
Taiwan’s health insurance to cover duodenal stents

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/11/09 15:01
Last update time:2023/11/09 15:01
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Taiwan health insurance to cover duodenal stents for cancer patients (TVBS News) Taiwan’s health insurance to cover duodenal stents
Taiwan health insurance to cover duodenal stents for cancer patients (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Starting from Dec. 2023, Taiwan's national health insurance program will increase its coverage to include the cost of duodenal stents for patients suffering from gastric, biliary, pancreatic, and duodenal cancers.

A total of 242 patients are expected to benefit from this expanded coverage each year, the National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) under the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) predicted.


Chang Shu-ya, head of NHIA's Medical Review and Pharmaceutical Benefits Division, stated the cost of duodenal stents ranged from NT$60,000 to NT$80,000, which patients previously had to pay out-of-pocket.

As the national health insurance will cover the cost entirely, Chang noted, "The timing for duodenal stents replacement will be determined on a case-by-case basis."

The duodenal stent system is used for patients diagnosed with stage 3 and stage 4 gastric, biliary, pancreatic, and duodenal cancers. These stents are essential to unblock the obstructed areas and ensure patients can continue to consume food orally, maintaining necessary nourishment.

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