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    Day 結果共623筆

  • THSR apologizes for massive crowds at Taichung station

    The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) issued an apology for the overcrowding experienced at its Taichung station on Sunday, with some passengers waiting for three hours without boarding. In preparation for the upcoming National Day holiday, the THSR promised to improve passenger guidance, divert passengers accordingly, and enhance crowd control measures.
    2023/10/02 16:09
  • 馬英九喊「偷渡台獨」拒出席國慶 網論戰驚吐:不敢修憲?

    前總統馬英九今(2)日一早突宣布,拒絕出席今年10月10日的國慶大會,因為不滿自2021年開始,蔡英文政府逕自改名為「Taiwan National Day(臺灣國慶日)」,怒稱「不想被民進黨偷渡的台獨背書」。消息曝光之後引發了網友熱烈討論。
    2023/10/02 15:12
  • Ex-President Ma refuses to attend National Day celebrations

    Former President Ma Ying-jeou has declined to attend the upcoming National Day celebrations on Oct. 10. Ma strongly criticized President Tsai Ing-wen for changing the name of the event from "Republic of China National Day" to "Taiwan National Day," interpreting it as a pro-independence move.
    2023/10/02 11:31
  • 馬英九一出手「精準重回主導」!他急勸郭台銘:快把握機會

    前總統馬英九今(2)日一早鄭重宣布拒絕出席今年10月10日的國慶大會,因為不滿蔡英文政府自2021年開始,將雙十國慶日的英文名稱改成「Taiwan National Day(臺灣國慶日)」,馬英九怒稱拒為臺獨背書。對此,資深媒體人羅友志認為,馬英九選在今年出手果真有兩把刷子,將這場半死不活的選舉重新拉回國家定位主軸,他更苦勸鴻海創辦人郭台銘趕快把握機會。
    2023/10/02 11:29
  • 拒出席國慶!馬英九批偷渡台獨 陳建仁:不理解為何不參加

    前總統馬英九今天(2日)在臉書表示,蔡英文政府從前年開始就將雙十國慶日的英文名稱改成「Taiwan National Day」,翻譯成中文就是「台灣國慶日」,刻意把「台灣」變成國家的名稱,因此他拒絕出席今年的國慶大會。對此,行政院長陳建仁受訪時表示,國慶日活動的英文在這幾年來都一直稱為「Taiwan National Day」,「馬前總統過去也曾經參加了這些國慶的活動,我不理解為什麼今年他突然就不參加。」
    2023/10/02 10:43
  • Roundest moon in a decade for Mid-Autumn Festival

    The Taipei Astronomical Museum announces that the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival will feature the roundest moon in a decade, with peak brightness at 5:57 p.m. This rare occurrence offers you a chance to witness a 100% full and bright moon, a phenomenon that happens only about one in three times on the same day as the festival.
    2023/09/28 20:07
  • Study finds 30% of teachers unhappy, under high pressure

    Research on Taiwan’s Teachers’ Day reveals low teacher happiness levels, with 30% reporting unhappiness and high pressure, impacting education. Experts link pressure to a teacher shortage.
    2023/09/28 19:47
  • Taiwan braces for rainfall over Mid-Autumn Festival

    Taiwan is preparing for a three-day Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, but may also face heavy rain and a potential typhoon. The Central Weather Bureau predicts rainfall from Oct. 1-2, possibly lasting for five consecutive days.
    2023/09/28 17:25
  • Taipei gears up for Double Tenth Day celebrations

    As Taiwan celebrates its 112th National Day on Oct. 10, the capital city Taipei geared up with a ceremony and fighter jet performance rehearsals at the Presidential Office on Tuesday.
    2023/09/26 19:26
  • Taichung mayor reinstates NT$600 vouchers on Teachers’ Day

    Taichung City reinstates Teacher Appreciation Voucher program after 7-year hiatus. Educators to receive NT$600 vouchers. Disbursement to be completed by Sept 28. Program resumes following settlement of legal disputes.
    2023/09/26 17:53
  • Taiwan gears up for National Day show with air rehearsals

    Get ready for Taiwan’s National Day celebrations with air rehearsals above the Presidential Office Building. Mark your calendars for Sept. 26, Sept. 28, and Oct. 4 between 5:50 a.m. and 7:15 a.m. The grand rehearsal will take place on Oct. 7 at 1:20 p.m. in front of the Presidential Office Building.
    2023/09/25 17:25
  • 大家快去註冊選民!天后泰勒絲限動一PO「逾3.5萬人登記投票」

    美國鄉村天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)人氣襲捲全世界、一舉一動無不引發話題,她近日又再度展現驚人的號召力,泰勒絲本周在個人Instagram上喊話、呼籲民眾在「全國選民登記日」(National Voter Registration Day)登記參加投票,此言一出竟吸引超過3.5萬人登記,讓相關人員驚呼「這實在太瘋狂了!」。
    2023/09/22 11:41
  • Taiwan military holds live-fire drills in Lien Yung exercise

    Taiwan’s military showcased its firepower during a three-day exercise at the Pingtung Tri-Service Joint Training Base, featuring Apache helicopters firing 30-caliber rounds and Indigenous Defense Fighters (IDF) dropping practice bombs and flares.
    2023/09/21 19:13
  • 樂團唱一半!鼓手脫序喊上廁所離場 突襲求婚全場嗨瘋了

    雙主唱Hank和JoJo YHC、貝斯手雪碧、鍵盤手Yelo、鼓手小二及團長兼吉他手柏安組成的樂團SDN Band(Sun Day Night),創團10年來歷經團員更迭,除了音樂外,團員們各有不同工作,像是法律專家、寵物達人、軟體工程師、貿易商、電商行銷管理和爵士鼓老師,經濟收入穩定,組團玩音樂是6人的共同興趣及理想,前陣子台北場巡演時,鼓手小二更驚喜上演浪漫求婚,感動無數人。
    2023/09/21 11:17
  • 買機票就選這天!華航宣布「每月16日」會員日 日韓最低6千

    快成為華夏會員!中華航空將於 12 月 16 日歡慶 64 周年,今(14) 日宣布每月 16 日為「華航會員日」(China Airlines Members Day),未來將逐月推出不同會員專屬優惠,會員可透過專屬連結,於當日0時起至23時59分購買當月各項優惠活動,首周就是9月16日台灣往返日韓的單程或來回機票 84 折起優惠,免萬元就可以飛往日本或韓國賞楓。
    2023/09/14 16:44
  • 曹興誠認了「賴清德不錯」 轟在野沒政見:只想下架民進黨 

    聯電創辦人曹興誠昨(13日)晚間出席Y’s Day「週三青年日」,與青年對談討論司法改革主題,會後也被問及對於時事的看法,對於目前檯面上的2024總統參選人,曹興誠認為副總統賴清德準備得不錯,其他人只是想下架民進黨,沒有實質的政見。
    2023/09/14 11:49
  • 鬼月驚見時鐘顯示「DIE DAY」!她嚇傻整夜不敢睡 真相曝光

    農曆七月鬼門大開,若是在這段時間碰上一些「靈異現象」,真的非常恐怖。對此,一名網友發文分享,因為家中的時鐘壞掉了,所以上網買多功能的電子鐘,怎料某日半夜睡醒一看,卻發現時鐘上寫著「DIE DAY」字眼,讓她整晚失眠,不敢繼續睡覺,直到白天他立即上網Google,結果才真相大白。
    2023/09/12 10:07
  • THSR to provide additional services for Double Ten holiday

    From Oct. 6 to Oct. 11, Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will provide additional transport services to cater to the four-day Double Ten holiday need. Ticket sales commenced at midnight on Sept 8.
    2023/09/08 13:00
  • Litterbugs causing ’garbage mountain’ face NT$1,200 fine

    The "Changhua City Cleanteam" announced on Sept. 5 that the 150 people who littered at Sanmin Park a day earlier when Typhoon Haikui hit the city will each face a fine of NT$1,200.
    2023/09/05 21:41
  • President Tsai Ing-wen departs for 4-day trip to Eswatini

    Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen departed for a 4-day trip to Eswatini on Tuesday (Sept. 5) morning to celebrate and further facilitate the two nations’ bilateral relations. 
    2023/09/05 17:18
  • 依舊未見ROC國慶主視覺採「Taiwan National Day」 花敬群:無政治動作

    雙十國慶下個月登場,慶籌會今天(4日)曝光國慶主視覺,底下的英文名稱延續了前年的設計,稱為「Taiwan National Day(台灣國慶日)」,等於蔡總統上任以來,八年的主視覺設計不見中華民國的字樣。對此,慶籌會秘書長花敬群表示,整個活動的標題最前面四個字就是中華民國,強調這沒有政治動作。
    2023/09/04 20:04
  • Typhoon Haikui ends 1,471-day no-landfall streak in Taiwan

    Typhoon Haikui made its second landfall in Kaohsiung on Monday morning (Sept. 4) and continues to wreak havoc across Taiwan, leaving at least 44 people injured.
    2023/09/04 19:12
  • 魏如萱香港開唱衰遇颱風 1句話惹惱粉絲被罵爆「急關IG留言」

    金曲歌后魏如萱原訂今(2)晚在香港九龍灣國際展貿中心舉辦「HAVE A NICE :DAY 2 YOU-香港站」演唱會,豈料因颱風蘇拉襲港,香港天文台更一度發布最強暴風警示的十號風球,但主辦單位卻要「看天行事」,並不打算延期舉辦,加上魏如萱回覆歌迷時也失言,引爆大批粉絲怒火。
    2023/09/02 11:12
  • Demand for rainy-day gadgets rises amid typhoon season

    Rainy-day gadget sales have grown 20% since July amid the typhoon and monsoon seasons, according to a group buying e-commerce public relations publicist.
    2023/08/29 18:33
  • Tainan mulls halting businesses, schools as typhoon nears

    Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che will announce work and class cancellation on Wednesday night the earliest if Typhoon Saol’s wind speed and rainfall meets the criteria for such a declaration.
    2023/08/29 13:53
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