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    Lu 結果共85筆

  • 台AV女優「關美顏濾鏡」真實上鏡! 絕美胴體超撩人:不約嗎?

    台灣網紅Tiny Lu(胎尼)2月底宣布以藝名「田井虹」進軍日本AV界,瞬間成為熱門話題,但事後跟片商爆發糾紛,因涉及不法拍攝被取消上架,讓她辛苦勞動付諸流水,而她日前在IG限動分享一張原相機照,沒有經過美肌、濾鏡的原生肌膚、真實身材全曝光。
    2024/06/16 18:25
  • 《16夏》楊一展高人氣進軍越南 合體影帝連炳發讚:又更帥了

    犯罪醫療劇《化外之醫》,前進國際市場,昨(7)日於「Telefilm越南國際電影及電視技術展覧會」,舉行首場國際記者會,製作人湯昇榮、導演廖士涵,與演員連炳發、楊一展、Harry Lu(呂晉宇)連袂出席。瀚草文創董事長湯昇榮代表出品方表示:「很開心帶著這部台灣與越南合作的作品回到越南,相信大家從片花中就可以充份感受到臺灣影視的實力,以及製作上滿滿的誠意。」
    2024/06/08 13:29
  • Taichung mayor tops Taiwan city governance survey

    Discover the top-performing mayors in Taiwan’s major cities according to the 2024 Global Views City Governance Satisfaction Survey. Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen leads with a 72.9% satisfaction rating.
    2024/06/06 16:15
  • Legislative Yuan speaker denies meddling in KMT affairs

    Discover how Legislative Yuan Speaker Han Kuo-yu addresses rumors of political interference and emphasizes his commitment to neutrality in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/06/05 09:34
  • Taichung mayor urges economic diversification

    Discover the latest on China’s suspension of tariff concessions on certain products under the ECFA starting June 15, and Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen’s response to the economic fallout.
    2024/06/03 17:37
  • 水果切開「營養價值急速降↓」!保存5要點必看 冷藏前別洗

    2024/06/03 11:00
  • Taiwan aims to share health expertise despite WHA exclusion

    Discover why Taiwan’s exclusion from the World Health Assembly sparks debate over its global health contributions and the quest for international recognition. Read insights from Ray Ming-tse Lu on Taiwan’s readiness to share its health care expertise.
    2024/05/27 15:46
  • Taichung mayor calls for peace amid Taiwan Strait tensions

    Discover the latest on Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen’s call for peace amid escalating tensions and military exercises around Taiwan and the Kinmen islands. Read insights on the plea for harmony across the Taiwan Strait.
    2024/05/23 18:17
  • Taichung mayor thanks Lai for support after metro attack

    Discover the latest on the Taichung Metro incident: Mayor Lu Shiow-yen thanks President Lai for his support and addresses criticisms of the metro staff and police response. Learn how Taichung is committed to improving public safety and crisis management.
    2024/05/23 16:55
  • 16 brave passengers to get free lifetime Taichung Metro ride

    Discover how Taichung honors 16 brave passengers with lifetime metro rides after they confronted an attacker, showcasing community resilience and courage.
    2024/05/23 14:10
  • Taichung mayor vows to improve metro intercom after attack

    Discover how Taichung’s Mayor Lu Shiow-Yen plans to enhance the metro’s emergency intercom system after a knife attack revealed its limitations. Learn about the commitment to safety improvements.
    2024/05/22 13:59
  • Taichung mayor awards heroes free metro rides for life

    Discover how Taichung’s Mayor Lu Shiow-yen honors two citizens with lifetime free metro rides for their bravery during a violent incident on the Taichung Metro, and the community’s collective courage.
    2024/05/22 10:30
  • Cheng Wen-tsan praises Taichung Mayor Lu as rational

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan praises Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen’s political achievements at the 2024 International Vegetarian Culture Festival, highlighting Taiwan’s vegetarian culture’s global recognition. Cheng also commends Merit Times for promoting Taiwanese vegetarianism, showcasing Taiwan’s soft power.
    2024/05/13 17:52
  • 台AV女優Tiny赴日拍片「出道失敗」 未刪影片遭流出6人持有

    網紅Tiny Lu(胎尼)於2月底宣布,以藝名「田井虹」身分正式進軍日本AV界,豈料預告片段才釋出沒多久Tiny就與片商鬧翻,作品遲遲未上線。Tiny昨(7)日發文說明參與拍片後的紛爭,期間遭片商誤上架未刪減的版本,已有6人購買,最終出道作是否上架不得而知,坦言事件爆發後遭到片商切割,透過律師協助,終於在拍片後伴年拿到片酬,「雖然出道失敗但我依然覺得能去拍攝真是太好了,也或許出道了三個小時也算是有出道成功,希望那六位觀眾會好好珍藏我的出道作。」
    2024/05/08 11:47
  • Taiwanese tourist rescued from scam at Australian airport

    Discover the story of Yu-Ming Lu, a Taiwanese woman who vanished in Australia but was found before she could be scammed. Learn about the efforts of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brisbane and the importance of the "Scam Prevention Strategy 123" for Taiwanese tourists.
    2024/05/03 17:47
  • 出道作品沒下文挨轟!田井虹認想改名:斂財台女不會自毀財路

    網紅Tiny Lu(胎尼)於2月底宣布,將以新藝名「田井虹」身分正式進軍日本AV界,豈料預告片段才釋出沒多久Tiny就與片商鬧翻,她怒斥「日本片酬沒有比我在台灣出道高」。然而經過兩個多月,粉絲仍不見出道作上架,不少人砲轟她來騙流量,Tiny昨(1)日在社群發聲回應。
    2024/05/02 17:29
  • Taichung mayor to visit Singapore amid 2028 buzz

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen embarks on her first overseas visit in four years to Singapore, discussing various topics including sustainable development and disaster resilience. Many view this trip as a potential precursor to her presidential run in the 2028 elections.
    2024/04/02 13:22
  • Taichung Mayor Lu sets eyes on Singapore in strategic visit

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen announces her first overseas trip to Singapore since re-election, positioning herself as a potential Kuomintang candidate in the 2028 presidential election. Learn how visiting Singapore is a strategic move for Taiwan’s political figures.
    2024/04/02 10:54
  • Taichung battles rising costs amid electricity price hikes

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen addresses the impact of rising electricity prices on the city’s annual costs, emphasizing the need to safeguard public transportation and essential services from the effects of the 11% price hike set to take effect in April. The Taichung Metro company plans to mitigate the anticipated 14% increase through cost-saving and energy-efficient measures.
    2024/03/25 13:47
  • Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen tops approval ratings

    Discover the latest insights into potential KMT presidential candidates in Taiwan as Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen emerges as a frontrunner with a 62% approval rating. Learn about the dynamics within the Kuomintang and the challenges Lu may face in the 2028 Presidential Election.
    2024/03/13 12:32
  • 台女優Tiny怨日本片酬少!內行揪「3矛盾」:怪自己沒想清楚

    出身於JKF的Tiny Lu(胎尼)上(2)月底宣布,將以新藝名「田井虹」身分正式進軍日本AV界,豈料預告片段才釋出沒多久,Tiny卻與片商鬧翻,更砲轟「日本片酬沒有比我在台灣出道高」。不過,前AV導演、網紅推手圤智雨對此不以為然表示,Tiny的說法充滿矛盾,並揪出3點質疑,「我覺得東怪西怪,不如怪自己沒有想清楚」。
    2024/03/06 17:40
  • 台籍女優田井虹出道!雞排妹揭私下面 看預告讚:羨慕有GG的人

    JKF女郎Tiny Lu(胎尼)昨(28日)晚間在個人社群宣布,自己將以女優身分正式出道日本AV界,新的藝名為「田井虹」;從不露點僅拍攝「軟色情」影像的Tiny,這次無預警全脫、真槍實彈來硬的,消息令不少粉絲又驚又喜。女星「雞排妹」鄭家純今(29)日表示,自己認識Tiny多年,「現在去日本圓夢,順便造福大眾」,並透露出她私下真實的另一面。
    2024/02/29 16:59
  • 親認「因為杰倫」愛上成人產業!田井虹突被告知出道 扯出劉畊宏

    台灣女網紅Tiny Lu(胎尼)證實將以藝名「田井虹」進軍日本AV界,最新預告曝光後引發暴動,田井虹羞認會對成人產業有興趣,都是因為「暗黑周杰倫」東尼大木的關係,而會出道則是前幾天才被告知,意外扯出天王周杰倫和劉畊宏。
    2024/02/29 10:42
  • 曾堅持不露點!台女優田井虹羞認「私下很愛做」:想帶X友入行

    剛滿30歲的台灣女網紅Tiny Lu(胎尼),近日被證實將以藝名「田井虹」進軍日本AV界,預告片曝光後引發暴動,不僅將和有「暗黑周杰倫」封號的日本男優東尼大木交手,還在有國旗的背景前激戰。事實上,擁有F罩杯火辣身材的田井虹,曾有過大尺度外拍,卻堅持不露點,她還曾羞認私下很喜歡做,「想帶砲友入行」。
    2024/02/29 08:36
  • 震撼進軍日本AV!台女網紅「田井虹」出道預告曝 國旗成激戰背景

    台灣AV女優吳夢夢去年(2023)8月曾爆料台灣有AV女優成功通過日本AV面試,將會進軍日本AV界,昨(28)日吳夢夢在臉書發文證實即將在日本出道的新人,就是她的好友兼台灣網紅Tiny Lu(胎尼),而她也將以藝名「田井虹」在日本出道。
    2024/02/29 08:03
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