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    Outdoor 結果共24筆

  • Taiwan enters plum rain season with frequent showers

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s plum rain season, starting in May, with insights from weather expert Peng Chi-ming. Expect frequent rainfall, thunderstorms, and safety reminders for outdoor activities.
  • 全家一起來!30分輕鬆攻頂「新北小百岳」 賞黃金山城海峽灣

    2024/04/12 18:29
  • Taiwan’s cold snap leads to food delivery dilemmas

    Residents in Taiwan are facing difficulties in getting food delivery services due to persistently low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration issued a cold weather warning, with the lowest temperature dropping to eight degrees Celsius across the country. As a result, many people have chosen to stay indoors, leading to a surge in online complaints about limited delivery options and self-pickup only. Some speculate that couriers are avoiding orders due to the cold weather and low delivery fees, which are as low as NT$30-40 per delivery. This has prompted discussions about the need for higher wages and better working conditions for couriers.
    2024/01/24 15:54
  • Taiwan prepares for winter’s coldest spell

    Taiwan prepares for the coldest period of the winter as Lunar New Year approaches, according to meteorological expert Peng Chi-ming. If a cold surge leads to disaster, it is classified as an "other natural disaster," potentially resulting in work or school closures. Employers are advised to implement safety measures and consider potential risks caused by cold temperatures. Failure to comply with guidelines may result in fines of up to NT$300,000. Holidays due to low temperatures are unprecedented in Taiwan, with work or school suspension only possible if low temperatures cause a disaster. In extreme cold weather conditions, transportation, water, or electricity disruptions may lead to work or school suspension based on assessment by city and county chiefs.
    2024/01/19 17:52
  • Excessive screen time contributes to Myopia surge in Taiwan

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on Taiwanese students’ eyesight, with 81.61% of high-school students, 73.16% of junior high school students, and 45.23% of elementary students experiencing poor eyesight in the 2022-2023 academic year. Excessive use of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, is a major contributing factor to the prevalence of myopia, the most common eye condition among children. A survey conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation in 2019 found that the average age at which children own their first phone is ten. Ophthalmologists warn that individuals with myopia over 500 degrees are three times more likely to develop glaucoma and 5.5 times more likely to develop cataracts compared to their peers. The risks escalate for those with myopia over 700 degrees, as they are 44 times more likely to experience retinal detachment and 127 times more likely to suffer macular degeneration. Even successful myopia laser correction does not eliminate the potential risks of ocular diseases, as thinning of eye tissues and elongation of the eye axis persist. The golden period for myopia control is considered to be between 3 to 18 years of age, and various strategies such as increased outdoor activities, the use of mydriatic agents, Orthokeratology, daily disposable contact lenses designed for myopia control, and the latest children’s vision management lenses can be employed. These alarming rates highlight the urgent need to strike a balance between technology use and effective prevention strategies and early treatment for Taiwanese children.
    2024/01/03 20:06
  • Taichung opens traffic theme park for kids’ safety education

    Taichung City has unveiled its first children’s traffic theme park, Quan Yuan Children’s Traffic Theme Park, located next to Quanyuan Park in the East District. The park aims to educate youngsters about traffic safety while they play, featuring miniaturized zebra crossings, scooter waiting areas, railway level crossings, and a section on the blind spots of large vehicles. Parents can use bicycles and scooters with their children, providing a practical setting for hands-on traffic education. The park is part of Taichung’s "Melody Project" to create unique parks within city districts and integrates local historical elements. Plans are underway to partner with nearby schools for outdoor traffic education classes, fostering an early appreciation of traffic rules in students and enhancing public awareness of traffic safety.
    2023/12/20 20:51
  • Eslite Xinyi store sets new visitor record ahead of closure

    Eslite Xinyi Store, an iconic cultural institution in Taipei, set a new record with 53,000 visitors in a single day, surpassing New Year’s Eve crowds. The 18-year-old bookstore is closing its doors on December 24th, prompting a "Farewell Tour" exhibition showcasing its most-sold books and precious images. A final celebration on the closing day will feature a dance act by Billy Chang, an outdoor farewell concert with renowned artists, and a countdown with Chairman Wu Min-chieh. The legacy of the 24-hour bookstore will continue at Eslite Songyan Store, tripling its book volume, offering over 100,000 products, and introducing cultural spaces like a record store, cinema, performance hall, art gallery, and wine cellar.
    2023/12/19 15:13
  • Kaohsiung welcomes largest Don Quijote store in Taiwan

    Don Quijote, the popular Japanese retail brand, has opened its largest flagship store in Taiwan, located in Kaohsiung. The store, situated in the Dalee Department Store, spans an impressive area of nearly 1,000 pings and features three distinctive zones catering to different shopping desires. These include an Outdoor section for camping and trekking gear, the Donki Sake area for Japanese alcohol enthusiasts, and the Coco Kawaii section for all things cute and adorable. In addition, the store offers a selection of ready-to-eat food restaurants. The opening day saw over 600 people queuing up outside the store, showcasing the excitement surrounding the new establishment. The Kaohsiung Mayor attended the opening, expressing astonishment at the turnout and lauding the decision of these two major Japanese brands, Muji and Don Quijote, to invest in Kaohsiung. With this new addition, Don Quijote now operates five stores across Taiwan, further solidifying its presence in the country’s retail landscape.
    2023/12/07 19:05
  • JINS, guide dog association launch bandana set for charity

    JINS and the Taiwan Guide Dog Association have collaborated to release a limited edition ’Matching Bandana Set’ for pets and owners, with proceeds going to support guide dogs. The collection draws inspiration from parent-child outfits, featuring dogs leading their owners on outdoor adventures. Celebrity Ada Pan endorses the campaign, hoping to raise awareness and funds for the guide dog program.
    2023/12/07 18:49
  • 最強Outdoor體驗就在高雄 陳其邁到「Wild Wild野生活」 大讚好玩,不想離開!

    誰說露營一定要上山?全台最大戶外野營體驗2023「Wild Wild 野生活」,11月18、19日在高雄衛武營戶外草地展開,兩日活動吸引超過12萬人體驗全台最盛大最特別的城市露營。高雄市長陳其邁昨(19日)特別以Outdoor帥氣裝扮出席活動並表示,高雄秋冬氣候宜人,是冬季最佳旅遊城市,活動也豐富不間斷。這兩天看到網路上許多民眾分享活動體驗心得與美照,非常吸引人;昨天下午特別到衛武營現場體驗直火烤肉料理、參觀露營車及裝備市集、參加一日獵人製作肉醬起司堡等,高雄「Wild Wild 野生活」真的讓人好玩到不想離開!
    2023/11/24 17:56
  • Taiwan faces poor air quality as China’s pollution drifts

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has forecasted that northeasterly winds carrying pollutants from Shanghai have intensified over the past 24 hours, leading to poor air quality in Taiwan between Friday and Sunday. The western half of Taiwan has been issued an orange code alert for air quality, with some areas potentially reaching red alert statuses. The CWA warns that air quality is unlikely to improve in the next two days, with the southern regions expected to experience an accumulation of pollution due to weaker winds. The Ministry of Environment advises the public, especially sensitive groups like the elderly and children, to minimize outdoor activities and reduce the use of public transportation to help lessen the emission of pollutants. Residents are urged to stay updated and take necessary precautions to protect their health.
    2023/11/24 17:40
  • 學生族注意!宜蘭全新懶人露營 暑假平日憑學生證享買一送一

    2023/08/22 12:12
  • 全球最大規模!夏威夷擁逾4百警報器 卻因「高溫」集體失靈

    美國夏威夷州(Hawaii)第二大島茂宜島(Maui)8日爆發猛烈野火,罹難人數攀升至99人,該州擁有「全球最大規模」的戶外安全警報系統(outdoor siren warning system),意外發生時卻集體失靈。州長格林(Josh Green)14日指出,應是野火產生極端高溫,導致警報器「基本上無法使用」(essentially immobilized)。
    2023/08/15 12:38
  • 避暑好去處 奧萬大慶29週年!7月連5天門票只要10元

    2023/06/29 14:02
  • 獨/鳳小岳搭金曲樂團「創下台灣紀錄」!超私密嗜好被林心如看光

    2023/04/21 17:17
  • Face masks no longer needed outdoors in Taiwan

    Starting today, masks are no longer needed in outdoor spaces. Taiwan students will no longer have to wear masks on playgrounds, or open hallways too.
    2022/12/01 19:06
  • Taiwan lifts outdoor mask mandate

    Taiwan has eased its outdoor mask mandate, allowing the public to take off their masks outdoors or in open spaces starting on Thursday (Dec. 1).
    2022/12/01 18:49
  • 結婚不到1年!KID認了「重大轉變」 鬆吐當爸幕後秘辛

    2022/12/01 12:22
  • 玩水或玩沙?小孩才做選擇我兩個都要! 那就來台水陸兩棲露營車吧

    2021/08/04 15:05
  • 越野露營車Escapod Topo2為冒險而生 竟是回收牛奶盒打造?

    2021/06/28 11:25
  • AMC電動皮卡+Heimplanet空氣帳    環保露營控:就等這一台!

    最近幾年隨著戶外旅遊風氣興盛,各種Outdoor美圖紛紛佔據了臉書、IG版面,連帶帶動各式休旅車款買氣超夯。不過因著環境變遷與環保聲浪高漲,已加速促使綠能移動邁向新紀元,在這趨勢浪潮下,未來Outdoor旅行該是什麼模樣?!最近發表的AMC Wolf與Heimplanet帳篷的搭配組合可能是最佳解答!
    2021/06/14 13:31
  • 【黃金試車組】強力助攻Defender 開箱「探險家套件」!

    Defender可說是Land Rover品牌最具代表性的車款之一,而今年1月正式在台上市的全新第二代Defender,是匯集品牌超過一甲子的硬底子功力所打造出來的車款,其剽悍越野性能絕對不容小覷。在探索未知領域時,除了需要有穩固的底子能通過各種險惡地形,此時如果能有更多附加功能,相信也可以讓整趟旅程更加輕鬆愜意。
    2021/02/05 12:20
  • 等嘸海外客 日本迴轉壽司.拉麵店陷倒閉潮

    2020/10/19 19:56
  • 露營也有單人房?「X帳篷」兼顧隱私與玩樂

    還記得露營的時候,總是會在帳篷外聊天、談心到三更半夜,一來是捨不得睡,二來有時候是因為帳篷內空間有限,容易互相影響,睡眠難免受到干擾。然而,日本的Doppelganger Outdoor公司現在推出一款4人用「X帳篷」,不僅夥伴可以各自擁有獨立的空間休息,若想要一起談心、玩耍,還可以聚集在中央的大空間,相當特別。
    2016/05/19 00:13
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