s product sales. With her enduring charm and influence, Son’s star continues to shine bright as she balances her personal and professional life.
    2024/02/07 17:46
  • Exploring Taiwan’s democratic challenges at FICA

    Taiwan takes center stage at the 30th Festival International des Cinémas d’Asie (FICA) in Paris as the theme country, showcasing a range of films from the martial law era to the works of new directors. Filmmaker Jean-Robert Thomann, who holds dual citizenship from France and Taiwan, presents his latest documentary, "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy," in FICA’s documentary competition. The film, shot between 2021 and 2023, delves into the challenges faced by Taiwan’s democratic process, examining major referendums and the Taichung legislator election. Thomann believes Taiwan’s global recognition extends beyond seeking a seat in the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of parliamentary links, cultural and economic exchanges, and soft power rooted in creativity. He hopes his documentary will deepen French audiences’ understanding of Taiwan and inspire further exploration of the country. Thomann highlights that threats to Taiwan are not only external but also internal, with social media manipulation and fake news posing challenges to democracies worldwide. Despite these challenges, Thomann regards Taiwan as a remarkable example of democracy, particularly in Asia, and remains optimistic about the island’s democratic system. "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy" premiered at FICA and is set to be screened in France, Taiwan, and Sweden.
    2024/02/07 14:32
  • Taiwan slips to 24th in 2024 global military strength rank

    Taiwan’s ranking in the 2024 Global Military Strength Index falls to 24th place, emphasizing the nation’s domestic war resource challenges. Experts analyze the implications and the role of President-elect Lai in shaping cross-strait relations.
    2024/02/06 17:18
  • Legislative speaker salary revealed as Han takes office

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislator Han Kuo-yu has been elected as the speaker of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, with Johnny Chiang as his deputy. As speaker, Han is responsible for maintaining order in the legislative body and overseeing legislative matters. According to the "Act Governing the Discipline of Legislators," Han’s monthly salary is equivalent to that of central government department heads, amounting to NT$346,960, with an additional special remuneration of NT$79,100. Johnny Chiang, as deputy speaker, will earn a monthly salary of approximately NT$229,860. Legislators in Taiwan receive an average monthly salary of about NT$190,500, along with an annual bonus equivalent to 1.5 months’ salary. Han’s role grants him decisive power in the event of tied votes or disputes over legislation, giving him a significant role in shaping future policy.
    2024/02/02 13:57
  • Taiwan eyes stronger ties with UK post-Brexit

    Following the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (EU), Taiwan’s representative to the UK, Vincent Yao, stated that Brexit has allowed the UK to establish closer economic ties with Taiwan, potentially helping Taiwan resist China’s attempts to isolate it. Taiwan is also increasingly investing in the UK, with the goal of becoming the UK’s primary trading partner in Europe. Additionally, strengthening UK-Taiwan trade relations could benefit the UK by providing access to Taiwan’s key industries, such as semiconductors. The bilateral relationship between Taiwan and the UK is reflected in the increase of UK government officials posted to Taiwan and the expansion of the UK office in Taipei. Collaboration between the two countries extends to areas such as artificial intelligence, offshore wind power, and electric vehicle batteries. However, there is still room for further development in bilateral cooperation.
    2024/01/30 12:41
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