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    ���CALL 結果共863筆

  • China demands U.S. halt arms to Taiwan amid new bill

    China’s Taiwan Affairs Office demands the U.S. to halt military support for Taiwan, citing the issue as China’s internal affair and a violation of the "One China principle." The call comes in response to a U.S. Senate bill providing military aid to Taiwan, among others.
    2024/04/24 16:48
  • Taipower president reverses resignation decision

    Explore the story of Wang Yao-ting, President of Taiwan Power Co (Taipower), who retracted his resignation to continue leading the company amidst recent power outages and supply challenges in Taoyuan. Discover his commitment to Taipower, supported by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Taipower’s acting chairman, and learn about the company’s efforts to manage power supply through demand response mechanisms and the call for societal support in power plant construction for a stable power system.
    2024/04/22 12:20
  • 情侶裝選哪個?占卜測「黏人指數」超神準 10秒測出你性格

    2024/04/21 11:08
  • Experts call for monetary policy twist to boost investment

    Explore how Taiwan’s excess savings rate, projected to reach 15.46% in 2024, indicates economic resilience yet poses challenges for growth. Learn about the government’s strategies to stimulate investment and spending.
    2024/04/15 16:45
  • 影音/余祥銓鹿希派緊急call out Kid狠嗆:演藝圈最廢2人

    2024/04/12 10:10
  • 統神失言被苗博雅感化! 他點「1關鍵」嘆:境界真的不同

    藝人黃子佼涉購買性影像,又被K小姐控在未成年時遭性侵,知名實況主「亞洲統神」張嘉航對此聲稱「沒那麼嚴重」等言遭輿論撻伐;昨(10)日陸遭多家廠商切割後,張嘉航在晚間直播時備感委屈落淚,不久後他Call in市議員苗博雅,經一番「感化教育」後,今(11)日張嘉航終於坦承自己的無知並對此致歉。對此,政治評論員李正皓表示,要是自己面對統神恐怕是直接掛電話,不過苗博雅和他有一個不一樣的關鍵,「這境界真的不同,真的厲害」。
    2024/04/11 16:49
  • 苗博雅電爆統神!直播斗內「超猛金額」曝 網激喊:阿航繳學費

    實況主「統神」張嘉航日前評論黃子佼涉持有未成年少女不雅片事件,稱「沒那麼嚴重」、「我也想X未成年啊」,慘遭多家廠商封殺,昨(10)日他在直播期間暴哭,另外也Call in台北市議員苗博雅直播,在長達35分鐘的對談中,被苗博雅慘電、狠狠上了一課,而網友「斗內」(贊助之意)雙方直播的總金額也曝光了。
    2024/04/11 12:56
  • 感化統神!苗博雅被封「新一代戰神」:多數台灣人是善良的

    實況主「統神」張嘉航日前評論藝人黃子佼近期涉持有未成年少女性影像事件,稱「我也想X未成年啊」、「沒那麼嚴重」,被多家合作廠商封殺。昨(10)日一度在直播爆哭,隨後Call in台北市議員苗博雅,兩人對談35分鐘,卻被苗電爆,事後統神更發文道歉,稱自己上了一課。苗博雅今(11)日受訪表示,相信絕大多數的台灣人 都是敦厚溫暖善良,並喊話所有國人「你的每一次消費,都是在為了你想要的世界投票」。
    2024/04/11 11:37
  • 快訊/統神才爆哭!對決苗博雅被慘電35分鐘 307字道歉了

    實況主「統神」張嘉航日前評論藝人黃子佼近期涉持有未成年少女性影像事件,稱「我也想X未成年啊」、「沒那麼嚴重」,被多家合作廠商封殺。昨(10)日一度在直播爆哭,隨後Call in台北市議員苗博雅,兩人對談35分鐘,卻被對方電爆,狠狠上了一課。對此,統神今(11)日凌晨發文致歉。
    2024/04/11 07:24
  • 朱軒洋交疊吳卓源全被拍!爆急call正宮「要不分手」對話流出

    2024/04/10 08:17
  • Ma Ying-jeou’s China visit sparks sovereignty debate

    Learn about the political tensions in Taiwan as Ma Ying-jeou faces pressure to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty during his upcoming delegation to China. Discover how Premier Chen Chien-jen’s call for Ma to declare Taiwan as an independent country challenges the ROC Constitution, as tensions rise over the DPP’s pro-independence stance. Stay updated on the uncertain prospects of a second meeting between Ma and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
    2024/03/28 17:52
  • Hsiao Bi-khim shares adorable cat antics on social media

    Taiwan’s Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim’s cat steals the spotlight by sitting on her documents, sparking social media frenzy. Hsiao’s recent European trip and call for democratic alliance with Europe make headlines.
    2024/03/27 13:47
  • 柯佳嬿東區街頭崩潰!急call坤達求救 無助走進髮廊借錢

    2024/03/23 15:52
  • 父被討債急call黑幫兒 暴怒推警先被逮

    2024/03/18 19:26
  • Tainan tourist gem marred by "Tree Mouse" sign blunder

    Discover the story of a spelling mishap at the Anping Tree House in Tainan, Taiwan. Unveil how a signpost error turned "tree house" into "tree mouse," causing confusion among visitors. Explore Councilor Lee Chi-wei’s call for improved English proficiency to enhance international interactions and preserve Taiwan’s unique heritage.
    2024/03/18 10:52
  • Taiwan seeks to boost LNG storage amid rising tensions

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, emphasizes the need to boost the nation’s natural gas storage capacity amid escalating cross-strait tensions. The call for expansion includes plans for a fourth liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and extensions in Taichung and Kaohsiung. Wang’s announcement follows an incident at the Legislative Yuan involving questions about Taiwan’s gas reserves, sparking discussions about national security and military readiness.
    2024/03/15 17:30
  • Taiwan youth grapples with high house prices and low wages

    Discover how Taiwan’s young population is navigating the challenging landscape of high house prices and stagnant wages, despite the country’s strong purchasing power, and the call for government action to address these issues.
    2024/03/06 08:00
  • Legislators urge inclusive HPV vaccine program in Taiwan

    Lawmakers and health advocates in Taipei call for gender equality in cancer prevention policy, pushing for junior high school boys to be included in the public HPV vaccination program. Data shows higher rates of oral HPV infections and head and neck cancer in males. Taipei City has already allocated funds for HPV vaccinations for boys, with calls for nationwide implementation. Suggestions include using increased tobacco health surcharge revenue to fund vaccinations. Calls for equal opportunities in cancer prevention measures for all students and a focus on lowering cancer risks for children.
    2024/03/05 17:23
  • 郭靜搖身美人魚開唱!突淚喊看到人生走馬燈 「我不是要死了吧」

    「純愛教主」郭靜唱紅〈心牆〉、〈下一個天亮〉等經典情歌,今(2)日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「喂 你在幹嘛」演唱會,開場時她以接到粉絲call out的方式,驚喜從電話造型吊台登場,她以華麗的紅粉美人魚裝亮相,一連帶來〈軟綿綿〉、〈百分百〉、〈愛情訊息〉3首輕快歌曲,炒熱現場氣氛。星友周蕙、周定緯、李佳薇、蔡旻佑及廖文強等人也到場搶看。
    2024/03/02 20:14
  • 高雄理事虧女同事「傳播妹來了」 二審遭檢痛斥:浪費司法資源

    2024/03/01 17:44
  • Taiwan Defense Minister comments on Chinese rocket launch

    Taiwan’s Minister of National Defense, Chiu Kuo-cheng, addresses a Chinese rocket launch, emphasizing its non-threatening trajectory. The launch from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center traversed central Taiwan towards the Western Pacific, prompting no alert in Taiwan. Chiu reaffirms the importance of the "median line" in the Taiwan Strait for regional stability amid tensions with China. Speculation on potential conflict escalation between China and Taiwan is tempered by Chiu’s call for observation of further actions or signs.
    2024/03/01 16:06
  • 影音/《萌寵明星粗乃玩》余祥銓call out余天「慘被掛電話」 鹿希派求助竟遭Sandy嗆爆

    2024/03/01 12:57
  • 醫院清晨急Call!名醫衝產房「寶寶順利生下」 護理師突道歉:會被罵死

    2024/02/22 14:59
  • 郭子乾驚傳糖尿病發作昏倒住院 「老婆」氣到要離婚!

    由曹佑寧、黃冠智、郭子乾、楊麗音主演的台劇《華麗計程車行》,於首播一、二集更即交出亮眼成績,收視點落在曹佑寧趁打工空檔至隔壁檳榔攤借電話打給自己的BB Call測試是否正常運作,卻被飾演檳榔西施的張菁菁笑說「女朋友跑掉了喔? 你不要再騙你自己了,Call機沒有響,就是人家沒有找你」,內容除了對劇中曹佑寧的感情線佈下未知謎團外,也讓觀眾回憶起BB Call的通訊時代感,覺得十分逗趣。
    2024/02/19 18:21
  • Palau president unveils China’s bid to buy diplomatic change

    Palau President Surangel Whipps Jr. revealed in a letter to U.S. senators that China had tried to convince Palau to sever diplomatic ties with Taiwan in exchange for hotel bookings. The letter, made public by Cleo Paskal of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, detailed China’s proposal to fill Palau’s hotels and operate a call center at an annual cost of US$20 million. Whipps Jr. warned that without immediate approval for COFA aid, pro-China factions in Palau could threaten its diplomatic relationship with Taiwan.
    2024/02/16 11:11
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