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    Plus 結果共430筆

  • 祖先附身顯靈!殯葬業揭超毛靈異事件 癌末港星靠妻「續命」

    由梁思浩、黃紫恩(Jojo)及黃耀英主持的TVB Plus(82台)開台重頭戲,及首個靈異直播一小時節目《直播靈接觸》,每集會有各門各派玄學大師坐陣,跟觀眾互動解答靈異疑難,更會邀請有份量藝人亮相,分享他們的靈異經歷。
  • Thailand’s pivotal role in KYMCO’s EV strategy: Chairman Ko

    Discover how KYMCO’s partnership with Arun Plus is set to transform the electric vehicle landscape in Southeast Asia with the new AIONEX venture, focusing on sustainable transportation solutions.
    2024/04/29 18:08
  • KYMCO, Arun Plus launch joint venture to electrify Thailand

    Discover how KYMCO’s new joint venture with Arun Plus, Aionex, is set to transform the electric motorcycle market in Southeast Asia, aiming to establish a sustainable transportation model across the region.
    2024/04/29 17:57
  • 零股也可領!宏達電16萬股東快看 紀念品「進化版抗UV機能帽」

    2024/04/25 10:53
  • iPhone 16最新長相曝光!4大升級一次看 鏡頭「變這樣」

    蘋果將在今 (2024)年9月推出iPhone 16系列新機,消息越來越多,也越來越逼近實際產品。最新發現曝光,iPhone在兩款定位較低的系列i16、i16 Plus的15項升級細節中,最明顯的變化是後置兩顆相機鏡頭改為垂直排列。
    2024/04/22 08:13
  • 蘋果又改策略?iPhone 17 Plus傳將「縮小」螢幕

    儘管蘋果在今年9月才要發表iPhone 16,但有關明年iPhone 17的爆料已經陸續出現,近期有分析師透露官方將一改現有策略,未來的iPhone 17 Plus將「縮小」螢幕。
    2024/04/19 15:47
  • 「車界女神」蘇宗怡拍12小時不喊累! 頭痛淺眠紓壓秘訣曝光

    2024/04/15 17:28
  • 蘋果再也不修了!iPhone「一代神機」遭官方完全放生

    蘋果每年都會將部份過舊產品列入「過時產品」或「停產」清單,近日官方再度調整這項清單,將iPhone 6 Plus列入停產清單,官方不再提供維修服務,也代表官方完全放生這款「一代神機」了。
    2024/04/03 15:22
  • 蘋果iPhone 16全系列電池容量曝光!這款竟縮水

    蘋果即將在9月發表iPhone 16系列新機,不少人相當關心iPhone 16的電力續航表現是否會進步,近期有外媒爆料,iPhone 16有3款機型的電量都會獲得提升,僅有iPhone 16 Plus可能會下修電量。
    2024/04/03 12:40
  • iPhone 16保護殼照外流! 鏡頭改以「垂直排列」設計

    蘋果(Apple)年年推出iPhone新機、成為果粉關注焦點,近期網路上便流傳iPhone 16手機保護殼的照片,再次印證先前有關iPhone 16和iPhone 16 Plus的後相機鏡頭將採用全新垂直設計的傳聞。
    2024/03/30 12:36
  • 快訊/日本名牌味噌疑「混入蟑螂」!食藥署證實有輸入台灣

    日本知名味噌製造廠商丸米(marukome),今(26)日傳出產品混入蟑螂,逾10萬商品緊急召回;丸米為此向消費者道歉,並表示今後將致力提升品管。食藥署晚間證實,我國有輸入同製造廠的味噌,商品名為「PLUS糀 生味噌 糀美人 325克」,有效日期2024年12月31日,共輸入3.25公斤。
    2024/03/26 20:26
  • 2024 Taipei 101 Run Up registration begins

    Register now for the 2024 Taipei 101 Run Up, a challenging 91-story stair-climbing event held on May 4. Join over 5,000 participants in the Towerrunning World Cup, with categories including TWA Elite and Team entries. Enjoy exclusive race packets and finish souvenirs, plus discounts on luxury accommodations and Taipei 101 observatory tickets.
    2024/03/14 17:26
  • 比亞迪新混合動力車只賣35萬 陸網熱議老車主卻傻眼

    中國電動車大廠比亞迪(BYD),近日在大陸市場推出全新車款「秦Plus DM-i」榮耀版。該車款為插電式混合動力四門房車,起價竟然只需人民幣7萬9800元、折合約新台幣35萬元,具有極大的價格競爭與破壞力,很快就引起對岸消費者熱議。根據BYD比亞迪社群頻道聲明,此款車型的價格將立下新標竿,並把汽油車視為其主要競爭對手。陸媒報導也點出,「秦Plus DM-i Glory Edition」榮耀版的售價,甚至比福斯(VW)Lavida等同樣暢銷的同尺寸入門車型便宜15%,甚至比Toyota Corolla便宜超過40%。
    2024/02/27 10:11
  • LiSA sets stage for electrifying Taiwan concert in June

    Japanese singer LiSA is set to hold a concert in Taiwan on June 1, marking her return after six years. Known for her hit theme songs for "Demon Slayer", LiSA will perform at the National Taiwan Sport University Sports Center. Tickets go on sale on Feb. 24. LiSA expressed excitement for the event, promising a new setlist for her Taiwanese fans, including popular tracks "Gurenge" and "Homura". She also mentioned her love for Taiwan’s pearl milk tea.
    2024/02/19 16:11
  • Mackenyu Arata announces first overseas fan meet in Taipei

    Japanese actor Mackenyu Arata is set to hold his first-ever overseas fan meeting in Taipei on Feb. 24, 2024, making him the first Japanese artist to host such an event in Taiwan. Known for his role as "Roronoa Zoro" in the live-action TV adaptation of "ONE PIECE" on Netflix, Mackenyu has gained a global following and has attended comic expos in eight countries. To show his appreciation for his Taiwanese fans, he plans to offer signed posters, group photos, a fan farewell, and an official card to those who purchase tickets for the fan meeting. Tickets for the "2024 Mackenyu Fan Meeting ASIA TOUR EAST BLUE in Taipei" will be available for purchase on Feb. 3, with prices ranging from NT$2,500 (Section D) to NT$4,900 (Section A). Section A ticket holders will also have the opportunity to purchase a limited 150-set autograph session for an additional NT$2,000.
    2024/01/25 14:19
  • KYMCO eyes Thailand market to expand EV total solutions

    KYMCO and Arun Plus are partnering to create Aionex, aiming to dominate Southeast Asia’s electric motorcycle market. With plans to produce e-bikes and operate battery-swapping services, this joint venture is set to revolutionize the region’s two-wheeler industry.
    2024/01/22 10:53
  • 嗆民眾黨「沒用的8席」!柯建銘轟爆黃國昌:一副天下都看他的

    2024/01/22 08:52
  • 不想再被安卓笑?蘋果傳將為iPhone 16升級記憶體

    蘋果向來不會把RAM記憶體的容量當作iPhone新機賣點,這方面與安卓手機的作法有很大不同,蘋果去年推出的iPhone 15、iPhone 15 Plus仍維持6GB記憶體,遭到部分安卓用戶取笑「跟不上時代」,不過近期傳出蘋果將針對iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus的記憶體進行升級。
    2024/01/18 09:34
  • 紐西蘭議員被控二度高檔精品店偷竊 難民出身議員本人認了

    紐西蘭綠黨國會議員格若曼(Golriz Ghahraman),這位逃離伊朗、在紐西蘭取得難民身份的議員,被指控從兩家高檔服裝店偷竊,已立即辭職表示對自己的行為負「完全責任」。這起指控始於1月10日,由新聞媒體ZB Plus首次發布,報導指格若曼在節慶期間,從奥克蘭專門經營奢侈品牌的「Scotties Boutique」店鋪中行竊。
    2024/01/17 10:01
  • 多圖/佳娜挺9月孕肚大解放!只遮「兩點」入鏡 超兇渾圓全看光

    來自馬來西亞來台發展的男星「祖雄」擁有帥氣臉龐壯碩身材,去(2023)年6月向烏克蘭籍女友佳娜求婚成功,隔月宣布女方懷孕喜訊,佳娜孕期38週即將迎來女兒karinka,把握卸貨前夕,日前特別請到j2 plus攝影團隊掌鏡拍攝孕婦寫真紀念孕肚,以三種不同造型入鏡,其中大尺度嘗試裸拍,兩人以全裸姿態僅以手遮入鏡,祖雄精壯體格與佳娜火辣優美身姿一覽無遺。
    2024/01/06 14:35
  • Taiwan seeks dog handlers for airport and seaport security

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Agriculture is recruiting four dog handlers for its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency. The positions offer a starting salary of NT$37,769 per month, plus an additional NT$7,700 allowance for outstations. Handlers must have at least one year of related experience and be available for shifts and business travel. They also need a good understanding of dogs, an outgoing personality, and the ability to work independently. The positions are divided among Taipei Songshan Airport, Taoyuan International Airport, and Kinmen Shuitou Pier, with potential relocation to Kaohsiung Airport or Taichung Airport.
    2024/01/04 15:18
  • DPP’s Lai-Hsiao lead KMT rivals in latest Taiwan polls

    The United Daily News pre-closure poll shows that Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, maintain a 5-percentage-point lead over their Kuomintang (KMT) rivals, Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong. The Lai-Hsiao ticket received 32% support, while the Hou-Jaw ticket received 27%, a decrease of four percentage points from previous polls. Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu, the Taiwan People’s Party’s (TPP) presidential and vice-presidential candidates, trailed with 21% support. Among different age groups, the Ko-Wu ticket led among voters aged 20 to 39 with a 42% support rate. Among 40-59 year-olds, the Hou-Jaw ticket led by 1%, and among voters over 60, the Hou-Jaw ticket polled at 37%, while the Lai-Hsiao ticket polled at 35%. The survey was conducted from Dec. 26-30, 2023, with a sample size of 1,215 adults. The sampling error is within plus or minus 2.8 percentage points at a 95% confidence level. The survey used a dual telephone register for random sampling, including landline and mobile phones, with weighting by gender, age, and population structure. The funding for the survey came from United Daily News.
    2024/01/02 15:45
  • Over 70% of Taiwanese oppose death penalty abolition

    A survey conducted by ETtoday revealed that 73.5% of respondents oppose the abolition of the death penalty, while 21.8% support its abolition. Among those opposing, 52.1% were vehemently against the notion, with 21.4% somewhat against it. Among advocates for abolition, 14.1% were strong supporters, and 7.7% moderately so. The survey also found that 85.0% of interviewees believe current laws excessively protect offenders, with 47.2% considering the protection extremely excessive and 36.8% believing it is merely excessive. Only 3.1% thought the protection was insufficient. The recent fatal slashing of a junior high school student in New Taipei has brought the issue of capital punishment back into the spotlight. In response to the tragedy, 41.4% of respondents primarily blame parents or guardians, 25.1% the central government, 17.4% school management, and 12.0% the local government. The survey was conducted from Dec. 31 to Jan. 1, with a valid sample size of 1,557 targeting Taiwanese aged 20 and above. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.48%. The survey was delivered via a mobile text message link to an online questionnaire and sample weighting was done using population statistics provided by the Ministry of the Interior.
    2024/01/02 14:07
  • Lai-Hsiao ticket leads in latest 2024 presidential polls

    According to a recent poll conducted by ETtoday, the "Lai-Hsiao" (Lai Ching-te, Hsiao Bi-khim) ticket of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is leading in Taiwan’s presidential election in 2024 with 38.1% of voter support. The "Hou-Jaw" (Hou Yu-ih) ticket of the Kuomintang (KMT) follows closely behind with 34.8%, while the "Ko-Wu" (Ko Wen-je, Cynthia Wu) ticket of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) stands at 19.2%. The approval rating for the Lai-Hsiao ticket has increased by 1.9 percentage points since the last poll, while the Hou-Jaw ticket has remained constant, and the Ko-Wu ticket has experienced a slight decrease of 1.5 points. As a result, the gap between Lai and Hou has grown from 1.4 to 3.3 points. In terms of demographics, Lai is leading in Taiwan’s southern regions and among people aged 40-49, with respective approval ratings of 49.7% and 38.1%. Hou, on the other hand, is leading in the north, outlying eastern islands, and among those aged 60 and older, with approval ratings at 38.6%, 42.5%, and 52.7%, respectively. Ko is leading among younger voters aged 20-39. Lai’s support has seen a significant increase of 15.9 points among voters aged 50-59, indicating improvement in a previously weaker demographic. However, Lai’s support has decreased by 20 points among DPP supporters. In contrast, Hou’s support has remained steady, and Ko’s approval has surged by 10.6 points among pan-DPP supporters. The poll was conducted on December 25-26, surveying Taiwanese aged 20 and older about the 2024 presidential elections. The sample size was 1,618, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.44% and a confidence level of 95%.
    2023/12/27 14:33
  • Taiwan presidential race tightens: DPP slightly leads KMT

    The latest survey results reveal a close presidential race in Taiwan, with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim leading with 35.9 percent support, followed closely by the Kuomintang (KMT) ticket of Hou Yu-ih for president and Jaw Shaw-kong for vice president with 34.7 percent. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je and running mate Cynthia Wu are in third place with 19.6 percent support. Notably, the TPP’s Ko-Wu ticket has garnered 26.3 percent support from centrist voters, surpassing both the KMT and DPP. While 44.3 percent of respondents believe the DPP candidates are likely to win the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential elections, 30.1 percent support the KMT, and 13.8 percent favor the TPP candidates. However, the poll also highlights significant opposition, with 40.5 percent of respondents indicating they would not vote for the DPP ticket, followed by 27.3 percent against the KMT and 20.6 percent not favoring the TPP. The survey, sponsored by ETtoday, was conducted from December 18-19 and gathered a valid sample size of 1,224 Taiwanese adults over the age of 20 using mobile text notifications and closed internet questionnaires. The poll has an error margin of plus or minus 2.8 percentage points at a 95 percent confidence level.
    2023/12/20 19:20
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