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    A��� 結果共9,189筆

  • Japan sees shift to domestic travel amid economic changes

    Discover how Japan’s travel trends are shifting towards domestic exploration amid economic challenges, with a significant drop in outbound travel and a rise in local tourism. Learn about the impact on airlines and the tourism sector.
    2024/04/29 15:06
  • Hsiao Bi-khim shares heartfelt return to alma mater

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim returns to National Tainan Girls’ Senior High School for an alumni association election and a special entrance ceremony, reflecting on her academic journey and connection to the school she once could not attend.
    2024/04/29 14:35
  • Fatal food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam claims fourth victim

    Deputy Minister of Health Wang Pi-Sheng confirms a 40-year-old woman’s death due to food poisoning at Polam Kopitiam, marking the fourth fatality linked to the tea house in Taipei’s Xinyi A13 branch. The outbreak has resulted in 35 cases, with two patients still hospitalized.
    2024/04/29 14:29
  • Huawei overcomes U.S. restrictions with new smartphone chip

    Discover how Huawei’s new Pura 70 series, featuring the advanced Kirin 9010 processor, marks a significant technological leap and defies U.S. restrictions, selling out quickly after launch.
    2024/04/29 14:10
  • SUPER EIGHT帶2團師弟耍壞! 19人跨團組「KAMIGATA BOYZ」

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)雖然歷經約1年多風波與打擊,不過公司迅速站穩腳步,除了日前宣布5月中「Aぇ! group」(音近「欸欸group」)確定出道,現在更有跨團新企畫,由SUPER EIGHT(原關8)領軍WEST.(原Johnny’s WEST)、浪花男子(なにわ男子),打造全新風格的「KAMIGATA BOYZ」。
    2024/04/29 12:21
  • China to lift ban on Taiwan’s agricultural, fishery products

    Discover how China’s recent decision to lift its ban on Taiwanese agricultural and fishery products marks a significant step towards improving cross-strait relations. Read about the scientific assessments behind the move and its potential impact on trade.
    2024/04/29 11:58
  • Taiwan sweats under severe heatwave, CWA issues warnings

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather: a heatwave with temperatures soaring up to 34°C, high-temperature warnings in four counties, and the potential for foehn winds in Taitung. Amidst the heat, expect scattered showers and brief thunderstorms across various regions. However, a shift is on the horizon for Labor Day, with a passing front bringing unstable weather, possible heavy rainfall, and a cool down in northern Taiwan. Stay updated on these changing conditions.
    2024/04/29 11:16
  • China to allow Fujian residents tourist visits to Taiwan

    Discover how China’s decision to allow Fujian residents to visit Taiwan could signal a thaw in cross-strait relations, amid Taiwan’s presidential inauguration preparations.
    2024/04/29 10:53
  • A-Lin愛徒唱一半!台下「帥哥」拿匾額示愛 真實身分曝光

    A-Lin力捧的新人琟娜Verna一出道就以曼妙舞姿和動人歌喉竄紅,首張個人EP《量子幹嘛糾纏》大受好評,日前獲邀出席「2024 VOGUE風格野餐日」表演,特別有趣的是,當天居然有粉絲帶著匾額到現場吸引偶像注意,匾額上刻著「率真舞姬 琟娜 量子幹嘛糾纏」,讓琟娜Verna當下心裡狂喊:「不敢相信。」仔細一看此歌迷不是別人,居然是自己大學的學弟,當下邀他上台,卻遭學弟婉拒,但卻舉著匾額跳舞,讓VOGUE風格野餐日引爆最高潮,琟娜Verna說:「一般很難會收到匾額吧!」
    2024/04/28 18:00
  • A醇保養品便宜賣 遭控「鎖定電商」詐千萬

    2024/04/27 19:31
  • ’Made in Taiwan’ Heineken beer to hit global markets

    Vice President Lai Ching-te, along with officials and Heineken Taiwan’s Managing Director Wu Chien-fu, launched a NT$13.5 billion investment in Pingtung for a net-zero carbon beer factory aimed at the East Asian market, marking Heineken’s deep-rooted expansion in Taiwan.
    2024/04/26 21:55
  • Taiwan’s economy to grow by 3.29% amid inflation concerns

    Explore the latest economic forecasts for Taiwan as the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research projects a GDP growth of 3.29% and a CPI increase to 2.13%. Amidst stable domestic demand and expanding exports, concerns over rising costs and geopolitical tensions loom. With cautious business investments and the global economic climate’s uncertainties, Taiwan navigates through challenges towards growth.
    2024/04/26 16:27
  • 高雄男大生曝光同學裸照虧「猛男學長A片外漏」 下場曝

    2024/04/26 16:25
  • Pets overtake newborns: Taiwan’s shifting family dynamics

    In Taiwan, pet registrations have surpassed the number of newborns, highlighting a shift towards pet ownership and an increasing demand for pet healthcare. Veterinarians are now more common than pediatricians, with pets often treated as family members.
    2024/04/26 15:17
  • 腸病毒會眼睛癢!醫曝2情況易釀結膜炎 關鍵「6招」預防傳染

    2024/04/26 15:06
  • Taiwan’s Central Bank updates inflation forecasts for 2024

    Taiwan’s Consumer Price Index indicates a continued slowdown in inflation with a slight rise in March. The Central Bank revises its inflation forecasts as electricity and living costs surge. The public’s economic outlook remains cautiously optimistic.
    2024/04/26 13:24
  • Fu Kun-chi heads to Beijing to promote cross-strait peace

    Kuomintang caucus whip Fu Kun-chi plans to lead a delegation to Beijing aiming to ease cross-strait tensions and foster peace. The visit, scheduled after the legislative session ends, seeks to reconnect ties and encourage Chinese tourism to Taiwan, amidst criticism of Fu’s close ties with the Chinese government.
    2024/04/26 12:36
  • President-elect Lai open to historic legislative address

    President-elect Lai Ching-te expresses willingness to make a historic State of the Nation report at the Legislative Yuan, responding to KMT’s invitation, aiming to establish constitutional conventions amidst current chaos.
    2024/04/26 12:15
  • High school student dies from injuries in Hualien quake

    A 17-year-old high school student, surnamed Huang (黃), tragically lost his life due to organ failure on April 25 after sustaining severe injuries in a magnitude 7.2 earthquake that hit Hualien County on April 3.
    2024/04/26 10:11
  • Lai Ching-te appoints key figures in Taiwan-China relations

    President-elect Lai Ching-te appoints Chiu Chui-cheng and Cheng Wen-tsan to key cross-strait relations positions, signaling a cautious yet hopeful approach towards maintaining stability with China while supporting Taiwanese businesses and citizens. The strategic move aims to extend goodwill and manage economic interdependence, with the true impact dependent on Lai’s inaugural speech on May 20.
    2024/04/25 22:24
  • 紅點爬滿小手!腸病毒猛襲「幼兒園停課」 家長怨:才中2個嚴重嗎?

    2024/04/25 21:00
  • Philippines and US commit to peace in Taiwan Strait

    The 11th Philippines-United States Bilateral Strategic Dialogue concluded in Washington D.C., emphasizing peace in the Taiwan Strait and opposing force in territorial disputes. The dialogue focused on maintaining a free Indo-Pacific and expanding cooperation in digital, space, and democracy sectors, with plans to sign the GSOMIA by year’s end.
    2024/04/25 17:57
  • 《食尚玩家》X味味A強強聯手! 5大熱門聯名泡麵一次看

    2024/04/25 17:45
  • Taiwan’s schools go co-ed to combat declining birthrates

    Discover how Taiwan’s private girls’ high schools are transitioning to co-ed institutions to address the country’s declining birthrate and prepare a new generation for future demographic challenges.
    2024/04/25 17:44
  • President-elect Lai unveils sixth wave of cabinet reshuffle

    President-elect Lai Ching-te unveils the sixth wave of cabinet and national security appointments, featuring Joseph Wu as Secretary-General of the National Security Council and Lin Chia-lung as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The team, praised for its professionalism and commitment, includes a total of 34 appointments with an average age of 62.5.
    2024/04/25 17:35
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