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    City 結果共964筆

  • Retired shopper becomes local legend for claw machine skills

    Discover the heartwarming story of Chen Jung-che, a 76-year-old retired office clerk in Taipei, who has gained fame for his unique hobby of playing claw machines. Chen has spent NT$30,000 in the past three months, winning an impressive 1,450 dolls and even scoring the latest smartphone model. As part of the Chiayi City Government’s anti-aging program, Chen’s dedication to claw machine games not only enhances his concentration and dexterity but also serves a charitable cause. All the dolls he wins are donated to social welfare institutions, including orphanages, bringing joy to children in need. This activity has been recognized as more than just entertainment but also as a therapeutic exercise for seniors, stimulating their eyes, hands, feet, and brains. With just a few coins, this initiative proves that aging can be combated, providing a joyful and purposeful pastime for Taiwan’s senior residents.
    2023/11/22 19:50
  • New Taipei allocates NT$17M yearly for school volunteers

    The New Taipei City Education Department has been allocating an annual budget of NT$17 million to subsidize volunteer activities at schools, including the purchase of guide and protective equipment. The department also ensures the safety of school volunteers by coordinating the procurement of insurance for them every year. This response comes after concerns were raised by New Taipei City Councilor Huang Shu-chun about the discrepancy between the budget for volunteer equipment and the actual number of volunteers. Huang pointed out that the current budget provides equipment for over 5,000 volunteers, despite an estimated 32,000 volunteers on the roster. Huang also compared the benefits granted to school social workers with those provided for police civil defense, neighborhood chiefs, and patrol teams. While school social workers receive an average of NT$495, the others receive a volunteer reward of NT$3,840. Huang emphasized the need to review and improve the system in order to address concerns about a potential reduction in volunteers and difficulties in recruitment and retention.
    2023/11/22 17:06
  • Councilor questions Taipei mayor’s ’youth’ definition

    Taipei City Councilor Yu Shu-hui questions Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s decision-making in expanding the services of the Taipei Youth Bureau, claiming that the bureau’s resources are spread too thin over nearly a million people. Yu proposes that the definition of "youth" should be limited to individuals aged 15-24, in line with the Work Force Development Agency’s definition. Mayor Chiang argues that the age limit was raised to 45 to accommodate individuals who start their businesses later in life. Chiang promises to review the positioning of the Youth Bureau’s services in response to Yu’s concerns.
    2023/11/20 19:49
  • Taoyuan to upgrade bike renting system to YouBike 2.0

    The Taoyuan City Department of Transportation will upgrade the YouBike public bicycle system to YouBike 2.0. Construction will begin in November 2021 and the system is expected to be fully operational by the first half of 2024. Currently, Taoyuan operates 416 sites with 13,450 bikes in circulation, and the system has been used over 72 million times. The upgrade will start in Guishan District, near New Taipei’s Linkou District, and a "dual system" operation will be adopted during the conversion period from 2024 to 2025. The 1.0 system will be decommissioned by the end of 2025.
    2023/11/20 17:40
  • Chiang Wan-an gives passing grade to Taipei Dome trial match

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an gave a positive assessment of the trial match held at the Taipei Dome, stating that there is room for improvement and that the citizens will ultimately decide. During a City Council meeting, Councilors Chen Yi-chun and Hung Wan-jen raised concerns about various issues observed during the trial match. These included the absence of surveillance cameras in the underground parking lots, water stains in the lobby, accumulated water underground, disarray among people and YouBike users, water supply problems in the toilets, unremitting water flow in some sinks, the lack of vending machines, and bilingual signage issues. Mayor Chiang promised to demand that the Farglory Group, the construction contractors, address these issues and make improvements. The trial match was conducted to assess the condition and facilities of the long-awaited multi-purpose stadium.
    2023/11/20 13:42
  • 2024 Penghu Fireworks Festival extended to four months

    The Penghu Tourism Department has announced that the 2024 Penghu International Fireworks Festival will take place from May 2 to Aug. 30 in Magong. The festival will showcase drone and fireworks performances, starting at 8 p.m. However, this decision has faced criticism due to concerns of audience fatigue and noise pollution. The festival, traditionally held from May to June, serves as a tourism indicator for the area. In 2023, the festival collaborated with Marvel and Disney’s 100th Anniversary celebrations, attracting over 500,000 visitors. The festival was initiated in 2002 to revive Penghu’s tourism industry after the China Airlines Flight 611 disaster, featuring fireworks performances and flight attendants dancing.
    2023/11/19 16:30
  • Fuyuan Peanut Butter denies exceeding Aflatoxin levels

    Fuyuan Peanut Butter, based in Hsinchu, has denied allegations made by the Hong Kong Consumer Council that its products contained excessive levels of Aflatoxin. The company clarified that the tested products were expired and argued that the allegations have caused significant damage to its reputation. Fuyuan Peanut Butter emphasized that its products are freshly made without preservatives and have a three-month shelf life. In a separate test conducted by the Hsinchu City Public Health Bureau, Fuyuan Peanut Butter, along with its Sichuan-style peanut sauce and Peanut Butter with Deep Ocean Salt, were found to have Aflatoxin, Aflatoxin B1, and Ochratoxin A levels within the regulated limits. The company remains committed to upholding the highest quality and safety standards for its consumers.
    2023/11/19 16:08
  • Taihu Brewing founder arrested on cannabis charges

    The founder of Taihu Brewing, surnamed Wu, was arrested in Taipei City on November 15 for allegedly possessing cannabis. The New Taipei City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Corps conducted searches across Taipei City, leading to the arrest of a man surnamed Wu and a woman surnamed Hsu. Wu was apprehended at a residential spot in Ren’ai Circle. Authorities collected urine samples from the suspects for testing. Violators could face prosecution under the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act.
    2023/11/16 21:09
  • Chiayi residents least likely to marry in Taiwan: survey

    Chiayi City Councilor Cheng Kuang-hung has raised concerns about the declining birthrate in Chiayi and the city’s residents being the least willing to marry compared to other Taiwanese cities. A survey conducted in 2018 with over 8,000 Taiwanese netizens revealed that the number of newborns in Chiayi has been consistently decreasing over the past decade. In 2014, there were 2,100 newborns, but by September 2023, the figure had dropped to 845. Unmarried individuals aged 25-44 accounted for more than half of the population in Chiayi, with 52.52% being unmarried. Men in this age group had a higher unmarried rate of 58.86% compared to women at 46.37%. Cheng suggested that government policies and budget allocations should be redirected towards encouraging early marriage and childbirth instead of focusing solely on post-marriage childbirth subsidies and childcare. Academia Sinica also recommended promoting marriage and procreation at younger ages to address the declining birth rates. The Executive Yuan established a dedicated office in 2018 to combat the declining birthrate, investing over NT$40 billion in recent years.
    2023/11/16 20:38
  • PLG/新北國王主場開幕戰 搶看林書豪再送破萬潮鞋

    歷經了東超和PLG開幕戰,新北國王籃球隊在單週MVP林書緯的強勢表現下,11月18、19日將回到新莊體育館進行全新賽季主場開幕戰,與哥哥林書豪率領新北國王持續搶勝。開幕戰以「Crown the City王城榮耀」主題揭開序幕,邁向唯一的目標-總冠軍,榮耀新北市。現場將搶先販售「林家兄弟水洗照片Tee」,兩場賽事的中場遊戲再送破萬潮鞋。
    2023/11/16 14:08
  • 優惠來了!超商拿鐵「連7天」買2送2 珍奶第二杯6折

    7-ELEVEN CITY CAFE推出加量20%乳量「厚乳拿鐵」,而歡慶新品上市11月15日至11月28日限時14天,「厚乳拿鐵」第2杯半價OPEN POINT APP行動隨時取則限時7天,厚乳拿鐵買2送2;CITY PEARL也推出「秋冬珍奶祭」全品項享第2杯6折。
    2023/11/15 14:35
  • NBA/文班亞馬14籃板無用 馬刺36分差苦吞5連敗

    美國職籃15日賽事,聖安東尼奧馬刺(San Antonio Spurs)面對雷霆(Oklahoma City Thunder)的比賽,雷霆打從第一節開始就主宰賽事節奏,完全不給馬刺任何反撲機會,連續以28比25、30比23、33比18與32比21連四節碾壓,最終以123比87的大比分差距獲勝,也讓馬刺苦吞近期五連敗,更是繼7日慘遭溜馬(Indiana Pacers)以41分差痛宰落敗後,又一場大比分差距的比賽。雖然新科狀元文班亞馬(Victor Wembanyama)搶下14個籃板,但15投4中的低命中率,未能幫助球隊拿下勝利。
    2023/11/15 11:34
  • Taipei Dome to conduct capacity test with 13,000 attendees

    The Taipei Dome plans to hold a public try-out of its capacity, allowing 13 thousand people to attend on November 18. Taipei city councilors raised concerns about the Dome’s readiness to accommodate up to 40 thousand people and requested information on testing. Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an assured that phased testing would be completed within a year. The Dome’s construction began in the early 2000s and the main building was completed in April. It is expected to function as an indoor multi-functional gym with a capacity of 40 thousand seats. For safety reasons, the Dome will primarily host competitive sports events, initially opening lower infield seats for 13 thousand people. The city government has requested that Farglory, the construction company, provide free use of its facilities while the Dome’s operating permit is pending approval. The Dome is equipped with a parking lot that can accommodate 969 vehicles and 1116 motorbikes, aiming to meet the public’s needs throughout the year.
    2023/11/13 19:58
  • Missing signage and safety concerns raised at Taipei Dome

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an has called on the Farglory Group to address the lack of signage and safety concerns at the Taipei Dome stadium. The Dome is set to undergo a full-capacity test within a year. Democratic Progressive Party City Councilor Chen Yi-chun raised concerns about missing signage and the narrow underground parking lot, which lacks reflective warning signs. In response, Chiang stated that the city government would request immediate improvements from Farglory. Taipei City Councilors Lin Liang-jyun and Chien Shu-pei also questioned the venue’s ability to handle crowd dispersal and overall safety. Lin cited the recent crowd dispersal speed in Kaohsiung after a Coldplay concert and asked how long it would take to evacuate the expected 13,000 attendees at the Taipei Dome test event. Taipei MRT officials assured the council that they have experience with crowd dispersal during New Year’s Eve events and estimated that it could take approximately half an hour for visitors to evacuate.
    2023/11/13 18:57
  • Coldplay concert in Kaohsiung breaks attendance records

    Coldplay’s two-day concert at the Kaohsiung National Stadium has broken the audience record previously held by South Korean girl group BLACKPINK, drawing a record-breaking crowd. However, nearby residents complained on Facebook that their homes were shaking as if an earthquake was taking place due to the gig, sparking discussions online. The Sunday concert saw an attendance of 86,505 people, setting a new high for the stadium. Data from Kaohsiung Metro revealed that 32,000 people traveled to and from the concert at the R17 World Games station, while 11,800 people utilized shuttles to and from the Zuoying HSR Station, representing a 40% increase from the day before. Despite the large crowd, the city successfully evacuated the crowd in 88 minutes on Sunday. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai personally oversaw the response center at the stadium and closely monitored the dispersal. To accommodate the increased demand, the Kaohsiung Metro increased service frequency. The Coldplay concert also proved successful in tourism, generating over NT$330 million in revenue.
    2023/11/13 18:19
  • 奶控注意!超商「厚乳拿鐵」連7天買2送2 珍奶第2杯6折

    超商咖啡新口味!7-ELEVEN CITY CAFE首度推出加量20%乳量「厚乳拿鐵」,業者觀察,隨著氣溫變化,讓醇厚型咖啡風味需求提升,且年輕族群及新鮮人也偏愛奶香口味較純厚的拿鐵,而歡慶新品上市11月15日至11月28日限時14天,「厚乳拿鐵」第2杯半價OPEN POINT APP行動隨時取則限時7天,厚乳拿鐵買2送2。
    2023/11/13 15:04
  • National Defense Intellectual Tour begins in Kaohsiung

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Gushan District, Kaohsiung City. Visitors had the opportunity to view naval ships, including the Yushan class, the ROCS Ta Chiang, and the Min Jiang-class minelayer, showcasing Taiwan’s maritime defense capabilities. The event featured a captivating performance by the R.O.C. Naval Academy Band and the 256th Battle Division Drum Team, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Attendees also had the chance to take photos with naval personnel. The annual tour aims to increase public understanding of the nation’s military capabilities and foster national pride and community support for the military.
    2023/11/13 15:03
  • 房思瑜首次挑戰紐約「42K全馬」 連餓三個月狂瘦6公斤

    運動女神房思瑜,近日受New Balance邀請參加紐約馬拉松比賽 ( The TCS New York City Marathon ),從來沒有跑過馬拉松的她,第一次就挑戰全馬42K,挑戰非常艱鉅,因此她從3個多月前就開始準備,每天與飢餓和痠痛共存,挑戰體能極限,每天狂訓練,從原本的51公斤瘦到46公斤,足足掉了6公斤,最後房思瑜以4小時15分的成績漂亮完賽。
    2023/11/13 13:39
  • MOEA embraces tech innovations amid strong ties with Japan

    The Minister of Economic Affairs praised the growing industry ties between Taiwan and Japan at the 2023 Japan-Taiwan Image Exhibition. Investments from Japanese companies such as Ebara, Fujifilm, and semiconductor factories are expected to contribute significantly to Taiwan’s economy, reaching a value of NTD$10 billion. Japan’s interest in Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, particularly TSMC’s projects in Kumamoto, suggests the potential for future collaboration. Minister Wang Mei-hua emphasized the importance of adopting low-carbon and smart technologies for a sustainable future, aligning with Japan’s smart city initiatives. She also highlighted the potential of hydrogen power, urging Taiwan to follow Japan’s lead in developing new technologies and exploring infrastructure partnerships.
    2023/11/13 12:10
  • Chicken producers push for enhanced labeling regulations

    Taiwanese chicken producers are pushing for stricter labeling regulations for chicken and egg products, similar to those in place for pork and beef. The proposals include labeling the origins of these products in dining establishments. Chen Yu-che, Chairman of the Taichung City Poultry Association, has been advocating for thorough labeling since 2019, particularly for imported chicken. Following the COVID-19 lockdown lift in 2023, there has been a significant increase in imported chicken, reaching 230,000 tons per month, about half the volume of domestic chicken. The government’s importation of large quantities of eggs this year has led to quality issues, prompting industry representatives to call for a review of border management methods and increased inspection rates for imported chicken. Chen emphasizes the importance of clearly stating the origin of imported chicken, disclosing slaughter dates for chicken in the consumer market, and specifying the type of meat used on menus at dining establishments.
    2023/11/13 11:55
  • Coldplay breaks attendance record with 85K fans in Kaohsiung

    Coldplay’s concert in Kaohsiung attracted a record-breaking attendance of nearly 85,000 people, surpassing the previous record set by BLACKPINK in March 2023. Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai announced the unprecedented high of 84,858 individuals in the stadium’s vicinity. After the concert, transportation authorities reduced the Metro frequency to three minutes to disperse the large crowd, taking a total of 82 minutes to completely clear the stadium. The Transportation Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government reported that around 30,000 concertgoers took the city’s metro to the venue, out of a total daily transportation volume of approximately 266,000. The bureau encouraged the use of public transportation due to traffic control near the concert venue.
    2023/11/12 16:14
  • Scalped tickets for Taipei Dome test match spark criticism

    Taipei City Councilor Chen You-cheng criticized the Taipei City Government for its inaction against online ticket scalpers. He discovered that scalpers were selling tickets for the Taipei Dome’s inaugural test match at prices as high as NT$600, despite the tickets being intended to be free. The test match, scheduled for November 18, sold out 13,000 tickets in just 90 seconds. Chen received numerous complaints from the public, questioning the oversight mechanism of the city government and its restraint over Farglory, the Dome’s operator. He speculated whether the authorities were negligently allowing illegal activities to occur. Chen also highlighted that the city government reported 505 cases of ticket scalping incidents from June to October this year, yet no penalties were imposed. He criticized the city government for its laissez-faire approach, describing it as a clear dereliction of duty. Chen further criticized the city government for seemingly indifferent to implementing punitive measures against these infringements, as scalped ticket sales continue to occur for the Dome’s test match.
    2023/11/10 22:42
  • 哈瑪斯地道複雜如「城下之城」 入口設幼稚園旁把民眾當盾牌

    激進組織哈瑪斯10月7日對以色列發動突襲,雙方爆發衝突,加薩走廊戰火猛烈,眾多平民死傷慘重。哈瑪斯武裝分子在加薩地區有眾多的地下通道作為藏身處以及據點,這也增加以軍的進攻難度,英國《每日郵報》記者隨以色列士兵進入了地下通道的內部,複雜、龐大的地道網路宛如一座「城下之城(city beneath a city)」。以軍宣稱,他們已經破壞130條加薩地下的地道,甚至發現一個隧道入口就蓋在幼稚園旁。
    2023/11/09 14:21
  • Internet celebrities apologize, admit to cannabis use

    Prominent YouTuber Joeman, internet celebrity Lyla, and DJ Tang Yu publicly apologized for their involvement in a drug-related scandal. Joeman confessed to consuming and possessing marijuana in Taiwan and abroad throughout 2023, vowing he would never repeat his actions. Lyla, a mother herself, followed suit with an emotionally charged apology, acknowledging her use of marijuana in Taiwan and Thailand. Taiwanese singer Hsieh Ho-hsien, an advocate for marijuana legalization, commented on the matter, suggesting that there’s no need for hysteria. Joeman, Lyla, and Tang Yu were arrested for allegedly using and possessing marijuana, shocking their fans. The New Taipei City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Corps launched a raid that led to the arrest of ten individuals, including Joeman and Lyla, bringing Taiwan’s drug laws into sharp focus.
    2023/11/08 19:21
  • 台中唐吉訶德來了!台中限定純米吟釀超狂商品曝 若櫻壽司進駐

    唐吉訶德台中TIGER CITY店,琳瑯滿目的日系商品外,一旁是全球首間的「若櫻壽司」,打造日系和風氛圍,和富有禪意的座位,以透明櫥窗的方式,用餐的客人可以欣賞壽司製作的過程,每一顆壽司的米是紅醋飯,由廚師現捏製做出餐,今(8)日為開幕前記者會,有許多路過的民眾都前來詢問,可見唐吉軻德人氣不減。
    2023/11/08 14:10
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