
Taiwan braces for unstable weather, thunderstorms this week

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/23 15:16
Last update time:2024/05/23 15:16
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Taiwan braces for unstable weather (TVBS News) Taiwan braces for unstable weather, thunderstorms this week
Taiwan braces for unstable weather (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As the week progresses, Taiwan faces a mix of unstable weather conditions, with chances of showers and thunderstorms across various regions, especially in the afternoons due to thermal effects.


According to weather forecasts, Thursday (May 23) will see these conditions most prominently, affecting daily activities and possibly causing disruptions.


Moving into the weekend, the weather is expected to change slightly. A frontal system will gradually move northward away from the island, leading to brief local showers in the northern, northeastern, and southern mountainous areas on Friday and Saturday. Other regions will see a transition to cloudy skies with occasional short thunderstorms in the afternoon.


By Sunday and Monday, the wind direction is set to change from southeast to south, bringing warmer temperatures across the island. The eastern and southeastern parts of Taiwan are expected to experience brief local showers. At the same time, other areas will enjoy mostly cloudy to sunny skies with the possibility of short thunderstorms in the afternoon.


In addition to the local weather changes, a tropical disturbance developing over the eastern Philippine Sea is being closely monitored. Forecasters estimate a high chance of it becoming a typhoon, yet the probability of its landfall in Taiwan is low.

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