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    Plan 結果共157筆

  • KMT pres. candidate unveils five-pronged healthcare policy

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has unveiled his "Five Arrows" healthcare policy, which includes increasing healthcare spending to 8% of GDP, improving care for children and mothers, launching a national mental health plan, advancing prevention for high-risk cancers, and ensuring transparency in vaccine and pharmaceutical purchases.
    2023/08/31 16:13
  • 鬼月說鬼/夜半營區的空靈歌聲

    半夜的大樹上,隨著小雨劈哩啪啦的細微作聲,營區的野貓,有時候也會喵喵幾聲,伴隨著蛙類的呱呱聲。 忽然間,一道非常美妙,非常空靈,但聽不懂的歌詞,沒聽過的歌曲旋律,出現了。非常非常的空靈,非常非常的好聽,但……這是02-04的時間啊,女兵、女士官、女軍官,早已回到了宿舍,不可能在營區和營舍的,那到底是誰在唱歌呢?
    2023/08/31 14:47
  • Foodpanda revamps fees with dynamic pricing launch

    Foodpanda announces dynamic pricing model for food delivery services in Taipei. Fee changes based on location, distance, and peak hours. Users can expect adjustments from NT$1 to NT$9. Pandapro offers exclusive perks. Uber Eats implements fee reduction plan.
    2023/08/09 16:56
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils 2050 Net-Zero Energy Plan for Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih unveiled his energy policy on Wednesday (Aug. 9), outlining four goals aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050: environmental sustainability, national security, public health, and a sustainable transition.
    2023/08/09 16:28
  • 黃健庭都說了!郭董曾答應列不分區 要求「名次擺後面」催票

    鴻海集團創辦人郭台銘爭取國民黨總統提名失利,傳出黨秘書長黃健庭事前曾與郭商談,若未成功爭取總統,就名列不分區第一名,爭取立法院龍頭寶座,不過郭辦昨天大動作發聲明對外否認,還指黃健庭「謹慎釐清自身記憶」。黃健庭今(10)日上午在黨中央受訪證實「plan B」,還指出不只跟郭台銘談過一次,甚至連名次都有討論到,郭台銘還主動稱願意放在後面名次、衝高選票,相信郭不會願意保送民進黨對手賴清德。
    2023/07/10 11:18
  • Lai Ching-te presents Peace Plan to foreign officials

    Taiwan Vice President Lai Ching-te addressed over 40 foreign diplomats and representatives from 30 countries at an information session organized by the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) International Affairs Department on Thursday (July 6). 
    2023/07/06 17:53
  • All 1,700 KYMCO dealers to offer e-motors services by 2025

    KYMCO revealed major accomplishments on June 19 that the electric vehicle(EV) Ionex brand of the Taiwan-based automaker is the country’s largest battery swapping network, and announced its plan to upgrade all KYMCO dealers to KYMCO-Ionex dealers.
    2023/06/20 18:11
  • New Taipei aiming to improve pedestrian safety

    The New Taipei City Government has devised a comprehensive plan to help create a pedestrian-friendly and inclusive society to reduceccidents and promote safety.
    2023/06/16 17:08
  • Ko Wen-je raises concerns over DPP’s energy transition plan

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je voiced concerns on Friday (June 9) over the Democratic Progressive Party government’s energy transition plans during a visit to the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. 
    2023/06/09 17:37
  • NBA star Dwight Howard hints at future plans

    In a highly-anticipated interview with TVBS, the former NBA player Dwight Howard expressed his strong desire to return to Taiwan.
    2023/05/29 17:28
  • YouBike promises compensation plan after cyberattacks

    Taiwan’s prominent public bike rental service, YouBike, has suffered two successive cyber attacks in recent weeks, compromising the personal information of over 40,000 members — twice the number initially reported. The alarming breach has prompted authorities to launch a comprehensive investigation and call upon the company to take immediate measures to mitigate risks.
    2023/05/24 11:12
  • Costco offers compensation plan for contaminated berries

    Costco issued on Thursday (May 11) a response to the request from the Kaohsiung government regarding a compensation plan for the Hepatitis A-contaminated berries.
    2023/05/12 20:25
  • EU country drafts evacuation plan for nationals in Taiwan

    A representative office of a European Union country in Taiwan has established a contingency plan due to concerns of heightened tension across the Taiwan Strait, according to reports.
    2023/05/08 16:39
  • MND detects PLA Shandong aircraft carrier fleet near Taiwan

    The Ministry of National Defense (MND) released on Monday (April 24) a surveillance photo of Chinese PLAN aircraft carrier Shandong detected near Taiwan’s waters.
    2023/04/25 16:02
  • TSMC requested quotes for equipment shipment to Germany

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) is reportedly close to completing its plan to build a plant in Germany, according to sources within the company’s supply chain. 
    2023/04/10 11:09
  • New Taipei to invest NT$800M in bilingual education

     The New Taipei City Government has announced a four-year plan to invest NT$800 million in education. 
    2023/03/23 17:00
  • Taiwan’s Military Police faces backlash over new motorcycles

    As Taiwan’s military spending increases amid an unstable situation across the Taiwan Strait, concerns are mounting over the Legislative Yuan budget plan. 
    2023/03/15 15:23
  • Taiwan to face possible power outages after reactor closure

    Taiwan’s plan to become a "nuclear-free homeland" by 2025 could result in nationwide power outages, according to experts.
    2023/03/03 19:07
  • 特斯拉投資者日5重點!充電樁他牌也可用 目標45秒產一車

    美國時間2023年3月1日,Tesla迎來今年的「投資者日(Investor Day)」,卻因為沒有帶來先前各界引頸期盼的平價新車,讓不少民眾大感失望,甚至還反映在特斯拉股價的重挫上。不過,對於馬斯克來說,這是他「宏偉計畫第3部曲(Master Plan 3)」的展示,旨在讓所有「關心地球永續發展」的投資者明白,特斯拉在發展電動車的路上,規劃好哪些中長期布局,以達成電動車普及與保護地球的效果。
    2023/03/03 13:04
  • Taiwan enters NT$1 billion aircraft care project with U.S.

    The aircraft upgrade plan of the Republic of China Air Force is progressing at a rate of three planes per month, with at least 100 aircraft completed by the end of last year. 
    2023/02/14 19:35
  • Special budget to build homegrown submarines to be expanded

    According to reports, the Ministry of National Defense is preparing a special budget plan for the production of seven additional domestically-built submarines, with a budget exceeding NT300 billion in the latter half of this year. 
    2023/02/12 14:06
  • 幫中東難民「塗白」越境歐洲 人道救援被當犯罪

    投入「人道救援」卻被當成犯罪行為,還會有人願意為難民挺身而出嗎?加泰隆尼亞一名護理師杰瑪,因為不忍中東難民在歐洲流離失所,主動伸出援手;她幫難民膚色塗白,裝扮成斯文的歐洲人,用自家車輛載送難民,借用真護照在邊境闖關。卻在一次救援行動中,遭塞爾維亞警方,以非法越境、走私人口重罪逮捕入獄;親朋好友為她奔走,用報章雜誌佐證善行,法官對這起「善意的犯罪」感到吃驚。加泰隆尼亞紀錄片,將杰瑪的故事搬上大銀幕,也入選了2022世界公視大展精選(Best of INPUT),引發各界對「正義」的思辨。
    2022/12/16 20:00
  • 「國家鼓勵75歲安樂死」 日本電影寫實寓言

    日本橫濱市一所醫院,2016年曾發生駭人聽聞的毒害事件,48名老人離奇死亡,事後發現是遭護理師「蓄意毒殺」;一群弱勢長者因為被視為「社會負擔」而遭殺害,震驚各界。日本人口嚴重老化,社會開始蔓延一股以「生產力高低」來評斷人命價值的風氣,但沒有生產力就該犧牲嗎?犧牲銀髮族,經濟就能復甦嗎?日本導演早川千繪對此提出了質疑。電影《七五計劃》(Plan 75)聚焦日本社會高齡化問題,假想在未來,當75歲以上的長者享有選擇死亡的權利,人們會如何抉擇?
    2022/09/02 19:51
  • 實踐Kirei美好永續生活 花王(台灣)獲遠見CSR外商組楷模獎

    花王(台灣)身為外商企業,除了遵循花王集團的ESG策略「Kirei Lifestyle Plan」之外,更選擇深耕台灣,推動在地化的ESG行動,獲得遠見評審團高度肯定,一舉奪下2022第18屆《遠見》CSR暨ESG企業社會責任獎綜合績效外商組楷模獎,評審團讚賞花王(台灣)「與日常結合,從產品消費到行動倡議,讓大眾從生活面接觸ESG」。頒獎典禮5月3日於台北遠東國際大飯店舉行,花王(台灣)首度獲獎,由大熊康生董事長暨總經理代表出席領獎。
    2022/05/12 16:45
  • 菲1/6未成年就嫁了 杜特蒂禁童婚:違者最高關12年

    (中央社馬尼拉6日綜合外電報導)菲律賓總統杜特蒂今天簽署法案,禁止未成年人結婚。根據英國關懷兒童組織國際培幼會(Plan International),菲律賓童婚人數全球第12多,18歲以下女孩有1/6完婚。
    2022/01/07 08:12
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