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    raw 結果共53筆

  • 調味料邊境檢出致癌物!雙聖、茹絲葵母公司上榜 食藥署將逐批查驗

  • Beloved Yilan steakhouse to close in February 2025

    Royal Steak in Yilan will close in Feb. 2025 due to workforce shortages and rising costs. The restaurant, known for quality since 1984, faces challenges with premium ingredients.
    2024/10/04 21:00
  • 秘密客愛!中山區16摘星之最 大安、松山緊追

    2024/08/28 13:48
  • 2024米其林完整名單公布!頤宮奪三星7連霸 3餐廳掉星

    2024米其林指南將在今(27)日下午2時進行頒獎典禮,米其林一星、二星、三星的星級餐廳將陸續揭曉,《TVBS新聞網》也同步更新獲獎餐廳,三星餐廳共有3家,頤宮成功7連霸,還有JL Studio以及態芮,二星餐廳共有5家蟬聯,RAW雖然宣布今年底熄燈但仍蟬聯二星,一星餐廳共有41家一星,其中有10家為新進餐廳,而Longtail 、教父牛排、鰭野村則掉出一星名單。
    2024/08/27 15:44
  • 江振誠突宣布引退「婚姻狀態」再掀熱議 哥哥江宏恩親上火線回應

    2024/07/31 17:52
  • 無預警宣布引退!命理師揭江振誠:「連旺15年大運」已走完

    2024/07/31 14:30
  • 全台最難訂「RAW」12/31關! 江振誠:退出前線

    2024/07/29 19:42
  • 「全台最難訂餐廳」RAW十週年將結束營業 名廚江振誠宣布引退

    擁有米其林二星頭銜的江振誠主廚今(29)日召開國際記者會,宣布12月31日將是餐廳「RAW」的最後營業日,江振誠表示,RAW預計在8月15日推出最後一季菜單「The last dance」,未來將把RAW改成國際餐飲學校,希望每年培養出 10~12名米其林主廚,致力於培養下一代接班人。
    2024/07/29 15:22
  • Bafang Dumpling announces price hike due to rising costs

    Discover how Bafang Dumpling is adjusting its prices due to rising costs and labor shortages, while keeping some favorites unchanged. Learn more about their commitment to quality.
    2024/07/09 13:26
  • Taiwan acts on red yeast rice health scare

    Taipei (TVBS News) reports that Taiwan’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken action after businesses reported using red yeast rice raw materials from Japan’s Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, linked to kidney disease. Preventive measures have been taken, with products removed from shelves. FDA Director-General Wu Hsiu-mei oversees the situation to safeguard consumer safety.
    2024/03/28 17:57
  • Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up

    Yannick, the pioneer of Taiwan’s cream roll cake, is set to close six stores nationwide as part of its 2024 strategy adjustment due to labor shortages and high raw material costs. Despite this, Yannick Chairman Wu Tsung-en remains optimistic about the company’s operations and plans to launch 30 additional Yannick To Go Machine (YTM) cake vending machines. Founded in 2000, Yannick is known for being the first cake shop to specialize in slice cakes and later introduce the cream roll cake.
    2024/02/27 13:48
  • Premier pledges transparency in future power rate hikes

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen emphasizes Taipower’s role in stabilizing commodity prices amid global challenges, promising transparency in future electricity rate adjustments. The upcoming electricity price review committee may lead to inclusive price hikes, citing the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on raw material costs. Chen underscores Taipower’s efforts to control expenses and enhance efficiency while ensuring public understanding of any changes in electricity charges.
    2024/02/20 11:58
  • HeySong Sarsaparilla price hike: First in over a decade

    HeySong Corporation, a Taiwanese company, has announced price adjustments for some of its products after 10-20 years of unchanged prices. The adjustments, set to take effect in March, will see prices increase by 10-20%. The most notable increase will be for the popular 330-milliliter HeySong Sarsaparilla, which will surge by up to 25%. The company attributes the price adjustments to rising costs of raw materials, packaging, transportation, and personnel. The recommended retail price adjustments will mainly affect packages less than one liter, with some increasing by NT$4 and others by NT$5-6. Other beverage brands, such as Taisun Enterprise, have also indicated rising drink prices due to increased international raw material costs. The King Car Group had already adjusted the price of its Pocari Sweat drink in November 2020, marking the first price adjustment in 17 years. Public opinion on the price changes seems to be accepting, with many stating that they understand most products are experiencing price increases as long as the surge isn’t too high.
    2024/02/17 11:21
  • Taiwan legislators urge clear labeling for ’fresh milk’

    Legislators at the Legislative Yuan are demanding that the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) clearly define "fresh milk" to differentiate between imported milk and domestically-produced fresh milk in order to protect local dairy farmers. This demand comes as the 10-year anniversary of the economic cooperation agreement known as ANZTEC between New Zealand and Taiwan approaches, which will bring about a zero-tariff policy by 2025. The MOA has committed to collaborating with the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) to discuss the criteria for defining ’fresh milk.’ Proposals suggest establishing a clear distinction between domestic raw milk and imported liquid milk to ensure stability in contracts between dairy farmers and milk product manufacturers. It is argued that due to high-temperature sterilization and long-distance transportation, imported milk products should be categorized differently from fresh milk produced and stocked within Taiwan. The Acting Agriculture Minister Chen Junne-jih stated that the storage period and processing issues for ’fresh milk’ will be discussed in consultation with the MOHW, and milk labels will be revised to emphasize "Taiwan fresh milk" for market segmentation, preserving the label exclusively for domestically produced fresh milk. Currently, the national definition of "fresh milk" refers to raw cow’s milk processed with heating, sterilization, and refrigeration for consumption without specifying a shelf life.
    2023/11/29 14:17
  • Taiwanese indicted for smuggling 24K kg oysters from China

    Two Taiwanese men have been indicted for their involvement in a case of smuggling 24,000 kilograms of raw frozen oysters from China into Taiwan. The first man, surnamed Tseng, allegedly smuggled the oysters by falsely reporting them as processed foods, using the name "FROZEN SALTED OYSTER MEAT" to avoid customs checks.
    2023/11/07 15:27
  • Starbucks Taiwan to see more growth in holiday season

    Starbucks Taiwan, a joint venture between Starbucks Coffee International and Taiwan food conglomerate Uni-President, is set to boost Christmas sales through marketing activities. Despite rising costs in raw materials, Starbucks Taiwan maintains its long-term marketing strategy of expanding locations and improving store quality without raising prices. Sales revenue during the Christmas period is expected to rise by 10 to 20 percent, leading to a 10 percent increase in stock levels.
    2023/11/02 20:27
  • 江振誠IG突發全黑圖!粉絲湧入打氣 本人親曝原因

    2023/08/31 22:56
  • Cost pressures lead to adjusted prices for Taiwan Beer

    Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation (TTL) raises prices for Taiwan Beer and cigarettes due to escalating expenses. Retail prices for Taiwan Beer products increase by NT$5 per can/bottle. Cigarette prices surge by NT$5 to NT$10 per pack. Get insights into this pricing adjustment.
    2023/08/11 19:40
  • 百萬素食網紅驚傳過世!堅持生吃天然食材 專家揭2點恐營養不良

    俄羅斯的素食網紅珍娜(Zhanna D’Art),致力於推廣「原食」(Raw Foods),她堅信這種飲食方式能帶來健康,但近期卻驚傳過世。對此營養師李婉萍發文認為如果像珍娜一樣只吃不烹飪的天然食材,人體會缺乏許多營養素,最嚴重可能會貧血虛弱或休克死亡。看似養生的飲食方法怎麼了?李婉萍用2點說明解釋。
    2023/08/04 05:40
  • 百萬素食網紅生前虛弱到無法走路!友曝:過世前6年「完全沒喝水」

    知名網紅珍娜(Zhanna D’Art)致力於推廣「生機飲食」(Raw Foods),堅信這種飲食方式能帶來健康,在社群平台擁有上百萬粉絲,近期卻驚傳過世、享年39歲。珍娜的友人受訪時透露她生前已「幾乎無法走路」,而且在去世前已有6年完全沒有喝水。
    2023/08/03 12:22
  • 百萬網紅過世!疑「愛生吃素食」餓死 母不認同:生前腿腫脹流膿

    知名網紅珍娜(Zhanna D’Art)致力於推廣「生機飲食」(又稱裸食,Raw Foods),堅信這種飲食方式能帶來健康,在社群平台擁有上百萬粉絲,怎料,卻驚傳過世,享年39歲。醫院初步報告顯示,珍娜是飢餓導致的嚴重營養不良,不過,媽媽卻持不同看法,認為女兒離世主因是感染了霍亂,引起議論。
    2023/08/01 11:23
  • 看不出63歲!鍾楚紅「無濾鏡」真實狀態曝 親揭凍齡關鍵

    2023/04/13 12:32
  • 鍾楚紅63歲「超凍齡美貌」 名廚江振誠秒變小粉絲:永遠的女神

    63歲香港女星鍾楚紅最近悄悄抵台,除了和老友相聚,也前往米其林2星的RAW餐廳用餐,和國際名廚江振誠留下合影,而享譽海外的江振誠站在女神旁邊也變成小粉絲,直言「從我皮夾裏的護貝照片、豪邁125的擋泥板… 到能與我永遠的女神一起拍照、說話… it has been amazing…」看起來相當開心。
    2023/04/11 12:53
  • Taiwan’s egg prices on the rise again due to avian flu

    The food and beverage industry is facing multiple challenges, including inflation and rising costs of raw materials, as well as a recent increase in egg prices. 
    2023/02/15 19:16
  • 限2天!蛋黃酥愛馬仕、RAW江振誠在這 做愛心送咖啡

    戶外派對「500趴2022-500%永續綠生活」今(3)明兩日於101水舞廣場登場,不少餐飲名店、咖啡飲品業者都來設攤,其中最受矚目的像是有蛋黃酥愛馬仕之稱的「陳耀訓 •麵包埠」、星級餐廳RAW都前來設攤,另外像是台北君悅酒店、詹記麻辣鍋等業者也都在場擺攤,吸引不少民眾前來。
    2022/12/03 17:12
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