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    hydrogen 結果共13筆

  • Hou Yu-ih confirms no toxic chemicals in air after fire

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih assures public safety following a warehouse fire in Shenkeng District. Air quality tests show no hydrogen fluoride or heavy metals. Environmental agencies monitor PM2.5, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide levels. Safety measures include avoiding the area, keeping doors and windows shut, wearing masks, and seeking medical advice if needed. Shenkeng District’s Health Center prepares for potential medical demands, while hospitals provide emergency treatment and care for respiratory symptoms. The city government continues to oversee air and water quality examinations to ensure public safety.
    2024/02/22 10:38
  • Kaohsiung mayor urges talent focus for net-zero goals

    Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai emphasized the importance of talent in driving the net-zero transition at a post-COP28 event at National Sun Yat-sen University. Chen shared his experiences from COP28 and called on businesses to display greater ambition in adopting sustainable energy practices. He urged local governments to stay informed about global trends and COP28 outcomes to develop appropriate policies and collaborate with industries. COP28 recently conducted its first global stocktake since the Paris Climate Agreement, establishing new carbon reduction goals for the post-2030 period. The Kaohsiung City Government’s Environmental Protection Bureau played a leading role in participating in COP28, engaging in discussions on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Chen encouraged businesses to explore alternative solutions such as hydrogen energy and consider a broader range of clean energy applications, including Taiwan’s carbon solution exchange projects.
    2023/12/20 18:59
  • NDC Minister eyes swift ECA with Australia for energy ties

    Taiwan’s National Development Council Minister, Kung Ming-hsin, expressed the hope for Taiwan to swiftly sign an Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) with Australia. In his speech, he emphasized the potential for collaboration in the hydrogen energy sector to boost industrial development between the two countries. Kung, on behalf of Taiwan’s government, accepted the official release of the 2023 White Paper by the Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (ANZCHAM). He highlighted the record high trade of US$34.08 billion among Taiwan, New Zealand, and Australia last year. Kung also emphasized Australia’s crucial role as a major supplier of energy and agricultural products for Taiwan, emphasizing the complementarity between their economic industries. He mentioned Taiwan’s involvement in offshore wind financing operations with the Macquarie Group and its target of 10% of its energy mix coming from hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, illustrating the potential for energy cooperation with New Zealand and Australia.
    2023/12/07 20:42
  • Taiwan’s CPC Corporation plans hydrogen station expansion

    Explore Taiwan’s latest steps in green energy: setting up hydrogen refueling stations and CPC Corporation’s plan to build Kaohsiung’s first hydrogen station. Discover how these initiatives align with Taiwan’s 2050 Net-Zero Transition Strategy.
    2023/11/13 18:07
  • MOEA embraces tech innovations amid strong ties with Japan

    The Minister of Economic Affairs praised the growing industry ties between Taiwan and Japan at the 2023 Japan-Taiwan Image Exhibition. Investments from Japanese companies such as Ebara, Fujifilm, and semiconductor factories are expected to contribute significantly to Taiwan’s economy, reaching a value of NTD$10 billion. Japan’s interest in Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, particularly TSMC’s projects in Kumamoto, suggests the potential for future collaboration. Minister Wang Mei-hua emphasized the importance of adopting low-carbon and smart technologies for a sustainable future, aligning with Japan’s smart city initiatives. She also highlighted the potential of hydrogen power, urging Taiwan to follow Japan’s lead in developing new technologies and exploring infrastructure partnerships.
    2023/11/13 12:10
  • Man arrested for "Raincoat Ghost" prank in Changhua

    A man was arrested in Changhua County’s Xizhou Township in Taiwan for a raincoat prank that caused a stir. The suspect inflated the raincoat with hydrogen, allowing it to float and crossroads on its own. Initially mistaken for a mechanized flag holder, surveillance footage later revealed the man deliberately filled the raincoat with hydrogen. Despite claiming it was for fun and meant no harm, the suspect was fined for violating Taiwan’s Social Order Maintenance Act and Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act, as his actions caused fear and public inconvenience.
    2023/11/09 11:18
  • Exclusive: Hydrogen-filled balloons sold at Taichung Park

    A TVBS reporter has uncovered a concerning issue at Taichung Civic Square, where numerous balloon vendors are illegally selling hydrogen-filled balloons. This dangerous practice is putting thousands of visitors to the park at risk of explosions.
    2023/03/21 18:00
  • BMW新市場!攜手Toyota 跨足零排放氫燃料電池車

    要達成2030年電動車佔新車銷售一半以上的遠大目標,BMW的i Series純電產品線並不是只押寶電池電動車(Battery Electric Vehicle,BEV),還攜手Toyota跨足到另一個「零排放」動力科技氫燃料電池車(Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle,FCEV)的開發上,而德日兩大車廠的合作成果iX5 Hydrogen在去年9月的慕尼黑車展上首度亮相後,過了一年的時間終於在12月份開始小規模量產,並在明年第一季開始陸續投放在各地的零碳排示範區中營運!
    2022/12/05 17:20
  • BMW概念車告訴你什麼叫環保! 不只100%回收材打造它連藍白廠徽都拔掉

    綠能、環保與永續是近來車壇最熱門的話題,除了開發新世代綠能車款外,車廠們無不絞盡腦汁在造車所用的材料上大作文章,期能在綠色移動的征途上搶得先機。BMW在今年的IAA慕尼黑車展上推出一系列新車型,像是iX SUV / i4電動車以及iX5 Hydrogen氫燃料電池車等,大聲宣揚綠能政策。而陣列當中身形緊湊、風格獨特的BMW i Vision Circular概念車更引來全場關注,倒不全然是因其怪異造型吸引眾人目光,更重要的是它在永續發展的概念下,全車採100%可回收材料製造,甚至包括電池組。
    2021/09/10 12:40
  • BMW四缸大樓光雕秀震撼演出 地主隊訴說品牌永續故事

    2021/09/08 15:56
  • BMW iX5 Hydrogen將在慕尼黑車展中亮相 展示氫燃料技術研發成果

    全球車廠這幾年都加速電氣化產品的研發腳步,就連以往打造高性能內燃機引擎聞名BMW也不例外,除了研發電動車之外,BMW甚至也對於氫燃料技術有所涉略,甚至有了不小的研發成果。BMW為此預計將選在德國慕尼黑車展中,曝光最新研發的BMW iX5 Hydrogen向外界展現實力。
    2021/08/19 16:19
  • BMW i-Hydrogen NEXT 2022試生產 將是氫燃料電池車的逆襲?

    2021/06/18 12:45
  • 寵物體味「這成分」可防癌?真相其實是...

    家中有毛小孩的都知道,牠們身上總會散發出一種獨特的味道,讓主人總是喜歡抓著牠們「狂吸」。近期就有一項研究報告指出,寵物的體味含有硫化氫化合物,能預防癌症及心腦血管疾病,但這個說法可能是烏龍一場。有學者指出,以硫氫化合物代表「硫化氫(hydrogen sulfide, H2S)」並不恰當,該研究也沒有提供任何與預防癌症和心腦血管疾病相關性之證據。
    2019/06/01 17:40
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