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    school 結果共263筆

  • Vice President Lai Ching-te confident in Taiwan’s football

    Vice President Lai Ching-te expresses support for the Primary School Football World Cup Invitational, emphasizing football’s unifying potential in Taiwan and globally. The event is set to feature primary school teams from multiple countries.
    2023/08/09 17:02
  • Crowds rally for justice for dismissed teachers

    Crowds gather to protest the unjust dismissal of teachers at Yi Ming Senior High School in Hsinchu County. Demands for justice and improved labor conditions. Calls for Ministry of Education intervention
    2023/08/08 20:53
  • Partner of NT$500M boy on trial for fake marriage charges

    Court proceedings began Monday (Aug. 7) for the case of a high-school boy who plunged to his death, leaving behind NT$500 million. 
    2023/08/07 20:25
  • Gou meets Boston Red Sox star Chang Yu-cheng in Seattle

    Business tycoon Terry Gou watched Boston Red Sox star Chang Yu-cheng in action at the Seattle Mariners’ T-Mobile Park on Wednesday afternoon (Aug. 2), Seattle time.
    2023/08/03 14:40
  • Taiwan boosts English proficiency in schools with US NGO

    The Ministry of Education has collaborated for the first time with the Asia Institute-Crane House (AICH) from Kentucky to enhance the English proficiency of elementary and junior high school students. AICH has reportedly dispatched nine English teachers to Taiwan for a three-week English summer camp, with the participation of 600 students.
    2023/07/17 16:25
  • 耳機、手寫筆免費送省萬元!蘋果BTS方案來了 網讚:歷年最優

    蘋果每年都會推出BTS(Back to School)教育方案,2023年的活動也於近日正式出爐,蘋果公告,在10月2日以前買 Mac 優惠組合就送AirPods、買 iPad 優惠組合,則內含 Apple Pencil。
    2023/07/14 12:26
  • School bus, taxi collide, injuring 12 kids and 1 adult

    A school bus collided with a taxi on Wednesday morning (July 12) at an intersection in Yilan City, injuring 11 children, one teacher, and a 5-year-old child in the taxi.
    2023/07/12 16:40
  • 泰BL劇9鮮肉來台辦見面會 見粉絲「這舉動」感動噴淚

    泰國BL劇《My School President》9名主演上週六來台一連舉辦2場見面會,不僅在服裝上用心,兩場分別用劇中的「制服」與「運動服」開場,歌單上也特別做了一些編排,讓2場觀眾可以聽到不同的熱門主題曲,而劇中的三對CP更是在見面會上各有一首對唱曲,他們之間時而逗趣時而甜蜜的互動,讓台下粉絲深深著迷。
    2023/07/12 15:51
  • Taiwan educators should prioritize interactive lesson plans

    With the pandemic stabilizing in Taiwan, online courses transitioned back to in-person classes as educators and students return to school.
    2023/07/10 19:28
  • 張智霖袁詠儀16歲兒露臉了!身高近190被封「最帥星二代」

    張智霖與袁詠儀的兒子張慕童(魔童)完美遺傳父母的良好基因!魔童正就讀香港國際學校(Hong Kong International School),說得一口流利的英語,每次發IG都會用英文。除了懂得玩樂器,他還熱愛運動,特別是滑板,經常在其IG動態分享踩板的影片,身手相當靈活,絕對是動靜皆宜。
    2023/07/04 12:04
  • Taiwan gov’t expands financial support for students

    The Taiwan government approved on Thursday (June 29) a new subsidy aimed at private college students, as well as the introduction of free tuition for high school and vocational high school students. This decision has drawn criticism from opposition parties.
    2023/06/30 14:01
  • Hou questions private university tuition assistance proposal

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih lashed at Vice President Lai Ching-te, who is also the presidential candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), regarding the latter’s proposal for financial assistance to private school students. Hou’s remarks came on Wednesday (June 21).
    2023/06/21 17:47
  • Taiwan students conquer heights for graduation certificates

    In an "unusual" display, an elementary school in Kaohsiung, orchestrated a graduation ceremony on Tuesday (June 6) that saw 35 graduates scale towering trees reaching a height of 10 meters to receive their hard-earned certificates.
    2023/06/11 15:19
  • 何超儀談香港電影市場現況 嘆「優秀電影人選擇赴陸」

    香港女星何超儀近年來不僅演出,也獨立製作多部電影作品,受到國際影壇肯定,近日獲選為英國倫敦「奧德賽華語電影節」焦點影人,並赴英國知名的國立電影電視學院(National Film and Television School,NFTS)擔任「大師課講師」,同時也談到香港電影市場的現況。
    2023/06/10 19:25
  • 有片/30聲槍響嚇壞眾人 美高中畢典7人中彈釀2死

    美國維吉尼亞州里奇蒙市(RICHMOND, Va.)一所胡格諾高中(Huguenot High School),日前在當地一間戲院內舉行畢業典禮,沒想到卻闖入兩名不速之客,持槍對場內師生和家長親友開槍掃射,綜合美媒報導,至少7人中彈、其中3人有生命危險,槍擊引發後續大混亂局面,也連帶造成10多人因為多種因素受傷送醫。里奇蒙警局第一時間就制服拘捕2名嫌犯,根據現場目擊者回憶,他們聽到不下30聲槍響。里奇蒙警局稍早更新通報,7名中彈的傷患中,已有2人不幸喪命,分別是18歲的高中男學生和36歲陪同出席畢典的男性。
    2023/06/07 09:33
  • Taiwan unveils Young Adult Culture Vouchers

    President Tsai Ing-wen, in her visit to her high school alma mater Zhongshan Girls High School on Tuesday (June 6), urged young adults to embrace cultural activities using the Ministry of Culture’s (MOC) Young Adult Culture Vouchers. 
    2023/06/06 17:57
  • Search continues for junior high student swept into ocean

    Local authorities are diligently continuing their search on Monday (May 29) for a female middle school student who went missing after being swept into the ocean a day earlier. The incident occurred at Neipi Beach near Nanfang’ao in Yilan County.
    2023/05/29 17:36
  • Unexpected commute scare: Fake head surprises bus riders

    A hairdressing student unintentionally sent shivers down the spines of bus passengers in Taiwan when a mannequin head used for practice startled unsuspecting riders. The incident, which occurred on a Yuda High School bus, serves as a reminder of the importance of proper handling and storage of teaching materials.
    2023/05/26 11:13
  • Taiwan seeing increase in bilingual school enrollment

    Amid Taiwan’s push to become a bilingual nation by 2030, parents are willing to pay expensive tuition to enroll their children in bilingual schools.
    2023/05/11 18:44
  • 世界最美女星刺青佈全身!「美尻上一顆心」 比基尼辣照超震撼

    韓國女星NANA(임진아/林珍兒)是知名女團After School成員之一,靠著超亮眼外型,曾兩度被評為「世界第一美」,近期轉換風格,全身刺滿個性十足的刺青,包括蜘蛛網、蝙蝠俠、蛇等圖案,日前飛出國度假,大方曬出多張比基尼照,不僅曝光身上各處刺青,火辣身材也讓粉絲們大飽眼福。
    2023/05/05 19:48
  • Scholar gives insights on Europe’s cross-strait issues views

    After French President Emmanuel Macron’s controversial statement on cross-strait issues and Europe’s stance, TVBS commentator Wenchi Yu interviewed Professor Philippe Le Corre from the ESSEC Business School in Paris to gain insights.
    2023/05/04 19:27
  • 有片/美國中學讓師生隔板子「互舔」 家長怒轟:不恰當

    2023/04/21 14:24
  • Free HPV vaccines for Chiayi City middle school boys

    Middle school eighth-grade boys in Chiayi City can now receive free HPV shots, as the city becomes the first municipality in Taiwan to offer such vaccines for boys cost-free. 
    2023/04/11 16:32
  • Shanghai students unfazed by Ma Ying-jeou’s upcoming visit

    Shanghai’s Fudan University students displayed little interest in the news of former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou’s impending visit to the school on April 7.
    2023/03/28 17:17
  • 臉書實習生到TikTok執行長 周受資獨扛議員砲火一戰而紅

    面對美國動輒威脅禁用TikTok,親上火線赴美國會解釋的執行長周受資(Shou Zi Chew),雖然遭受議員苛刻發問,卻讓他成為美媒重點人物,好奇他的背景、以及是如何成為新興社群掌門人的故事。《哥倫比亞電視台》(CBS)報導,來自新加坡、擁有哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)學歷的周受資,曾是臉書新創實習生之一,後曾任創投公司和小米,直到2021年在字節跳動(ByteDance)創辦人張一鳴邀請下加盟,僅兩月就出任抖音執行長至今。
    2023/03/24 11:28
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