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    Jay 結果共127筆

  • Jay Chou, Hannah Quinlivan donate NT$1M to quake-hit NDHU

    Renowned Taiwanese singer Jay Chou and his wife, Hannah Quinlivan, donate NT$1 million to National Dong Hwa University for earthquake relief in Hualien, also contributing to the Chinese Christian Relief Association with NT$4 million. Their generosity aids in the recovery from severe damages, including a major laboratory fire and the destruction of dorms, showcasing Chou’s commitment to public welfare.
    2024/04/16 16:44
  • MLB/千賀滉大轉入60天傷兵 6月前恐難回歸球場

    紐約大都會(New York Mets)日籍王牌投手千賀滉大(Kodai Senga),將因傷缺席更長時間,美聯社等媒體報導,大都會球團10日決定,正式將他從15天傷兵名單轉入60天傷兵名單(60-day injured list),藉此騰出40人名單空位,拉上一名小聯盟後援投手泰勒(Tyler Jay),填補牛棚戰力缺口。
    2024/04/11 15:26
  • 周杰倫也想要!首度鬆口「在等大巨蛋」傳5月台灣開唱 

    2024/04/09 21:09
  • NBA/風評恐被連累?傳柯瑞「領導力遭質疑」:他控制不住格林

    作為曾經「傲視」全聯盟的冠軍勁旅,金州勇士在2022年奪冠後狀態相對掙扎,目前也仍在力拼附加賽席次,然而在這個節骨眼上,四冠元老格林(Draymond Green)卻再度惹事,不僅在對陣熱火一役中出現鎖喉舉動,日前踢館魔術更因沒能控制住脾氣,首節就被驅逐出場;頻頻失控的言行舉止,也連帶影響到當家一哥柯瑞(Stephen Curry)的風評。
    2024/03/29 16:26
  • Washington State declares Lunar New Year as official holiday

    Governor Jay Inslee of Washington state signs bill designating Lunar New Year as a state holiday, promoting inclusivity for Asian Americans. Representative My-Linh Thai spearheaded the initiative, aiming for nationwide recognition.
    2024/03/15 17:26
  • 法定假日再+1!美國華州宣布:農曆新年放假 全美第3州

    繼加州和科羅拉多州之後,美國華盛頓州長英斯利(Jay Inslee)昨天簽署法案,將農曆新年列為法定假日。
    2024/03/15 08:54
  • 有片/兩會期間陸海警來亂? 菲律賓控惡意阻擋船艦因衝撞損傷

    菲律賓海岸警衛隊(PCG)5日對外指控,旗下一艘菲律賓巡邏艦BRP Sindangan在南海進行補給任務時,與中國海警船艦發生碰撞,導致自家船身受損。菲國海警的塔瑞拉(Jay Tarriela)中尉在社群表示,該事件是因為中國海警進行危險操作和刻意阻擋造成。此時正逢中國兩會召開期間,讓此衝撞事件更顯敏感。
    2024/03/05 12:00
  • Jay Chou’s seating at Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour questioned

    Mandopop king Jay Chou and his wife Kun Ling attend Taylor Swift’s Australian concert, sparking online rumors about the origin of their prime seating. Chou nonchalantly responds to controversy with a laughing yet crying-face emoji, dismissing skeptics on social media.
    2024/02/19 11:36
  • GOT7榮宰1年322行程登頂最忙藝人 2月抽空來台「散播正能量」

    韓國男團GOT7目前各自單飛活動中,不過每位成員都沒有忘記台灣的「鳥寶寶」(粉絲名),接力去(2023)年JAY B、珍榮、有謙、MARK陸續來台,有「Powerful Vocal」美譽的榮宰也確定2月18日要來台灣舉辦演唱會!
    2024/02/01 08:04
  • ENHYPEN相愛相殺!JAKE不認JAY撞臉謝霆鋒 直嗆:你先道歉

    2024/01/12 15:12
  • ENHYPEN來台拜早年!JAKE口誤生日快樂 禎元掛念女王頭要斷了

    2024/01/12 14:00
  • King of Mandopop Jay Chou drops surprise Christmas single

    Taiwanese singer Jay Chou surprised fans with the release of his new song, "Christmas Star," during the holiday season. Chou revealed details about the song, including its three-character title and the inclusion of firewood crackling sounds, during a livestream. The music video was shot in a European town setting, featuring scenes inside a gingerbread-like house decorated for Christmas. Chou collaborated with Gary Yang on the song, who not only provided vocals but also appeared in the music video. "Christmas Star" is a unique holiday-themed song in Chou’s extensive repertoire. The song was originally scheduled to be released on Friday Taiwan time but was made available earlier for Taiwanese fans on December 21.
    2023/12/22 17:56
  • Actor Greg Hsu’s cameo in Jay Chou MV wows fans

    Taipei actor Greg Hsu’s appearance in a music video by Mandopop legend Jay Chou at the age of 13 has shocked fans online. In a throwback clip from Chou’s "Class 3-2" music video, a young Hsu can be seen playing table tennis while wearing black-rimmed glasses. Despite his rounder face, his distinctive features are already evident. The discovery of this footage has sparked surprise and admiration for Hsu’s transformation from a young table tennis player to a heartthrob. Now 32 years old, Hsu gained fame through his breakout role in the Taiwanese drama "Someday or One Day" and has become immensely popular across Asia, particularly in China and South Korea. Hsu has revealed that he took up sports, including table tennis, to manage his childhood asthma. His talent in the sport earned him a spot on the elementary school team and eventually led to his cameo in Chou’s music video. "Someday or One Day," which co-stars Alice Ko, is considered a landmark Taiwanese television series and has garnered such acclaim that South Korea produced its own remake titled "A Time Called You."
    2023/12/18 21:18
  • Jay Chou named global brand ambassador for Dior

    Taiwanese Mandopop icon Jay Chou has been appointed as a global brand ambassador for French luxury fashion house Dior, becoming the first Taiwanese to hold such a position. Dior praised Chou for embodying the brand’s style and bringing a modern touch to its timeless emblem. He joins the ranks of other Dior ambassadors, including British actor Robert Pattinson and BTS member Jimin. Chou’s appointment highlights Taiwan’s visibility on the international stage and serves as a source of pride for the country.
    2023/12/12 19:15
  • Jessi, Jay Park dispel split rumors, confirm solid ties

    South Korean rap star Jessi and Jay Park address rumors of a fallout, affirming their strong relationship and urging fans not to worry. Speculation arose that Jessi had terminated her contract with Park’s company, MORE VISION, but the artists clarified that there is no discord between them. Jessi, who previously left P Nation in 2022, joined MORE VISION in April 2023. During a performance in Taiwan, she engaged with her Taiwanese fans, showcasing her connection with the audience. Taking to social media, Jessi expressed gratitude for her fans’ support and emphasized that the gossip has not affected her spirit. This public statement demonstrates their commitment to maintaining a professional relationship and clarifying the situation for their supporters.
    2023/12/07 21:01
  • Taiwan’s renewable energy market valued at billions

    The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has announced an 8.6 percent rebound in output, driven by developments in solar and wind power. Taiwan’s renewable energy market is expected to reach NT$200 billion in 2024. This was revealed during an ITRI industry forum that focused on cross-discipline cooperation in carbon solution exchange. Jay Wang, Vice Director of ITRI Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center, highlighted the challenges faced by the global economy due to high inflation and interest rates, which have increased investment costs for renewable energy development. Wang emphasized the importance of renewable energy in achieving a net-zero economy by 2050, but noted that oversupply has resulted in lower prices and the need for different approaches. Despite these challenges, Taiwan has excelled in the development and innovation of renewable energy, particularly offshore wind power, with an accumulated capacity of 2GW to date.
    2023/11/03 21:39
  • Jay Chou’s concerts in Shanghai face mass ticket returns

    Taiwan pop icon Jay Chou is facing a wave of ticket returns from scalpers for his Shanghai performances due to a newly implemented real-name system. Previously, scalpers had been profiting by reselling tickets for exorbitant prices, but the introduction of the real-name system has curbed their activities.
    2023/10/12 12:50
  • GOT7接力來台!MARK單飛11月首開唱 祭「1對1合照」超猛福利

    韓國男團GOT7目前團員各自單飛活動中,成員也心心念念台灣的「鳥寶寶」(粉絲名)們,光是這一年內就有JAY B、珍榮、有謙等人陸續來台開唱。今(2)日再傳出好消息,MARK(段宜恩)將於11月來台開唱,而且祭出超猛的「1對1合照」福利,誠意滿點!
    2023/10/02 19:02
  • 黛安娜王妃、赫本都戴假珠寶!起底背後設計師「以假亂真」能力

    每次看著上流社會人士珠光寶氣的模樣,你可曾想過~他們身上的鑽石、珠寶,全部都是真的嗎?不瞞各位,其實有許多人帶出場的珠寶飾品,全部都是假的呀!!!而這些假珠寶,全都出自於美國人造珠寶設計大師Kenneth Jay Lane之手,從好萊塢女星到皇室貴族,通通都是他的客戶。
    2023/09/12 15:52
  • 尹鐘佑告白JAY「我愛你」閃瞎粉絲! 陳冠叡義氣滿點晚場也現身

    曾參與韓國選秀節目《BOYS PLANET》的JAY、尹鐘佑,12日下午、晚上輪番在台北三創Clapper Studio舉辦見面會。來到晚場時間,「小舞王」尹鐘佑自然挑戰了隨機舞蹈,JAY也來到活動上插花,一起表演〈NOT ALONE〉,而曾經跟兩人一起在節目上表演的台灣男孩陳冠叡也再度現身,看完整場表演,可說是力挺戰友到底!
    2023/08/12 21:53
  • 《BOYS PLANET》真友情!JAY開唱尹鐘佑助陣 陳冠叡驚喜現身

    韓國歌手JAY今(2023)年參加選秀節目《BOYS PLANET》,不過可惜最終獲得第10名,差一點就能進入出道組,不過他並未氣餒,仍持續展開個人活動,12日下午在台北舉辦粉絲見面會,特別獻唱韋禮安的〈如果可以〉。除了這次一起來的尹鐘佑登場助陣,曾一起在《BOYS PLANET》奮鬥的台灣男孩陳冠叡也驚喜現身!
    2023/08/12 16:28
  • 尹鐘佑「練習室恐怖體驗」嚇瘋逃跑 JAY冒險闖隧道:可惜沒撞鬼

    韓國選秀節目《BOYS PLANET》挖掘出來自世界各地的寶藏男孩,在節目上獲得第10名的混血美聲JAY、第18名的小舞王尹鐘佑即將在12日舉辦演唱會,並提前一天在11日來台。聊到台灣的鬼月,長相清純可愛的JAY竟說超愛去鬼屋冒險,尹鐘佑也分享了自己的練習室怪談。
    2023/08/11 20:33
  • JAY赴韓發展竟嘆「一切都毀了」 尹鐘佑被陳冠叡嚇壞:不再找他

    選秀節目《BOYS PLANET》上半年掀起話題,被視為兩大遺珠的尹鐘佑與JAY表現亮眼,擄獲許多粉絲支持,12日也將在台北舉辦粉絲見面會。從小在美國長大的JAY,就分享前往韓國發展之初最不習慣的事,還常常大喊:「一切都毀了!」台灣男孩陳冠叡也曾參加《BOYS PLANET》,尹鐘佑就說曾跟他請教一件事,沒想到竟被陳冠叡嚇壞了。
    2023/08/11 20:20
  • 美財政部次長:為保國安利益 可對中國採取「針對性」行動

    2023/07/27 09:36
  • 男偶像爆IG勾搭妹子對話曝光! 暗中觀察女方作息還傳訊:我想要

    韓國7人男團GOT 7隊長JAY B(林在範)2月已經以公益兵(類似台灣替代役)身分入伍,同時也宣布跟去(2022)年7月認愛的網紅分手,不過這幾天在韓國論壇卻爆出他Instagram上鉤搭素人妹子,不僅開頭搭訕就說:「我想要!」還觀察女方的作息許久,讓韓國網友罵翻,粉絲卻用「1鐵證」踢爆這段對話絕非事實!
    2023/07/19 11:55
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