
National Day celebrations begin with Taiwan military flyover

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2022/10/10 18:23
Last update time:2022/10/10 18:23
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's 111th National Day celebrations kicked off in front of the Presidential Office in Taipei on Monday (Oct. 10), with the Thunder Tiger Aerobatics Team releasing red, white, and blue streams across the skies.
Brave Eagle jet trainers and 2 F-5 fighter jets also streaked through the skies marking the significance of "passing the torch," as the jet trainers are set to substitute the F-5 jets in future training sessions.

After months of preparation, five Apache attack helicopters joined the annual celebrations. The helicopters also featured 11 national flags painted on their sides to celebrate Double Tenth National Day.
In addition, the Taiwan military dispatched a CH-47 Chinook helicopter to fly a giant national flag.
Amid rising cross-strait tensions, Taiwan seized the opportunity to showcase its combat readiness through its fighter jets and the joint military and honor guard performances on the ground. 

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#National Day#military#Apache helicopters#F-5 jet trainers
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