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    lieutenant 結果共4筆

  • KMT and DPP clash in New Taipei campaign rallies

    Presidential candidates from the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held simultaneous campaign rallies in New Taipei City. KMT candidate Hou Yu-ih criticized DPP candidate Lai Ching-te for allegedly belittling the Republic of China (Taiwan) and accused the DPP of corruption. Lai emphasized human rights during his visit to the Luchou Lee Family Historic Estate and promised support for renovating the residence of Lieutenant General Lee, a figure in the resistance against Japanese occupation who was falsely accused and executed during the KMT-led era. Lai highlighted his commitment to economic development and human rights protection.
    2024/01/04 14:44
  • Tsai lauds officers at Defense Ministry promotion ceremony

    President Tsai Ing-wen attended the Ministry of National Defense’s semi-annual promotion ceremony for military officers, where she commended their contributions to national security and defense reforms. She highlighted the achievements of the indigenous warship-building program, including the launch of the "Hai Kun" (Narwhal) sub and the keel-laying ceremony for a prototype air-defense patrol ship. The ceremony saw the promotion of 26 officers, with seven elevated to lieutenant general and 19 to major general. President Tsai expressed gratitude to the promoted officers and their families for their commitment to the nation’s safety and emphasized the importance of continuous improvement in troop training and talent development.
    2023/12/12 16:55
  • MND apologizes to family of deceased lieutenant

    The mysterious death of a 23-year-old navy lieutenant at a Taiwanese marine camp has raised suspicions of foul play.
    2023/09/07 17:56
  • 情變染毒遭開除 泰國前警監殺害38人釀成大禍

    泰國6日傳出一起嚴重的槍擊死亡事件,根據當地媒體報導,東北部農磨蘭普府(Nong Bua Lamphu)一間托兒所,被34歲男子持槍闖入,開槍射射射,造成至少38人死亡,其中有23人是未成年幼童,死者最小的才兩歲。泰國警方隨後證實,槍手是34歲前警監(lieutenant colonel)潘亞(Panya Khamrab),2012年入職、卻在2019年被發現因感情問題使用冰毒,遭到解除職務。  
    2022/10/06 18:32
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