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    ���Call 結果共887筆

  • 依依控史丹利婚後雙面人 拒接電話回家「驚見一幕氣炸」

    2023/12/26 10:53
  • Defense Ministry to boost security ahead of Taiwan elections

    The Ministry of National Defense in Taiwan is preparing for the upcoming presidential and legislative elections on Jan. 13, 2024, by upgrading its security readiness for 40 hours. This will take place from 5 p.m. on Jan. 12 until 8 a.m. on Jan. 14. Around 5,000 military personnel may not be able to cast their votes, similar to the 2020 general elections. However, the number of naval and air force personnel, 24-hour on-call missile units, and air force operations management on standby is expected to exceed that of 2020. The ministry has ordered its forces to compile rosters for Election Day and implement rotation measures for combat readiness to ensure the voting rights of military personnel. Due to tense military situations caused by periodic crossings of the median line of the strait by People’s Liberation Army vessels and aircraft since August last year, there may be more naval and air force personnel on standby compared to the 2020 presidential election. Typically, soldiers stationed far from their registered residences vote in the morning and then return to their camps before noon to switch with standby soldiers who then go out to vote.
    2023/12/25 17:43
  • Santa soars over Taiwan sky on Christmas Eve, NORAD reports

    Santa Claus flew over Taiwan’s skies on Christmas Eve, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). This tradition, dating back to 1955, began when a local newspaper misprinted a Santa hotline number, leading to NORAD’s predecessor’s number being inundated with calls from curious children. Rather than disappoint, the command started reporting Santa’s location. This year, Santa departed from the North Pole in a sleigh with the call-sign "HOHOHO," flying over Japan, Korea, China, and finally Taiwan. NORAD shares Santa’s flight trajectory, destinations, times, and the number of gifts distributed on their official website each Christmas Eve. They also rely on 1,100 to 1,200 volunteers to answer calls from children worldwide, receiving up to 260,000 calls in 2022. Platforms like Google and Flightradar24 also offer trackers to keep up with Santa’s movements.
    2023/12/25 13:30
  • Ko slams DPP for inaction despite claims of self-reflection

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) criticized the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for their lack of action despite claiming self-reflection during a morning canvassing walk. Ko’s comments were in response to remarks made by DPP vice-presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim during a Central Election Committee (CEC) policy presentation. Hsiao had acknowledged that some DPP members had made errors and forgotten their original intentions, which the DPP government must bear. Ko clarified that while Hsiao suggested that the DPP is already implementing his policies, the crucial difference is that the DPP talks without acting, whereas the TPP takes action. Ko also evaluated his running mate Cynthia Wu’s performance, deeming her steady, and emphasized that the TPP is committed to serious policy discussions rather than treating presentations as mere call-in shows to fill time.
    2023/12/23 11:06
  • ’Lai-Hsiao’ tied with ’Hou-Jaw’ in latest Taiwan polls

    The latest poll released by United Daily News shows a neck-and-neck race unfolding in Taiwan’s upcoming 2024 presidential election. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidates, Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim, known as "Lai-Hsiao," have a support rate of 31%, matching the popularity of the Kuomintang (KMT) duo Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong, dubbed "Hou-Jaw," who also have a 31% approval rating. Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko Wen-je and his vice-presidential partner, Cynthia Wu, referred to as "Ko-Wu," currently stand at 21% in the polls. In terms of in-party support, "Lai-Hsiao" leads with an 86% approval rate among DPP supporters, "Hou-Jaw" has an 83% approval from KMT adherents, and "Ko-Wu" secured an 85% backing from TPP followers. Among neutral voters, "Hou-Jaw" leads with 25%, followed by "Ko-Wu" at 23%, and "Lai-Hsiao" at 19%. However, 45% of all polled voters believe "Lai-Hsiao" are most likely to win the election, compared to 23% for "Hou-Jaw" and 13% for "Ko-Wu," with 19% feeling the outcome is too close to call. The survey also indicates a collective yearning among 48% of respondents for political change, with 31% expressing a strong desire to see the DPP unseated. The poll, conducted from Dec. 13 to Dec. 17, involved 1,250 adult respondents with an additional 368 refusals. The methodology employed dual-frame sampling of both landline and mobile phones, accounting for mobile-only households, and the results were weighted according to age, gender, and population distribution across various municipalities for those aged over 20. The survey has a margin of error of ±2.8 percentage points at a 95% confidence level.
    2023/12/19 10:07
  • Cold snap in Taiwan tied to surge in cardiac arrests

    During a cold snap in Taiwan from Dec. 15 to 17, there was an increase in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA), with 165 cases reported. However, the National Fire Agency clarified that not all incidents were directly caused by the cold temperatures. In the Taipei and New Taipei metropolitan areas, there were 18 cases of OHCA due to internal medical conditions, resulting in 13 deaths and 5 successful resuscitations. The New Taipei City Fire Department has issued a warning about the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases during the temperature drop, urging individuals with chronic illnesses to take extra care. The department also advises the public to be vigilant for symptoms and to call emergency assistance immediately if needed.
    2023/12/18 16:24
  • 台中購物節暨鐵道市集登場 再添2名週週抽市民專屬10萬元得主

    結合台中市中區舊城特色,台中市政府聯合中區三大商圈今(9)日在台中火車站站前廣場舉辦「鐵道市集活動」,攜手特色店家重現舊城百年風華,民眾於活動攤位消費滿額再送50元折價券,還可參加購物節抽獎活動,吸引民眾偕老攜伴共襄盛舉,搭配台中購物節週週抽獎,另現場call out給二位週週抽市民專屬的10萬元現金得主,號召大家繼續拚經濟、帶動中區商業活絡。
    2023/12/14 10:00
  • Hotai Motor reports 23,400 vehicle backlog amid sales dip

    Taiwanese distributor Hotai Motor, responsible for TOYOTA and LEXUS, reported a backlog of around 23,400 orders during an earnings call on Dec. 8. Despite an expected slight decrease in sales volume, the outlook remains optimistic. Hotai Motor dominates Taiwan’s auto market with a 33.3% share, as TOYOTA and LEXUS sold a combined total of 144,522 vehicles from January to November. The profit for the first three quarters was driven by the company’s core operations, particularly the more profitable LEXUS brand. With 19,000 pending orders for TOYOTA and 4,400 for LEXUS, the current order book suggests business for the next two months. Hotai Motor’s diversified investees, including Carmax, Hotai Finance, and Hotai Leasing, continue to grow. Hotai Insurance also experienced significant growth, except for the investing channel in China, which was affected by competitive pricing from domestic electric vehicle brands like BYD.
    2023/12/08 17:45
  • Civic groups call for end to violence against women

    Several civic groups in Taiwan, including the Modern Women’s Foundation and the Garden of Hope Foundation (GOH), are urging presidential candidates to prioritize violence prevention as an investment to end violence against women. According to the United Nations, one-third of women globally experience physical or sexual abuse at least once in their lives. The Modern Women’s Foundation Executive Secretary, Wu Zi-ying, highlighted the lack of investigation on these issues within Taiwan. Social work and policy professor Wang Pei-ling revealed that around 70 percent of individuals aged 18 to 74 in Taiwan have experienced online gender-based violence, with image-based violence accounting for 4.6 percent. Wang also emphasized the increasing number of male victims, which now stands at 20 percent. GOH CEO Wang Yueh-hao called on the government to promote interdepartmental initiatives and establish think tanks for gender violence prevention, emphasizing that gender violence is a violation of human rights.
    2023/12/07 19:33
  • 特色餐飲夜市好吃好玩 購物節外縣市也餐與

    台中購物節活動抽出第三位百萬汽車得主,是一位曾在11月中旬到台中東區消費的新竹人,接到台中市副市長現場call out電話,得知中獎,非常開心。
    2023/12/03 22:32
  • KMT’s Chu cites humiliation in failed TPP alliance talks

    Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Eric Chu and presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih expressed feeling humiliated by the lack of genuine cooperation with the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP). Despite failed negotiations for an alliance, Hou and his vice-presidential running mate, Jaw Shaw-kong, registered as candidates with the Central Election Commission. Hou attempted to collaborate with TPP candidate Ko Wen-je, but Ko did not answer the call. Ko later apologized for criticizing a public meeting and expressed efforts to bridge cooperation between the KMT and TPP, but cited political philosophy differences. Hou reported that the KMT approached the TPP with sincerity but felt disrespected when former President Ma Ying-jeou was made to wait five hours. Despite challenges, Hou and his party maintained strong conviction and sincerity in cooperating with Ko, but a partnership could not be realized. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te suggested that the breakdown indicated that the alliance was more about partisan and power-sharing concerns rather than the interests of the nation and its people.
    2023/11/25 10:57
  • Rising depression among Generation Z concerns experts

    Exploring the rising mental health challenges among college students in Taipei, this story delves into the experiences of graduates facing job market pressures, societal expectations, and increasing rates of depression and anxiety. Experts call for a societal shift to support youth mental health.
    2023/11/22 17:56
  • TPP’s Ko rejects KMT Hou’s call for poll reevaluation

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) campaign manager Vivian Huang rejects Kuomintang (KMT) candidate Hou Yu-ih’s proposal to reconsider polling results. Huang emphasizes the importance of integrity and unification, stating that reevaluating the data would undermine the previous expert meeting. The primary objective is to present the strongest candidate and convince supporters of a fair race. Ko Wen-je questions the rationale behind redoing the evaluations, expressing confusion over the KMT’s approach. Hou suggests appointing polling experts to debate and reassess the nine previous polls.
    2023/11/22 11:43
  • 新北主婦投資股票前call警諮詢 所長巧接電話急攔73萬

    2023/11/16 13:53
  • Chicken producers push for enhanced labeling regulations

    Taiwanese chicken producers are pushing for stricter labeling regulations for chicken and egg products, similar to those in place for pork and beef. The proposals include labeling the origins of these products in dining establishments. Chen Yu-che, Chairman of the Taichung City Poultry Association, has been advocating for thorough labeling since 2019, particularly for imported chicken. Following the COVID-19 lockdown lift in 2023, there has been a significant increase in imported chicken, reaching 230,000 tons per month, about half the volume of domestic chicken. The government’s importation of large quantities of eggs this year has led to quality issues, prompting industry representatives to call for a review of border management methods and increased inspection rates for imported chicken. Chen emphasizes the importance of clearly stating the origin of imported chicken, disclosing slaughter dates for chicken in the consumer market, and specifying the type of meat used on menus at dining establishments.
    2023/11/13 11:55
  • Taiwan nurses struggle with low pay, high stress

    Taiwan’s nurses face a critical manpower shortage worsened by low salaries and challenging work conditions. With a high turnover rate and inadequate compensation, the call for fair wages and improved conditions is a pressing issue for Taiwan’s healthcare system.
    2023/11/10 17:48
  • 抱怨老闆半夜狂Call!主管劈頭罵「不懂事」:我們開會到2點

    2023/11/10 08:45
  • Hospitals face pharmacist shortage amid low pay

    Amidst a severe salary gap and high workloads, Taiwan’s hospital pharmacists are facing a critical shortage. With a surplus of pharmacists but insufficient compensation, experts call for a re-evaluation of the National Health Insurance to prevent a looming healthcare crisis.
    2023/11/09 17:49
  • 白線不能停?店家要求 警竟Call車主移車

    2023/11/07 13:22
  • MND responds to call for arming Taiwanese citizens

    The All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency, in collaboration with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of the Interior, is working to enhance citizens’ defense capability in response to a legislator’s proposal to arm every citizen in Taiwan. This comes as the Republic of China faces frequent military exercises from mainland China, leading to increased tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Authorities pledge to adjust civil defense team grouping to achieve the concept of all-out defense.
    2023/11/05 20:53
  • Clock ticking for KMT-TPP alliance as deadline approaches

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je has urged Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu to propose a viable method for selecting the strongest presidential candidate. The call comes amid ongoing disagreements between the two parties and with less than three weeks remaining until the registration deadline. The future of the KMT-TPP alliance remains in question.
    2023/11/01 18:19
  • 砸百萬投資!女星宣布轉戰YT新頻道 開拍狂失誤:低落到想哭

    2023/10/30 12:34
  • 爸剛走!大伯連環call「錢拿來幫保管」 孩心碎:要撕破臉?

    2023/10/20 15:05
  • 「哈林小隊」單車環台又出事!彭小刀摔車「急call救護車送醫」

    《騎吧!哈林小隊》新一集節目一行人騎到台灣東部花蓮,為了想見到花蓮193縣道的限定風景, 也就是全台僅有的一輛「行動郵車」,不過因路途前後時間的不定,讓這輛行動郵車有著「遇見它,有時是一種幸運」的傳說,正當哈林小隊趕忙著要追上行動郵車時,彭小刀卻發生了不幸的摔車意外,人還上了救護車。
    2023/10/20 12:16
  • 合體韓國瑜!勾肩搭背還耳語 侯友宜比手勢「call me」

    2023/10/11 13:17
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