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    GROUP 結果共352筆

  • Taiwan-India labor MOU: a step forward in collaboration

    Explore the upcoming second consultation meeting for the MOU on labor cooperation between Taiwan and India, as announced by Minister Hsu Ming-chun, focusing on open industries and the introduction of personnel, with input from a diverse group of stakeholders.
    2024/04/30 13:41
  • Popular dance group Avantgardey to perform in Taiwan

    Explore the journey of the Japanese dance group Avantgardey as they embark on their first overseas tour in Taiwan, blending their unique choreography with local culture and achieving widespread acclaim on social media.
    2024/04/29 18:59
  • Japanese group conducts drone survey near Senkaku Islands

    Explore the latest on East Asia’s territorial disputes: A Japanese group led by ex-Defense Minister Tomomi Inada conducted a drone inspection near the Senkaku Islands, amid tensions with China.
    2024/04/29 15:32
  • 防員工假出差之名行看巴黎奧運之實 高盛集團用這招約束

    巴黎奧運(Paris Olympics)將於7月登場,美國跨國投資銀行與金融服務公司高盛集團(The Goldman Sachs Group)的許多員工,正計畫在前往巴黎開會期間,順道觀賞奧運賽事,不過高盛集團正緊盯這種行為。
    2024/04/29 14:00
  • SUPER EIGHT帶2團師弟耍壞! 19人跨團組「KAMIGATA BOYZ」

    日本STARTO娛樂(原傑尼斯事務所)雖然歷經約1年多風波與打擊,不過公司迅速站穩腳步,除了日前宣布5月中「Aぇ! group」(音近「欸欸group」)確定出道,現在更有跨團新企畫,由SUPER EIGHT(原關8)領軍WEST.(原Johnny’s WEST)、浪花男子(なにわ男子),打造全新風格的「KAMIGATA BOYZ」。
    2024/04/29 12:21
  • Foxconn’s climate goals approved by SBTi

    Foxconn Technology Group achieves a significant milestone in environmental sustainability by receiving approval from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for its net-zero emissions goal, making it a leader in Taiwan’s high-tech hardware industry. This commitment aligns with the Paris Agreement, aiming to limit global warming to 1.5˚C by reducing greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain by 2050.
    2024/04/24 17:54
  • Wang Mei-hua endorses successor ahead of cabinet change

    Outgoing Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua praises successor J.W. Kuo for his international perspective as he prepares to take over the ministerial role, emphasizing his commitment to public service. The transition comes as President-elect Lai Ching-te prepares to take office, drawing public attention to the new cabinet selection.
    2024/04/19 14:04
  • NZ, Taiwan strengthen ties through parliamentary visit

    Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu meets with New Zealand’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Taiwan, expressing admiration for New Zealand and discussing the deepening of bilateral relations in trade, indigenous affairs, agriculture, and culture. The visit aims to strengthen friendship and cooperation between the two democracies.
    2024/04/18 15:47
  • 房地產巨頭「驚瀕破產」!欠債65億 慘遭陸銀行聲請清算

    全球房地產崩盤,光是近1年內,就超過4千家建商倒閉,而中國也逃不掉!房地產巨頭世茂集團(Shimao Group)欠款65億元台幣,慘遭銀行聲請清算,股市1天內暴跌!
    2024/04/12 09:32
  • Chiang unveils 4-point plan to tackle foodborne illnesses

    Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an announces four measures to address recent suspected food poisoning cases at popular restaurants, including establishing a dedicated team, increasing inspection efficiency, purchasing additional equipment, and launching a special inspection project for food monitoring.
    2024/04/11 18:09
  • Over 100 fall ill after dining at Wowprime Group eateries

    Taipei reports over 100 ill after dining at Truewow and Xiang La Spicy Hotpot restaurants. Mayor Chiang Wan-an addresses food poisoning cases, including Polam Kopitiam, as food safety issues resurface in the city.
    2024/04/11 17:32
  • US congress marks 45th anniversary of Taiwan Relations Act

    A bipartisan group of Members of the U.S. Congress introduced a resolution reaffirming the U.S. commitment to Taiwan on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA). The resolution covers the House’s commitment to the TRA, calls on the Secretary of State to actively assist Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, and recognizes the significant contributions of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in advancing U.S.-Taiwan interests.
    2024/04/11 14:56
  • Brazilian deputies donate $10K to Taiwan earthquake relief

    The Taiwan Friendship Group of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, with 212 members, donated $10,000 to support Taiwan’s Hualien earthquake relief efforts. Group chairperson Junio Amaral, who recently visited Taiwan, expressed admiration for Taiwan’s hospitality and people. The donation affirms Taiwan’s strong will in facing challenges.
    2024/04/10 14:18
  • 凱特王妃愛牌Ted Baker陷困境 關15門市、裁2百人力

    1988年創立的Ted Baker是知名英國精品品牌,具有英式優雅的風格深受消費者喜愛,就連凱特王妃都曾穿過他們設計的外套、洋裝出席公共場合。他們2022年被美國品牌管理公司Authentic Brands Group(ABG)以逾2億英鎊(約81億元新台幣)收購。但ABG於3月表示因債務龐大,需要任命接管人員。最新消息指出,Ted Baker將在英國關閉15間店鋪,預計影響245個職位。
    2024/04/09 13:51
  • Taipei Mayor orders review after Taipei Dome leak incident

    Read about the unexpected rainfall incident at Taipei Dome during a CPBL game, sparking a comprehensive review by Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an. Preliminary findings by Farglory Group suggest rainwater overflow as the cause. Stay tuned for updates on the investigation and repair progress.
    2024/04/01 14:32
  • Media professionals train for crisis reporting in Taipei

    A group of media professionals in Taipei attended a "Crisis Reporting" workshop aimed at preparing them for effective reporting during crises. The workshop focused on resilience, self-care, and comprehensive preparation.
    2024/03/27 17:54
  • S Hotel undergoes major rebranding and ownership shift

    Discover the latest on the rebranding of the S Hotel in Taipei, owned by Wang Xiaofei, ex-husband of Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu. Reports suggest it may soon be known as "MGallery" on Dunhua Road, following Wang’s transfer of ownership to the French multinational Accor Group.
    2024/03/27 10:06
  • Ma Foundation expresses wish to meet with Xi Jinping

    Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou is set to visit mainland China again in April, leading a group of young people from the Ma Ying-jeou Foundation exchange program on a cultural and educational tour. The visit includes stops at Peking University in Beijing, Sun Yat-sen University, and a grand ceremony worshipping the Yellow Emperor. Plans for a meeting between Ma and Chinese leader Xi Jinping are subject to China’s arrangements.
    2024/03/25 15:18
  • Meta微軟加入Epic之列 批蘋果App商店高收費政策

    Meta、微軟、社媒平台X和線上約會服務公司Match Group今天抨擊蘋果,對應用程式(App)購買收取過高費用。
    2024/03/21 14:14
  • 大阪獨家/Aぇ! group台上跟師弟爆哭! 5月出道成傑尼斯最新團

    日本傑尼斯事務所(現STARTO娛樂)雖然去(2023)年因創辦人喜多川強尼的爭議,下半年以後幾乎都在重整、與藝人重新簽約,不過他們也很快站穩腳步。《TVBS新聞網》獨家直擊準出道男團「Aぇ! group」3月16日在大阪京瓷巨蛋舉辦的演唱會,除了沿襲「關西系」男團的特色,有搞笑也有精彩的樂團演出,團員更重磅宣布5月15日即將正式出道,將成為STARTO娛樂的「第一組」團體。
    2024/03/17 09:00
  • Taiwan to host APPU annual meeting in 2025

    Deputy Legislative Speaker Johnny Chiang extends an invitation to MPs from Asian-Pacific Parliamentarians’ Union member countries to Taiwan’s 2025 Annual Meeting. Chiang emphasizes Taiwan’s commitment to addressing regional issues like climate change and economic development. Taiwan will host the APPU conference for the 11th time in 2025.
    2024/03/14 12:01
  • Taiwan mulls subsidies to offset electricity price hike

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua discusses ongoing discussions of the Electricity Pricing Working Group and potential budgetary subsidies amid pressure for an electricity price increase in April. The government seeks to balance the needs of citizens and enterprises as it navigates potential adjustments to electricity prices. Stay tuned for further updates on the final subsidy and price adjustment plan.
    2024/03/13 16:03
  • 趙小蘭妹妹生前最後一刻情況曝 駕特斯拉墜池塘狂求救

    美國前任運輸部長趙小蘭(Elaine Chao)的妹妹、福茂集團(Foremost Group)董事長兼執行長趙安吉(Angela Chao)2月過世,享年50歲。警方與消息人士透露,趙安吉當時疑似開著一輛特斯拉,連人帶車墜入德州一間私人牧場的池塘後喪命,判斷這是一起「非典型意外」。外媒最新報導還原了她墜入池塘前的細節,稱她在生前最後幾分鐘,曾瘋狂致電友人求助。
    2024/03/09 18:11
  • Taiwan awaits China’s move to lift tour ban

    The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) in Taipei faces challenges as it considers the ban on travel agencies organizing tours to China. Amidst diplomatic tensions and logistical issues, Minister Wang Kwo-tsai emphasizes that any change to the ban hinges on China’s goodwill gestures. Stay updated on the evolving situation post-June.
    2024/03/06 15:50
  • 星巴克因以巴衝突遭抵制拒喝 中東代理商被迫裁員2千人

    以色列與哈瑪斯(Hamas)在加薩走廊的衝突持續延燒,讓星巴克(Starbucks)中東地區的特許代理商艾賽亞集團(Alshaya Group)大喊吃不消,該飲料品牌在當地遭到民眾抵制拒喝,近期業績受到嚴重影響,已開始進行裁員2000人的計劃。艾賽亞集團總部設於科威特,這家私人家族企業擁有H&M、Shake Shack等眾多西方品牌的特許經營權。該集團在日前聲明中坦言,已在中東和北非地區的店鋪進行裁員,「考慮過去6個月持續嚴苛的經營環境,我們不得不做出令人痛心且困難的決定,減少星巴克在中東和北非各國店鋪的員工人數。」
    2024/03/06 10:33
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