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    school 結果共259筆

  • Taipei hosts art show on Tiananmen anniversary

    Explore the poignant "Life and Death, Forgetting and Remembering: The 35th Anniversary of June Fourth" art exhibition at Taipei’s Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, reflecting on Tiananmen Square through art.
  • Taipei expands free HPV vaccinations to include boys

    Starting September 1, Taipei will extend its free HPV vaccination program to junior high school boys, aiming for a 70% vaccination rate with initiatives including school tours and educational sessions on vaccine safety and benefits.
    2024/05/31 16:55
  • New School for Democracy marks 35 years since Tiananmen

    Explore the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, where art and activism merge to challenge authoritarianism and commemorate a pivotal moment in the pursuit of democracy.
    2024/05/23 18:29
  • Chiang proposes major funding for school, market revamps

    Discover how Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s ’two funds, three policies’ initiative aims to transform the city with financial and policy support for school renovations, market upgrades, and Shezidao development. Learn about the central government’s response to these proposals.
    2024/05/23 17:32
  • Liou Jia High School to end junior high enrollment by 2026

    Discover how Hsinchu County’s Liou Jia Senior High School is set to transform into a full senior high by 2028, following a decision to halt junior high enrollments from 2026. This move, aimed at optimizing educational resources, marks a significant shift in the region’s educational landscape.
    2024/05/23 15:29
  • From ruins to renew: Taiwan’s role in Bucha’s recovery

    Discover how Taiwan’s support has brought hope to Bucha, Ukraine, with the completion of a children’s sports school, symbolizing rebirth amidst the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war.
    2024/05/22 15:49
  • New Taipei City ramps up school bus safety after accidents

    Discover how New Taipei City responds to school bus accidents with a new inspection team to ensure student safety and possible penalties for Kang Chiao International School.
    2024/05/22 14:27
  • 父親拋家棄子還欠巨額債務 女星扛重擔養家!為生活奔走

    曾為女團After School成員之一的Uie,從偶像歌手跨足戲劇圈成績亮眼,近期在韓國家庭劇《我的女兒孝心》中演出女主角,扛起養家重擔,每天一大早就開始為家人的生活奔走,不僅要做體力活,還得應付各種情緒,長期下來令她疲憊不堪,決心擺脫這群「水蛭」般的家人,追求屬於自己的幸福生活。
    2024/05/19 17:08
  • English-taught degrees expand rapidly across Taiwan

    Explore how Taiwan’s National Taiwan University is setting the stage for global education with its new English-taught International School of Politics and Economics, aiming to attract international students and enhance local talent.
    2024/05/10 16:24
  • 美高中生惡作劇失控!走廊射漆彈、課桌椅壞光 緊急停課一天

    美國當地不少高中會在畢業前夕,允許高三學生進行「高年級惡作劇(senior prank)」活動,高三生們可以在學校嘗試一些以前可能會被禁止行為。沒想到,這場高年級惡作劇在田納西州的春山公立高中(Spring Hill High School)卻完全失控了。約百名高三生於上周四(5/2)晚間11時許進入學校,破壞學校課桌椅,更攜帶疑似漆彈之物品朝教室和走廊掃射,造成學校設施嚴重毀損。翌日,春山高中校長緊急宣布學校停課一天,表示:「損失相當慘重,這群學生非常令人失望。」
    2024/05/09 13:54
  • Suspected food poisoning hits students, teachers on trip

    Discover the details of a suspected food poisoning incident at Yuteh Private International School in New Taipei City, affecting over 250 students and teachers after a field trip. Learn about the ongoing investigation and the community’s response.
    2024/05/09 10:42
  • 又有韓美妝台灣撤櫃! Belif八月關閉實體門市

    韓國美妝保養品牌陸續傳出撤離台灣,Belif將在今年八月結束實體門市營運,全數轉為網購,去年底韓國美妝品牌too cool for school,也退出台灣市場,韓國的艾諾碧後來也因品牌規劃問題,撤離台灣市場,專家分析,美妝的流動性本來就高,加上消費習慣轉為線上,也讓實體櫃位的布局逐漸減少。
    2024/05/06 19:31
  • Tech studies surge in popularity among Taiwan’s students

    Explore the shifting landscape of Taiwan’s higher education in 2023, as revealed by the Ministry of Education’s latest statistics. Discover the significant rise in technology students, the decline in humanities enrolment, and the overall decrease in student numbers due to a falling birth rate. Uncover the trends in high school education and the changing dynamics in STEM fields, highlighting the evolving priorities and challenges in Taiwan’s academic sector.
    2024/05/06 18:03
  • 美女師偷吃小5童!才跟男友訂婚 「教室糾纏」手抄壞壞日記

    美國近日爆出一起師生戀引起社會關注,任職於河冠小學(River Crest Elementary School)的24歲的女老師柏格曼(Madison Bergmann)遭傳出「染指小五男童」,不僅在教室多次親熱,甚至還手寫甜蜜日記,消息傳出掀起軒然大波,柏格曼更被發現,其實2個月後就準備要和男友結婚,如今爆出師生戀醜聞,最終也被校方停職、並面臨性侵指控。
    2024/05/03 19:51
  • Taiwanese tourist rescued from scam at Australian airport

    Discover the story of Yu-Ming Lu, a Taiwanese woman who vanished in Australia but was found before she could be scammed. Learn about the efforts of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brisbane and the importance of the "Scam Prevention Strategy 123" for Taiwanese tourists.
    2024/05/03 17:47
  • 美女高中生遭輾斃!「列車煞不住」奪命 他嘆:學校像高壓鍋

    2024/05/02 15:12
  • Uber to launches "Uber for Teens" in Taiwan

    Explore the launch of Uber’s "Uber for teens" in Taiwan, designed to ease parental stress by safely transporting teenagers to school and activities. This service, already available in the U.S. and Australia, allows parents to manage rides through a family account, ensuring safety with features like a safety PIN, real-time route tracking, and direct communication with drivers. Only highly rated drivers can accept these rides, providing an extra layer of security for parents and their children.
    2024/04/30 18:09
  • Hsiao Bi-khim shares heartfelt return to alma mater

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim returns to National Tainan Girls’ Senior High School for an alumni association election and a special entrance ceremony, reflecting on her academic journey and connection to the school she once could not attend.
    2024/04/29 14:35
  • Study reveals higher disordered eating in immigrant children

    Research by Chen Tuan-jung from National Taiwan University suggests children of recent immigrants in New Taipei City are more prone to disordered eating behaviors compared to their peers, with factors such as social identity, cultural pressures, and health literacy influencing this trend. The study highlights the psychological distress and potential for serious mental health issues among these children, underscoring the need for awareness and intervention.
    2024/04/26 13:14
  • High school student dies from injuries in Hualien quake

    A 17-year-old high school student, surnamed Huang (黃), tragically lost his life due to organ failure on April 25 after sustaining severe injuries in a magnitude 7.2 earthquake that hit Hualien County on April 3.
    2024/04/26 10:11
  • Taiwan’s schools go co-ed to combat declining birthrates

    Discover how Taiwan’s private girls’ high schools are transitioning to co-ed institutions to address the country’s declining birthrate and prepare a new generation for future demographic challenges.
    2024/04/25 17:44
  • Taiwan reduces exams for students, emphasizes life skills

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Education reduces the maximum number of regular exams for first and second graders to two per semester, emphasizing life habits and moral cultivation. The amendment aims to boost confidence and study abilities, suggesting schools use diverse assessments for a more flexible education approach, including digital learning for those unable to attend in-person classes due to various reasons.
    2024/04/24 18:08
  • Teen developer’s earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads

    Discover the story of Lin Tzu-yu, a high school senior who developed the Taiwan Earthquake Alert app, providing early warnings for earthquakes. With over 320,000 downloads, this self-taught coder’s creation has become essential for residents in seismic-active Taiwan, especially following a 7.2 magnitude quake in Hualien.
    2024/04/24 11:14
  • Earthquakes lead to school, work suspension in Hualien

    Hualien County in Taiwan faces multiple earthquakes with magnitudes over 6, leading to widespread aftershocks and disruptions. Officials brace for more seismic activity.
    2024/04/23 10:14
  • ADAS under scrutiny after multiple crashes in Taiwan

    Explore the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board’s proactive investigations into various transportation incidents, including its first inquiry into an electric vehicle accident, collisions involving advanced driver assistance systems, a Taichung MRT crash, a school bus overturning, and a tour bus accident. Reports on these cases aim to enhance safety measures and prevent future occurrences.
    2024/04/22 12:31
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