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    L 結果共10,000筆

  • Premier urges Taiwanese to prioritize safety in China

    Discover how Taiwan’s Premier Cho Jung-tai responds to China’s judicial guidelines threatening Taiwanese citizens with severe penalties for advocating "Taiwan independence." Learn about the government’s commitment to protect its nationals.
  • Elderly at high risk as Taiwan grapples with extreme heat

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s extreme heatwave: Over 460 people sought medical help for heat-related injuries in June, with temperatures soaring to 38 degrees Celsius in some areas. Learn how the elderly are particularly at risk and get expert advice on avoiding heat exhaustion.
  • 《BBC》專訪黃捷談LGBTQ 苗博雅被高層建議「淡化同志身分」

  • 宇宙人主唱小玉「單飛」帥成這樣 搖身DJ表演撞場金曲獎

    第15屆「正宗華語金曲之夜」6月29日正式登場,首度在台北串聯信義區最強夜店「FRANK Taipei」以及「Legacy Taipei」、傳奇音樂酒吧「操場」,打造千人徹夜狂歡派對,當天雖然撞場第35屆金曲獎頒獎典禮,但有許多入圍者紛紛表示,典禮結束後要去衝一波!
  • Taiwanese golfers set for Paris Olympics debut

    Discover how Taiwanese golfers Chien Pei-yun and Hsu Wei-ling qualified for the Paris Olympics, their rankings, and their reactions to representing Taiwan.
  • 河正宇「客機當戰鬥機開」帥出新高度 謙虛歸功這群人

  • 全球生活最貴城市出爐!新加坡蟬聯冠軍 台北退至第13

    瑞士「寶盛銀行」(Julius Baer)25日公布最新的《2024全球財富及高端生活報告》(Global Wealth and Lifestyle Report),其中新加坡連續第2年奪下冠軍寶座,象徵該國家的政治和經濟穩定、環境利於經商並吸引富豪進駐,至於台北則從去年的第8滑落至第13。
  • Taiwan, Saint Kitts deepen ties in renewable energy, health

    Discover the highlights of Prime Minister Terrance Drew’s visit to Taiwan, including discussions on strengthening ties in education, agriculture, technology, and more. Learn about the shared democratic values and future cooperation plans between Taiwan and Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  • U.S. condemns China’s new guidelines on Taiwan

    Explore the latest on U.S.-China tensions: The State Department condemns China’s new guidelines targeting Taiwan independence, urging dialogue and restraint. Read more on the escalating situation and Taiwan’s response.
  • Scorching temperatures hit Taiwan amid clear skies

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including unusual thunderstorm patterns and high temperatures reaching 36 to 38 degrees Celsius. Learn about potential threats and necessary precautions for the coming week.
  • Judicial Yuan defends grand justices against KMT criticism

    Explore the escalating tension between Taiwan’s KMT and DPP over the legislative power bill, with officials urging respect for the judiciary’s neutrality. This story covers the recent criticisms and the call for fairness.
  • 奧斯卡女星抱貓逃竄紐約街頭 自曝從小懼貓:牠們就像小獅子

    由奧斯卡得主露琵塔尼詠歐(Lupita Nyong’o)主演的新作《噤界:入侵日》,片中她和愛貓之間很顯然有著非常特殊的情感連結,導演麥可薩諾斯基表示,自己為這隻貓安排了一個特定的角色:「我很喜歡的畫面就是莎蜜拉帶著她的愛貓,像是一場大冒險的同伴一樣,穿過被摧毀的紐約市街頭。」
  • NBA/菜鳥總教練瑞迪克接掌湖人 「我想贏得總冠軍」

    洛杉磯湖人(Los Angeles Lakers)在被康乃狄克大學教練赫利(Dan Hurley)婉拒後,近日終於確認該球團新任總教練人選,將由退役三分射手瑞迪克(JJ Redick)接掌兵符,雙方據傳簽下長達4年的合約。但雖然在球員生涯繳出亮眼成績,瑞迪克卻從未有NBA執教經驗,也讓這樁合作備受外界與球迷質疑。
  • Taiwan to welcome 75 US English teaching assistants in 2024

    Discover how Taiwan’s Ministry of Education plans to foster an English-speaking environment in schools by introducing 75 American English teaching assistants in 2024, focusing on immersive learning and rural education.
  • 金曲預測/新人七搶一!「評審、章魚哥」全都指向他:非常全能

    第35屆金曲獎頒獎典禮6月29日在台北小巨蛋登場,《TVBS新聞網》邀請曾任5屆金曲獎評審的音樂人陳建寧,跟在網路上有「金曲章魚哥」之稱的壹參,來預測本屆「最佳新人獎」得主,今年入圍的有七位,鳳小岳《柒》、徐暐翔《躍》、鄭平《簡單一句話》、鄒序《把水開著》、王 ADEN《Be a Lover》、Jocelyn 9.4.0《Jocelyn 9.4.0》、Makav 真愛《寶藏 Treasure》,各個都是實力新秀,難分軒輊。
  • Heavy-duty truck crashes spike on Taiwan highways, 10 dead

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s highway safety: The Freeway Bureau reports a rise in heavy-duty truck accidents, urging drivers to adopt safety measures to prevent further incidents.
  • 精品入門這樣挑!「5萬元經典包」LV、愛馬仕、香奈兒好入手

  • Experts gather in Taiwan to discuss future of insect farming

    Discover how Taiwan is leading in sustainable agriculture with its focus on insect farming as a carbon-efficient protein source, discussed at an international forum.
  • Asian Journalism Forum highlights media’s role in election

    Explore how the historic election year impacts global politics and the critical role of media in a polarized world, featuring insights from leading journalists on democracy and technology challenges.
  • Drug shortage hits Taiwan, small clinics most affected

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s struggle with medicine shortages, highlighting the impact on smaller clinics and pharmacies, and the government’s response to the crisis.
  • President Lai signs amendments, seeks constitutional review

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape as President Lai Ching-te signs amendments to the Act Governing the Legislative Yuan’s Power, sparking debate and awaiting a constitutional interpretation.
    2024/06/24 17:51
  • New Taipei fines cat food brand for false labeling

    Discover how a Taiwanese cat food brand faced a NT$60,000 fine for false labeling after a cat’s death from hypokalemia, sparking an investigation by the New Taipei City Government. Learn about the violations and penalties imposed.
    2024/06/24 17:33
  • 金曲歌后不藏了!唱一半突大叫「老公」 甜炸場面曝光

    2024/06/24 16:19
  • Miniature horse causes stir on Taiwan expressway

    Discover the story of a miniature horse that caused a stir on a Miaoli County expressway, safely corralled by police and returned to its farm. Learn about the quick resolution and traffic safety reminders.
    2024/06/24 16:00
  • ’Quiet vacationing’ emerges as a trend among remote workers

    Discover how "quiet vacationing" is shaping the future of work among Gen Z and millennials in the U.S., a trend emerging from the rise of remote work. Learn about its impact on productivity and the call for a healthier work-life balance.
    2024/06/24 15:50
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