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  • TPP’s Ko’s wife dares DPP to sue over Taipei Dome claims

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s wife, Peggy Chen, openly challenged the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on December 9th, expressing her willingness to face legal consequences if sued. Chen’s challenge followed her questioning the integrity of the Premier and the Minister of the Interior on Facebook, alleging their deliberate obstruction of the approval process for the Taipei Dome project during Ko’s tenure as Taipei City Mayor in October of the previous year. During an event in Taichung City’s Dali District, Chen boldly stated, "If the DPP wants to sue, then sue me!" She emphasized that her information came directly from Ko himself and assured that she had made efforts to verify the claims. When asked about the recent decline in Ko’s support according to polls, Chen simply responded, "Just keep working hard."
    2023/12/09 16:07
  • Northeast monsoon chills northeastern Taiwan

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has announced that a strong northeastern monsoon has brought cooler temperatures to northern and northeastern Taiwan. Western parts of Taiwan can expect significant temperature fluctuations between day and night. The CWA has compared the intensity of the current monsoon to that of a continental cold air mass and advises residents to add layers and keep warm. Low temperatures ranging from 14 to 15 degrees Celsius are expected in central and northern Taiwan, as well as the northeastern regions, while other areas will experience lows of 17 to 19 degrees. The northeast monsoon is predicted to weaken by Friday, resulting in a daytime increase in temperature. Despite the large diurnal temperature range in the western half of Taiwan, most areas will have clear to partly cloudy skies. However, isolated, brief showers are anticipated in the southeastern parts of the island, according to the CWA.
    2023/12/07 14:24
  • Labor minister refutes rumors of 100,000 Indian workers

    The Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has denied rumors that Taiwan plans to import 100,000 Indian workers. The Ministry of Labor suspects that false information is being deliberately spread to cause panic, and has urged the public not to fall for such tactics. Taiwan is in the early stages of negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding for labor cooperation with India, which has led to speculation about a potential influx of Indian workers. Concerns have been raised on social media about India’s record of violence against women and the impact on social security in Taiwan. Hsu explained that Taiwan is exploring new foreign labor source countries due to labor shortages caused by changing demographics. Currently, Taiwan has agreements with only four countries, but India is considered a promising addition. Hsu emphasized that the MOU has not been signed yet and discussions on importing labor from India are ongoing. The Ministry of Labor will take precautions and improve communication to keep the public informed about the process.
    2023/11/16 12:13
  • 辣媽主播張若妤曬川字肌「中空炫腹」 羞曝老公愛她穿緊身衣

    中天電視明(2024)年將邁向30年,為迎接2024年的到來,推出「KEEP FIGHTING」系列周邊,希望帶給大家積極向前的正向力量。首波推出的商品是睽違2年再度發行的「2024中天新聞主播桌曆」,即日起開始預購。
    2023/11/11 07:05
  • LINE每人都有這「神秘群組」! 網刷一排「名字」這樣取

    2023/08/03 12:59
  • President Tsai urges public to stay safe amid heavy rainfall

    In anticipation of Typhoon Khanun’s arrival, President Tsai Ing-wen visited the Central Emergency Operation Center on Thursday morning (Aug. 3) to ensure the necessary precautions were taken to keep the public safe.
    2023/08/03 12:33
  • 館長嗆賴清德「作賊心虛」不來遊行 民進黨正面回應了

    健身房業者「館長」陳之漢偕前立委黃國昌號召16日凱道遊行,要為司法改革、居住正義發聲,也敬邀各總統參選人加入;不過,今(14)日社群流傳幾張「柯文哲Keep Promise後援會」群組對話截圖,稱要利用館、昌幫民眾黨主席柯文哲造勢。另一方面,遊行在即,昨(13)日陳之漢、黃國昌也喊話要副總統賴清德來參加遊行;民進黨發言人張志豪指出,政府推「囤房稅2.0」即是回應居住正義訴求,他也反問其他總統參選人,對此能有什麼積極回應?
    2023/07/14 19:32
  • ProLogium unveils plans for first gigafactory in France

    Taiwan’s leading electric vehicle battery maker ProLogium has announced plans to build the first overseas gigafactory in Dunkirk, northern France. The founder and CEO of ProLogium, Vincent Yang, stressed the intention to keep its roots in Taiwan has not changed but expressed hopes to continue expansion across Asia on Friday (June 9).
    2023/06/09 18:45
  • Dwight Howard shares secret recipe to become a great leader

    Eight-time All-NBA Team honoree Dwight Howard, currently playing for the Taiwan-based Taoyuan Leopards since November last year, shares in an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19) the secrets to keep being passionate about basketball, and leadership qualities he admires most. 
    2023/05/29 17:24
  • 「LINE官方」當記事本!內行人狂搖頭 授2招:好用又安全

    2023/04/25 18:37
  • 青峰唱太用力!身體「這部位」當場受傷 團員急忙搶救畫面曝

    魚丁糸「池堂影夜」今(18)日開始連續兩晚返場台北小巨蛋,由於舞台結構複雜、費工耗時,很多場地做不到,難以搬移到不同地方,因此稱為「季節限定版」,一開場帶來〈Must Keep Singing〉、〈空氣中的視聽與幻覺〉、〈You are, you will〉、〈你在煩惱什麼〉四首歌曲,原本阿福想要講一些感性的話,卻還是被青峰猛虧,笑翻台下觀眾。
    2023/02/18 22:08
  • Taiwan’s old streets keep up with times to attract visitors

    Taiwan’s old streets are a popular attraction among tourists from far and near, but after two years of the pandemic, many business owners are trying to find back the spark to attract visitors once more.
    2023/01/21 08:00
  • 模仿威爾史密斯掌摑事件! 金球獎男星調侃:少用臭嘴講他老婆

    2023年第95屆奧斯卡1月24日將公布入圍名單,上屆新科影帝威爾史密斯(Will Smith)摑掌事件轟動全球,如今時隔近一週年仍記憶猶新。今(11)日金球獎頒獎典禮上,榮獲終身成就獎的笑匠艾迪墨菲(Eddie Murphy)再提及此事,他嘲諷說道:「不要他X的提到威爾史密斯的老婆(Keep Will Smith’s wife’s name out your f---ing mouth),這樣就會成功。」
    2023/01/11 14:32
  • Taipei Zoo strives to keep wild animals warm amid cold spell

    The temperature in Taipei dipped to 7 degrees Celsius over the weekend. And animals in Taipei zoo are also suffering from the cold. 
    2022/12/19 17:36
  • Cute chicks prepare for cold wave in Taiwan

    Chicken farmers in central Taiwan, Yunlin County, keep the chicken coop warm in preparation for the upcoming wave. 
    2022/12/15 11:28
  • 拒絕亂節食!減20公斤沒復胖 金宣兒剷肉靠4好習慣

    10月1日剛過完49歲的金宣兒,最近睽違三年霸氣回歸小螢幕,演出法界權謀鬥爭劇《The Empire:法之帝國》,高潮迭起的劇情,讓人期待接下來的發展啊!不過,讓編編移不開眼球的,還有她172cm的身高,修長大美腿,依然Keep住的纖瘦體態,真的無法想像她當初為了演《我叫金三順》,把自己吃胖得白白胖胖!究竟,她怎麼成功瘦身並且再也沒復胖過呢?快來看看吧!
    2022/10/06 23:07
  • 51歲鍾麗緹全身粉大跳BlackPink新歌 被酸爆「大媽扮少女」

    本(9)月便踏入52歲的鍾麗緹 (Christy) 曾是90年代的性感女神,雖然她如今青春不再且已生了三個小朋友,但她一向保養得宜,無論樣貌身材都Keep得好好,完全不似是她的真實年紀,是圈中的凍齡女神之一。可是,日前她於社交網上分享了一段她的跳舞片,卻令網民感到相當驚嚇。
    2022/09/11 18:02
  • 忌口超重要?阿喜照吃泡麵零食也瘦 「獎勵」減肥大公開

    2022/07/09 14:28
  • 49歲鄭秀文曬「超胸」近照!超性感中空挖洞裝粉絲暴動

    2022/05/06 22:15
  • 凍齡女神崩壞? 鍾麗緹「素顏」嚇壞網:睫毛太像蟑螂腳

    2022/03/28 11:41
  • 李靚蕾秀WhatsApp通話紀錄 王力宏「這句話」藏玄機

    「優質偶像」王力宏被前妻李靚蕾爆料私生活醜聞,宛如經歷核彈爆炸式毀滅,眼看案前擴大延燒,王力宏也正式宣布要退出演藝圈,並且也公開承認「都是我的錯」。而先前李靚蕾發文提到王力宏根本滿口謊言,昨(19)日她明明有打五通電話給王力宏,後續對方卻拒絕接聽,也有眼尖網友從李靚蕾貼出的通話紀錄中發現,王力宏的WhatsApp個人資料「關於」,寫的是知名宣教士Jim Elliot名言,「He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. 」
    2021/12/20 13:59
  • 李淳與導演父骨灰罈對戲 談與李安爭執:了解父母很漫長

    由李安兒子李淳主演的短片《Keep in mind:Father’s cinema》,是今年高雄電影節「K Series」短片集中的其中一部,該片30日於高雄電影節世界首映,片中李淳無台詞演出對父親與電影都充滿依戀的兒子,完全用眼神傳達遺憾與濃烈情感,全片沉靜動人。而她在受訪時也提到自己與父親李安其實有過爭執,同時也花了很長一段時間才了解父母的價值觀。
    2021/10/31 12:11
  • 訴求台灣入聯 紐約僑界團體時報廣場發聲

    受COVID-19影響,大紐約地區僑界連兩年未舉辦入聯遊行。主辦團體Keep Taiwan Free為維持聲量,請出真人大小台灣黑熊布偶在時報廣場宣傳,支持台灣加入聯合國。
    2021/10/04 08:30
  • 甩肉不瘦胸!熊熊曝「傲人美胸」5秘訣 激升2cup

    2021/09/18 10:24
  • 滴滴效應 健身軟體Keep等陸企傳取消在美上市

    2021/07/09 11:09
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