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    internet 結果共52筆

  • Taiwan’s MJIB adds deputy director for cybercrime fight

    Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan has passed a bill appointing an additional deputy director to the Ministry of Justice’s Investigation Bureau (MJIB) to enhance its capacity in handling surveillance technology and combating cybercrime. The new position will focus on managing technological development, detecting computer and internet-related crimes, ensuring information security, conducting forensic science, and overseeing communication surveillance. The move comes in response to the increasing demand for expertise in these specialized areas. Currently, the MJIB operates under the guidance of two deputy directors, but the rise in sophisticated crime has led to a significant workload increase in judicial forensic investigations. By expanding the number of deputy director positions from two to three, the MJIB aims to improve the professional handling of surveillance technology and strengthen national defense mechanisms. This legislative revision demonstrates Taiwan’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing security landscape and elevating the nation’s defense against cyber threats.
    2023/12/05 21:46
  • Taiwan’s average salary hits 8-year high at NT$694K

    Taiwanese companies have raised fixed monthly salaries in an attempt to address labor shortages, but the annual salary increase rate has declined to 2.5% from last year’s 3.1%. Despite this, the average annual salary in Taiwan reached a new eight-year high at NT$694,000 in 2023. The semiconductor industry remains the highest-paying sector for the eighth consecutive year, surpassing NT$1 million in average salary. Following the semiconductor industry, the computer and consumer electronics manufacturing, electronic components manufacturing, telecommunications and communication services, and software and internet industries are the next highest-paying sectors. In terms of engineering roles, IC design engineers earn the highest yearly earnings, while auditors, computer systems analysts, and network security analysts lead non-engineering jobs. Year-end bonuses in 2023 decreased to an average of 1.08 months’ worth of salary, the lowest in a decade. Financial institutions are expected to provide the highest average year-end bonuses, followed by the semiconductor and construction industries. Looking ahead to 2024, civil servants, educators, and military personnel will receive a 4% pay increase, while private companies anticipate an average increase of 3.2% in salaries, with the accommodation and food services industry having the highest proportion of enterprises raising pay.
    2023/11/29 16:06
  • Turkish influencer pixelates daughter’s face for privacy

    Turkish social media influencer Rifat shared a photo of his daughter practicing gymnastics, with her face pixelated at her request, emphasizing the importance of internet privacy and consent. Wu, a famous actor in Taiwan, explained that he respected his 8-year-old daughter’s privacy and choice by mosaic-ing her face. He highlighted the need for obtaining a child’s consent before sharing their images online and hoped that his actions would set a positive example for society. Social media users praised Rifat’s approach, considering him a role model for respecting family and children’s privacy in the age of social media. His commitment to his daughters’ rights and his visibility as a public figure could potentially influence widespread social attitudes towards online sharing and privacy, especially for young children. This act of shielding his daughter’s identity while sharing a family moment reflects the ongoing conversation about privacy in the digital era, particularly regarding young children and the implications of internet exposure.
    2023/11/29 14:22
  • DPP’s Lai-Hsiao face uphill battle for voter support

    The Taiwan Public Opinion Research Center (TPOC) has observed interesting trends in public interest in Taiwan’s presidential candidates and their running mates. Using data from the QuickseeK sentiment analysis database, TPOC found that the announcement of Hsiao Bi-khim as the running mate of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te generated significant online buzz, with approximately 45,000 mentions. However, this enthusiasm declined to 27,000 mentions within a week. In comparison, the pairing of Hou-Kang with Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih saw a surge in online engagement, reaching 131,000 mentions after the announcement of Jaw Shaw-kong as the vice-presidential choice. The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidates Ko Wen-je and Cynthia Wu, known as the "Ko-Wu" team, outperformed the others, with over 140,000 mentions following Wu’s nomination and an average of 97,000 mentions since her candidacy was declared. The increase in mentions after Hou’s announcement was 259%, while Lai’s announcement saw a 90% increase. However, discussions among supporters of Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim mainly focused on Lai’s slogan and welcoming Hsiao back to her political ’home,’ failing to attract significant support from the middle ground and young voter segments.
    2023/11/29 14:19
  • Taiwanese education system rethinks smartphone policies

    Discover how Taiwan is addressing the challenges of smartphone use in schools, balancing technology integration with educational goals.
    2023/11/28 11:38
  • Internet celebrities apologize, admit to cannabis use

    Prominent YouTuber Joeman, internet celebrity Lyla, and DJ Tang Yu publicly apologized for their involvement in a drug-related scandal. Joeman confessed to consuming and possessing marijuana in Taiwan and abroad throughout 2023, vowing he would never repeat his actions. Lyla, a mother herself, followed suit with an emotionally charged apology, acknowledging her use of marijuana in Taiwan and Thailand. Taiwanese singer Hsieh Ho-hsien, an advocate for marijuana legalization, commented on the matter, suggesting that there’s no need for hysteria. Joeman, Lyla, and Tang Yu were arrested for allegedly using and possessing marijuana, shocking their fans. The New Taipei City Police Department’s Criminal Investigation Corps launched a raid that led to the arrest of ten individuals, including Joeman and Lyla, bringing Taiwan’s drug laws into sharp focus.
    2023/11/08 19:21
  • 64% doubt Han Kuo-yu’s impact on Hou Yu-ih’s popularity

    A recent internet survey shows that 64% of respondents believe former Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu does not boost Kuomintang (KMT) presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih’s popularity, while 30% think he does. Meanwhile, discussions are ongoing for a possible alignment between the KMT and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) for the 2024 elections, with Han holding meetings with both Hou and TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je.
    2023/10/12 10:23
  • Agriculture Ministry seeks investigation into egg rumors

    The Taiwan Ministry of Agriculture has requested an official investigation into rumors of spoiled green eggs sold at a supermarket, even though they were still within their expiration date. Reports were filed with the Taipei City Police Department on Sept. 27, with the aim of uncovering the truth behind these allegations.
    2023/09/27 19:54
  • Rumors swirl: Lin Fei-fan’s new role at Taiwan foundation

    Former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) deputy secretary-general Lin Fei-fan was reportedly given a position to become the deputy executive director of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD), according to Huang Yang-ming, an Internet celebrity.
    2023/08/23 15:01
  • Prominent Taiwanese figures join hands for housing justice

    Chen Chih-han, a well-known Taiwanese internet celebrity, along with former New Power Party chairman and legislator Huang Kuo-chang, visited the headquarters of Taiwan’s People Party (TPP) on Monday (July 3). Together, they presented an invitation to TPP chairman Ko Wen-je, urging him to join a rally in front of the Presidential Office on July 16th, under the theme of "saving Taiwan."
    2023/07/03 17:40
  • Infamous Internet celebrity heads to prison in Rolls-Royce

    Internet celebrity Lien Chien-i reported to prison on Thursday (June 1), drawing widespread attention due to his notorious behavior and raising concerns about the prevalence of gangster culture in Taiwan.
    2023/06/07 13:22
  • ’Ghost Town’ Taiwanese novelist Kevin Chen unfazed by AI

    Artificial Intelegence (AI) has become the buzzword on the internet and on the news recent months. One of the few popular ones are ChatGPT and Midjourney, fearing many people into the endangerment of literature and art creation. However, people still believe in the power of literature itself, such as Kevin Chen, a Taiwanese novelist who resides in Berlin. 
    2023/02/27 19:00
  • Heavy Internet usage among Taiwan’s youths sparks concerns

    The term "digital generation" frequently refers to the generation-Z cohort, who have grown up with convenient access to online information and communication technologies. 
    2023/02/15 19:20
  • 情人節正式分手IE 微軟全面升級改用Edge瀏覽器

    微軟研發的網路瀏覽器Internet Explorer(IE),問世至今走過27個年頭,正式在2月14日走入歷史。《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,由於使用者大幅銳減,加上系統已不符合網路環境需求,微軟早在去年(2022)12月就預告,要全面永久停用IE、改以新一代瀏覽器Edge取代。根據官方聲明,從14日起、所有Windows系統將藉由強制升級停用IE,改以Edge提供用戶更優質網路體驗。
    2023/02/15 12:13
  • IE再見!靠系統復活無望 微軟證實「2月起永久停用」

    又是一個網路時代的終結!儘管微軟IE瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)在今年6月正式淡出,但仍一度傳出Windows 11系統可以有辦法讓IE瀏覽器重回大眾視野,但隨著官方所發布的最新消息確認,IE瀏覽器將全面被微軟的「Edge」瀏覽器給取代。
    2022/12/18 17:04
  • 工程師為IE立墓碑1句話太搞笑 「過世」反創聲量高峰

    微軟日前宣布IE(Internet Explorer)瀏覽器在6月15日正式止服務,問世至今27年的IE瀏覽器走入歷史,象徵一個時代的落幕,也讓不少人都感到唏噓不已。日前有一名工程師為了紀念IE的逝去,竟然打造出一塊墓碑,引發許多話題。
    2022/06/22 11:08
  • 澳洲數十萬微信用戶數據 專家:恐落中共手中

    承接澳洲和美國政府網路安全業務的Internet 2.0提出報告指出,2020年7月中國實施港版「國安法」後,澳洲數十萬微信(WeChat)用戶的數據恐怕已經落入中國共產黨手中。
    2022/06/20 17:05
  • 象徵時代終結 韓國工程師替IE瀏覽器樹立墓碑爆紅

    微軟Internet Explorer(IE)瀏覽器問世27年後正式終止服務。為IE建造「墳墓」的韓國工程師指出,IE曾讓他的工作相當痛苦,但也忍不住感嘆其光輝時代就此落幕。
    2022/06/18 08:43
  • 微軟IE市佔96%掉到1%以下 退場對這國家衝擊最大

    微軟IE瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)正式退役,微軟自1995年推出IE瀏覽器,2022年IE市佔率一度達96.6%,如今市佔率卻不到僅剩不到1%,這曾經的霸主終於走到盡頭,外媒報導,日本將是IE退場後、受衝擊最大的國家。
    2022/06/16 16:29
  • 微軟IE瀏覽器正式終止服務 全球2800萬人還在用

    微軟Internet Explorer(IE)瀏覽器問世27年後,今天正式終止服務。根據研究機構EarthWeb統計的瀏覽器使用數據,目前IE仍有0.64%市占率,相當於全球2800萬人還在使用。
    2022/06/15 15:23
  • 問世27年被笑慢!IE瀏覽器真的掰了 微軟明起「全面淘汰」

    微軟的IE(Internet Explorer)瀏覽器可說是大家從小到大的回憶,不論是在家用電腦或是學校上電腦課,都會用到IE瀏覽器,即便目前有著Mozilla Firefox、Microsoft Edge、Google Chrome等其它瀏覽器,仍有不少人依然習慣使用IE瀏覽器,隨著微軟日前宣布6月15日起將正式終止支援IE,代表問世達27年的IE瀏覽器將全面淘汰。
    2022/06/14 16:19
  • 微軟IE瀏覽器走入歷史 2022年6月終止服務

    科技企業微軟的Internet Explorer(IE)瀏覽器曾經幾乎無人不知、無人不曉,卻將在明年走入歷史。微軟正準備以Edge瀏覽器,力拚如今市占率最高的谷歌(Google)Chrome。
    2021/05/21 12:07
  • Windows安全漏洞遭攻擊 微軟發布修補程式

    微軟今天更新最新修補程式,解決Windows VBScript引擎的一項重大安全漏洞,攻擊者利用這項瑕疵透過Internet Explorer入侵Windows。
    2018/05/10 09:36
  • 蔡明忠定調互聯網公司 台灣大衝加值服務

    2017/02/08 14:09
  • 想要轉職當「網路人」?快衝!929個職缺大搶i人才!

    看準年後轉職潮,104 家國內優質 Internet 企業大串連,聯手開出高達 929 個職缺,一起大搶 i 人才。其中軟體工程師缺額高達六成,而數位行銷的職缺也同步成長,其中同時具備行銷和工程雙背景的「成長駭客」(Growth Hacker) 是最夯的寵兒。
    2016/01/04 18:37
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