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    Cancer 結果共33筆

  • Taiwan tests family-centered cancer care in seven hospitals

    Discover how Taiwan’s Health Promotion Administration is revolutionizing cancer care with a new family-centered model in seven hospitals, aiming to improve survival rates and provide holistic support.
    2024/06/24 22:47
  • Excessive plasticizers found in gloves, recall issued

    Discover the risks of household rubber and plastic gloves as Taiwan’s Consumer Protection Committee finds excessive plasticizers in some products, leading to recalls and health warnings. Learn about the actions taken to address these concerns.
    2024/06/21 16:50
  • Air pollution linked to rising lung cancer rates in Taiwan

    Explore the alarming link between air pollution and lung cancer in Taiwan, where cancer has been the leading cause of death for over four decades. Discover how prolonged exposure to PM2.5 is a significant risk factor, surpassing even smoking in some cases, and learn about the urgent calls for action to combat this public health crisis.
    2024/06/18 17:01
  • Cancer leads as Taiwan’s top cause of death in 2023

    Discover the top ten causes of death in Taiwan for 2023, with a focus on the prevalence of respiratory diseases and cancer’s impact. Learn about the urgent issues and statistics.
    2024/06/18 11:28
  • Taipei expands free HPV vaccinations to include boys

    Starting September 1, Taipei will extend its free HPV vaccination program to junior high school boys, aiming for a 70% vaccination rate with initiatives including school tours and educational sessions on vaccine safety and benefits.
    2024/05/31 16:55
  • Legislators urge inclusive HPV vaccine program in Taiwan

    Lawmakers and health advocates in Taipei call for gender equality in cancer prevention policy, pushing for junior high school boys to be included in the public HPV vaccination program. Data shows higher rates of oral HPV infections and head and neck cancer in males. Taipei City has already allocated funds for HPV vaccinations for boys, with calls for nationwide implementation. Suggestions include using increased tobacco health surcharge revenue to fund vaccinations. Calls for equal opportunities in cancer prevention measures for all students and a focus on lowering cancer risks for children.
    2024/03/05 17:23
  • Early detection, healthy diet key in fight against cancer

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing the alarming rise in cancer rates among young adults, with innovative AI-powered detection methods and a focus on healthy lifestyle changes.
    2024/02/06 18:42
  • Former speaker You Si-kun resigns, sparks political shuffle

    Former Legislative Speaker You Si-kun has resigned from his at-large legislator position, citing personal plans. This decision was reported to President-elect Lai Ching-te on January 19. Former Democratic Progressive Party legislator Julian Kuo disclosed that Lai had selected two departing Taiwan People’s Party legislators for his cabinet and arranged for You to assume another high-level position. The vacant at-large legislator position will be filled by Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu, Chairman of HOPE Foundation for Cancer Care. Additionally, DPP policy head Wang Yi-chuan may potentially take on the at-large legislator role if more vacancies arise. DPP legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung, who is rumored to be appointed as the Minister of Agriculture, has not yet received any official appointment.
    2024/02/02 10:33
  • Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu to join Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan

    Dr. Wang Cheng-hsu, a leading hematologist oncologist, is set to join the Legislative Yuan following the resignation of You Si-kun from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). You stepped down from his legislative duties citing personal reasons after failing to secure re-election as a legislative speaker, with the Kuomintang’s (KMT) Han Kuo-yu winning the seat. Wang’s induction will make him the only representative of the medical sector among the DPP legislators, bringing a new perspective to discussions on health issues. Han’s victory in the speakership election signifies a shift in Taiwan’s political landscape.
    2024/02/01 17:49
  • Amanda Chu triumphs over stage 3 breast cancer

    Taiwanese actress Amanda Chu, 37, shares her arduous battle with cancer on "Super Night" and is praised as a "life fighter" by host Sam Tseng. Diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2021, Chu undergoes 18 rounds of chemotherapy, spending NT$1.8 million on treatment, including 18 mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries. In September 2023, she triumphantly declares her victory over the disease. Chu’s journey is chronicled in prose, inspiring others with her courage and tenacity, while her return to work and regular check-ups every six months symbolize her heroic fight against cancer.
    2024/01/30 18:37
  • 拒絕癌症上身!防癌建議10招生活方式 「這指標」是關鍵

    任何人都可能被癌症找上門,但也都能用簡單經濟的方式預防癌症。營養師趙強在臉書指出,世界癌症研究基金會(World Cancer Research Fund, WCRF)曾發表「飲食,營養,身體活動和癌症:全球觀點-第三次專家報告」,整合了全球知名學者專家的研究,分析飲食、營養和身體及癌症間的相關性,並羅列出10種建議事項,是一項重要參考指標。
    2024/01/13 17:22
  • Chiayi DPP councilor’s death highlights lung cancer crisis

    Lung cancer in Chiayi City is the leading cause of cancer deaths, accounting for nearly one-fifth of all cancer-related deaths in Taiwan. The recent death of Tsai Wen-hsu, a veteran councilor from the Democratic Progressive Party, has highlighted the importance of early cancer detection. Former Chiayi City mayor and minister of the Department of Health, Twu Shiing-jer, emphasized the need for preventive medicine and comprehensive screening. Statistics show that early-stage lung cancer has a significantly higher five-year survival rate. To address this issue, the Ministry of Health and Welfare launched an early lung cancer detection program, making Taiwan a leader in lung cancer screening. The program targets individuals with a family history of the disease and heavy smokers, offering low-dose CT scans every two years. However, while screening can detect lung cancer early, it cannot prevent the disease. Public health officials recommend smoking cessation services and rejecting smoking to mitigate the risk of lung cancer.
    2023/12/20 19:12
  • Former DPP chair entrusts Sisy Chen amid worsened cancer

    Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman Shih Ming-teh, 82, has been revealed to be critically ill with liver cancer. Media personality Sisy Chen disclosed this on "TVBS Situation Room," expressing her agitation at Shih’s request for her to look after his two daughters. Shih, a Catholic, called Chen from the hospital ward to leave his final wishes with her, as he was mindful of the possibility of falling into a coma. Chen retorted, questioning why he would entrust his last words to someone who may die before him. Shih’s battle with recurring cancer led to his admission to Taipei Veterans General Hospital, where he opted for electrocauterization treatment instead of Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization (TACE), but unfortunately, this approach did not yield positive results. Recently, he suffered a severe hemorrhage and had to return to the intensive care unit for emergency kidney dialysis as his condition became critical.
    2023/12/05 21:40
  • Terry Gou shares loss, pledges cancer hospital for Taiwan

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou shares an emotional tribute on Facebook to his late brother Tony Gou and his first wife Serena Lin. He recounts the personal tragedies of losing his brother to leukemia at the age of 46 and his wife to breast cancer at the age of 54. Despite seeking medical experts worldwide, his brother ultimately lost his battle with cancer. Gou recently withdrew his presidential candidacy and now focuses on his determination to contribute to Taiwan’s medical field. He announces his plan to build a cancer hospital in Taiwan as a way to offer hope to those fighting the disease.
    2023/12/02 12:18
  • 20K join Taoyuan’s free lung scan; 63 diagnoses confirmed

    Taoyuan City has screened over 20,000 residents aged 40 and older for lung cancer through a free low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scan program. However, only 18,000 have completed the examination, with 1,036 cases requiring further tracking and 63 confirmed lung cancer diagnoses. Taoyuan City Councilors raised concerns about the limited number of participating hospitals and the budget allocation for the program. The Taoyuan Public Health Department reported that 18 medical institutions currently provide the LDCT service, with plans to add four or five more next year. They assured that the program will continue with the same eligibility criteria and quotas, and aim to integrate smart technology to expedite the screening process. The screening service targets individuals with high-risk factors such as tobacco exposure, relevant medical and family history, occupational exposure, and air pollution. Occupational exposure includes individuals who have worked in environments with asbestos, arsenic, cadmium, nickel, or dust for over ten years.
    2023/12/02 10:55
  • Lung cancer surpasses colorectal cancer in Taiwan in 2021

    Discover how Taiwan is leading the fight against cancer with its Lung Cancer Early Detection Program, marking a significant shift in the most common cancers and underscoring the importance of early detection and screening.
    2023/11/14 19:05
  • Lung cancer takes the lead on Taiwan’s cancer list in 2021

    Taiwan’s most common cancer has shifted from colorectal cancer to lung cancer, according to the Health Promotion Administration (HPA). This change was observed in 2021, ending a 15-year record held by colorectal cancer. The HPA’s report listed the top 10 cancers, with lung and colorectal cancers being the most common. Other cancers on the list include breast, liver, oral, prostate, thyroid, stomach, skin, and pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer notably made the list for the first time. Dr. Chen Jin-shing, chief of surgery at National Taiwan University Hospital, explained that the shift is not surprising as lung cancer has been the leading cause of cancer-related deaths for the past decade. The HPA’s Cancer Prevention and Control Division director, Lin Li-ju, highlighted an increase in early lung cancer detection following the introduction of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening in 2022. In 2021, there were 121,762 new cases of cancer registered in Taiwan, marking the first decline in new patient numbers. On average, a person was diagnosed with cancer every 4 minutes and 19 seconds. HPA Director-General Wu Chao-chun urged individuals to reduce their risk factors and recommended regular screenings for early detection and treatment, especially for those at high risk.
    2023/11/13 12:01
  • Lung cancer now leading cancer type in Taiwan

    Explore the latest 2021 cancer statistics in Taiwan, where lung cancer has now surpassed colorectal cancer as the most prevalent. The report highlights significant trends, including the rise of pancreatic cancer in the top ten list.
    2023/11/10 22:17
  • Taiwan’s health insurance to cover duodenal stents

    Taiwan’s national health insurance program will expand its coverage to include the cost of duodenal stents for patients with gastric, biliary, pancreatic, and duodenal cancers starting from Dec. 2023. This change is expected to benefit 242 patients annually, according to the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA). Previously, patients had to pay out-of-pocket for duodenal stents, which cost between NT$60,000 to NT$80,000. With the national health insurance now covering the entire cost, the timing for duodenal stents replacement will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Duodenal stents are crucial for patients diagnosed with stage 3 and stage 4 gastric, biliary, pancreatic, and duodenal cancers as they help unblock obstructed areas and allow patients to consume food orally, ensuring necessary nourishment.
    2023/11/09 15:01
  • 才康復2月!女怕尷尬避做子宮抹片 竟「癌症復發」已末期

    英國一名女子去年被診斷出罹患子宮頸癌(cervical cancer)第三期,積極治療後成功殺死癌細胞,然而她因太害怕和尷尬「避做子宮抹片檢查」追蹤,近日癌症復發,被告知僅剩幾個月能活,得知晴天霹靂消息讓她頓時崩潰。
    2023/10/31 14:32
  • Taipei to offer egg freezing subsidy for cancer patients

    Taipei City’s Department of Health introduces an egg-freezing subsidy for cancer patients under 40. Learn more about this initiative and its eligibility criteria.
    2023/10/02 18:56
  • Taoyuan police helps sick child achieve dream ’career’

    A 10-year-old Taoyuan boy with bone cancer had his dream of becoming a police officer fulfilled by the Taoyuan City Police Bureau and The Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Educational Foundation.
    2023/08/31 16:40
  • Cancer remains top cause of death in Taipei for 51 years

    The Taipei City Health Bureau announced on Monday (July 3) the top 10 causes of death in Taipei last year, unveiling that cancer remained the leading cause of death in Taipei, followed by heart diseases and COVID-19.
    2023/07/03 16:47
  • 責任感強要小心?專家列7性格「罹癌風險大增」:注意情緒問題

    2023/05/24 16:16
  • President Tsai inaugurates advanced cancer treatment center

    President Tsai Ing-wen attended the opening ceremony of the Taipei Veterans General Hospital Heavy Ion Therapy Center on Monday (May 15), marking a new milestone in Taiwan-Japan medical cooperation.
    2023/05/15 18:56
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