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    office 結果共363筆

  • Taiwan kidults drive high-end toy sales

    When you enter most offices in Taiwan, you will likely see toy figurines spread out on desktops or hanging from computers.  For many office workers, these toys are a source of comfort.
    2023/01/23 08:00
  • 童星出身爆紅長大後星路不順 資深演員亞當里奇54歲逝

    美國男星亞當·里奇(Adam Rich)小時候主演70、80年代的知名喜劇《八個就夠》(Eight Is Enough)的小兒子Nicholas Bradford,成為著名童星,還因此獲得「美國弟弟」(America’s little brother)的稱號,但卻傳出不幸消息,洛杉磯郡驗屍官辦公室(Los Angeles County Medical-Examiner Coroner’s office)聲明指出里奇7日在洛杉磯布倫特伍德區(Brentwood)家中逝世,享年54歲,死因目前仍在調查中。過去他深受心理疾病所擾,近幾周突然與外界失聯,未料就傳出驟逝消息,令不少人深感惋惜。
    2023/01/09 10:47
  • Taipei Mayor Chiang faces many pressing issues from start

    The mayor of Taipei, Chiang Wan-an, has just taken office, but there won’t be any honeymoon period. 
    2023/01/04 19:34
  • Taipei’s new mayor wraps up first day with late-night visit

    Former Kuomintang legislator Chiang Wan-an started his first day in office as Taipei’s new mayor on Monday (Dec. 26)
    2022/12/28 11:33
  • Experts predict dim economic outlook for Taiwan in 2023

    For many office workers in Taiwan, it’s getting more and more expensive to get take-outs as the daily cost of their lunches often falls between NT$200 and NT$300.
    2022/12/20 18:08
  • FCC commissioner: Chinese growing tech a rising threat

    The leaders of the world’s top superpowers, Chinese President Xi Jinping and U.S. President Joe Biden, met in person in Bali at the G20 summit for the first time since Biden took office. Against this backdrop, TVBS Commentator Wenchi Yu spoke with Brendan Carr, commissioner of the Federal Communication Commissions of the U.S., on information censorship, semiconductor chips, and all things related to information and communications technology with the U.S., China, and Taiwan.
    2022/11/17 19:13
  • Prospective homeowners worried at soaring mortgage rates

    Rising interest rates for housing mortgages make owning a home an even more elusive dream for many Taiwanese, including Ms. Chang, an office worker and a mom of three. After being married for over ten years, her family is still unable to buy a house.
    2022/11/06 11:00
  • Taiwan feels pressure of rising prices amid stagnant wages

    This restaurant in Taipei City boasting generous food portions is a favorite among office workers. 
    2022/10/27 17:44
  • National Day celebrations begin with Taiwan military flyover

    Taiwan’s 111th National Day celebrations kicked off in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei on Monday (Oct. 10), with the Thunder Tiger Aerobatics Team releasing red, white, and blue streams across the skies.
    2022/10/10 18:23
  • Taiwan hosts National Day gala at Twin Oaks Estate in D.C.

    The Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States hosted a National Day banquet at the Twin Oaks estate in Washington, D.C. to celebrate Taiwan’s upcoming National Day.
    2022/10/07 19:00
  • Working hours in Taiwan becoming blurred due to pandemic

    Due to the pandemic, many employees have had the experience of working remotely, clocking in and out of work every day, likely away from the office.
    2022/10/07 06:22
  • Taiwan plans to resume 1-year mandatory military service

    With Double Tenth National Day around the corner, troops in Taiwan have been preparing for the annual military parade in front of the Presidential Office. 
    2022/10/06 20:00
  • U.S. Congressional delegation arrives in Taiwan

    President Tsai Ing-wen greeted an 8-member delegation of the U.S. Congress at the Office of the President on the morning of Sept. 8. This is the largest U.S. delegation yet to visit Taiwan compared to the several delegations that arrived in August.
    2022/09/23 14:13
  • 英國女王逝世 朱立倫赴英國在台辦事處致意

    英國女王伊莉莎白二世逝世,國民黨主席朱立倫今(12)日下午親赴英國在台辦事處(British Office Taipei)向處長鄧元翰(John Dennis)致意,表達了對女王誠摯的哀悼之意。
    2022/09/12 21:00
  • 2050年熱浪「提早28年」來了 英國高溫預測將成真

    氣候變遷導致世界各地均出現破記錄的高溫,連夏日氣溫較為溫和的高緯度國家也不例外;英國氣象局(UK Met Office)曾於2020年做出一項氣溫預測,預想英國在2050年7月的的高溫樣貌,想不到在18、19日就即將達標,足足提早了「28年」。
    2022/07/17 17:05
  • 英國高溫破紀錄!發紅色「極熱」警報 全國進入緊急狀態

    英國氣象局(Met Office)預報員今天宣布全國緊急狀態,並對18日和19日英格蘭部分地區發出紅色「極熱」警報,屆時高溫可能刷新紀錄。
    2022/07/15 22:32
  • 小資快看!GoShare增據點:社區、公司停車場都有

    自2019年8月29日開始上線營運的GoShare共享電動機車,不僅2021年創下全台6大縣市140萬用戶數新高,更前進印尼首府雅加達,成為台灣首家進軍國際的共享機車服務提供商。而在2022年2月24日,GoShare宣布又一新服務上線,發表”GoShare for Home”和”GoShare for Office”兩大方案,將電動機車共享體驗直接在居家或辦公空間設點,讓更多社區民眾或公司行號,能直接有GoShare共享機車提供給住戶或員工使用。
    2022/02/25 12:12
  • 微軟怎麼活到現在? 網友曝1關鍵:懶才是最大市場

    微軟(Microsoft)已創立46年,身為科技業的龍頭之一,兩大產品作業系統Microsoft Windows、辦公室軟體Microsoft Office是最多人使用的,但近幾年也有不少廠商開發類似產品,有網友就好奇,強烈的競爭下,微軟是如何存活至今?
    2021/12/21 20:45
  • 快訊/Windows用戶快更新!NCC示警恐「駭客入侵」

    2021/09/16 10:44
  • 我駐立陶宛代表處用Taiwanese 劉亭廷:不用Taiwan字眼 避政治敏感

    台灣將於立陶宛設立「台灣代表處」,英文名稱以「Taiwanese」代表台灣,相較之下,去年八月所設立的『台灣駐索馬利蘭共和國代表處』是使用『Taiwan』,讓外界不禁提出是否有「降格」疑慮。TVBS記者劉亭廷今(23日)於《FOCUS全球焦點》中,接受主持人彭志宇線上訪問表示,「雖然這次並非使用『Taiwan』字眼,但相較於過去我國駐外代表處皆使用『Taipei』,已是重大外交突破。」 劉亭廷補充「今年初時,台灣原預計在蓋亞那成立『台灣辦公室』,英文名為『Taiwan office in Guyana』,但對方卻在一天內以『遵守一中原則』為由,反悔此協議。而這次在大陸於立陶宛有設立大使館的情況下,折衷使用『Taiwanese』可以避免觸動政治敏感。」
    2021/07/23 15:31
  • 中東最大轉運港傳貨櫃爆炸 官員稱「普通意外」無人傷亡

    杜拜新聞局(Dubai Media Office,DMO)表示,當地時間週三(7)晚間在杜拜傑貝阿里港(Jebel Ali Port)發生貨輪爆炸,目前爆炸所引發的猛烈火勢已獲得控制,所幸並未造成任何傷亡。 
    2021/07/08 12:52
  • 蓋亞那終止設處 外交部再度譴責大陸打壓

    外交部4日宣布在蓋亞那設立「台灣辦公室」(Taiwan Office),但蓋亞那不到一天就宣布終止設處協定。外交部今天再度譴責中國霸凌、阻止台灣與各國深化往來。
    2021/02/23 13:10
  • 好慘!放假還得辦公 Airstream竟在露營車上設「辦公室」

    受到新冠肺炎疫情影響,在美國有不少人被迫改以遠程工作的型態辦公。恰好這段期間露營風潮盛行,因此露營車製造大廠Airstream便看準商機,推出結合豪華露營車功能與辦公室機能的2021 Flying Cloud 30FB Office,讓車主隨時隨地都能自在辦公。
    2021/02/08 08:24
  • 外交部:蓋亞那台灣辦公室具官方地位 意義同代表處

    外交部今天宣布在蓋亞那合作共和國設立「台灣辦公室」(Taiwan Office)。外交部說,「台灣辦公室」具官方代表地位,意義與「代表處」相當,未來也將推動經貿、領務等業務。
    2021/02/04 17:50
  • 蓋亞那設立台灣辦公室 知情人士:無關外交承認

    外交部今天宣布在蓋亞那設立「台灣辦公室」(Taiwan Office)。知情人士說,台蓋雙方去年就設立辦公室事宜展開官方會談,相關決策不涉及外交關係建立,將聚焦經貿投資合作。
    2021/02/04 15:02
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