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    Dynasty 結果共13筆

  • Taiwan donates precious cultural relics to China

    The "Taiwan Chinese Humanistic Buddhism Association Cultural Relics Donation Ceremony" in Beijing saw Fo Guang Shan donate 30 Song and Ming Dynasty artifacts to China’s National Cultural Heritage Administration. Taiwan Affairs Office Director Song Tao emphasized cross-strait cultural exchanges and joint protection of Chinese civilization’s heritage.
    2024/03/26 16:20
  • 喬丹六雙冠軍王朝戰靴2.2億售出 破實戰球鞋拍賣紀錄

    NBA傳奇球星喬丹(Michael Jordan)生涯六場冠軍賽中穿過的運動鞋,近日在蘇富比(Sotheby’s)拍賣會上,以驚人的800萬美元(約新台幣2億2416萬元)成交售出,打破賽事實戰球鞋拍賣價最昂貴的紀錄。這六雙球鞋被統稱為「王朝系列」(Dynasty Collection),分別是喬丹在1991年、1992年、1993年、1996年、1997年和1998年冠軍賽中穿過的。除此之外,這次的拍賣還包括由攝影師史密斯(Bill Smith)拍攝,並親筆簽名的限量版照片,描繪喬丹在1992年、1993年、1996年和1998年NBA決賽後,只穿一隻球鞋慶祝的場景。
    2024/02/03 12:11
  • Lai Ching-te warns of KMT’s threat to Taiwan’s democracy

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te accuses the Kuomintang (KMT) of endangering society in three ways in his second televised policy presentation. Lai highlights the KMT’s adherence to the One-China policy, corruption, and ruthless tactics to seize power as the three harms inflicted upon society. He expresses concern that electing political neophyte Hou Yu-ih, representing the KMT, would indirectly support the revival of former president Ma Ying-jeou’s regime and those who support One-China, leading to the rise of a "Corruption Dynasty" that could significantly harm Taiwan’s national development. Lai also criticizes the KMT for bribery, pointing out the numerous confirmed bribery cases under judicial ruling. He further accuses the KMT of creating fake news, distorting facts, and attacking opponents and the government to win elections. Lai also criticizes the KMT for leveraging foreign power, particularly from China, to support a pro-China regime, mentioning China’s regular attempts to meddle in Taiwan’s elections.
    2023/12/26 22:26
  • Han defends Chinese culture, dares DPP to raze temple

    Kuomintang (KMT) legislator-at-large candidate Han Kuo-yu challenges the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to dismantle the Tainan Confucius Temple, which has been established since the Ming dynasty, if they intend to sever the roots of Chinese culture. Han expresses solidarity with a teacher involved in the "108 Curriculum" dispute and highlights the 2,500-year influence of Confucius, emphasizing the importance of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism in Taiwan. He raises concerns about the future of education and the ideological direction for the next generation if the classics of Chinese literature were removed from the national curriculum.
    2023/12/11 20:15
  • 「拜習會」在費羅麗莊園登場!選址藏玄機 揭秘百年莊園背後故事

    美國之音引述知情人士報導,美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)和中國國家主席習近平11月15日會在具有歷史意義的Filoli Estate(暫譯:費羅麗莊園)會晤。費羅麗莊園建於1915年至1917年間,是美國20世紀80年代著名肥皂劇《Dynasty》取景的地方。
    2023/11/15 10:31
  • 健身房虧6千萬還被告!賴薇如男友「公布證據」開轟:忍2年了

    2023/10/07 19:22
  • Human remains found in Changhua’s athletic field from 1802

    Human remains discovered during an athletic field renovation in Changhua County, Taiwan have been determined to be from the Qing Dynasty, approximately 221 years old.
    2023/09/27 19:33
  • Nike、皇朝金礦涉新疆強迫勞動 加拿大展開調查

    加拿大監管機關今天宣布,體育服飾巨頭耐吉公司(Nike)及礦業公司皇朝金礦(Dynasty Gold)因涉使用被強迫勞動的中國維吾爾族勞工而接受調查。
    2023/07/12 14:04
  • 新發現!埃及出土大批動物木乃伊 驚見2千顆「羊頭骨」

    擁有千年歷史的埃及文明,始終令考古學界為之著迷,期盼揭開更多神秘面紗;埃及文物官員25日宣布,在南部古城阿拜多斯(Abydos)的拉美西斯二世(Ramses II)神廟中,發現至少2千顆公羊頭骨骸,且投上被掛上紅布,可追溯到托勒密王朝(Ptolemaic dynasty,西元前305年~前30年)時期,另外還發現一座富麗堂皇的古王國建築。
    2023/03/27 12:40
  • 《復仇者聯盟5》導演人選出爐 漫威公布多部作品上映日期

    近日甫落幕的美國聖地牙哥國際動漫展(San Diego Comic Convention)中,漫威影業的總裁凱文費吉(Kevin Feige)也親自出席活動,並率先公布未來「漫威宇宙」中尚待發行的作品;備受影迷期待的《復仇者聯盟5》(Avengers: The Kang Dynasty)則確定將於2025年上映,並由《尚氣與十環傳奇》(Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings)的亞籍導演執導。
    2022/07/28 09:24
  • 獨/高檔健身房歇業 會員控上萬元教練費拿不回

    《TVBS新聞網》日前獨家報導過,知名女星的男友Royal Chiou在台北市士林區經營的Dynasty皇家官邸聯誼會7月底無預警歇業,如今又被大批會員投訴,之前所預繳的高額個人教練費、月費等拿不回來,甚至有人被欠7萬多元,連詢問官方帳號都得不到正面回應,感到非常氣憤。
    2021/08/18 15:40
  • 獨/曾號稱頂級健身房!疫情+租金 士林Dynasty歇業

    2021/07/26 17:23
  • 華航正名入漫畫? 日漫主角搭「華航」

    2007/02/12 19:43
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