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    war 結果共159筆

  • 以巴不斷更新/加薩砲火不斷已2750死 拜登:以色列不應再佔領

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/16 23:04
  • 以巴不斷更新/以色列「攻擊平民」掀怒火 多國選邊站聲援巴勒斯坦

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突。以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/14 23:04
  • 以巴衝突金正恩也有份? 專家:哈瑪斯疑使用北韓武器

    激進武裝組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日對以色列發動突襲,造成大量平民死傷,以色列國防軍(IDF)則展開反攻行動,以巴衝突再次躍上國際媒體版面。南韓《中央日報》報導,軍事部落客「War Noir」發現,在社群上流傳的一段影片中,可以看到哈瑪斯成員手持一枚不常見的「F-7」HE-Frag(高爆破片)火箭,而這款火箭最初是在北韓生產的;軍事專家也指出,在伊朗向武裝組織提供的物資中,有記錄到北韓的武器。
    2023/10/13 11:02
  • 以巴不斷更新/以色列證實 過去6天在加薩投下6000枚炸彈

    巴勒斯坦激進組織哈瑪斯(Hamas)7日清晨在贖罪日戰爭(Yom Kippur War)50週年之際,從加薩地區(Gaza)發射大量火箭突襲以色列,並派遣武裝分子跨越國界進入以色列領土,俘虜及殺害以國平民和士兵,以色列隨後也還擊,雙方仍持續交火,是50年來的最大規模的衝突,以下為《TVBS新聞網》為讀者整理以巴衝突的最新狀況:
    2023/10/13 10:30
  • MOFA clarifies assistance efforts amid Israel-Hamas war

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan responds to allegations by a stranded Taiwanese traveler in Israel, expressing regret and countering the claims. The traveler accused the Ministry of providing insufficient assistance during violent clashes in Palestine. The Ministry clarifies that the traveler received no aid from his airline and sought help from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv, but found their advice unsympathetic. The Ministry expresses regret and disappointment towards the unverified statements, emphasizing their attempts to assist the traveler and the necessity of online booking for confidential information. They also highlight their commitment to helping travelers return home amidst the conflict and express regret over baseless allegations impacting their personnel’s morale.
    2023/10/11 11:11
  • Taiwanese tourists safely return from Israel

    Amidst escalating tensions in the Middle East, Lion Travel Service successfully transported a group of 29 Taiwanese tourists from Israel. Despite ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine, the tourists noted a surprising calmness among the Israeli locals during the war. The Tourism Bureau reported that Artisan Tour and Yung Shin Travel Service still have tourists in Israel, with plans to arrange early returns for customers. Uni Travel Services also adjusted travel plans for one group to avoid entering Israel.
    2023/10/09 20:56
  • Ex-Pentagon official urges Taiwan to bolster defense

    Former Pentagon official Elbridge Colby’s warning on China’s war preparations and his call for Taiwan to strengthen defense gain attention. Learn more about the interview’s insights.
    2023/10/04 20:04
  • Premier admits oversights in egg imports, vows to reform

    Premier Chen Chien-jen delivers a special report to the Legislative Yuan addressing the controversy surrounding egg imports on Friday (Sept. 22). Acknowledging oversights and expressing regret for the social disturbances caused by the emergency importation, Chen hopes to appease the public’s anger by vowing to implement reform.
    2023/09/22 12:28
  • 示警投資中國恐自我毀滅 美國會找華爾街玩「戰爭遊戲」

    近年隨著兩岸關係劍拔弩張,台海戰爭爆發的可能性成為國際關注話題,對此,美國眾議院美中戰略競爭委員會(US House of Representatives China committee,以下簡稱特別委員會)計畫11日與華爾街的金融和企業主管一起舉行戰爭遊戲(war game),兵棋推演台海開戰以提高對「美國人投資中國風險」的認識。
    2023/09/09 10:17
  • Taiwanese in China face tougher business environment

    Taiwanese seeking opportunities in China face growing challenges, leading some to repatriate while others opt to stay. These challenges stemmed from the U.S.-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, and China’s economic downturn.
    2023/09/07 17:22
  • 虛擬殺敵救國!緬甸人玩「這款手遊」籌錢抗軍政府

    緬甸軍政府自2021年2月1日奪權以來,持續高壓控制社會,甚至多次血腥鎮壓境內民主示威;近來手無寸鐵緬甸人想出一種「虛擬救國」方法,下載手遊「英雄之戰」(War of Heroes),不只能在遊戲中加入人民防衛軍(People’s Defense Force,PDF)殺敵,遊戲創作方也捐出收益給反軍方團體,以此對抗軍政府,至今已獲得至少50.8萬美元。
    2023/08/28 11:24
  • Taipei Mayor to attend Shanghai Forum on Aug. 29

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an is set to attend the 2023 Taipei-Shanghai Twin-City Forum in Shanghai from August 29 to 31, marking the first visit to mainland China by a public official from the fourth generation of the Chiang family since the Chinese Civil War.
    2023/08/28 10:37
  • Terry Gou: Taiwan’s resolve remains strong

    Business tycoon Terry Gou sent a strong message to Beijing on Wednesday (Aug. 23), stating that the people of Taiwan will "not initiate a war, but will not back down from a fight either," in a speech at the Kinmen City Council to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the 823 Artillery Bombardment.
    2023/08/23 16:27
  • Gou urges Taiwan’s preparedness for peace amid war concerns

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou’s gift of the Kinmen Peace Declaration to former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso sparks discussions on cross-strait relations and Taiwan’s strategic stance. Gou emphasizes Taiwan’s readiness for both peace and potential conflict while questioning the approach of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration.
    2023/08/09 17:44
  • Lai Ching-te argues election win won’t lead to war

    Vice President Lai Ching-te rebutted notions of youth war participation stemming from an eventual vote for his party in an interview on Monday (Aug. 7), emphasizing peace and friendship with China. 
    2023/08/08 18:40
  • 北韓再掀脫北潮 餓到出現「人吃人」店家還謊稱是豬肉

    北韓首都平壤25日聚集成千上萬民眾,舉行韓戰(Korean War)爆發93週年紀念遊行,高舉多種仇美標語,甚至呼喊「美國都在我們射擊範圍」的口號,揚言要以武力和戰爭,對美國進行懲罰、並打倒帝國主義勢力。但根據《韓聯社》報導,隨著疫情解封後,似乎又迎來新一波脫北潮,包含駐外外交官、或是居住在邊境地區的民眾,寧願冒著生命危險、也要逃離現有被禁錮的人生,兩相對照更加顯得諷刺。
    2023/06/26 16:03
  • Experts give insights on how Taiwan’s car market changed

    Taiwan’s car market continues to thrive, with the value of imported cars reaching a record high of NT$85 billion from January to April this year, a 54% increase compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance.
    2023/06/19 15:53
  • Kinmen residents unite in expressing strong desire for peace

    Residents of Kinmen, an island controlled by Taiwan and situated a mere 3 kilometers away from China, are bracing themselves for the potential reemergence of conflict.
    2023/05/22 19:04
  • Foreign minister calls for global cooperation to prevent war

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joesph Wu said on Friday that war leads to devastation and urged democracies to unite in preventing potential wars.
    2023/05/03 17:44
  • Taiwan could face power outages within 2 weeks of war

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has recently stated that Taiwan’s natural gas reserve could only last for 11 days in the event of an attack that cuts off the island’s airways and ships, resulting in potential nationwide power outages.
    2023/04/12 16:44
  • Ma Ying-jeou calls for peace across Taiwan Strait

    Taiwan’s former President Ma Ying-jeou called on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to “seek peace and avoid war” during his speech in front of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, China on Tuesday (March 28).
    2023/03/29 16:39
  • 律師籲台灣申請加入國際刑事法院 嚇阻侵略和伸張主權

    國際刑事法院(ICC)17日以在烏克蘭境內犯下戰爭罪(war crime)為由,對俄羅斯總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)發布逮捕令。近日剛成功創先例第3度當選中國國家主席的習近平則於20日起訪俄3天,期間將與準國際刑事罪犯普欽會晤。
    2023/03/21 13:11
  • Ukrainian model to establish permanent residency in Taiwan

    Ukrainian model, Lina Zhytielieva, has shared the reasons for her move to Taiwan four years ago and her desire to settle down in the country with TVBS.
    2023/03/20 20:00
  • Taiwan’s top weapons maker unveils drone development project

    Taiwan’s National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) unveiled part of its drone development project that includes the development of anti-radiation drones and loitering munitions Tuesday.
    2023/03/15 19:02
  • Taiwan military to boost defensive strategies in case of war

    Taiwan’s defense forces recently made a strategic shift from focusing solely on air and sea protection to bolstering its land-based military.
    2023/01/19 18:38
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