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    vaccine 結果共51筆

  • MOEA refutes Ko’s corruption allegations amid pandemic

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) demanded an apology from Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman Ko Wen-je for his corruption allegations against the government in producing face masks. The MOEA refuted Ko’s claims, stating the lack of evidence and emphasizing the need for public servants to ensure mask supply during the pandemic. Ko made the accusations during a campaign event, implicating the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in corruption cases involving masks, the Medigen COVID-19 vaccine, and egg imports. The MOEA referred to a previous incident where former Minister of the Interior Lee Hong-yuan apologized for baseless accusations and urged Ko to do the same.
    2023/11/22 20:35
  • Flu case surge prompts vaccination plea from physicians

    Physicians are urging the public to get vaccinated against the flu as cold and flu cases surge in Taiwan amid cooling weather. Even healthcare providers are being impacted by the rapid spread of a virulent seasonal virus. ENT Dr. Chang Yi-Hao fell ill with gastroenteritis in late October, experiencing two days of fever. The virus has been particularly aggressive over the past few months. Chang emphasized the importance of vaccination, especially for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases, and young children with weaker immune systems. Wearing face masks has become routine due to COVID-19, but with the easing of restrictions, there has been a rise in flu and respiratory virus infections. Physicians stress the need for vaccination, particularly for those with lower resistance to disease.
    2023/11/16 21:02
  • Hsiao Bi-khim misses overseas event amid election rumors

    Representative Hsiao Bi-khim missed an overseas community event in the United States due to poor health and rumors have circulated that she may return to Taiwan for a possible election campaign. Hsiao was scheduled to attend a Thanksgiving dinner with AIT Chair Laura Rosenberger but cited discomfort from a recent COVID-19 vaccine booster. Speculation has arisen that Hsiao may become Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate Lai Ching-te’s running mate in the 2024 presidential election. Lai has remained tight-lipped about the vice presidential candidate, stating that the consideration is almost complete and an announcement will be made at the appropriate time. The presidential election registration in Taiwan is scheduled from November 20 to 24.
    2023/11/12 16:44
  • Taiwan rolls new regulations to bolster public services

    Eight new regulations are taking effect in Taiwan in November, covering sectors in healthcare, public transport, and the environment. The Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) is introducing sustainable deals, offering a NT$5 discount on hot beverages to passengers who bring their own reusable cups. State-funded flu vaccines will be available for individuals aged 50 to 64, and those aged 65 and over can take shots in the second phase of the pneumococcal vaccine program.
    2023/11/01 10:49
  • Deputy minister condemns maneuvering in vaccine dispute

    Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare, Wang Pi-sheng, criticizes the ban of certain flu vaccine brands in schools, calling it a political move that exploits students. The government has approved a new flu vaccine from Medigen, but rumors of public resistance have led some regions to prohibit its use in schools. Wang argues that the government should help citizens make informed decisions based on scientific evidence.
    2023/10/26 11:24
  • Health experts warn of potential triple outbreak in fall

    Several health experts predicted on Thursday (Oct. 12) that by the end of 2023, a combined outbreak of COVID-19, influenza, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) might occur, with the average daily number of COVID-19 cases reaching up to 24,000.
    2023/10/12 16:41
  • Taichung mayor emphasizes transparency in flu vaccine info

    Taichung Mayor Lu Shiow-yen emphasized transparency in flu vaccine information during the Municipal Administrative Meeting. The central government has purchased publicly-funded flu vaccines from four companies: Sanofi, Adimmune, TTY Biopharm, and Medigen. These vaccines will be available across all cities and counties.
    2023/10/03 16:50
  • Experts: MVC flu vaccine is comparable to other brands

    The Taiwan FactCheck Center has clarified that MVC’s quadrivalent influenza vaccine is produced by the reputable South Korean pharmaceutical firm GC Biopharma, which has WHO qualification and is marketed in multiple countries. Additionally, the FactCheck Center noted that MVC’s method of vaccine production is not unprecedented, as other domestic manufacturers have also imported foreign vaccine stock solutions for local assembly.
    2023/10/02 14:31
  • Taiwan prioritizes elderly for Moderna XBB.1.5 vaccines

    Taiwan prioritizes 65+ for Moderna vaccine, offers test kits and vouchers. Hospitals see a 30% increase in patients. Doctors urge prompt antiviral medication for flu. Elderly advised to get COVID and flu vaccines, with pneumococcal vaccine later.
    2023/09/26 18:55
  • Vaccine expert guilty of leaking confidential Medigen info

    On Wednesday (Sept .6), the Shihlin District Court ruled that Liu Tsang-wu, a member of the vaccine review committee under the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), was guilty of leaking confidential information about the Medigen vaccine.
    2023/09/06 18:57
  • KMT pres. candidate unveils five-pronged healthcare policy

    Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has unveiled his "Five Arrows" healthcare policy, which includes increasing healthcare spending to 8% of GDP, improving care for children and mothers, launching a national mental health plan, advancing prevention for high-risk cancers, and ensuring transparency in vaccine and pharmaceutical purchases.
    2023/08/31 16:13
  • New Taipei Mayor bombarded with questions at City Council

    During a New Taipei City Council session on Wednesday, Democratic Progressive Party city councilors bombarded Mayor Hou You-yi with questions, giving him little time to respond.
    2023/05/11 15:00
  • Free HPV vaccines for Chiayi City middle school boys

    Middle school eighth-grade boys in Chiayi City can now receive free HPV shots, as the city becomes the first municipality in Taiwan to offer such vaccines for boys cost-free. 
    2023/04/11 16:32
  • First-day registrations for monkeypox vaccine exceed 16,000

    Over 16,000 individuals in Taiwan registered for the monkeypox vaccine on the first day of registration, which began at 2 p.m. on Saturday. 
    2023/04/10 19:26
  • Taiwan plans to ease indoor mask rules, COVID-19 policies

    Taiwan has implemented various measures to curb the spread of the pandemic, and with the infection rate becoming more stable, the country is set to relax restrictions. 
    2023/02/14 22:00
  • Authorities report hike in vaccination rate ahead of holiday

    With foreign travelers arriving in Taiwan ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday, many people are choosing to get revaccinated
    2023/01/19 14:42
  • Taiwan foreigners to self-pay COVID treatment costs in 2023

    Foreigners in Taiwan will have to cover the costs of their COVID treatment on their own starting in 2023.
    2023/01/01 07:59
  • Terry Gou alludes Tsai unwilling to import BNT vaccines

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou alludes that the Tsai administration was unwilling to import the Pfizer-BNT vaccine on Monday (Dec. 19)
    2022/12/20 18:13
  • Taiwan CECC refutes costlier Medigen vaccine claims

    The head of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), Wang Pi-sheng, refuted claims on Tuesday (Nov. 1) that health authorities purchased Medigen vaccines above the market price. 
    2022/11/02 17:17
  • 新Omicron 5.0崛起 以10倍速在英國增長

    隨著新冠病毒爆發以來,病毒不斷地進行突變,不知何時才能看到盡頭。現在胸腔暨重症專科醫師黃軒在臉書發文,指出最新一代的「Omicron 5.0」已經崛起,正以10倍的速度在英國增長,因此雙價疫苗(Bivalent Vaccine)也將在今年秋天問世,能夠有效對抗Omicron變種病毒。
    2022/06/10 10:59
  • 兒童打疫苗怕副作用 啟用V Watch監測、家長3天內註冊

    6至11歲兒童自5月2日起開始接種COVID-19疫苗,中央流行疫情指揮中心今(4)日表示,除持續以全國「疫苗不良事件通報系統(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, VAERS)」進行監測外,「Taiwan V-Watch疫苗接種-健康回報」自5月3日起亦將小於18歲的兒童及青少年納入追蹤監測對象,經由父母手機在疾管家介面申請加入,代為填寫接種後健康回報,以加強兒童及青少年COVID-19疫苗接種後安全性監測,並及時將國內該族群接種後常見不良反應發生情形,提供醫療端、公衛端向家長說明接種後常見副作用發生概況,以及持續不適及時就醫提醒等。
    2022/05/04 14:09
  • 2021代表字出爐!「這字」年增601%搜尋量奪冠

    2021/11/29 18:29
  • 國光新冠疫苗獲3億元授權金 深耕東南亞邁大步

    國光生今天公告,與新加坡Aios Biotech Pte Ltd及安特羅共組的合資公司簽訂專屬授權合約,授予國光COVID-19疫苗AdimrSC-2f vaccine東南亞專屬銷售及使用權,授權金總額為新台幣3億元。
    2021/11/22 20:42
  • APEC重申反疫苗民族主義 致力對抗氣候變遷

    擔任今年APEC主辦國的紐西蘭今天表示,APEC會員國重申強烈反對疫苗民族主義(vaccine nationalism)、支持亞太疫後經濟復甦,並致力因應氣候變遷。
    2021/11/10 10:18
  • 國光生技新冠肺炎疫苗 印尼核准一、二期人體臨床

    國光生技今天公告,國光生向印尼食品藥物管理局(BPOM)申請新冠肺炎疫苗AdimrSC-2f vaccine第一/二期人體臨床試驗計畫,已正式獲得核准。
    2021/09/12 22:17
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