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    new Taipei 結果共490筆

  • Taipei expo showcases new era of smart city tech with 5G, AI

    Discover how Taipei’s Smart City Summit and Expo unveils groundbreaking innovations in 5G, AI, and urban technology, driving Taiwan towards the era of smarter cities.
    2024/03/20 20:09
  • Over 11k runners converge for the gold-label WJS Marathon

    Discover the highlights of the Wan Jin Shi Marathon in New Taipei City, where over 11,000 runners, including international athletes, competed for top honors. Kenyan runners led the pack.
    2024/03/20 13:31
  • 擁4首破億神曲!泰國天團首訪台開唱 搶聽告五人音樂狂讚酷

    來自泰國的當紅大勢樂團「Three Man Down」,日前在Zepp New Taipei開唱,吸引台灣、香港、新加坡及泰國等地歌迷朝聖,首度來台的他們,演出結束後接受臉書粉專「泰國沒有都是鬼!」主持人Jasper獨家訪問,事前Jasper特別蒐集歌迷想對他們說的話,有粉絲特地推薦同為人氣樂團的告五人給Three Man Down,讓他們一聽大讚音樂風格很酷。
    2024/03/20 12:31
  • Taiwan hosts 2024 SCSE, showcasing global innovations

    The 11th Smart City Summit and Expo (SCSE) in Taipei, Taiwan, has successfully kicked off, featuring a wide array of exhibitors and international guests focused on smart city innovations and net-zero solutions. The event underscores Taiwan’s leading role in ICT and green transformation, setting a new attendance record and highlighting the importance of global cooperation in achieving net-zero goals.
    2024/03/19 17:10
  • 5千萬人次洗腦收聽還上紅白! 怪妞團「新學校領袖」6月台北開唱

    4位女孩身穿高校水手服、高白筒襪,用張力十足的獨特表演方式,成功打破唱跳規則的刻板印象,把日本的青春帶到全世界!日本女團「新學校領袖」(ATARASHII GAKKO!,新しい学校のリーダーズ)去(2023)年底登上紅白引發話題,最近則展開世界巡迴,現在台灣歌迷也看得到,今(19)天正式宣布6月27日要在Zepp New Taipei開唱!
    2024/03/19 13:27
  • 才唱完高雄!新好男孩尼克宣布來台北開唱 時間地點曝光

    新好男孩(BACKSTREET BOYS)自去年在高雄舉辦破萬人次的演唱會,粉絲至今仍意猶未盡,人氣成員尼克卡特(NICK CARTER),也宣佈將於5月30日在新莊「Zepp New Taipei」舉辦「新好男孩尼克卡特NICK CARTER「2024〈WHO AM I〉TOUR IN TAIPEI」演唱會,屆時他將帶著經典好歌,一同與現場所有粉絲來場近距離的音樂饗宴。
    2024/03/19 11:36
  • Child Welfare League CEO resigns amid abuse scandal

    Pai Li-fang, CEO of the Child Welfare League Foundation, is stepping down amid controversy over a nanny’s alleged abuse of a child. The Foundation vows full cooperation with authorities and promises reforms to prevent future incidents. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.
    2024/03/18 10:55
  • 慶白色情人節!冰球樂團親揭好消息 下一步合作億萬票房女星

    成軍11年的「冰球樂團」,人氣扶搖直上,今(14)日白色情人節宣布好消息,是將在新北Zepp New Taipei舉辦「早安 晚安 好喜歡」2024 Day By Day演唱會,時間訂在8月10日七夕情人節,要用音樂幫歌迷的感情加溫,他們幽默說:「來到現場,我們可以加速你們彼此的火花。尚未有火花的,也可以過來被閃瞎。」
    2024/03/14 12:22
  • New Taipei mourns toddler’s death, supports social workers

    New Taipei City expresses sorrow over tragic child abuse case resulting in toddler’s death, vows ongoing support for impacted social workers. Outrage and concerns from social work organizations spark discussions. Mayor Hou Yu-ih vows to enhance social safety nets for child protection.
    2024/03/13 18:26
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim visits U.S. on private trip

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim is on a discreet trip to the U.S., gathering belongings and discussing policy with officials before assuming office. Taipei and Washington navigate delicately to avoid upsetting Beijing during this low-profile visit.
    2024/03/13 16:06
  • 炸裂!日本饒舌女王恰米娜1句話暖哭歌迷 瘋狂告白:我愛地瓜球

    Z世代饒舌女王恰米娜(CHANMINA)今(9)日率領御用舞團,以一身俐落勁裝降臨新莊Zepp New Taipei,為台灣歌迷連唱〈RED〉、〈B級〉、〈美人〉、〈Biscuit〉、〈Don’t go〉等20首超人氣金曲,誠意十足。純熟唱功搭配熱辣舞蹈,就是要以迷人嘹亮的歌聲與超絕的舞台魅力,帶給台下歌迷一場難以忘懷的音樂饗宴。
    2024/03/09 21:47
  • TPP’s Ko slams government’s ’lazy’ traffic law amendments

    Taipei (TVBS News) reports Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je’s criticism of the government’s amendments to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act as "lazy solutions to lazy problems." Ko emphasizes the importance of upholding the rule of law and expresses concern over potential law-breaking consequences. The Executive Yuan’s recent approval of amendments to the Act, removing demerit points for minor traffic offenses, has sparked controversy.
    2024/03/08 18:25
  • APFW首場摔角賽4月新莊開戰! 邊吃甜點壓制罪犯的「他」要來

    備受關注的新銳摔角聯盟「APFW」於今(2024)年初便大動作預告首場賽事即將於台灣登場,讓許多摔角迷不斷敲碗後續,而日前總算公布詳情,今(7)天宣布「2024新日本職業摔角聯盟台灣大戰」即將於4月14日在Zepp New Taipei開打!陣容更是邀請到目前最重量級的選手們,消息一出摔角愛好者紛紛摩拳擦掌準備搶票,就是要親眼迎接這場最殺最激烈的台灣武鬥場盛況!
    2024/03/07 17:00
  • Taiwan shivers: CWA warns of temperatures dropping

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan with this story from Taipei. The Central Weather Administration has issued an "orange" signal cold surge advisory for Keelung City and New Taipei City, indicating temperatures of 10 degrees Celsius or lower. Former CWA Weather Forecast Center director Daniel Wu predicts a drop to below 9 degrees. Be prepared with your umbrellas as isolated showers are expected across the country.
    2024/03/07 13:55
  • Taiwan MOHW tackles chili powder contamination crisis

    Taiwan’s Health Minister, Hsueh Jui-yuan, addresses the Sudan III contamination in chili powder, highlighting the careful response needed to ensure food safety. Hsueh rules out a blanket ban on imported chili powder due to its importance in local cuisine, opting for increased inspections instead. Several local governments, including New Taipei City and Taipei, have halted the use of chili powder in school meals as a precaution.
    2024/03/07 12:05
  • New Taipei City plans to build 50,000-seat sports dome

    New Taipei City plans to construct a 50,000-capacity sports dome near the MRT route, aiming to attract crowds from Taipei and Taoyuan. Mayor Hou Yu-ih envisions hosting cultural events in existing stadiums until the completion of the new dome, which is expected to surpass Taichung’s planned dome capacity. The Taichung Dome is scheduled to start construction soon and is projected to be operational by 2030.
    2024/03/07 11:30
  • Over 3M attendees light up New Taipei lantern festival

    The 2024 New Taipei Lantern Festival, with a record-breaking three million attendees, featured nine main lantern areas and a special ’golden lantern’ from Kotonocho, Japan. The festival concluded on March 3, with all lantern decorations relocated to local offices for future use.
    2024/03/06 11:41
  • CTFA to nullify unfair women’s contracts after public outcry

    The Chinese Taipei Football Association (CTFA) apologizes and vows to nullify controversial contract terms after accusations of pressuring women’s national team players to sign an unfair agreement. CTFA acknowledges the inappropriateness of the contract and promises to return the contracts on March 25, voiding their contents. A task force will be established to draft a new agreement.
    2024/03/05 12:55
  • 致敬蘋果發表會!JADE模仿賈柏斯神還原 Marz23傻眼喊北爛

    創作樂團「JADE」去年獲頒第34屆金曲獎最佳單曲製作人,3月22日將首度登上 Zepp New Taipei,舉辦「萬物皆玉」專場演唱會,新歌〈萬物皆欲〉MV歷經延期後,昨(2/29)順利發佈,更邀來好友Marz23在IG開共同直播暢聊,Marz23笑說:「我覺得北爛就算了,而且MV質感很好欸!那個畫面的呈現就是很JADE,上一張專輯封面不是一顆蘋果嗎?這支MV很像它的延伸!」
    2024/03/01 16:03
  • Concerns remain as residents return to tilted buildings

    Residents of tilted buildings in Sanchong, New Taipei, were allowed to return home after safety inspections. Concerns linger despite assurances. Compensation offered. City to discuss residents’ rights.
    2024/02/29 16:44
  • Compensation meeting for Sanchong locals announced

    Residents in Sanchong District, New Taipei City, are allowed to return home following safety assessments by civil engineers. Mayor Hou Yu-ih ensures compensation for affected residents after evacuation due to construction site damage.
    2024/02/29 14:24
  • 日韓藝人接力來台! 日樂團羊文學驚喜開唱重現《咒術迴戰》神曲

    日本文青樂團「羊文學」(羊文学)重磅宣布將於4月4日兒童節來台開唱!將於Zepp New Taipei舞台舉辦演唱會《羊文学 ASIA TOUR 2024》台北站,繼「平成歌姬」宇多田光(Hikau Hitada)、日本「Bossa Nova女王」小野麗莎(Lisa Ono)、「英倫情人」卡倫史考特(Calum Scott)等又一接力來台的海外藝人大亮點。
    2024/02/29 11:11
  • Cinemark Ximending to shut doors after 25 years

    The Cinemark Theater in Ximending, Taipei, will close its doors on March 31 after 25 years of operation, citing environmental factors. The closure marks the end of all Cinemark locations in Taiwan, with plans to transition to a new business model, "Cinemark CMK Park," by 2026.
    2024/02/27 17:00
  • KMT Chairman Eric Chu warns against early election talks

    KMT Chairman Eric Chu warns against premature discussions on local elections and presidential elections, emphasizing unity and public sentiment. Collaboration with the TPP and legislative operations are highlighted as priorities.
    2024/02/27 15:30
  • Free YouBike rides return: Ko Wen-je shares insights

    Former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, now chairman of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), discusses the new policy of free YouBike use for 30 minutes, emphasizing the need for policy discourse. Taipei City Government’s Department of Transportation announced the change effective Feb. 28. Ko highlights the shift from completely free to charging NT$5 due to recreational rather than commuting use. He stresses the original purpose of YouBike for transportation, not leisure. Ko dismisses DPP’s criticism of TPP as a "parasite" in parliament as aggressive and unworthy of attention.
    2024/02/27 13:41
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