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    IT 結果共844筆

  • LINE Fact Checker introduces voice message verification

    Discover how LINE Fact Checker’s new Speech to Text feature is combating misinformation in Taiwan, making it easier to verify voice messages. Learn about its impact and the popular false information topics it addresses.
    2024/06/26 12:37
  • Tainan leads with new student safety measures outdoors

    Discover how Tainan is leading the way in outdoor education safety and curriculum development, making it the first among Taiwan’s six municipalities to implement new regulations.
    2024/06/26 11:01
  • Taiwan battles triple virus outbreak, including COVID surge

    Discover how Tainan is leading the way in outdoor education safety and curriculum development, making it the first among Taiwan’s six municipalities to implement new regulations.
    2024/06/26 10:49
  • 英王室朝聖泰勒絲!威廉王子嗨跳Shake It Off 攜子女合照天后樂歪

    美國流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)的「時代巡迴演唱會」(Eras Tour)21日晚間來到英國倫敦(London),吸引爆滿9萬歌迷朝聖,連威廉王子(Prince William)也帶著兒女喬治王子(Prince George)、夏綠蒂公主(Princess Charlotte)前來追星,威廉王子不只被拍到跟著泰勒絲的歌曲熱舞,還在後台與泰勒絲自拍,一反平時的嚴謹形象。
    2024/06/23 09:45
  • 黃仁勳加州理工致詞!拋「天后」哏沒人接 全場安靜3秒

    2024/06/20 13:48
  • 黃仁勳也是泰勒絲歌迷! 畢典演講引用歌詞「台下0反應」他噴笑

    輝達(Nvidia)執行長、「AI教父」黃仁勳曾被Meta創辦人祖克柏形容為「科技業泰勒絲」,其實他真的是泰勒絲的粉絲,日前他在加州理工學院畢業典禮致詞,分享經營輝達的種種難題與心得,建議學子們碰到難題時,要像泰勒絲的名曲〈shake it off〉一樣通通甩開,不過台下學生一時沒接到他的哽,一片鴉雀無聲沒反應,隨後才陸續有人聽懂爆出笑聲,黃仁勳忍不住笑說:「你們太專心讀書了。」
    2024/06/20 12:00
  • Taiwan tracks 19 Chinese aircraft and ships in 24 hours

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as it monitors a surge in Chinese military activity, with 19 aircraft and ships detected near the Taiwan Strait, escalating regional tensions.
    2024/06/11 11:25
  • New Taipei mayor sees highest dissatisfaction rate: Survey

    Discover the latest shifts in public approval for Taiwan’s city leaders, as revealed by a Global Views Monthly survey. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih sees the highest dissatisfaction, while Taipei’s Chiang Wan-an enjoys a surge in approval. Explore the dynamic political landscape and how it reflects on local governance.
    2024/06/06 17:17
  • 和台關係近40年 基辛格:IT就是Intel跟Taiwan

    2024/06/04 19:13
  • 聚焦「AI」!電腦展3大亮點一次看 大咖齊聚宛如武林大會

    2024台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX)將於6月4日至7日舉行,今年大會以「AI串聯、共創未來」(Connecting AI)為主題,全場將圍繞熱門的人工智慧(AI),從雲端AI伺服器、邊緣的AI PC等裝置,到下游各種AI新創應用,展出最完整的AI解決方案。
    2024/06/01 11:21
  • 黃仁勳作東!開7桌 請「AI供應鏈14大老」吃晚餐

    2024/05/31 13:35
  • Taiwan’s travel agencies challenge ongoing China travel ban

    Taiwan’s travel agencies urge the government to reconsider the prolonged group travel ban to China, arguing it is unconstitutional and harms cross-strait relations and the travel industry.
    2024/05/30 16:06
  • Taiwan’s TPP seeks to abolish Control Yuan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s political landscape: The Taiwan People’s Party aims to abolish the Control Yuan, citing it as a financial burden and ineffective. With cross-party support and challenges ahead, this move could reshape governance.
    2024/05/30 16:02
  • China criticizes Taiwan president’s inauguration speech

    Discover the latest on cross-strait tensions as China’s Taiwan Affairs Office criticizes Taiwan President Lai’s inaugural speech, calling it a "Taiwan independence manifesto" and warning of severe consequences.
    2024/05/29 16:31
  • 一輩子的傷痛!畢書盡無悔單戀故事曝光 內心超糾結

    情歌王子Bii畢書盡回歸「畢式情歌」,推出〈最特別的人〉,並同步出韓文版本〈말해Say It〉(中文:說吧),韓文版更由畢書盡親自填詞,透過中文和韓文歌詞串連,譜出一段無悔單戀故事。畢書盡表示:「自己近幾年比較少創作抒情歌,所以很想寫一首『很愛情』的情歌。」
    2024/05/28 14:43
  • Chinese military aircraft breach Taiwan Strait median line

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s defense as it detects Chinese military aircraft and naval vessels near the Taiwan Strait, signaling heightened tensions and international concern for regional stability.
    2024/05/28 13:27
  • Taiwan hit by wave of viruses, hospitals at capacity

    Explore the latest on Taiwan’s health crisis as it battles a surge in virus cases, including COVID-19 and influenza, leading to overcrowded hospitals. Learn why experts urge mask-wearing and vaccination.
    2024/05/27 11:55
  • Delivery market faces shake-up as Uber Eats buys foodpanda

    Uber Eats’ acquisition of foodpanda for US$950 million is set to reshape Taiwan’s delivery market, potentially monopolizing it by 2025. How will this affect Taiwan’s delivery, dining, and retail industries?
    2024/05/24 16:57
  • Taiwan to introduce new TPASS for non-commuters by year-end

    Discover Taiwan’s new TPASS initiative for non-commuters, set to launch by the end of 2024. Aimed at encouraging public transport use, it offers flexible options beyond the commuter-focused monthly pass.
    2024/05/24 10:32
  • Proposal for Chiayi sex district faces regulatory hurdles

    Explore the debate in Chiayi City over establishing a sex district amid stringent regulations requiring a 300-meter distance from schools and sensitive sites, making it challenging to find a suitable location.
    2024/05/23 18:13
  • Taiwan braces for unstable weather, thunderstorms this week

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a week of mixed conditions with showers, thunderstorms, and a potential typhoon developing near the Philippine Sea. Stay updated on how it may affect you.
    2024/05/23 15:16
  • 自信心Get it!TVBS自信表達主播營 早鳥優惠價5/31截止

    學習環境、職場生涯或是社交場合中,能大方侃侃而談的人總是吸引人注目,不少人認為自信是天生的,但其實「自信」是一種可以訓練的技巧,就如同「表達」一樣。許多家長擔心孩子在面對上台發表時,因缺乏自信無法做到表達順暢、溝通流利,這個暑假就讓「TVBS自信表達主播營」陪著爸爸媽媽們一起來好好來開發你獨一無二的寶貝吧, 透過專業的師資團隊,完整的學習及建立自信表達力,讓小孩不再害怕開口!
    2024/05/23 12:49
  • Details of parliament reform bill’s second reading explained

    Discover how Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has strengthened its oversight capabilities with new amendments, allowing it to demand information from various entities and impose fines for non-compliance. Learn about the significant changes aimed at enhancing transparency and accountability in governance.
    2024/05/22 10:48
  • Beijing criticizes Taiwan president’s inaugural speech

    Explore the latest on cross-strait relations as Beijing criticizes Taiwan President Lai Ching-te’s inaugural speech, calling it a "pro-independence monologue" and labeling Lai a "traitor." Read more on the escalating tensions.
    2024/05/22 10:35
  • U.S. YouTuber faces backlash over Taiwan legislature video

    Discover the controversy surrounding American YouTuber Logan Beck’s video on Taiwan’s legislative conflict and the backlash it sparked among viewers for its portrayal of the government.
    2024/05/21 11:34
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