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    wHO 結果共2,619筆

  • 全球每年有260萬人因飲酒喪命 世衛示警:男性占4分之3

    世界衛生組織(WHO)近日發布報告,其中提到全球每年有超過300萬人因為藥物和酗酒而死亡,而男性更是占大多數,秘書長譚德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)表示雖然這個數字近年已有所下降,但目前的數據仍「高得令人無法接受」。
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes Lai Ching-te’s disregard for law

    Explore the intense critique by Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je, who compares President Lai Ching-te’s actions to Adolf Hitler, emphasizing the importance of law and checks in democracy.
  • Social media buzzes over couple’s metro seating solution

    Discover the story of an elderly couple who brought wooden chairs to ride the Taipei Metro, sparking a lively debate among 60,000 social media users. Learn about the regulations and the metro’s response.
    2024/06/24 15:28
  • Malayan tapir dies from heat stress on way to Taiwan

    Discover the tragic story of Hideo, the Malayan tapir from Zoorasia Zoo, who died from heat stress during transport to Taipei Zoo, sparking a review of animal exchange protocols.
    2024/06/24 12:55
  • 瘦瘦筆爆假貨流入多國市場!WHO教3步驟辨識真假

    2024/06/21 17:45
  • President Lai advocates for Taiwan’s WHO inclusion at ICEM

    Discover how Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te advocates for the country’s inclusion in the WHO at the 23rd ICEM, emphasizing global health collaboration and emergency medicine’s vital role.
    2024/06/20 15:50
  • 下一場全球浩劫?前美CDC主任:禽流感人傳人致死率最高5成

    美國疾病管制與預防中心(CDC)前主任雷德菲爾德(Robert Redfield)指出,下一波全球大流行疫情,極可能來自禽流感。墨西哥近日發生首起人類感染禽流感後死亡的案例美國各地牛群也發現禽流感病毒。WHO指出,自2003年初至今年4月初,已經在23國發現889件人感染禽流感的案例,其中逾半數患者死亡,致死率達52%。雷德菲爾德表示,若禽流感開始人傳人,致死率最高恐達50%。
    2024/06/17 16:26
  • Taiwan probes CCP’s role in Chinese man’s illegal entry

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s national security as officials investigate a Chinese man, formerly a PLA Navy captain, who illegally entered Taiwan, highlighting concerns over potential CCP manipulation. 3. NSB gathering intel on man’s China activities. 4. Arrest prompts review of maritime security.
    2024/06/12 12:43
  • Chinese man defects to Taiwan, arrested upon arrival

    Discover the story of a 60-year-old man from China who attempted to defect to Taiwan by navigating a boat into the Tamsui River, leading to his arrest and sparking a government response to tighten national security measures.
    2024/06/11 12:05
  • Australian FM defends lawmakers’ right to engage with Taiwan

    Discover how Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s recent declaration supports lawmakers’ freedom to engage with Taiwan amid tensions with China. Read about Australia’s firm stance on sovereignty and democratic values.
    2024/06/06 15:10
  • 感染源不明!墨西哥首宗人類感染H5N2禽流感 發病2週內死亡

    2024/06/06 10:30
  • WHA健走遊行 綠送禮譚德賽遭隨扈阻攔

    2024/06/01 19:33
  • 偏愛吃「這類型」食物致過胖 肝變成「這慘狀」罹癌機率高!

    2024/05/30 22:45
  • 台灣WHA場邊論壇!國際專家示警:民主程度影響「預期壽命」

    2024/05/29 07:38
  • Taiwan’s WHA bid blocked amid China’s opposition

    Discover how Taiwan’s bid to join the World Health Assembly was blocked, sparking criticism from MOFA towards China’s "one-China principle" and highlighting global support for Taiwan’s inclusion in global health security efforts.
    2024/05/28 14:03
  • Germany backs Taiwan’s WHO participation at WHA

    Discover how Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach supports Taiwan’s WHO participation at the World Health Assembly, advocating for global unity and expertise sharing to tackle health challenges.
    2024/05/28 11:25
  • 連8年遭拒「以中華台北參加WHA?」 邱泰源:主權不容打折

    世界衛生大會(WHA)在瑞士日內瓦登場,衛福部長邱泰源率「世衛行動團」前往爭取參與,但仍被拒之門外,昨(27)日晚連線受訪時表示被問及明年是否願意用「Chinese Taipei」的名稱參與,他回應「國家的主權不容打折。」
    2024/05/28 09:51
  • 支持台參與WHO!德國衛生部長:用台專業知識應對未來挑戰

    2024/05/28 09:04
  • 不明冒「10大前兆」恐染上癌!久咳沙啞都入列 速到醫院檢查

    2024/05/28 08:00
  • 捨中華台北? 邱泰源:入WHA會堅持用「台灣」或「中華民國」

    2024/05/27 19:26
  • 參與WHA受阻!江啟臣籲國際:別只看半導體有利就叫我們設廠

    2024/05/27 15:41
  • Walk the Talk Geneva advocates for Taiwan’s WHA inclusion

    The 77th World Health Assembly begins in Geneva, and Taiwan is excluded for the sixth consecutive year. Despite global support and calls for inclusion, Taiwan remains out of the WHA.
    2024/05/27 15:36
  • Taiwan’s WHA observer status up for review in Geneva

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s bid to join the 77th World Health Assembly as an observer, including global support and efforts in Geneva for its inclusion.
    2024/05/27 11:09
  • Soldier deserts camp, carjacks friend in Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the soldier who fled Chenggongling Camp in Taiwan, marking the second desertion this year amid concerns over military pressures and security.
    2024/05/27 11:09
  • WHA宣達團「巧遇秘書長」!譚德賽親曝台灣加入機會

    2024/05/27 10:05
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