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    Day 結果共625筆

  • 大改款Mini Countryman!燃油、純電4款車型曝光

    今年9月才剛在IAA慕尼黑移動展中現身亮相,Mini總代理汎德就在10月下旬將大改款Countryman上架Mini線上預訂平台,更宣告將引進多達4款動力,包含Mini Cooper Countryman、Mini Cooper S Countryman、Mini John Cooper Works Country以及Mini Cooper S E Countryman等4款車型。而在11月11日的2023 Mini Day車聚活動中,全新世代Mini Cooper S E Countryman也首度在台灣現身,成為活動當中的驚喜!
    2023/11/13 15:01
  • Taiwanese to benefit from Thailand’s new visa-free scheme

    The Thai government has launched a 30-day visa-free policy for Taiwanese tourists, aiming to increase the number of visitors by 20%. Around 600,000 Taiwanese tourists visited Thailand this year, and Thai officials hope to raise this number to at least 725,000 by the end of 2023. Since the announcement of the new policy, queries about Thailand on travel websites have increased by 30%. Travelers are also pleased with the elimination of visa costs, which can range from NT $1,200 to over $10,000. To further attract tourists, travel agencies and airlines are offering discounted round-trip tickets to Bangkok from Taipei, with prices as low as NT $5,000. Thailand is already among the top overseas travel destinations for Taiwanese, along with Japan, mainland China, South Korea, and Vietnam.
    2023/11/10 22:52
  • THSR adds extra train for Coldplay concert fans in Taiwan

    Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will add an additional northbound train on Sunday night (Nov. 12) to accommodate Coldplay fans attending the band’s performances at Kaohsiung National Stadium on Nov. 11 and 12. The train will depart from Zuoying Station at 10:30 p.m. and arrive at Taipei Station at 12:30 a.m., making stops at Tainan, Chiayi, Taichung, Hsinchu, Taoyuan, and Banqiao stations. Tickets will be sold at 00:00 am on Nov. 11, and THSR advises travelers to plan their onward travel accordingly. Tickets can be booked through the T-EX mobile ticketing app, THSR’s online booking system, convenience stores, or train stations. Non-reserved seat tickets can also be purchased on the day of travel.
    2023/11/10 22:25
  • Japanese PM expect to meet with China’s Xi at APEC summit

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is considering a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping after the U.S.-China talks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. Kishida plans to meet with Xi the day after U.S. President Joe Biden’s meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss unresolved issues between Japan and China, including Japan’s request for China to remove import restrictions on Japanese seafood products. Additionally, the dialogue aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation and promote regional stability. Japan’s National Security Secretariat Secretary General Akiba Takeo will travel to China for coordination efforts. The APEC summit, which includes leaders from 21 member countries, will take place in San Francisco from November 15 to 17.
    2023/11/09 12:32
  • 雙11是韓國情人節!餐廳贈聯名巧克力棒 加碼情侶挑戰送炸物

    雙11快到了,單身的人可以留在家裡網購,情侶則要出門慶祝!11月11日是韓國多達20個情人節的日子之一「PEPERO Day」,王品集團韓式料理「初瓦」與LOTTE樂天製菓旗下「PEPERO巧克力棒」合作,月底前消費即贈限量PEPERO盒,與店內主題佈景合照上傳至初瓦FB指定貼文留言處,還可抽價值1319元的「初瓦雙人套餐券」。11月9日至12日2人挑戰咬PEPERO,達標即贈「乾杯炸物塔兌換券」。
    2023/11/09 12:31
  • 37歲正妹女星閃婚「大3歲男星」!低調出嫁 婚期曝光

    37歲女團Girl’s Day成員出身的女星素珍(朴素珍),曾出演《流星》、《還魂》等不少戲劇作品,10月宣布與曾演出《信號》、《夫妻的世界》的40歲演員李東河即將結婚。昨(8)日遭爆料婚期,公司出面證實。
    2023/11/09 12:29
  • 「中國不會輕易攻打台灣」 李顯龍:除非有人先激怒北京

    新加坡總理李顯龍(Lee Hsien Loong)才表態交棒時間點不久,日前緊接參與彭博論壇發表演說,提到有關中美和台海兩岸關係時,他認為中國大陸雖然一直想把台灣真正納入,成為一個中國,但截至目前仍不確定究竟應該怎麼做。李顯龍同時也提醒西方各國,除非有人先激怒北京,否則全球各國不會在一覺醒來後,突然發現中國揮兵攻打台灣,讓兩岸進入所謂「決戰時刻」(D-Day)。
    2023/11/09 10:45
  • 挺巴團體擬休戰紀念日示威 數萬人上街頭要求以哈停火

    英國首相蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)今天敦促挺巴勒斯坦團體,取消訂於11日休戰紀念日(Armistice Day)在倫敦舉行、反對以色列哈瑪斯(Hamas)戰爭的遊行。
    2023/11/08 13:43
  • ITF Taipei Int’l Travel Fair sees 76.3% visitor growth

    The 2023 ITF Taipei International Travel Fair concluded with a total of 344,475 visits, representing a 76.3% growth from the previous year. The event, organized by the Taiwan Visitors Association, recorded a single-day attendance of 75,917 visitors on its final day. Numerous hotel groups and travel agencies reported strong sales performances, with some generating daily revenues in the millions and cumulative four-day returns exceeding a billion dollars. Exhibited travel products showcased Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia as preferred destinations, while long-haul trips to the Americas, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand also garnered significant interest. The 2024 ITF Taipei International Travel Fair is set to begin exhibitor registration on March 1, 2024, and will take place from November 1 to 4, 2024, at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center.
    2023/11/07 17:56
  • Indian summer persists, watch for day-night temperature drop

    The weather in Taiwan stabilized on November 5, with brief showers in the east and on the Hengchun Peninsula. Morning temperatures ranged from 20 to 23 degrees Celsius, with afternoon highs reaching up to 32 degrees in the west and 29-30 degrees in the east. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) simulation provides weather outlook for next week.
    2023/11/05 19:46
  • Taiwan to potentially lift travel group bans to China soon

    The Travel Agents Association Chairman, Hsiao Po-jen, has announced that the Taiwanese government may lift travel group bans to China before Chinese New Year in 2024. Minister Wang Kwo-tsai of Transportation and Communications and Mainland Affairs Council revealed that the MOTC Tourist Administration Director General, Chou Yung-Hui, confirmed plans to lift restrictions on Taiwanese travel groups just before the holiday next year. The ban on private arrangement of group tours to China has been in place since the Covid-19 pandemic, making this decision a significant move to enhance diplomatic relations between the two states. The MAC has also announced plans to restore cross-strait group tours, initially allowing 2,000 visitors per day from China. The lift on travel restrictions may come earlier than expected if China expresses goodwill to welcome tourists from across the Strait.
    2023/11/05 15:04
  • 快來逛! 「八德3C哈樂DAY」主場壓軸登場

    2023/11/04 23:26
  • Election candidates meet in secret, no consensus reached

    Main figures of the heated election race, including Kuomingtang (KMT) Chair Eric Chu, KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih, and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, held a secret meeting to discuss presidential and vice presidential candidacies, but no consensus was reached. In celebration of Guanyin Bodhisattva’s Renunciation Day, a memorial event was held at Shilin Hulu Temple, attended by KMT candidate Hou, TPP candidate Ko, independent candidate Terry Gou, and Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an. Negotiations for a KMT-TPP joint ticket are set for tomorrow, and both parties emphasized the need for exploring new options and not disappointing the public’s expectations. Hou, with 43 years of public service, remains dedicated to protecting Taiwan and uniting the nation.
    2023/11/03 19:23
  • Ko Wen-je: From ER doctor to Taiwan’s political game changer

    Ko Wen-je, founder of Taiwan People’s Party and former ER doctor, has swiftly become a significant force in Taiwan’s politics. Known for his straightforwardness and rapid adaptation, Ko’s political journey resonates with the youth but faces challenges with older generations. As Taiwan approaches election day, voters must decide if Ko’s vision aligns with their aspirations for the nation.
    2023/11/03 18:00
  • New Taipei police uncover 42 gang, fraud cases in 10 days

    The New Taipei City Police Department conducted a 10-day operation resulting in the uncovering of 42 cases related to gang activity and fraud, leading to the arrest of 180 individuals. The operation aimed to prevent gang involvement in the upcoming elections, with a particular focus on criminal organizations like the Bamboo Union. During the operation, 73 members from 12 gang branches, including the Bamboo Union, were arrested. Additionally, the police uncovered 30 instances of fraud syndicates, resulting in the arrest of 107 individuals and the seizure of five modified firearms. The total amount of illicit earnings confiscated was over NT$10.23 million. The New Taipei City Police Department emphasized their commitment to maintaining order during the election season and expressed zero tolerance for election gambling or any violence that could disrupt the election. They will continue to carry out specialized operations targeting gang organizations, illegal firearms, drugs, and gambling crimes.
    2023/11/02 21:17
  • FTISLAND一年來台3次! 兌現諾言「明年2月北流開唱」福利曝光

    韓國首席美男樂團FTISLAND今(2023)年4月來台開唱時,就曾說希望能在更大的場地開唱,讓歌迷更盡興,可惜8月再來的時候受限於場地行程,未能實現。不過FTISLAND不忘諾言,宣布2024年2月18日要在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「2024 FTISLAND LIVE ’HEY DAY’ IN TAIPEI」演唱會!
    2023/11/01 16:24
  • Thailand to grant 30-day visa-free entry to Taiwan

    Thailand government announces visa-free entry for Indian and Taiwanese travelers from Nov. 2023 to May 2024. This follows the recent decision to scrap visa requirements for Chinese tourists. The move aims to boost tourism revenue, with 22 million tourists already generating NT$833 billion in revenue between Jan. and Oct. 29, 2023. Visa-free privileges for Taiwanese and Indian tourists will be enacted from Nov. 10, 2023 to May 10, 2024.
    2023/10/31 17:28
  • Stronger monsoon next week brings sharp temperature drop

    The Central Weather Administration (CWA) has announced that a weakening eastern monsoon will bring sporadic showers to the north coast of Keelung, the eastern region, and the southernmost areas bordering the Taiwan Strait on October 31st through the next day. Clear weather is expected to cover major areas throughout Taiwan, with the exception of sporadic showers in the eastern and southernmost areas.
    2023/10/31 17:20
  • MOEA refutes Ko’s criticism of government’s energy policy

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) refutes Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s critique of the government’s photovoltaic policy. Ko had visited Tainan earlier in the day, criticizing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for prioritizing anti-nuclear sentiments over responsible photovoltaic energy development.
    2023/10/29 13:21
  • 藍白合大限到「要嫁國民黨?」 柯文哲僅回5字速閃人

    2023/10/25 19:58
  • 朋友猖狂笑聲入歌!派偉俊「即興神作」22萬人讚爆 周董也認證

    周杰倫愛徒、創作歌手派偉俊時隔三年發行全新專輯《Hol!day 去妳的假日》,晉身多才華音樂人,包括創作、製作、編曲皆自己來,不僅如此,他也曾擔任婁峻碩、陳零九、Tyson Yoshi等圈內好友的單曲製作人。時常分享日常的他近期也在IG分享了「聽見朋友笑聲寫成歌」的影片,原先只有上集就吸引22萬人朝聖敲碗下集,而後如同鬼才的他更完成了整首歌,連老闆周董都認證。  
    2023/10/23 21:03
  • NVIDIA and Foxconn unveil plans for AI factory collaboration

    NVIDIA and Foxconn strengthen their collaboration in AI and vehicle technology through an innovative "AI factory" initiative. Get insights into their strategic partnership at the Hon Hai Tech Day.
    2023/10/18 16:24
  • Hon Hai Chairman wishes founder happy birthday on Tech Day

    Foxconn Chairman Young Liu extends birthday wishes to founder Terry Gou and wishes him success in the presidential election at Hon Hai’s Tech Day. Prominent industry figures, including NVIDIA’s Jensen Huang, attended the event. Liu highlights the company’s launch of various products in the past three years, emphasizing the CDMS business model’s ability to offer comprehensive and customization solutions for the automotive industry. He also outlines Foxconn’s sustainability goals, pledging zero carbon emissions by 2050 and commitment to cleaner, eco-friendly, and smarter solutions.
    2023/10/18 15:29
  • TSMC founder warns of increased competition to come

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) Founder Morris Chang took to the stage on Saturday (Oct. 14) to warn of increased competition in the semiconductor industry in the upcoming years. Speaking at the company’s "Sports Day," which resumed after a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Chang emphasized that TSMC remains a "battleground for the world’s geopolitical strategists." "The competitive environment for TSMC in the years to come will not become any easier," the 92-year-old founder said.
    2023/10/14 16:36
  • 樂敦持續傳遞「看見的美好」 打造超巨繪本 帶孩子打擊近視大魔王

    有鑑於全球近視和高度近視的人數正以驚人的速度飆升,世界衛生組織(WHO)將每年10月的第二個星期四訂定為「世界視覺日」(World Sight Day),期望喚起人們對視力健康的關注。身為護眼領導品牌的「樂敦」,100多年來始終致力於傳遞護眼健康,面對全球孩童備受威脅的視力危機,更是肩負起視力保健的責任。自2022年至今,樂敦製藥集團亞洲各國家共同發起「『看見』的美好(Joy of Seeing)」計畫,為世界上的人們帶來「看得見的健康」和「看得見的快樂」,並為此願景展開一連串的行動,從醫療專業人才培育、免費提供水晶體治療白內障,到幼兒預防近視、視力維護的宣導,全人類的眼睛健康都是樂敦努力守護的目標。
    2023/10/13 09:43
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