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    Taiwan team 結果共132筆

  • DPP’s Lai and Hsiao photo hailed online as ’virtue’ duo

    The Democratic Progressive Party’s presidential nominee Lai Ching-te and his running mate Hsiao Bi-khim are gaining attention online with a photograph of them at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. The photo, which features the slogan "Vote for TAIWAN" and labels them as "Taiwan’s virtue," has received praise from online users. Lai and Hsiao were officially registered as the first confirmed presidential team for the 2024 elections after Hsiao was announced as Lai’s vice-presidential pick.
    2023/11/22 12:42
  • Kaohsiung head praises Hsiao Bi-khim’s expertise

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai commended Hsiao Bi-khim for her extensive knowledge of the United States and Japan, as well as her expertise in Taiwan’s foreign affairs. Chen expressed admiration for the "Lai-Hsiao team" and acknowledged Hsiao’s diplomatic skills, particularly her connections with political figures in the U.S. and Japan. He emphasized Hsiao’s familiarity with Taiwan’s foreign affairs but stressed the importance of respecting the yet-to-be-announced vice presidential candidate. Chen and Hsiao have collaborated for several years in Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan.
    2023/11/20 17:45
  • Bahwan Tribe demands NTU return ancestral remains

    The Bahwan Tribe of Taiwan’s Bunun people are demanding that National Taiwan University (NTU) return ancestral remains taken without permission from a Bahwan public cemetery 63 years ago. NTU has been accused of shirking its historical responsibilities, leading to disagreements with the tribe. The issue dates back to the 1960s when the NTU College of Medicine Physical Anthropology Research Team took remains from the Bahwan Tribe’s cemetery, ’Lilieq,’ for academic research. The ’Return Bahwan Bunun Ancestors’ Remains Committee’ has approached the Executive Yuan, urging the government and NTU to return the remains and cease depriving indigenous people. NTU claims to have 43 boxes of the remains stored in its research room and has been participating in discussions with the government and legislature since the tribe’s request in 2017. However, indigenous legislator candidate Savungaz Valincinan expressed disappointment with NTU’s lack of effort to establish a relationship with the tribe and refusal to cover transportation and accommodation costs for their trips to Taipei. NTU has recently expressed willingness to return the remains, erect a memorial, honor the deceased as "Great Body Teachers," and provide medical, educational, and sanitary services to the tribe. However, as a public school, NTU argues that it cannot establish a foundation or provide compensation of NT$1.49 billion, citing Ministry of Education regulations. This issue has sparked discussion in Taiwan about addressing historical wounds and the journey toward transitional justice for indigenous tribes, who constitute 2.5% of the population and have historically faced exploitation and discrimination.
    2023/11/19 16:15
  • Hou Yu-ih seeks unity with Terry Gou for turnover

    Kuomintang’s presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih has revealed his communication with Terry Gou, the founder of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. The aim is to unite opposition parties and promote political turnover. This announcement follows a six-point consensus achieved between KMT and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) in the presence of former president Ma Ying-jeou. In response to TPP presidential hopeful Ko Wen-je’s emotional reaction to the agreement, Hou asserts that both parties under Ma’s watch have reached a substantial consensus, and it will be executed as agreed. Hou appeals for support in their mission to expose the incompetent Democratic Progressive Party. He emphasizes that the final judgment regarding any comparison of poll results will be entrusted to a team of three poll experts. The joint effort among opposition parties to challenge the DPP has become a significant narrative in Taiwan’s ongoing political discourse, with a wait-and-watch attitude adopted for the upcoming poll results.
    2023/11/19 16:11
  • Ko’s wife reveals reasons behind his alliance decision

    Peggy Chen, wife of Ko Wen-je, shared on Facebook his reasons for supporting the Blue-White agreement, reflecting his commitment to addressing public discontent with the DPP and his vision for a Taiwan governed by integrity and professionalism.
    2023/11/19 15:57
  • DPP Lai rumored to team up with representative to the U.S.

    Speculations of a planned alliance within the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for the 2024 presidential election are increasing. Rumors suggest that DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te may team up with Taiwan’s representative to the U.S., Hsiao Bi-khim, as a potential matchup against non-ruling parties. These rumors gained traction after it was discovered that renovation work was being done on a conference room in the DPP central committee’s building, allegedly to accommodate Hsiao’s campaign needs as Lai’s rumored running mate. Further speculations arose that Hung Yao-fu, a prominent figure in mobilizing young social activists and appointees for the DPP’s past electoral successes, may return to Taiwan to assist Hsiao’s campaign. However, a seasoned party staffer dismissed these rumors, stating that the running mate’s campaign strategy would be dependent on the presidential candidate. The candidate’s team for the vice presidency is mainly responsible for routine administrative work. Hsu Chia-hua, a former director of Hsiao’s legislative office, is also considered among the potential campaign members for Lai’s running mate, despite currently being abroad.
    2023/11/14 20:39
  • Taiwan-U.S. marine ties strengthened as 155 ships join AMVER

    The Ocean Affairs Council (OAC) has announced the establishment of a national rescue team in Taiwan, with 155 local crews from the nation’s flagged vessels joining the U.S. Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System (AMVER) program. This worldwide reporting system, run by the U.S. Coast Guard, aims to initiate swift rescue missions upon detecting ships in distress. The move represents a crucial step in deepening marine affairs cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. The AMVER program allows governments worldwide to respond efficiently to maritime emergencies, boosting mutual cooperation levels among neighboring countries. Since its inception in 2001, the program has successfully rescued 4593 vessels and 25,319 people. The establishment of a national AMVER rescue team signifies strengthened cooperation between Taiwan and the U.S. on international maritime safety.
    2023/11/10 20:44
  • P. LEAGUE+ names Richard Chang as new president

    Richard Chang, a prominent figure in Taiwanese basketball, has been appointed as the inaugural president of the P. LEAGUE+. This restructuring marks a new era for the league, which aims to elevate its status with Chang’s extensive experience and business acumen. Chang, who has a background in national player experience and commercial governance, is expected to lead the league into version 2.0. He played for McDonald’s in Taiwan and represented the Chinese Taipei men’s national basketball team in the 1980s. Additionally, Chang has worked for over 30 years at Costco Wholesale Inc., where he currently serves as the president of its Asian division.
    2023/11/06 20:46
  • MND responds to call for arming Taiwanese citizens

    The All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency, in collaboration with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of the Interior, is working to enhance citizens’ defense capability in response to a legislator’s proposal to arm every citizen in Taiwan. This comes as the Republic of China faces frequent military exercises from mainland China, leading to increased tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Authorities pledge to adjust civil defense team grouping to achieve the concept of all-out defense.
    2023/11/05 20:53
  • Shin Kong Hospital raises salaries to address nurse shortage

    Shin Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital in Taipei will raise salaries for nursing staff starting in November. Salaries for nurses on the three-shift rotation will increase by NT$1,680, and the monthly salary for new nurses will be raised to NT$43,680. The salary increase is in response to concerns over nurse departures and a shortage of staff, which has led to a reduction in the number of beds in many hospitals. The Taiwan Union of Nurses Association (TUNA) reported a drop in the number of nurses in the country from 187,519 to 185,901 from January through May. As a result, larger hospitals have been forced to close an average of 8% to 10% of beds. Shin Kong Hospital has hired 74 nurses but lost 125 as of September, leading to a decrease in the number of available beds. In addition to the salary increase, the hospital is implementing other incentives such as retention bonuses, team performance bonuses, special allowances, signing bonuses for new hires, and up to four years of free accommodation. The hospital also plans to increase all staff salaries next year in line with a government wage adjustment policy to attract and retain talent.
    2023/10/28 14:42
  • Ko Wen-je’s campaign director announces resignation from DPP

    The campaign office director for Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je, Chou Yu-hsiu, has officially resigned from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) after being a member for 20 years. Chou joined Ko’s team in 2017 and was influenced by their spirit, leading to his decision to stay. Despite leaving the DPP, Chou remains committed to Taiwan and plans to join the TPP soon.
    2023/10/19 15:41
  • KMT submits meeting plan to TPP for potential collaboration

    The Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih’s campaign team has submitted a meeting plan to the campaign office of Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) hopeful Ko Wen-je, following their first potential collaboration talk.
    2023/10/17 16:24
  • Air Force fighter jets to escort Taiwan athletes back home

    President Tsai Ing-wen has instructed the Air Force to accompany Taiwan’s heroic athletes on their return from the Hangzhou Asian Games. Taiwan secured an impressive 67 medals, including 19 gold, 20 silver, and 28 bronze, finishing 6th overall. This surpasses their pre-Games target and equals their gold medal tally from the 1998 Bangkok Asian Games. President Tsai expressed gratitude to all team members, including athletes, coaches, and support staff. The largest contingent of athletes is expected to return tonight at 9:30 p.m.
    2023/10/09 16:55
  • Team Taiwan flag-bearers reflect high hopes for Asian Games

    Get ready for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou as Team Chinese Taipei’s Olympic flag will be carried by swimmer Wang Kuan-hung and taekwondo athlete Lo Chia-ling during the opening ceremony.
    2023/09/23 17:53
  • 吃貨注意!邱議瑩競選募款小物曝光 2高雄在地美食入列

    2024立委大選逐漸逼近,各個立委參選人也推出競選募款小物,民進黨現任立委邱議瑩今(20)日公布首波小物,除了「TEAM TAIWAN 挺台灣徽章組」之外,還有高雄在地農產小物「美濃147米、日曬紅豆」,只要捐款皆可獲得點數進行兌換!
    2023/09/20 15:36
  • Taiwan businesses embrace AI for staff performance reviews

    In addition to guiding employers on matters like salary increases and adjusting team roles, AI can also offer diverse ways to enhance employee engagement in their tasks. 
    2023/08/30 16:22
  • Air Force prepares for CCK Air Base Aviation Carnival

    In preparation for the Ching Chuan Kang (CCK) Air Base Aviation Carnival on Aug. 12, Taiwan’s Air Force Thunder Tiger Aerobatics Team took to the skies to showcase their flight skills ahead of the main event.
    2023/08/13 13:17
  • 漫博會閉幕!賴清德自創「賴之呼吸」 揪賴品妤「獻聲」推台漫

    第22屆漫畫博覽會今(31)日圓滿閉幕,副總統、民進黨總統參選人賴清德傍晚於臉書、IG發布兩則生動活潑的Reels《進擊的台漫》、《成為台漫的柱吧!》,與民進黨立委賴品妤大聊台灣漫畫產業。賴清德除致敬近年爆紅的動漫《鬼滅之刃》,詼諧自創「賴之呼吸」外,並表示,未來將加強扶持台灣漫畫,讓更多人看到優秀的台灣作家及原創IP,和棒球一樣組一支「TEAM TAIWAN」。
    2023/07/31 18:47
  • TSMC unveils cutting-edge global R&D center in Hsinchu

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) founder Morris Chang thanked the company’s research and development (R&D) team at the unveiling of its global R&D center in Hsinchu City on Friday (July 28). 
    2023/07/28 18:06
  • Taiwan aims for success at Chengdu 2023 FISU Games

    The Chinese Taipei delegation aims to succeed in the Chengdu 2023 FISU World University Games from Friday (July 28) to Aug. 8. This year, our country has assembled a 319-member delegation, including 212 athletes, 55 coaches, 4 team doctors, and 21 sports trainers.
    2023/07/28 17:51
  • Lai’s NS team faces challenges in integrating with Tsai’s

    Lai Ching-te’s campaign spokesperson, Chen Shih-kai, addressed concerns on Thursday (July 27) about the national security team’s relationship with President Tsai Ing-wen’s staff. 
    2023/07/27 17:29
  • Infection suspected in sudden death of Malayan tapir Moke

    In a heart-wrenching incident at Taipei Zoo, the beloved Malayan tapir "Moke" breathed his last on the afternoon of the 18th of July. The 7-year and 9-month-old creature’s sudden demise raised questions among the public, speculating whether the recent scorching weather played a role. To shed light on the tragedy, a veterinary team from National Taiwan University went to the zoo for a thorough autopsy on Thursday morning (July 20).
    2023/07/20 19:21
  • 民進黨全代會登場 蔡英文頂35度高溫穿棒球外套挺賴清德

    民進黨全代會今(16日)登場,黨主席暨總統參選人賴清德將率區域立委提名人出場造勢,訴求「顧好國家的方向、打造更好的台灣」。總統蔡英文今出席時頂著35度高溫身穿賴清德墨綠色印有「Team Taiwan」的棒球外套,媒體喊話問「總統你喜歡這件外套嗎?」總統笑回,「你覺得呢?」
    2023/07/16 14:24
  • Taiwan women’s national volleyball team gears up for Asiad

    Taiwan’s Women’s National Volleyball Team continues to train hard in preparation for the 2023 Asian Games slated in Hangzhou, China in September.
    2023/07/13 18:08
  • 募款小物明上線!賴清德「ㄌㄨㄚˋ」手勢拍照 被虧像007

    民進黨總統參選人賴清德預計將於明(27)日上午公布首波「挺台灣募款小物」,利用週日先進棚進行募款小物照片拍攝。他特地穿上白T、牛仔褲搭配「Team Taiwan」外套,現場除了民進黨青年部的國務青之外,日前在賴清德YouTube節目《賴在一起挺台灣》影片中出現的高人氣髮型師也驚喜現身,還笑虧「清德哥」這樣的搭配好像特務007,逗得現場歡笑聲不斷。
    2023/06/26 13:33
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