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    Friday 結果共248筆

  • Central Cross-island Highway closed due to landslides

    Discover the latest on the Central Cross-Island Highway’s closure due to landslides and rockfalls from continuous heavy rainfall. Learn about the Highway Bureau’s efforts to reopen the road by Friday and safety advice for travelers.
    2024/06/04 10:01
  • 太強了!開衩旗袍挑戰16蹲 正妹蹲遍金門9大景點

    16蹲舞步正夯,金門版也來挑戰了!一群「KDC金門流行舞蹈團」的國高中女舞者們,穿著復古短旗袍在金門9大知名景點,大跳男團Energy最新MV舞曲《星期五晚上Friday Night》,帶大家「蹲」遍金門。舞團也將影片上傳到臉書粉絲頁,上架不到1天,就吸引萬人觀看,讓不少網友直呼「太強了」。
    2024/06/02 16:22
  • Energy announces first concerts at Taipei, Kaohsiung arenas

    Discover the iconic boy band Energy’s electrifying comeback with their first-ever concerts in Taipei and Kaohsiung, inspired by a Mayday concert. Tickets go on sale June 2.
    2024/05/24 13:51
  • Weather expert warns of showers across Taiwan through Friday

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as Daniel Wu warns of potential showers and thunderstorms through Friday, with conditions improving slightly before another front brings nationwide storms next week.
    2024/05/22 10:25
  • 曾是EXID師妹!女星遭爆「私下賣淫」 含淚發律師聲明

    曾為韓團EXID師妹的歌壇新人陳涵瑜(球球),歷經7年等待才發行出道單曲〈Boom!〉,無奈新歌發行後,卻遭黑粉爆料賣淫醜聞,後經球球本人提出當年律師聲明「兩年前已提告製造假影片的人」,才得以洗白不實傳言,球球雖為此感到難過,但更感謝忠誠粉絲支持,和經紀公司討論決定以現場粉絲音樂會回饋歌迷;上週Friday Night在台北信義區ATT 4 FUN 「sakura櫻」音樂餐廳,舉辦為夢想闖蕩7年來首場粉絲音樂會,原本限量150席座位擠進逾200位鐵粉支持,讓球球開心地說:「很有成就感也很感動!」
    2024/04/30 12:34
  • Weeklong unstable weather alert: Heavy rainfall expected

    Explore the latest weather advisory from the Central Weather Administration as it warns of unstable conditions and potential heavy rainfall across Taiwan, impacting cities from Keelung to Changhua. With a frontal system approaching, expect significant downpours, especially on Friday and Saturday, alongside advisories for lightning, gusty winds, and possible landslides in mountainous regions. Northern Taiwan will see cooler temperatures, while the rest of the island braces for varied weather phenomena into next week.
    2024/04/24 10:14
  • Digital Minister unveils plan to combat fraud and scams

    Digital Minister Audrey Tang announced on Friday (April 12) that the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) plans to launch an act that punishes frauds and scams in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior next week. Furthermore, to discuss AI-related concerns, MODA is organizing an online meeting next week with major players in the business, including Meta, Google, Microsoft, and Open AI.
    2024/04/12 17:41
  • 《GTO》新篇登頂最狂日劇! 反町隆史發願來台:找我就飛過去

    就算過了26年,《麻辣教師GTO》的魅力依舊不減!friDay影音全網獨占的超人氣話題日劇《麻辣教師GTO REVIVAL》,4月5日上架後締造2024年度開播最多人數觀看紀錄,在日本的電視台聯營串流平台TVer更締造單週370萬的播放紀錄,鬼塚英吉從平成到令和依舊是人氣王!
    2024/04/11 15:51
  • 松嶋菜菜子回歸《GTO》! 50歲美貌嚇傻全日網:這樣有合理?

    26年前的熱血教師到現在還適用嗎?friDay影音將於4月5日全網獨播、緯來日本台則將在4月4日晚間10點搶先播出話題發燒日劇《麻辣教師GTO REVIVAL》,昨(1)晚於日本播出,開出9.6%收視率,稱霸同時段所有節目!除了有如同學會的開場5分鐘,最受矚目的莫過於松嶋菜菜子的現身,觀眾、網友異口同聲驚呼:「這樣50歲合理嗎?」
    2024/04/02 13:45
  • 菲男釘十字架35年「鋼釘入掌」 親人重病痊癒、工作接不完

    菲律賓的某個村落,每逢復活節前的耶穌受難日(Good Friday ),就會舉行重現耶穌受難的儀式,多名自願者被釘在十字架上。一名63歲木匠已經連續35年,在活動中扮成耶穌。他稱出席這個儀式讓他工作接不停、親人重病痊癒。他也透露今(2024)年表示將為烏克蘭、加薩與南海和平祈福。
    2024/03/31 12:01
  • Northern Taiwan to feel chill as monsoon intensifies

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan on Thursday, with cooler temperatures and brief showers expected in eastern regions, Hengchun Peninsula, and northern hills. The Matsu area will also experience intermittent showers. As a front passes and the northeastern monsoon intensifies, cold weather will sweep across the north and northeast parts of Taiwan, bringing brief showers to these regions as well as the east and Hengchun Peninsula. Daytime temperatures will range from 25 to 29 degrees Celsius, with the south mountainous area possibly reaching 29-30 degrees. Night temperatures in the north and northeast will drop to 13-15 degrees, while other areas will hover between 16-19 degrees. On Friday morning, there will be a significant temperature drop in northern Taiwan as the front passes and the northeast monsoon strengthens. Saturday morning will see a decrease in temperatures due to radiative cooling, but northern Taiwan’s temperature will rebound during the day. From Sunday to next Tuesday, the western regions will experience large temperature differences between day and night, with cloudy to clear weather. On Wednesday, a brief shower is projected for the east and northern mountainous regions as a front approaches, while other areas will continue to enjoy sunny weather. Stay informed and plan your activities accordingly.
    2024/02/15 09:59
  • 29公分最萌身高差!二階堂富美跨國愛上蔡鍾協 語言不通更甜了

    農曆過年連假到來,friDay影音冬季檔日劇也全數開播,除了獨占的《Great Gift》、《因為你把心給了我》各有好評,由演技派女星二階堂富美與韓國男星蔡鍾協所共譜的奇幻愛情故事《Eye Love You》,日前為慶祝官方IG追蹤突破20萬人,上傳了一張愛心照片,由於兩人身高相差29公分,被粉絲大讚最萌身高差、兩個人都可愛到爆炸。
    2024/02/07 15:52
  • Taiwan braces for rainy start to Lunar New Year celebrations

    Taiwan is expected to experience gloomy and rainy weather from the eve of the Lunar New Year on Thursday to New Year’s Day on Friday, according to meteorologist Peng Chi-ming. The weather is expected to improve from February 10 to February 12. Windward areas, including Taoyuan, Greater Taipei, Keelung’s North Coast, eastern parts of Yilan and Hualien, and the Hengchun Peninsula, are likely to receive rainfall due to the impact of the northeast monsoon. The central and southern mountainous areas may witness sporadic showers with more cloud coverage in the plains. The southwestern monsoon will intensify rainfall north of Taichung and in Yilan from Tuesday night until Wednesday, with the northern and northeastern mountainous areas receiving the most rain. The entire island will experience showers and heavy rain, especially in the central and northern regions, Yilan, and Hualien, between the eve of the Lunar New Year and New Year’s Day. Rainfall will gradually decrease from the evening of February 8, but showers may potentially occur throughout the day on February 9. The weather will gradually improve beginning on New Year’s Day, with the western half of Taiwan turning partly cloudy to sunny. However, the eastern half will still see an increased amount of clouds with occasional showers. Weather conditions are expected to enhance further from the second to the third day of the Lunar New Year, potentially resulting in clear skies in the western half and partly cloudy to clear skies in the eastern half. In terms of temperatures, the north, northeast, and mountain regions will experience the coldest weather on New Year’s Day, with lows between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius. The southern and eastern regions of Hualien and Taitung will have lows of 12 to 14 degrees, with temperatures slowly warming thereafter.
    2024/02/06 12:09
  • 喜劇女王李荷妮新作收視創新高 導演大讚「國家的寶物」

    2024/01/30 12:00
  • Giant rubber ducks draw 600K visitors in Kaohsiung return

    The beloved rubber duck by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman has returned to Love River Bay in Kaohsiung after a decade, attracting over 600,000 attendees in the first two days of the exhibition. The event, named "2024 Kaohsiung Wonderland," features more than just the two popular inflatable yellow ducks. It includes a bouncy castle, a yellow ball pit, a small train ride, street performances, and a food market. The event will run until Feb. 25. Free park tickets are distributed daily at 2 p.m. at Pier 16-18, with opening hours from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday to Thursday, and from 3 to 9 p.m. on Friday to Sunday and during the first to fifth day of Chinese New Year. The exhibition has also led to almost record-high single-day light rail usage, with over 137,000 rides in the first two days. Additionally, a duck-themed light show has been created for night-time enjoyment along Love River Bay.
    2024/01/29 16:53
  • Taiwan to enjoy spring-like warmth with rising temperatures

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan from Meteorologist Wu Der-rong. Temperatures will rise throughout the week, reaching 30 degrees Celsius in the south. While the north will see highs of 25 degrees during the day, mornings and evenings will remain cooler. Expect temperatures of 12-22 degrees in the north, 12-25 degrees in central regions, and 13-27 degrees in the south. Starting Tuesday, wind direction will change, bringing stable sunny weather to the west and occasional showers to the east. A small northeast wind on Friday may cause localized rain and a slight drop in temperature in the north. Spring-like temperatures will return on the weekend, with sunny weather in the west and possible showers in the east. Stay tuned for updates on the next cold snap.
    2024/01/29 13:48
  • MOFA vows stronger ties with Tuvalu amid diplomatic rumors

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has been closely cooperating with Tuvalu in various fields and will continue to strengthen such cooperation for mutual prosperity. MOFA’s remarks came after rumors that Tuvalu might establish diplomatic ties with China after its general election on Friday. Bikenibeu Paeniu, Tuvalu’s ambassador to Taiwan, suggested that Tuvalu might seek diplomatic recognition from Beijing after its Jan. 26 general election. Taiwan’s foreign ministry noted that numerous high-ranking officials from Tuvalu had congratulated Taiwan’s elected president and vice president after its democratic election and reiterated their commitment to preserving the friendship between the two countries. Some experts believe that Paeniu’s comments require further verification and cannot rule out the possibility that Tuvalu is using this as leverage to solicit support from Australia.
    2024/01/22 12:13
  • 反町隆史不耍帥了!化身醫師衰捲鬥爭 高中拉麵店打工竟被丟包

    friDay影音最新冬季檔獨占日劇《Great Gift》本週開播,性格派演技男星反町隆史化身病理學家,卻被捲入大學醫院的權力鬥爭,他上節目宣傳時準備自己的刀具組進行料理,透露一手好廚藝竟是高中時期去拉麵店打工,被老闆「丟包」而訓練出來的!
    2024/01/22 08:59
  • Taiwan braces for a chilly week ahead with snow predictions

    Expect fair weather through Friday, followed by cooler and wetter conditions from Saturday to next Wednesday, according to WeatherRisk meteorologist Ke Yu-ning. Temperatures in Taiwan will continue to rise on Thursday, with increased cloud cover in mountainous areas. Coastal areas will see a 1-2 degree drop in high temperatures on Friday, while inland regions will remain warm. The chance of rain is relatively high in eastern parts and the Hengchun Peninsula. The expected weather front has been delayed and is now forecasted to pass over Taiwan from Saturday morning to Sunday morning. Northern temperatures will fall from 16-21 degrees to 14-17 degrees over the weekend and into next week, while central and southern regions will experience a daily decrease of 1-2 degrees. A significant temperature drop is expected on Monday and Tuesday, with the coldest weather occurring Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning, when temperatures may fall to around 9-10 degrees Celsius in most urban areas. Despite a slight warming during the day on Wednesday, conditions will remain chilly. High-altitude regions may experience snowfall next week, with the snowfall altitude potentially increasing to 2500 meters as cold air diminishes. Temperatures in these areas may approach or drop to freezing from Monday evening through Thursday, creating the opportunity for snow.
    2024/01/18 11:15
  • Cold wave to sweep across Taiwan with snow in the forecast

    Get the latest weather forecast for Taiwan as the Central Weather Administration predicts a cold wave next week. Expect frigid temperatures ranging from 7 to 13 degrees Celsius across the island, with snowfall predicted in mountainous areas. This week, temperatures will rise till Friday with easterly winds and highs of 22 to 27 degrees. Brief showers may occur in the east, while the west remains sunny. Unstable weather and rain are expected on Saturday, followed by significant rainfall from Sunday to Wednesday next week. Stay warm and take necessary precautions.
    2024/01/17 15:13
  • 李荷妮擋不住「IU的男人」電眼挑逗! 認了婚後心動:新鮮的刺激

    2024/01/17 09:08
  • Taiwan collects NT$392M for Japan earthquake relief

    The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) has received nearly 120,000 donations, amounting to over NT$392 million for the "Noto Peninsula disaster relief fund." Following a 7.6-magnitude earthquake on New Year’s Day 2024, the MOHW established a specialized account for aid and reconstruction efforts in Japan, which will accept donations until Friday. The Department of Social Assistance and Social Work, under the MOHW, has been accepting contributions since January 5. Donations can be made through convenience stores and bank transfers, and the collected funds will be handed over to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for disaster relief. To ensure transparency and facilitate tax purposes, the MOHW has created a service website where donors can provide their relevant information after making a contribution.
    2024/01/16 14:57
  • Taiwan feels the chill as northeast monsoon hits

    The weather in Taiwan was cooler on Sunday (Jan. 7) due to the northeast monsoon, primarily affecting the northern and northeastern regions, according to the Central Weather Administration (CWA). Miaoli and Nantou experienced particularly chilly conditions with temperatures reaching lows of 10 degrees Celsius, prompting a cold advisory. Yilan and the western half of Taiwan had milder lows between 12 and 16 degrees, while Hualien and Taitung felt temperatures between 17 and 18 degrees. The highest temperatures of the day, ranging between 24 and 26 degrees, were reported in southern and central Taiwan. The coldest areas were Gongguan Township in Miaoli with 10.2 degrees, Zhongliao Township in Nantou with 10.6, and Fenyuan Township in Changhua County with 11.1. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) suggests that the chill from the northeast monsoon will subside slightly on Monday and Tuesday, although northern regions will remain cool. Warmer daytime temperatures are expected in central and southern regions, though rain seems to be on the horizon. Wednesday could see a notable drop in temperatures due to an advancing cold front from the mainland, increasing the chances of light, localized showers in the north and east. From Thursday through election day on Saturday, residents can expect stable and clear weather, albeit with a touch of chill in the mornings and nights. Residents should stay tuned to CWA’s special forecasts as temperatures under 10 degrees are possible in some flatland regions on Thursday and Friday mornings.
    2024/01/07 11:51
  • Taiwan braces for dual Northeast Monsoon onslaught

    Taipei is set to experience two waves of the Northeast Monsoon, which will result in decreasing temperatures and possible brief, isolated showers in the northern and northeastern regions. The monsoon is expected to weaken on Tuesday and Wednesday, but an increase in rainfall across most regions, except for the south, is anticipated due to influence from South China’s rainfall zone. The second wave of the monsoon is scheduled to hit next Friday, intensifying during the night and bringing chilliness and chances of rainfall in the north and Yilan. The air quality in central and southern regions may worsen due to foreign influences, while Yilan and Hualien currently have "good" air quality and Taipei, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Matsu, and Penghu regions have a "fair" level. The central region, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, and Jinmen, are under an "orange alert" for air quality.
    2024/01/06 11:19
  • Taiwan’s stock market climbs despite TSMC share dip

    Taiwan’s stock market rose to 17,595.01 on Friday morning, despite Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) shares falling to NT$578. This contrasts with major U.S. stock indices, as the Dow Jones rose by 10.15 points while the Nasdaq fell by 81.91 points. TSMC’s American Depositary Receipt (ADR) price also dropped below US$100 to US$99.13, causing a decline of around 1.04%. This decrease in TSMC’s value affected the main index by approximately 16 points, and its market capitalization dipped below NT$15 trillion. Meanwhile, Asus Chairman Jonney Shih announced the company’s intensified efforts in artificial intelligence (A.I.) development, resulting in Asus shares rising by 6 points to open at NT$460.
    2024/01/05 18:32
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