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    union 結果共96筆

  • Klaus-Peter Willsch invites Taiwan’s president to Germany

    Explore the significance of a German delegation’s visit to Taiwan, led by Klaus-Peter Willsch, aiming to foster a more independent German policy towards Taiwan and challenge the diplomatic status quo amid Beijing’s influence.
    2024/05/23 10:48
  • Taiwan’s Medical Act revision to protect pregnant doctors

    In Taipei, a survey by the Doctors’ Union highlights that nearly 30% of female doctors are required to work night shifts, prompting calls for amendments to the Medical Care Act to better protect pregnant and child-rearing female doctors. The Ministry of Health and Welfare emphasizes existing protections but faces challenges in enforcing these due to previous constitutional rulings. Amendments aim to allow night shifts for pregnant doctors with consent, under specific conditions, with fines for non-compliance. The situation underscores the ongoing struggle to balance medical care needs with gender equality and workers’ rights.
    2024/05/10 18:05
  • Medical union opposes Chiu Tai-yuan as MOHW minister

    The Taiwan Federation of Medical Unions criticizes the rumored appointment of Chiu Tai-yuan as Health and Welfare Minister, citing his past refusal to engage with the union and opposition to disability rights amendments. They outline five qualities essential for the role, emphasizing the need for reform, communication, and respect within the healthcare sector to address workforce challenges and improve public health.
    2024/04/16 15:47
  • Mazu Pilgrimage shines light on endangered dolphins

    Conservation groups follow Dajia Mazu Pilgrimage in Changhua to raise awareness about endangered Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphins, known as "Mazu Fish," urging public to protect the species facing threats from climate change and human activities.
    2024/04/11 18:34
  • Taiwan to host APPU annual meeting in 2025

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang extends an invitation to MPs from Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union member countries to Taiwan’s 2025 Annual Meeting. Chiang emphasizes Taiwan’s commitment to addressing regional issues like climate change and economic development. Taiwan will host the APPU conference for the 11th time in 2025.
    2024/03/14 12:01
  • New Taipei mourns toddler’s death, supports social workers

    New Taipei City expresses sorrow over tragic child abuse case resulting in toddler’s death, vows ongoing support for impacted social workers. Outrage and concerns from social work organizations spark discussions. Mayor Hou Yu-ih vows to enhance social safety nets for child protection.
    2024/03/13 18:26
  • Taipei union defends social worker amid abuse case

    The Taipei Social Workers Union protests against the blame placed solely on social worker Chen in the tragic child abuse case involving 1-year-old "Kai-kai." The union defends Chen’s cooperation in the investigation and criticizes undue media attention, urging respect for her privacy. Concerns are raised over the Child Welfare League Foundation’s demands and authorities using social workers as scapegoats. The union questions the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s delayed response and law enforcement’s handling of Chen. As the case proceeds judicially, the union calls for discretion in sharing sensitive information and highlights systemic issues in the social work sector.
    2024/03/13 11:29
  • 挺巴團體示威 堵拜登上班路嗆「留給後代的是種族滅絕」

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)於當地時間7日晚間發表2024年國情咨文(State of the Union)報告,演說內容包含當前美國的國情分析、國家優先發展事項等。然而,就在拜登與隨行車隊預計前往國會大廈發表國情咨文的前一小時,挺巴團體便已聚集在通往國會大廈的主要幹道上,拉起大大的「停火(Ceasefire)」布條,試圖堵住拜登的去路;抗議團體甚至穿著印有「拜登留給後代的只有『種族滅絕』」標語的上衣,對於拜登政府長期傾向以色列的態度表達強烈不滿。
    2024/03/08 18:00
  • 川普發文怒嗆「史上最糟糕的國情咨文」 狂轟拜登:國家恥辱

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)於美國時間7日晚間9時(台灣時間8日上午10時)發表2024年「國情咨文」(State of the Union),期間雖然沒有提及前總統川普(Donald Trump)的名字,但仍在演說不斷以「前任」暗諷對方,川普對此也不斷發文砲轟,稱拜登的國情咨文是「國家的恥辱!」。
    2024/03/08 17:04
  • 有片/國情咨文驚見議員戴「川普紅帽」 拜登看傻表情藏不住

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)於美國時間7日晚間9時(台灣時間8日上午10時)發表2024年「國情咨文」(State of the Union),不過在拜登入場時,助人的目光都被1名頭戴前總統川普(Donald Trump)招牌周邊商品:「讓美國再次偉大」(Make America Great Again)紅色帽子的女子吸走,就連拜登都被嚇到,而這名女子的真實身分正是共和黨極右派眾議員葛林(Marjorie Taylor Greene)。
    2024/03/08 14:45
  • 不斷更新/國情咨文談美中關係 拜登:堅決維護台海和平穩定

    美國總統拜登(Joe Biden)於美國時間7日晚間9時(台灣時間8日上午10時)發表2024年「國情咨文」(State of the Union),白宮消息人士透露拜登本次演說主要聚焦於民主重要性、美國象徵、削減財政赤字、中產階級和重拾國家靈魂等,《華爾街日報》則認為拜登在選舉年發表國情咨文的舉動「充滿潛在風險,但也可能有所回報」,《TVBS新聞網》為您整理國情咨文演說的最新內容。
    2024/03/08 12:21
  • Legislators urge inclusive HPV vaccine program in Taiwan

    Lawmakers and health advocates in Taipei call for gender equality in cancer prevention policy, pushing for junior high school boys to be included in the public HPV vaccination program. Data shows higher rates of oral HPV infections and head and neck cancer in males. Taipei City has already allocated funds for HPV vaccinations for boys, with calls for nationwide implementation. Suggestions include using increased tobacco health surcharge revenue to fund vaccinations. Calls for equal opportunities in cancer prevention measures for all students and a focus on lowering cancer risks for children.
    2024/03/05 17:23
  • 談判破裂!德國工會發動大型罷工行動 大眾運輸全面癱瘓

    德國大部分地區的大眾運輸1日全面癱瘓,主要是因為「德國服務行業工會」(Verdi Union)發起大規模罷工,同時環保組織「周五為未來而戰」(Fridays for Future)也選在這個時間於全球超過100個城市發動「綠色交通」示威,導致德國的公車、電車和地鐵呈現停擺狀態。
    2024/03/02 15:22
  • Taiwan eyes stronger ties with UK post-Brexit

    Following the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union (EU), Taiwan’s representative to the UK, Vincent Yao, stated that Brexit has allowed the UK to establish closer economic ties with Taiwan, potentially helping Taiwan resist China’s attempts to isolate it. Taiwan is also increasingly investing in the UK, with the goal of becoming the UK’s primary trading partner in Europe. Additionally, strengthening UK-Taiwan trade relations could benefit the UK by providing access to Taiwan’s key industries, such as semiconductors. The bilateral relationship between Taiwan and the UK is reflected in the increase of UK government officials posted to Taiwan and the expansion of the UK office in Taipei. Collaboration between the two countries extends to areas such as artificial intelligence, offshore wind power, and electric vehicle batteries. However, there is still room for further development in bilateral cooperation.
    2024/01/30 12:41
  • EVA Air to resolve Lunar New Year flight cancellations

    Taiwan’s Minister of Transportation and Communications, Wang Kwo-tsai, has confirmed that EVA Air will address the issue of Lunar New Year flight cancellations independently. The airline had initially reduced the number of air tickets from 38,000 to 33,000 per day, resulting in a daily cancellation of 5,000 tickets. After weeks of negotiations, EVA Air and its pilots’ labor dispute reached a settlement with the coordination of Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan. The pilots’ union initially demanded a 20% pay raise, but EVA Air agreed to an increase in addition to the previously announced wage adjustment. The new arrangement includes additional monthly payments for pilots, senior deputy pilots, and deputy pilots. The airline has also agreed to revise the annual salary increase limit.
    2024/01/29 17:34
  • Taiwan Premier celebrates averted EVA Air strike

    Taiwan’s Premier Chen Chien-jen expresses relief and happiness over the resolution of the planned strike by EVA Air pilots. An agreement was reached between the pilots union and the company, averting the strike during the Lunar New Year period. Premier Chen visited a private AnKang education and nursing institution in Taoyuan City, presenting special meal funds and New Year grab bags ahead of the holidays.
    2024/01/29 17:10
  • EVA Air stocks soar after strike-averting pilot agreement

    EVA Air’s shares rose over 5% in early trading after reaching an agreement with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), ensuring no strikes during Lunar New Year. Lion Travel, Phoenix Tours, Richmond Tours, Life Tour, and China Airlines also saw a 2% increase in share prices. The labor agreement includes a monthly salary increase of NT$13,500, increased allowances, no direct hiring of foreign pilots, and no disputes on these points until May 31, 2026. The agreement is seen as a compromise to protect passenger rights. EVA Air did not comment on the impact on future profitability.
    2024/01/29 15:58
  • EVA Air strikes deal with pilots ending strike threat

    EVA Air and the Executive Yuan have reached a four-point agreement, including wage increases for pilots and co-pilots, and a commitment not to strike until May 31, 2026. EVA Air recently gained the right to strike and announced two warning periods. The agreement also stipulates that EVA Air will not hire foreign pilots directly without approval from the Ministry of Labor and Civil Aviation Administration. The Taoyuan Union of Pilots emphasized that their goal is not to exercise dispute rights, but to foster cooperation, trust, and equality within the company.
    2024/01/29 11:11
  • EVA Air pilot strike could affect 105K passengers

    The Minister of Transportation and Communications stated that a potential strike by EVA Air pilots during the Lunar New Year holiday could affect at least 15,000 people per day, with an estimated impact of at least 105,000 people over the seven-day holiday. Negotiations between the airline and its pilots are ongoing, but significant gaps remain, particularly regarding salary. Achieving consensus has proven difficult, as both sides have resolute attitudes. The Minister hopes for continued communication between workers and management to bridge the gap. During the Lunar New Year holiday, approximately 151,000 people are expected to enter and exit the country daily, with around 38,000 per day traveling on EVA Air. It is estimated that around 40% of EVA Air pilots have voted in favor of a strike. The pilot’s union has announced a possible strike warning zone from Feb. 7 to 18 and March 30 to April 7, with plans to initiate the strike if negotiations fail.
    2024/01/26 17:26
  • Travel agencies brace for impact of EVA Air pilot strike

    The Travel Quality Assurance Association warns that if EVA Air pilots go on strike during the Lunar New Year holidays, it would have a significant impact on travel agencies as all airlines have already filled their fleet. The strike is planned for the Lunar New Year period from Feb. 7-18 and the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays from March 30 to April 7. Travel agencies would face challenges in adjusting operations and relocating passengers if the strike occurs. Limited alternatives would be available for travel agencies during the Tomb Sweeping Day holidays, and managing already-sold bookings would require separate action. The exact date of the strike will only be informed 24 hours prior, although the pilots’ union has announced the duration. The association’s spokesman, Ringo Lee, suggests implementing a strike notice period similar to the Danish model, which allows for a month’s advance notice of strike action.
    2024/01/26 17:22
  • Past airline strikes spotlighted amid new strike threat

    EVA Air pilots in Taiwan may strike, marking the fourth in the nation’s aviation history. Past strikes led to significant losses and disruptions, raising concerns as the Lunar New Year approaches.
    2024/01/26 15:25
  • Taoyuan Pilots Union announces potential strike dates

    The Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) has announced plans for two strikes, scheduled from February 7 to February 18 and March 30 to April 7. These strikes will affect travel during the Lunar New Year holidays and Tomb-Sweeping Day. The TUP has authorized pilots at EVA Air to strike due to unresolved disputes with the company. The strikes will proceed unless a negotiation agreement is reached. The union has emphasized its commitment to negotiations and is seeking a resolution. TUP will notify members 24 hours in advance of a strike through their official website. The union also plans to conduct strike drills to ensure a quick response from EVA Air division members. A negotiation meeting was initially planned for January 31, but the union will only attend if EVA Air provides clear counterproposals by January 30.
    2024/01/25 16:17
  • Taiwan travel agents urge for earlier pre-strike notices

    The Travel Agent Association of R.O.C., Taiwan, has urged aviation unions to give a one-month notice before going on strike to mitigate social repercussions. They warned that another strike could have a devastating impact on the aviation industry. This call comes as EVA Air pilots, in collaboration with the Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP), have secured the right to strike. The planned strike is set for the Lunar New Year period, which is a peak travel period. The pilots aim to safeguard their rights, but the Travel Agent Association emphasized that such action would significantly affect consumers and travel agencies. They criticized past unplanned strikes by China Airlines’ cabin crew, pilots, and EVA Air’s cabin crew for disregarding consumer rights. The association emphasized the adoption of international pre-strike notice processes to allow sufficient time for negotiations and consensus-building, benefiting both consumers and labor.
    2024/01/23 17:33
  • EVA Air pilots win right to strike, could disrupt flights

    EVA Air pilots, represented by the Taoyuan Union of Pilots, have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike. The union demands include a 20 percent salary increase, higher international allowances, and a ban on illegal foreign pilot hiring. The strike, set around the Lunar New Year Holidays, threatens major international flight disruptions.
    2024/01/23 15:59
  • EVA Air urges customer-centric approach amid strike vote

    EVA Air urges Taoyuan Union of Pilots (TUP) to prioritize customer rights and commits to continuing labor negotiations. TUP wins strike vote, with 37% of EVA Air pilots in favor. Union requests salary adjustment, increased flight allowances, and cessation of foreign pilot employment. EVA Air responds by increasing pilots’ salaries by over 20% and flight allowances, but union claims lack of progress in negotiations. EVA Air appeals penalties for illegal recruitment and employment of foreign pilots.
    2024/01/23 10:21
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